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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So, John and Gina finally work out that honesty is the best policy.Interesting that it seems Jett's attitude isn't too far below the surface.Natalie seems to have an odd attitude towards confidentiality, it seems she considers an informal chat to be confidential but then she goes around dropping hints anyway.

Ah, but she didn't actually tell Gina what Jett had confided in her so didn't break any promises. Gina & John just realised they ought to tell Jett the truth with no help from anyone. :wink: Looks like the wheels are going to come off John & Gina's plan judging by the trailer.

I missed Charlie's birthdate, I was concentrating on the date of her death. Brax must have sobered up quick to go out on his drugs deal and for once made the sensible move of walking away when he saw how big (and what) it was. Oh Case, innocently dropped in it by Ruby and yet he still wants to stick by Danny to find out what he is up too. :rolleyes: That really shocked me when Danny struck out like at him (though why that should be I don't know, considering his history). Did you see that smirk on Danny's face when he let Casey in the caravan? I was thinking that about Ruby's reaction, it's precisely because Casey does care about her that he got close to her. Telling the truth up front wouldn't have been wise, Ruby can let things slip accidentially. I thought Brax was keeping their mums whereabouts a secret yet Case was appearing to go off there as if he did know where she was. Full marks to Heath btw for being man enough to admit he was wrong to want to get Danny of of prison. It might be an idea to remember Danny's remark to Ruby about brake fluid. :wink:

Although I got Sash's point about Dex and April snoggng the faces off each other, it wasn't that long ago she and Stu were doing the same thing. I'm not sure Dex was that serious about babies, at least I hope not! Did like Sash's scheme to try and put them off by her sneaky chats with each of them. It must feel she is being deserted, though Ind is still at home. Aren't young (and not so young) couple obessed with each other when they are in the first throes of a relationship, Liam & Bianca anyone! Guess who is going to be asked to be guarantor?

That guy the other night who dropped the gun and other stuff off to Danny only looked about Casey's age, how did he get involved with someone like Danny?

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Sasha was only in one.

I think the birthdate on Charlie's grave said June 1978, which contradicts both her claiming to be 27 when she first appeared in 2008 and being 30 in late 2009.I'm glad Ruby forgave Casey that quickly and seems to want to move on with her life.It's a shame she was dragged back into old habits so easily.I'm glad Indi's been upfront with Romeo.Never mind Ruby not noticing when someone's not interested, Romeo seems to have equal difficulty in taking "No" for an answer.It's a bit rich for him to say Indi's ended their marriage when he ended it himself months ago(and rightly so)and has been enjoying the benefits of being single ever since.(Sadly, I'm still expecting them to get back together eventually because it's one of those relationships that just doesn't know when to die.)Ruby really needs to give up her self-appointed role of Romeo's protector, it's not doing anyone any good and I don't blame Indi for telling her to butt out here.April really needs to watch what she says, first she accidentally gives her the idea for the fake pregnancy, here she gets her hackles up by randomly suggesting Indi's making Romeo suffer before taking him back.I'm guessing Danny's comment on brake fluid gave Ruby the idea to sabotage the car.Or maybe it was just to tip us off that that's what she was doing because I'm not sure I'd know otherwise.(At first I was expecting her just to slash the tyres.)I can only hope, as the trailer could possibly be interpreted, that she doesn't realise how serious this is because she's just put a lot of lives at risk.

Yes, Danny is getting dodgier by the minute and I believe

we will be finding out more about Kyle, the young man who brought him the things, later on

.Wonder how long it will take Natalie to spill the beans to Brax now she's seen Casey at the caravan.Was not expecting Richard to be thinking of applying for custody of Jett, that seems quite a turnaround.I have actually come to like Jett these last few weeks, mainly because of the interaction between him and John, so I'm not so keen to have him shipped out as I once was.

I'm tempted to comment, as Sid did, on April and Dexter needing the grown ups to bail them out straightaway but it does seem like, as Dexter said, it's a catch-22 situation and they'd need a guarantor even if they were older.Sid was great as always, love the way he made them sweat before agreeing.I think Dexter's had a new haircut somewhere along the way which, oddly, makes him look a lot like the first actor to play the role.

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Seems as though going by some of the posts in this thread everyone else is to blame for Ruby's behaviour except Ruby. Ah yes Ruby goes round to Indy's house with the sole purpose to have go at her and stick her nose into something which has absolutely nothing to do with her, comes out with some lame a*se apology, Indy within her rights declines the apology (who could blame her after what's happened with her and Ruby), Ruby grabs her three times but it's Indy's fault for pushing her off and not accepting the apology graciously. It's Romeo's fault despite telling Ruby he doesn't love her that she keeps deciding to involve herself in his relationship with Indy. It's Leah's fault she gave Romeo a place to stay, Ruby couldn't handle it and decided she didn't want to be friends with her anymore. It's Casey's fault he wanted to protect Ruby from Danny's master plan to steal her money. It's April's fault Ruby decided to lie to Romeo about being pregnant because she was so scared of losing him (even though she already had). It's April's fault Ruby has somehow gotten it into her head that Indy purposely wants to punish Romeo and so decides to tamper with her car. I'm struggling to get my head around what she hopes to achieve by doing this. Earlier on in the week she asked Leah "Why don't people just love me for who I am?". Well when you act the way you have Rubes what do you expect. She should have gone to the city with Morag and started again.

The thing I like the most about this storyline with Danny is that it's actually making Brax look like the good guy in all of this (and if not good then certainly the lesser of two evils).

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I guess if I didn't like Ruby I'd be fed up with people making excuses for her.Yes, at the end of the day she's responsible for her own actions.But when I look at her, I see a troubled young person who's lost literally her entire family in the space of a few short years.She's always had this trait, perhaps right from the start with Pat, of throwing herself wholeheartedly into a relationship and then being left depressed when it fails.It's as if she needs someone else to love her before she can love herself because deep down, underneath all the chirpiness, she doesn't seem to like herself very much.It's all right Romeo saying he doesn't love her now but right at the start she told him how scared she was of it going wrong if they got together and he still pursued a relationship he now appears not to have been fully committed to.And blaming her for his marriage breaking up takes a lot of the blame from where it really belongs, with him and Indi.She's spent most of this year slowly self-destructing with everyone around her not noticing, not caring or not being able to do anything to help her.She's done a lot of wrong things and has now done something very wrong but I can't bring myself to hate her for it, I just feel sorry for her.I guess it's a poignant reminder of what loneliness can do to a person and how being surrounded by people doesn't always stop you being lonely.

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Fair enough. You make a very important point. I think most of us will try to be impartial towards characters we are indifferent to but if it's a character we like we tend to be more defensive towards them in certain situations. If it's a character we dislike them we come down a lot harder on them. I think most posters are probably like this (myself included).

Referring to my last post it's interesting how some posters are at the opposite ends of the scale to me with regards to Ruby and Danny. I've already mentioned Ruby but with regards to Danny being released I was firmly against it. The primary reason being it's obvious to me that he is an extremely violent and dangerous individual and we've already seen that after he had Brax beaten up and hit his own son for lying to him. It's all well and good having him come out of jail to teach Brax a lesson but I think all that will happen is that innocent people will be caught in the crossfire of their so-called power struggle, Brax will be put out of joint temporarily and come back even stronger. Danny is a character I feel isn't sustainable in the long run. Usually with characters like that they either make them 'good' and see the error of their ways (take Harvey or even Brax himself as examples) or it all comes to a head and they are eventually taken out (Penn is one of the more recent ones that springs to mind). And the worst thing I feel you could argue regarding Danny as I mentioned previously is that it will simply boost Brax's popularity with people in the bay now that he's assumed the role of protector. It's bad enough that Leah thinks the sun shines out of his backside (although not so much as of late) but even Natalie now suffers from serious tunnel vision when it comes to Brax and is completely blind, delusional and oblivious to his indiscretions (i.e. the drug deal he pulled near the marina). She was the one who talked Casey into giving Danny another go initially (against Brax's wishes) and now she's firmly against him. Heath is another person who has now realised that he probably shouldn't have got Danny released from jail despite being against Brax too. And Casey who was on his dad's side is now working with Brax against him. So for the people who don't like Brax having Danny come out of jail is actually the worst thing IMO.

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Ruby doesn't help herself to be a likable person, as Red said she has always has this tendancy to get too involved too quickly from Pat onwards. This was way before she found out Charlie was her mum and not her sister, that she was the result of a rape, Charlie abandoned her for a year, her 'mum' and 'dad' died then Charlie dies just as she and her were building a mother/daughter relationship. Btw amazing that after not seeing Charlie's grave for about a year, there were two visits in as many days! At least now she has decided to do something with her life and take up her uni post. True Ruby has forgiven Casey for his 'deception' but she was trying to pressurise him into going to the beach with her. Never mind Nat telling Brax that Casey is still around, Rube could do the same thing! Slashing the tyres wouldn't be putting anyone in danger and as we saw from the trailer, she does seem to have had a change of heart. I get she wants to protect Romeo from being hurt, but he's a big boy and can look after himself, he wouldn't thank her for interferring (again). I thought the point of Romeo giving Indi space was for her to decide if he still stood a chance with her and now she has decided he doesn't he's still not accepting it!

Now both Heath and Casey know what Danny is really like, having found out for themselves, Brax told them until he was blue in the face, but as in real life you do have to discover the truth yourself. Heath wasn't afraid to admit he was wrong to get him out. I feel really scared for Casey though and what Danny may have planned for him. I didn't think Leah ever really trusted Danny, it's Marilyn who can't see any bad in him but then that is Maz all over.

Wonder what has caused Richard's change of mind, I'm glad though Gina & John let Jett sit on in the talk with Molly (the DOCS lady), could DOCS really make him go and live with him if he doesn't want to?

I had to smile when John caught up with him in the diner and he said he could always run away to them.

As much as they are being annoying I did like April & Dex trying to butter up Sid and making him breakfast when he'd already decided. :P

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I kind of agree with Slade's point earlier:It feels like Heath, Casey and Natalie all went against Brax and gave Danny a chance and now they're forced to back down and admit Brax was right.I think it's possibly underlining that Brax's one redeeming feature is that he cares about people other than himself.Otherwise, he's not that different to Danny.There's very little difference with the way they treat Heath, as someone to be bossed about and "punished" if he disobeys.In a way, Brax treats Casey the same but he is at least trying to do what he thinks is best for Casey, even if it's not always what Casey wants.

Anyway, today's episode.Well.Although Ruby's conscience eventually got the better of her, she turned down two opportunities to put a stop to this, first when she saw Indi getting into the car and then when she spoke to Sid about it.In her messed up way, it seems like she was trying to help Romeo rather than trying to get rid of her rival but it seems like she was actually trying to kill Indi, which I'm not even going to try and defend.Odd that it was Leah's comments about Charlie that changed her mind, since Charlie was hardly an angel herself.(Would she have cut someone's brakes?Er, maybe.If it was Grant's car.) Given that we saw the phone call in the promo, I was wondering if Indi would ignore the call because it was Ruby.I was not expecting her to ignore it because she was having sex with Liam.Although I doubt it would have done much good even if she had answered, given Dex had already taken the car out.(And now Ruby's left an incriminating message...)I'm trying my best not to invest too much in Liam and Indi, because I can't see it lasting, but even though it's come out of nowhere I did quite enjoy their scenes here.

Didn't find April and Dex as annoying as I could have done, not even with the rose petals, possibly because I knew I wouldn't have to put up with it for long.(Ah, doom-laden dialogue like "This is the first day of the rest of our lives.")Despite that, I find I really wouldn't care if Dexter dies, he's so far gone from the character he was it might be the best thing.Except that would make things worse for Ruby, so I guess I hope he survives for her sake.So Dex turns the camera away while he and April, ahem, "unpack" but doesn't seem to turn it off?Sasha, never try and get a man to throw away his action figures.Does April really seem the type to borrow Bianca's clothes and jewellery?(Actually...yes, but she didn't used to be.)And Sasha takes kickboxing lessons now?Guess it makes sense, after everything that happened with Stu, but it'd be nice to establish it properly rather than just dropped it into conversation.

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The crash itself was done brilliantly. What a great stunt.

Pity it was wasted as there was absolutely no tension in the music used. Was just an average rock song! What's that all about. And not much tension in the way it was directed or written. Sorry, but times like this is when you need the under scores to help create the drama.

And then, seeing what happens in the next episode in the clips each time dull the last image of the episode even more.

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It's funny I've never really liked Dexter or April as a couple, I hated the way they screwed Xavier over but ironically today I think I finally accepted them. Not sure how I feel about Liam and Indy. I think it would be interesting and I said this before but Indy definitely deserves better than Romeo and he's served his purpose now that Ruby's accepted that he doesn't want her and him choosing Indy has wound her up. I wasn't sure why Ruby tampered with the brakes on Indy's car initially but the only thing I can think of was that she did actually want to cause some serious damage. I can't think of any other reason. I think everything Ruby's done previously can be forgiven or just excused as her simply being a b*tch but not this. Surely there can be no way back from here. As already mentioned she's left a message on Indy's answer phone although it wouldn't surprise me if Indy started listening to it and deleted it as soon as she heard Ruby's voice. That aside she asked Sid about the car and if it comes out that it was tampered with I would expect him to put 2 and 2 together. When we saw Sasha look at Ruby in the Diner I thought she was going to have another go at her like the time when she warned Ruby of Casey. It's funny because in spite of everything Sid was actually quite sympathetic towards Ruby.

Really looking forward to tomorrow's episode.

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