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And we're back!And, man, Indi needs to get some self-respect and that's putting it mildly.Maybe I'm being hard on her and she was just trying to be a good friend but given her clear lingering feelings for Romeo it's hard not to be cynical at the way she goes running to find him the moment she's told Ruby lost the baby and then drags him home with her as soon as she finds out they're having troubles, before getting all snooty over Ruby like she's got any reason to feel superior.As for Romeo, the guy's a complete worm, his admission that he's been using Ruby was clearly made with the sole intention of getting back in her pants.Indi's insistence that he wouldn't use someone seems a bit myopic given she did the same to Logan.It feels, with the pointed music lyrics, as if we're meant to be hoping they get back together but personally I loathe the idea of them as a couple and I'm not particularly fond of them as individuals.Was annoyed with Brax's initial reaction to Ruby(like he's got the right to judge anyone, although objectively I accept he was probably thinking of Tegan lying to him about being Darcy's father)but in the end, even though he was the last person I'd have asked to talk to her, he gave her some good advice:While Romeo and Indi are hardly innocent parties, Ruby has made some wrong decisions and needs to take responsibility for them.Leah was actually quite good here and nicely supportive of Ruby, while Alf was right to tell Roo and Marilyn to mind their own.Sid once again comes across as the only sane man but is probably going to be ignored(frankly, Romeo sobering up and going back to Ruby might have been the best outcome).Romeo seems to have a genetic disposition to getting smashed when he can't handle things:I'd like to think it's going somewhere but it's probably just inconsistent characterisation.

Glad that Brax acknowledged Liam was just trying to help Hayley and offered him his job back.I was a bit concerned when Liam turned it down, since I thought he was just being stubborn and it was especially odd given he'd renewed his and Brax's friendship.But when he explained his reasons, I understood and it's good that he's giving it a try.

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I mostly agree with you Red about Romeo and Indi, but at least in the end Indi resisted Romeo's move on her telling him to get it sorted with Ruby first. Who wants to be the rebound from the rebound? They both have lingering feelings for each other and I'd like them to have another go at their marriage. Maybe, just maybe, if it had been something else Ruby had lied about they could have made a go of it, but as Romeo told Indi he was already having doubts when she dropped the bombshell. Her question about did she (Ruby) know he was going to break up with her was spot on. I don't know if he was consciously using Ruby, I think he just carried away with Ruby's enthusiasm when he was feeling down. it was Alf that made him rethink the whole thing. Indi was sympathtic about the loss of the baby until Romeo told her (and by default Brax) the truth. Good advice from Sid and he was civil to Romeo despite his misgivings about Indi getting involved in it all. I felt the same about Brax's reaction, he must have been thinking about Tegan and Darcy, after all he was lead to believe she was his for eight years! Leah had tried the gentle approach which hadn't got her anywhere, so yes oddly enough Brax was a good choice. I think when he was telling Ruby to take responsibility for her actions made him realise he had been unfair towards Liam by firing him becacuse of his helping Hayley. Notice Sid kept quiet about what was really going on with Romeo and Ruby, even though he was under no obligation to, it isn't his secret to reveal, the truth will out soon enough. Be interesting to see Marilyn and Roo's reactions to it.

So was that an apology Brax made to Liam? Guess it must have been as Liam did go back, I suppose he didn't have to tell Brax what had happened to him (the drugs and ending up in hospital), and telling him to throw him out if it happened again.

A short scene between Roo and Harvey, but not the end of what they were talking about.

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Not for the first time, I'm really not liking Romeo at the moment.I've thought pretty much since he came in that he gives off this air of being a decent guy but when you actually stop and examine his actions he's actually pretty selfish and arrogant.Not sure about Indi's "It's the only way you've got a chance with me" offer, since she's not looking pretty keen to get back with him.Felt like a rather lazy way to get him to talk to Ruby.I'm glad Ruby got a chance to tell Romeo her side of things and I think her assessment was spot on:It might have been Ruby's enthusiasm that carried the relationship forward but Romeo made all the moves at the beginning, knowing full well how she felt about him and what sort of effect it was likely to have on her.Shame her words seemed to go in one ear and out the other and he refuses to accept he's the bad guy.

My attitude will probably change if he hurts someone I actually care about but at the moment I'm enjoying seeing Danny run rings round Brax.Frankly he's a bit more of a mirror to him than Brax would like to admit:Brax acts like Danny's a dirtbag for threatening women, even though he frequently gets up to that sort of thing himself.Danny seems to have taken Brax's challenge to come after him if he wants to seriously, assuming he was behind the attack on Brax;he probably arranged that dinner with Marilyn to give himself an alibi.Natalie's staying at the caravan park?Since when?Given her involvement with the family, you'd expect her to have been keeping a closer eye on Casey's visits to Danny if she's meant to have been there all along.

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Very cunning of Danny (and cruel) using Marilyn as an alibi, not to mention Casey. True he didn't do the deed himself, he's not stupid and those guys if they are ever caught won't dob him in will they? Those veiled hints and remarks to Brax certainly made it plain to me he was behind it. Although not physically, Danny has hurt Marilyn by using her like that. Brax took a chance telling Casey he was behind the assualt he must have known he'd go and tackle Danny about it. So now we know where the money for the marijuana farm came from.

Who was sussing who out with Natalie and Danny, she's seen now for herself what he is like and the underlying menace in him. Bianca also sensed his true nature, no wonder she didn't want him to be alone with Rocco, womans instinct and a mothers natural feelings. Natalie was very professional by not revealing her feelings about Danny when Bianca said he disturbed her. I'd forgotten Bianca was still being kept in hospital and it was nice to see her out and about, even if it was for only a day. I didn't realise Natalie was staying at the caravan park either, one of those off screen things I suppose.

Quite liked the chat between Heath and Danny about Bianca and that he wasn't going to chase her anymore, because it hadn't got him anywhere and if she wanted him she would have to make the move, which she did!!!! :o No use Danny goiung on about when he had got Cheryl pregnant with Darryl he married her (whether she wanted to or not) things have changed since then and can it be more disasterous to get married than not. Btw what's with Heath calling Liam her ex-husband, no he's not , they are still married!!!

Although it didn't go as Ruby planned at least her and Romeo's talk did clear the air, there are some things you can't forgive. He should stay clear of Indi for a while though and let her come to him. She did tell Sid she still loved Romeo.

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Danny really is shaping up to be a worthy opponent for Brax, not only is he as intelligent and ruthless as Brax(maybe even more ruthless, although that remains to be seen)but he's also got Brax's charm. So while the likes of Jake and Hammer were obviously bad news, Danny manages to make people think he's all right, leaving Brax looking like a crazy person for accusing him.I'm getting quite a perverse pleasure from seeing Brax well and truly on the back foot, even if Natalie believes him.

Heath and Bianca.Hmm.There was a time when I was very much opposed to this but now...I think enough time has passed since Bianca rightly decided she didn't want anything to do with him and the show's done a good job of bringing them closer recently.I still don't think it's a particularly good idea and I certainly don't see them as the love of each other's life, which seems to be what the show's aiming for, but I can see why they'd go there.It did work better on Wednesday's episode than Thursday's though, when the out of character behaviour seemed to be taken up to eleven and we were treated to April suddenly becoming anti-Heath and Irene and especially Dexter equally as suddenly becoming pro-Heath, with April giving the exact same arguments to Bianca that Bianca gave when she was seeing Heath.I actually found my attention wandering during the last scene to the extent I have no idea what Heath actually agreed to, which isn't a good sign.Similar in the "Love of each other's life, who are you trying to kid?" stakes is Irene grandly declaring April and Dexter are the best thing to happen to each other when they're pretty much the worst, this episode demonstrated just what a dull and unlikeable couple they are with their shallow sex-obsessed talk at the start degenerating into self-righteous rants.

Not too keen on Gina either, whose lying to Jett clearly is for her own benefit:If she really is going to be the mother figure the show seems determined to turn her into, she needs to learn the child comes first and giving him a place to stay doesn't make him her property.Disappointingly, I couldn't even get into Lottie's story that much, partly because I seem to have come out of the break with a large amount of antipathy towards Roo and Harvey.I'm with Alf though in that I've grown fond of Lottie and want her to stay.It's telling that Dexter's most likeable part of the episode was his brief moment with her.

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Danny really is shaping up to be a worthy opponent for Brax, not only is he as intelligent and ruthless as Brax(maybe even more ruthless, although that remains to be seen)but he's also got Brax's charm. So while the likes of Jake and Hammer were obviously bad news, Danny manages to make people think he's all right, leaving Brax looking like a crazy person for accusing him.I'm getting quite a perverse pleasure from seeing Brax well and truly on the back foot, even if Natalie believes him.

Fully agree about Danny, I quite like him. :lol:

I'm still not at all sold on Heath & Bianca but I can sort of see how it would happen. I just find I like April less and less each time I see her.

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At least Heath and Bianca aren't kidding themselves their's will be the romance of the century. I did like the way Bianca stormed round to Heath's after April told her that Heath didn't want to know to hear it in person. :D Hopefully it will be treated it right by tptb and not having them move into together yet still be a couple and not just be together for Rocco. If they do become a 'couple' hope Bianca keeps Danny at a distance from Rocco.

I may be in the minority, but I like Dex and April. I think Dex got it spot on when he told April it was her Heath couldn't/wouldn't commit to, you almost hear the thud when her jaw hit the ground. Must be jealously on her part, though I can see she doesn't want to see Bianca hurt especially when she is still so vulnerable. Bianca is quite a strong person though. If I remember Heath agree to give him and Bianca a try, with no pressure, just take it a bit at a time.

I quite liked the rant Dex was having with Sash and at the same time April was venting to Irene. Methinks April is so angry with Dex because she knows he's right.

I really feel for Lottie, she's too old just to be sent back to Mel without her opinion being asked yet understandably she doesn't want to have to choose between them. From what we heard via the one sided phone call between Mel and Harvey it sounded like she has reverted back into how she was before she went into therapy which doesn't bode well for Lottie going to live with her. She tries to be so grown up so much of the time, but she is only 16! I liked Alf saying to her about bending a geriatrics ear if she needed to talk. I suppose Alf thinks of her as a surrogate grandchild.

At least Roo talking about Lottie being kept informed of what was going on and chosing for herself gave Gina pause for thought about what she had done about hiding the info about Jett's dad. Perhaps part of it is empty nest syndrome now Xav has gone, but Jett isn't a young kid who maybe needs to be protected, but a teenager who is able to decide for himself. It may be that he is a bit of a waster but he is just as likely to have turned his life around and be a hard working type of guy. It's for Jett to make his own mind about whether he wants him in his life or not, he is pretty savvy about people and I'm sure he would suss out if Richard was no good. John gave Gina some pretty good advice, he's obviously fond of Jett as well, but seems more able to take a step back and see it from Jett's point of view. As we saw from the trailer (so not revealing any secrets) Jett has rumbled Gina by noticing a page of telephone numbers is missing. Will he find that file Gina hid or will she confess before that?

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four.

I guess there must be a lot of people out there who like April and Dex together but I really can't stand them as a couple.Dexter seems to have turned into such a charmless character since he's hooked up with her and I'm not sure April even qualifies as a character anymore, just a walking plot device who does whatever the writers want her to this week.The loss of the bond between her and Heath has stripped her of her sole redeeming feature so hopefully that was just a blip.The show even seems to be believing its own publicity with Irene claiming April has been crazy about him for years.She's known him for barely two years and been friends with him, never mind "nuts about" him, for less than eighteen months.

Jett really is a pain in the neck and I'm not sure why VJ bothers with him at all, he was soon back stealing VJ's phone just for the hell of it but I like that VJ stood up to him.Mind you, at least Gina was on the receiving end of his brattishness later on because she deserved it.Even John seemed dismayed at her behaviour.She seems to be trying to make up for it by contacting Richard, interesting to see how that goes.

I do feel sorry for Lottie but, while Alf has a point about parents putting pressure on the child, not consulting her and forcing a decision on her would have been even worse.And in the end, Alf gave her good advice about doing what was best for her.Sasha was rather self-centred to start with but redeemed herself later on.I'm glad Lottie's decided to stay in Summer Bay because I'd miss her if she left.

By the way, I keep forgetting to say that the show seems to have got its continuity regarding Marilyn confused again with Danny's comment "Apart from those years away, you've always lived in Summer Bay?"It's not an outright continuity error since we don't know the rest of the conversation but the implication seems to be she's lived there most of her life, whereas if you add up all of her stints she's only lived there about ten years in total, only about a quarter of her life.

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I think Danny is an excellent character and it shows that the River Boys can have great character-led storylines as opposed to just drug heists all the time. The tension between Brax and Danny is gripping - and how Marilyn, Casey, Heath and others are dragged into it makes gripping viewing.

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Jett and VJ did seem to be connecting, especially after VJ said he would ring a thousand numbers if it meant he could talk to his dad just one more time. Quite how Jett thought VJ had the missing page I'm not sure, but it wouldn't have taken a genuis to work out the only other person would have been Gina. As it is soapland the meeting with Richard is bound not to go well.

Saash was it's all about me, but after their brother/sister chat with Dex she did think of it more from Lottie's side. As Alf (so very wisely) said she was thinking of other people too much when she should have been using her heart more and where she wanted to be with. From what we saw Mel is blaming Harvey for influencing Lottie, doesn't look like her threapy helped her that much!. Lottie has endeared herself to a lot of people since she came to the bay.

Red, your'e right about Danny inferring Marilyn has always lived in the bay, she only arrived there in the late 80's, left, came back, left, came back, left and came back so has only been there 10 years. I suppose it just seems like she's been there forever.

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