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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It's hard to describe how I felt about that episode overall. Part of me felt the only reason Ruby turned herself in was because she knew the game was up. Part of me felt she turned herself in because she felt guilty about Dex. Part of me felt she did it because it was what Charlie would have wanted. I know she eventually made some attempt to stop the accident but I'm left thinking whether she would have even felt that bad had that been Indy lying unconscious in the hospital bed instead of Dex. And it does feel to me like the main reason for the guilt is that she hurt someone who was completely innocent and not the real target.

Mixed feelings about the rest of her scenes. Quite pleased with the way April had a go at her and thought she was well within her rights but was very disappointed she avoided some of the other characters such as Indy, Sasha and obviously by the time Sid found out it was too late. I really wanted to see each of them face her and tell Ruby exactly what they thought of her and what kind of person she was. Even people like Alf, Roo and Marilyn i.e. the people living with her, we didn't get to see what would have happened with them.

Not having Ruby go into the local police station for me was a cop out (no pun intended). Who cares what happened to her? She tried to kill someone and we're not even sure what's going to happen to Dexter. Why should she get the brunt of the sympathy? It should be reserved for Dex, Sid, Indy Sasha and April. As much as I was annoyed with that, ironically I really liked her scenes with Brax and Leah. I also liked the way she left in the police car and looked back at Brax just as she was leaving. It's funny because the way she was then reminded me of the old Ruby who I used to really like and thought was a breath of fresh air. And I'm left wondering why couldn't she have been like that earlier and graciously accepted that Romeo didn't want her rather than turning psycho. I said this before but the sad thing is had she gone to the city when Morag asked her to a few months ago this might not have happened. And what happened here shows that actions have consequences and I guess Ruby's now had to find that out the hard way...

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I didn't like how we were made to feel sorry for Ruby. Yes, Charlie's death has f**ked her up, possibly irreparably - but April had every right to tear strips off her in the hospital and I felt the reaction was too muted for my liking.

Given the amount of people I've had to talk down on Facebook for publicly hanging Mark Bridger out to dry this week (implying someone's guilty before they've been found in the fair trial they have a right to is Contempt Of Court under UK, and I assume Australian, law) it made me think: I suppose the big continuity hole is the trial Ruby will now face. I assume it'd take place in the City, but at least Indi and Dex would need to attend as witnesses. One would assume that Morag would represent Ruby? That could cause some serious flack.

Maybe Cornelia wasn't available, but it would have been nice to bring Morag in to see her grand-daughter-in-law right and sort out the negotiation with the cops, instead of Brax. Only because I'd like to think Morag learnt from her mistakes where daughters (by blood or marriage!) were concerned.

From here though, we need another kid in Summer Bay House. It's the law.

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I assume Ruby would plead guilty given that she's intending to confess, in which case Indi and Dex wouldn't necessarily be needed.Regarding Ruby's behaviour in the hours leading up to the accident, I am finding it more believable now I think hard about it.If you accept she could decide in a moment of madness that she was helping Romeo by "getting rid" of Indi, I think she could very well go in a state of denial afterwards and not want to think about what she's done and what's going to happen as a result.I once drove into a barrier coming home from work and smashed my headlight and proceeded to drive home, park it in the garage, not tell anyone, drive to work the next day with a smashed headlight, leave it there while I did my shift and only afterwards get it fixed because I just wasn't ready to deal with the fallout. I think from that perspective Ruby's reaction when she saw Indi getting into the car was very telling:She just got out of there because she didn't want to see what happened or think about what she'd done, she just wanted to pretend it wasn't happening.

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Despite expecting not to like it, I really enjoyed the episode where Ruby handed herself in. I'm no fan of Ruby or Brax but somehow it all seemed to work. And it's always great to see Watson. Then Natalie strolled up and I was quite frankly ready to punch her. NO NEED!

I'm enjoying the John/Gina/Jett storyline but wish Roo & Harvey would just disappear.

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Something that I forgot to mention but presumably the car's a write-off now. Was Dex actually even insured to drive it? Not sure how it works in Australia but over here, legally he would have to have insurance to be able to drive the car. I'm assuming that Indy wouldn't have been able to afford it for herself so either Sid would have paid for it or like the UK simply put Indy under his insurance. Which means that if Dex isn't insured then Sid will have to fork out and buy Indy another car although I would imagine when he finds out what happened that will be the last thing he's worried about.

I'm not sure how it works in Australia but I know in New Zealand you actually insure the car rather then the driver. When we visited friends there we could only drive one of their cars as it was insured for Under 25 year old drivers. The other was insured for over 25s so we couldn't drive that.

So maybe Australia has the same insurance?

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(Is it me or was there a bit in yesterday's promo, of Liam finding Dex in the car, that didn't make it into the episode?)

No you were right Red, I thought I was dreaming it!

Knee jerk reaction I expect from Indi to blame Romeo, but it really wasn't his fault. Ruby acted all by herself and at least (and at last) admited to Romeo he hadn't done it to her, she did it to herself. Mind, thats's not going to stop him feeling guilty. When Ruby called Indi to warn her she didn't know Dex had taken the car, it wasn't until she heard it was him that had been hurt that he had been driving the car. I guess the question of where Indi and Liam were exactly might come up at a later date, but for now that's irrelevent. It's a shame it took something like that to bring Ruby to her senses and as she said herself stop blaming everyone else for what had happened to Charlie. Took the words out of my mouth when she said to Brax Charlie would have been disappointed in what she had done and was now going to make things right (well as right as they can be) and hand herself in. I guess Ruby would be the only one who could advise Brax it was time to let Charlie go and move on. Everyone's reaction, apart from Indi's that is, was as you would expect from the people who knew her, disbelieving, wondering what they could have done to have stopped it happening. I thought it was Georgie I saw, so she's still a sergeant and not been knocked back down to constable. I can see why Ruby wouldn't want to go down to the Yabby Creek station, but it was a small concession to ask for. Would Morag be able to represent Ruby when the case comes to trial, seeing as they are still kind of related?

April's reactions to Sid where exactly the same as Heath's were but in this case Sid can't be anything than a bystander himself. He must feel pretty useless not being able to help in any way and I thought Marilyn offering him a shoulder to lean on was lovely. Why does April have to move back into Irene's, couldn't Irene move in with her? There will be the small matter of rent to think about, however long it takes for Dex to get back on his feet (I'm not even thinking of the fact he might not make it) she can't afford to live there on her own. Knew that painting had to be of something French and although it was of the Eiffel Tower it was a tasteful view of it. Did they film the shots of Dex & April's flat in a real location, the acoustics certainly sounded like a empty flat would?

:offtopic: Continuity alert!!! What happened to April's necklace, she was wearing it when she turned up at the hospital, then it just disappeared?

I liked Brax's farewell to Charlie, it was the right time.

Well it either had to be Natalie or Ruby who revealed Casey was still around and as Casey hadn't told Natalie to keep quite she had no reason not to mention it to Brax.

I had the feeling that Jett was kind of distancing himself from Gina & John in case it turned out Richard was his dad and that way he wouldn't feel so bad if had to leave them. I guess Jett was helping Alf as part of his punishment for the graffitti.

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I don't think everyone queuing to tell Ruby how much they hate her would make for good television, in fact I think it would detract from Sid's character if he was more interested in yelling at a teenager than being there for his son.They did skip a lot of people's reactions but I expect Indi and Sasha will tell us their opinion of Ruby when they reappear.I wouldn't mind April's behaviour towards Sid if she was yelling at Nurse Julie or Doctor Young but harrassing Dex's father, as if her concern for him is somehow more important than Sid's, was out of line.I think the outcome would have been the same if Indi had been injured:Ruby might have felt a bit less guilty, since she and Indigo hated each other whereas Dexter always treated her as a friend and refused to take sides, but she wouldn't have left that message if she still wanted Indi dead or maimed so I think she'd still have turned herself in, she didn't even attempt to deny it or dodge responsibility when Romeo spoke to her.Didn't think of Irene moving in with April but I'm not sure that'd work, Irene'd have trouble being a guest in someone else's house.I'd suggest Bianca as an alternative but she's got a lot on her hands with Rocco coming home.Interestingly, Ruby did want to stay with Morag and make a fresh start at the beginning of the year, it was Morag who insisted she return to Summer Bay.Wonder how things would have worked out if Ruby had stuck to Plan A and whether Morag would have managed to steer her on the right path.Either way, Morag's not the type to let popular opinion stop her representing her step-granddaughter.

Would Morag be able to represent Ruby when the case comes to trial, seeing as they are still kind of related?

Given that she represented Alf, who's her brother, and Ric, who's her great-nephew, and was all set to represent Ruby on those possession charges a few months ago, I don't see why not.

Well, I think that's everyone's posts answered, what happened today?

There was a moment when I was starting to warm towards Brax but he was soon back to annoying me and I don't think I'll ever agree with the way he does things.I get why he was worried about Casey being in trouble with the police but come on, what's the best course of action:Let him get arrested so he's safe in police custody and worry about proving coercion later or leave him with an armed psychotic and play at being a one-man army?Natalie's obviously not going to be a good influence on him since despite a few gripes she just went along with what he said.And it's frustrating that right after the long-awaited scene of Alf taking Brax and Heath to task for the way they treat people, we get him giving a speech about how Brax is a good bloke really, which seemed like it was for the audience's benefit as much as Marilyn's.It sounded like Heath had been at the hospital supporting Bianca and April, which I wasn't expecting him to do and I wish we'd seen those scenes.Danny really has gone screaming over to the dark side now, I wondered if he was going to phone Brax and pretend to be Casey when he stole the SIM card.Interesting bit of psychology though that plugs the apparent plot hole of him keeping those letters:It seems in his own twisted way he did have a sentimental wish for his sons to follow in his footsteps and them to be a "family".Not sure why he brought Kyle along:As a getaway driver, or backup?Don't see why he'd need him as the former, since they had their own car, and he wasn't much good as the latter since he got out of there like a scalded cat as soon as Brax turned up.(Incidentally, Danny leaving behind a note basically saying "I am here" seems rather careless.I did wonder if he was planning for Brax to follow him for a moment but apparently he is just dumb.)Someone needs to sort out those promos.Gunshot.Big cliffhanger.Is Casey dead?One "Next time on Home and Away" later:No.

Roo and Harvey felt as out of place in that episode as they did in the previous one and their only practical purpose was to mention seeing Jett at the bus stop to provide a few seconds of panic.And since when were John and Harvey on shoulder slapping terms?It sounded from the last episode like Jett was helping out Alf for money.(Incidentally, I suddenly remember the bait shop's meant to be right next to the Diner, although as ever the geography seems a bit fluid.)I really did think he was running away when we saw him at the bus stop so when he turned up with a present for Gina it was a genuine surprise.Love his nonchalant response to John pointing out he was badmouthing his company:"Is it?"This Richard thing does seem a bit left field but despite John and Gina's naive reassurances, unless Richard is judged an unfit parent it's hard to see any way they can stop him taking custody of Jett.

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True, I'd forgotten about those cases.

We all have our opinions on whether Brax is as bad (or worse) than Danny, even he has his view on that, but whatever Brax has done has been for the family and to keep them together, whereas Danny has, it seems, has just acted for Danny. It was brought home to me yesterday when he took Casey's SIM card out of his phone and then later ordered him to kill Pete, he'd ditch him as soon as look at him, hence Kyle hanging around? I don't think sentimenality has anything to do with Danny wanting his 'boys' to follow the family business, he just wants them to follow him! Brax is more or less out of the criminal side, Heath is moving that way and until now Casey has been kept out of it (apart from burning down Jake's place that is). I guess Brax must have recognised the bar, perhaps he'd been threre before?

Great the way Alf fronted Heath & Brax when they were demanding the key to Danny's caraven, but did relent when it was made clear it was to help Casey, who I think Alf has a lot of time for. Mind you Marilyn put up a good fight as well. At least, I suppose, Brax & Heath did go the proper way first by asking for the key and not break in right away.

I must admit it had me worried when Jett was sitting at the bus stop, though he didn't seem that concerned at Harvey & Roo seeing him. I was wondering where he'd got the money, but like you Red realised Alf must have been paying him for his little jobs. Not a very good end to Gina's birthday, I guess Gina & John could contest the custody case and wouldn't Jett's opinion be taken into account, he is 13 and therefore able to put a good case of whom he'd want to be with. As DOCS keep banging on about they put the childs welfare first.

I must add that's it's been refreshing not to hear that well known phrase "Everything is going to be OK" bandied about regarding Dex. Sid has been honest (brutally sometimes) about Dex's condition and that is a matter of having to wait and see what happens which is the case with brain injuries. I know some may think April has given Sid a hard time about not knowing enough, but emtions get in the way at times like that. Btw has Jody (Dex's and Indi's mum) been informed about what has happened to him?

It's been mentioned on the Aussie thread that it seemed odd the picture survived the crash unscathed and they're right. :huh:

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Awful episode on 5 star. If I remotely warmed to Heath I am back to disliking him again. What does Bianca see in him? Also what does Heath do for money, now he is no longer a drug dealer, especially as he now has two children to support.

Home and Away, please can we have to humour back in the show and have nice characters that aren't thugs and criminals?

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