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Do have to agree Ruby was very unpleasant to Indi, there was absolutely no need for it, she's got what she wanted (for now) and good on Indi for not rising to the bait. Could it be her guilty conscience making her overreact? Romeo had only just broken up with Indi so Ruby knew it was likely she was the rebound girlfriend, even if he denied it.

Do you think it might have anything to do with how messed up she is? Her mother was shot dead in her home 6 months ago! Give the girl a break!

It was nice to see Marilyn getting more than a couple of seconds of screen-time in todays episode, even if it means getting close to Danny. He's clearly bad news, but I wonder how long it will take her to realise that.

Xaviers exit was quite subdued, and although it was a shame he didn't get a farewell from Romeo/Ruby/Dex/April, it was nice that the characters he has been more closely involved with recently were there to see him off. Sometimes the quiet exits such as these are quite satisfying.

I bet the producers have deliberately waited this long before even suggesting that Brax could move onto another woman for fear of upsetting the Chax fans, but it seems like time I suppose. Unfortunately the 'chemistry' between him and Natalie doesn't seem to have translated well from being written down in the script.

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I've got very mixed feelings about Xavier's departure.Like cadactyslover said, it's a shame that none of his friends bothered to wave him off:I'm glad he got that bit with Dex and April last week, since it turns out to have been their last scene together, and I guess Romeo and Ruby's storyline precludes their involvement but given how long he's been close to all of them it seems like a bit of an omission.The whole thing seemed horribly rushed, with him leaving the episode after he says he's going to, and what happened to him being back for two weeks?He's off again after less than one.It's a shame they decided to muddy the water of a fairly straightforward reason for leaving by having him suddenly claim he and Jett will never get on;it seemed absurdly pessimistic, especially in light of the fact they parted on good terms and the reminder that he and Sasha used to be like that(not to mention him and John).Gina was rather childish about it all which leaves me even more uncomfortable with the way they seem to be trying to turn her into the show's mother figure.That said, the last bit with Jett was rather sweet.I'm guessing that sandwich was "chip" as in "crisps" given the noise it made when Gina bit into it.

Danny seems to be charming all and sundry;however misguided it is, I'm quite glad Marilyn's giving him a chance rather than falling in with Leah's "That's Danny Braxton, he's trouble" attitude.I can actually see why Casey would be willing to throw in his education and go off with him, he's obviously tiring of Brax's insistence on everything being done his way and the fact Brax seems to threaten him with violence ever time they meet, even if it's only half-seriously, probably isn't helping.Ironic that now Danny's turning on the charm, Brax seems to have lost all his, his behaviour towards Sasha and Natalie didn't seem likely to win him any fans.Although ironically, Natalie has come round, mainly because she's objective enough to see that Danny's influence isn't in Casey's best interests.I'm having the same feelings about her tentative friendship with Brax as I did when Leah started doing the same thing:Either it'll show a new side of Brax or yet another young woman will end up looking at him with rose-tinted glasses and championing him to everyone that will listen.

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Xavier's exit was very quick, I assume he has somewhere to stay at Goldburn fixed up seeing as he only mentioned the day before. :unsure: The only one he said a proper goodbye to was Sasha which was rather sweet. I did think he might have squeezed in a goodbye to Ruby considering they were each others first loves. How long before anyone else mentions he's gone? I liked his farewell with Jett and him charging Jett with looking after John and Gina. As for Gina being upset, quite natutal really, he's the last of her boys to leave home, and at least she knows where he will be as she does Brandon. Jett is in effect taking Xav's place, someone young enough to fuss over and take care of. I loved him making that chip/crisps butty for her, very sweet. I initially thought he was talking about chips as we know them rather than crisps. I think that's what they call them in the states. So that number Xav slipped her for Richard Bozic matched one of the numbers on Jett's list, just as well he hadn't got to it yet.

Natlie is certainly a woman of many talents isn't she? She has finally got Brax to start listening to her and I loved her line about everyone else might jump when he says to, but she's not going to be one of them, let's hope she keeps it that way. I thought he was giong to back off from nagging Heath and Casey about Danny, didn't last long. Is Danny really staying in town just to split the guys up or is he sincere about turning his life round? I think he can be very charming when he wants to be, as he was with Marilyn, couldn't help thinking though there may have been an ulterior motive. Alf certainly wasn't impressed when he came home and found him having tea and cake with Marilyn.

Handy that Natalie has a friend that owed her a favour so she could find out more about Richard. To me it sounded pefrectly plausible that he moved around a lot because of the work he did, he had to go where there was building work, and it doesn't appear he'd been in any more trouble. Good advice from Gina to Jett, even if Richard is his dad wouldn't mean he'd want to know him or be good to know. Seems Natalie hit a nerve later regarding Gina not wanting to tell Jett about finding his maybe dad, she's only just taken him in and fears if it is his dad he'd want to to off with him if he (Richard) wants to that is. Hopefully she'll retrieve that file and tell him before he finds it and accuse her of keeping things from him. It is his choice what he does with the information, he's old enough.

Is Heath really avoiding Bianca because he doesn't know where he stands with her? It looked like he'd bitten the bullet and was going to see her when he 'just happened' to see her and Liam having their 'goodbye' hug. Not that he knew it was that of course. Seems events are going to put that on the back burner seeing as baby has taken a turn for the worse. Did Sid mention jaundice which is a complication with new borns.

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I thought it was fairly underhand and selfish of Gina to remove that number from Jett's list.(Just how common a name is Bozic in Australia for him to have pages and pages of them?There isn't a single one in my phone directory!)Again, it seems like she's at the opposite extreme to Xavier:He wanted to find Richard so he'd take Jett off their hands, she wants to keep them apart so he'll stay with her.Working on a building site is hardly the worst thing you can find out about a person, Richard might not be ideal father figure material on paper but he hardly sounds like bad news.That said, I'm not sure about Natalie's story about being abandoned by her mother, it sounds like she's letting her personal issues influence her as well.

So, Heath and Bianca finally give their son a name so we don't have to keep calling him "the baby" and at least there's an explanation for why he hasn't been named before now.Calling him Rocco inevitably brings to mind the Cooper family, hopefully it won't be symbolic.I always find it weird when people talk about jaundice, I had it when I was born and it doesn't seem to have been a big deal but everyone acts as though it's something serious.Maybe I had a mild case.I find April and Dexter offputting at the best of times but the way they came skipping down the hospital corridor, exchanging faux-cute banter, while her nephew was fighting for his life and in urgent need of a blood transfusion, initially led me to think they hadn't been told.But no, they had, they're just weird, although we did get a more appropriate reaction from them later.Assuming it wasn't just a plot device so he could have a chat with Indi, Liam working in the Diner could be a good idea, given his place in the show is a bit nebulous at the moment.His throwing his wedding ring in the sea was a bit of a "Oh, you're not going to..?Oh, you have" moment.He'd better hope he and Bianca don't get back together, he'd have a hard job explaining what happened to it.

I continue to be frustrated by Leah.Her stance might be morally correct but she's just so self-righteous and judgemental and her lack of compassion for Ruby disgusts me.She keeps mouthing platitudes about "It's what your mum would want" but I doubt Charlie would be happy about the way Leah's treated her daughter this year and I wish she'd recognise that this is far more than a self-centred teenager telling a lie to hold on to her boyfriend, she's obviously emotionally distressed.Again, the chemistry between her and Romeo is palpable and I wish this was all for real.I did wince at Ruby's behaviour at the end, she's storing up no end of trouble for herself:After she got over the initial shock of Romeo misunderstanding her, she seemed to decide this is her best way of hanging on to him but it's just going to blow up in her face.

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Surely that phone book didn't cover all of Austraila wouldn't it have just been New South Wales? In which even more unlikely there would have been that many Bozic's. We are going to have to wait to see if (a) Jett finds the folder or (b) Gina tells him, unless it's sorted tonight.

Yes at last 'the baby' has a name I thought of the Coopers as well when they decided on Rocco. Notice Bianca put the Italian emphasis on it. I was wondering what surmane he was going to have, quite a big decision on Heath's part for him not to have Braxton, I'm guessing it will be Scott as I can't really see Liam being happy with him having Murphy as his surname. It didn't help that Rocco was premature which made the jaundice (or whatever it was Sid called it) more serious. Heath got all defensive when Sid said they would have to do more checks on him being a donor but than explained they would have had to be done even if April had been a match. His having tats could have affected his blood, no mention of drugs he may have taken though wasn't he just a dealer rather than a user. I suppose Casey and Brax had done their 'three days' which is why we didn't see them. At least Bianca got the chance to explain what was really going on when Heath saw her and Liam having a hug so he can stop avoiding her now.

It did seem odd behaviour on Dex and April's part, but redeemed themselves later. Naughty Dex abandoning his own studies to help April and before her Lottie. Looks like it has come back to bit him on the bum though. Sid will not be a happy bunny and Lottie and April will both feel guilty.

It went through my mind that Liam could work at the Diner, then I remembered Irene saying to Indi they were cutting back on the present staffs hours so employing someone new wouldn't make sense. Lovely talk between Indi and Liam comparing their disasterous marriages and now it was time to move on. I don't think either of them have been married a year yet, have they? Mind neither of them are divorced yet so anything could happen. I was shouting at him 'don't do it' but then he did. Good job April wasn't around she'd accused him of polluting the ocean and endangering the local fish.

Would Leah have the right to tell Romeo that Ruby isn't/wasn't pregnant, I don't think so. Those little flip-flops were so gorgeous. Natural conclusion for Romeo to jump to when she did tell him she wasn't pregnant, she does feel guilty about letting him think that but not guilty enough apparently. Will Leah now have a go at her to tell him the truth?

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.

Well, at least Leah did make an attempt to comfort Ruby, although she still seemed fairly cold.Again, seeing Romeo and Ruby together reminds me of what a great couple they could be and makes me wish they'd been given a chance.I can understand Romeo being angry but I was pretty disgusted with the way he walked away from a distraught Ruby at the end.I hope he takes a long hard look at his role in things instead of just playing the victim:He knew how vulnerable Ruby was and how she felt about him and should never have gone there just to prove a point to Indi.Ruby experiencing emotional trauma just before the summer break:I'm getting deja vu.

So, Dexter's been too busy...exploring things with April to study?I'm not sure this transformation of him into a shallow, sex-obsessed teenager is doing him any good and I can't tell if we're meant to see the relationship as shallow or take the whole "love of my life"/"romantic" stuff at face value.And then there's Lottie, showing us what could have been and arguably showing that she's better for Dexter, as she drills him into doing his assignment and pretty much single-handedly stops him failing uni.Still, to be fair to April she did insist on making him study when he seemed all set for some, ahem, relaxation.(By the way, their "raincheck" seems to last until the next day, even though she was there last thing at night and first thing in the morning.Did she do a lot of commuting or did they just share a bed?)

All of which makes Melissa's decision all the more disappointing and just when I was starting to think she's not that bad after all.I really hope they find a way for Lottie to stay.Can't Melissa take Harvey with her and leave Lottie behind?

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Hence use of future tense:He's said he's going to go, although I guess he could still change his mind.

Irrespective of past tense/future tense my point was that part of your post read like you knew he was going (and let's be honest here you did). You don't normally start talking about how much you've liked a character during their time on the show and they've suddenly broken up a pairing they've been building up for months after one scene where the character in question says he wants to leave unless you have some idea that he's actually leaving...


It's funny, I couldn't stand Xavier when he first turned up and got drunk during all the schoolies stuff but I gradually warmed towards him and in the end he was one of my favourite characters. He wasn't in the show as much but his departure was something I wasn't expecting. I really liked the goodbye scene with Sasha. My main regrets are that we never got to see anything happen with Mink and that we will never know what could have been with Sasha.

I've actually quite liked the scenes with Gina and Jett this week. Have mixed feelings about her keeping the details of his father. Whilst I accept that he has a right to know I do think he's pretty messed up at the moment and needs stability so I can't really blame her.

Finding Natalie slightly annoying. When Brax quizzes her about seeing Casey she tells him she can't talk about it (even though she did a counseling session with Casey right in front of Sasha neglecting that it's supposed to be private and confidential) then she basically tells Brax anyway in code speak. I personally find her quite patronising at times. The way she spoke to Brax a while back when she found out about Charlie and delivered some speech about how harrowing the death of a partner is which sounded like she was reading straight out of a text book. Again with Gina when they were talking about Jett finding his father and she cited another text book statement. I didn't have a problem when Brax was rude to her and I was glad he called her out about Danny. She was the one who encouraged Casey to see him despite Brax's warnings (although admittedly it was Haley who got him out and Brax who conceded in the end). She then comes round looking for Casey and tells Brax to sort it out when Casey was with Danny instead of being at school.

Have to admit Danny came across as charming with Marilyn but I don't trust the guy one bit. Even when Casey mentioned his mum there was just something about the way Danny asked him almost as if she would be in trouble if he ever got his hands on her. It's worth noting that Alf wasn't happy that Marilyn invited Danny into their home and he's usually right about someone. To me he seems like a Wolf in sheep's clothing. And I suspect he might be charming now but not so charming further on down the line. As I keep mentioning there was the way he conducted himself during prison putting two people in hospital, the fact that he put his own son in hospital too and broke both his and his wife's arms.

I really disliked Leah throughout the stuff with Miles and the way she's coming across with Ruby there are some similarities but for the most part I think she's right. I think giving Ruby an ultimatum was fine as I don't think she was planning on telling Romeo about the pregnancy anytime soon and if Leah hadn't confronted her about going along with the miscarriage I'm guessing she simply would have kept quiet and stuck it out with Romeo throughout his grieving process. I was actually disappointed Ruby fessed up in the end. I was hoping Indy would find out and she would break the news to Romeo. Interesting how the scene cut straight to him packing his bags and leaving. I would have liked to have the seen the dialogue from the time she told him on the beach back to the caravan park. It's not been as satisfying as I'd hoped but I can't say I'm not pleased Romeo knows now. Ruby herself admitted that the only reason Romeo was with her was because of the baby so I'm hoping this really is curtains for their relationship (if you could even call it that). I didn't have one iota of sympathy for Ruby and my only regret is that I'm now going to have to wait six weeks to see the fallout. So we're up to episode 5555.

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Seeing as Dex was previously the guy why couldn't get (any) girl, he's making up for lost time with April, so perhaps we should cut him some slack. Funny how both Lottie, who considering the way they broke up acted brilliantly and April both decided they were going to help him study for his exams without the other knowing. I loved Lottie being so strict with him, not even allowing a wee break. :lol:

Mmmm Leah, was it so important that Romeo be told the truth? I suppose her point was a relationship can't be built on a lie and such serious one as the one Ruby was using. It did appear a scene was missed in between her telling Romeo and him storming out. I did feel sorry for her, just hope Leah is going to be there for her now the **** has hit the fan seeing as it was her idea. Are Marilyn, Alf, Roo going to be let in on the truth?

Poor Lottie I felt so sorry for her when Harvey had to break the news about Mel wanting her to live with her in the city. She put a brave face on it, but she was obviously heartbroken. I guess Mel has custody of her and she is still only 16 so doesn't have much of a choice, neither does Harvey, unless he applies for custody.

The 'coming up' trailer looked good, too bad we have to wait six weeks for them. More confrontation between Brax and Danny and it looked like Indi finds out the truth about Ruby. We also saw a clinch between Heath and Bianca!!!! :o

Are they having a break in Aus due to the Olympics?

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His throwing his wedding ring in the sea was a bit of a "Oh, you're not going to..?Oh, you have" moment.

So true. :lol: Why must they ALWAYS use this in TV and films? The seas must be full of wedding rings.

Was it my imagination or didn't Liam already throw his wedding ring into the sea? Or was that Romeo? I swear it's happened twice in the last few weeks.

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