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I have to say Rhiannon Fish's acting last week was off the scale. A great exit for Ruby too, I can't imagine Rebecca Breeds is missing having to cry on-spec every five minutes... one of the benefits though of having a 24 (?) year-old play an 18 year-old. There's very few 18 year-old actresses who could have pulled Ruby off.

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I have to say Rhiannon Fish's acting last week was off the scale. A great exit for Ruby too, I can't imagine Rebecca Breeds is missing having to cry on-spec every five minutes... one of the benefits though of having a 24 (?) year-old play an 18 year-old. There's very few 18 year-old actresses who could have pulled Ruby off.

Heh. I remember reading an interview once with Tammin Sursok (Dani Sutherland) who said that once the writers found out she could cry on command they had her do it pretty much every day.

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I have to say Rhiannon Fish's acting last week was off the scale. A great exit for Ruby too, I can't imagine Rebecca Breeds is missing having to cry on-spec every five minutes... one of the benefits though of having a 24 (?) year-old play an 18 year-old. There's very few 18 year-old actresses who could have pulled Ruby off.

It’s very ironic AND a great testament to Rebecca's skills that her 1st post H&A role is in …….. a comedy in the US !!!!! ……


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Could Heath's (over)reaction to Casey having killed their dad be a cover for his guilt as it was him who pushed for Danny to be released? If that hadn't happened Casey wpuldn't be in the trouble he is now. Brax is still trying to do what he has always done regards Casey, keeping him on the straight and narrow. Meant to have said on my earlier post Nat was right in everything she said to Brax when he was blaming himself, Casey chose to stick with Danny despite all Brax's warnings, apart from locking him up somewhere how could he have stopped him? I don't remember Casey hitting Heath that much in the past, thought that was Brax's 'job'. He (Casey) really does guilty doesn't he, doesn't even want to be out on bail hence him hitting Heath, I think he probably went for him rather than one of the other RB's, they may have hit back a lot harder. In two minds whether Georgie was right to ignore the first blow, but after the other attack there was no way she could (or should) have let that pass. Did I hear Morag's name mentioned when Brax was arranging the meeting between Case and his solicitor? Re Ruby and her being out on bail, I should imagine Morag would have her staying with her, wouldn't she? I assume that as Nat is still Casey's counsellor, I haven't heard anything to the contrary, she is able to get access to him as we saw in the trailer? Maybe he will open to her, she does have a knack of getting people to do that.

I shudder to think how Heath would have coped if he didn't have Bianca, OK I know he has taken himself off for a few days, but he does have her to come back to and I liked her defending his actions to Maz & Irene. Might seem cruel, but I was relieved when we saw them with Rocco that Danny was dead and wouldn't be able to muscle in on his life in the future. Lovely little talk between Casey and Marilyn, I think she needed to hear from someone else that Danny did like her. Can't see how they can avoid having a funeral for Danny, however a small turnout there may be, we'll see.

Crumbs, yes Alf did know about Tim being married, but not until he answered a call from his wife!!! I guess this was after his night out with Tim. What did Harvey say to Roo about it, she is usually so moral!! Btw the lady doth protest too much methinks when she was telling, well insisting, Harvey there was nothing to worry about Tim being on the scene. He's started to show his true colours, and he is smarmy!

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I think Brax was meant to be on the phone to Cameron Sangster, his personal lawyer who I think turned up once last year(when Charlie arrested him for kissing her)and was mentioned several other times.As far as I remember, Casey hit Heath when he congratulated him on burning down Hammer's place, whacked him in the stomach with a pool cue when he told him to hit Tyler and attacked him when he found out he'd slept with Henri.Anyway, I continue to be in two minds about the way this storyline's being presented.Natalie seems to have turned into the Braxtons' personal psychologist, which is a shame because she had potential to be a lot more than that.Not too sure about Georgie keeping Brax up to speed about the case off the record but she's always had a fair amount of sympathy for Casey and I guess she's doing it for him.If Casey's going to wave bail rights, why didn't he do that in the first place instead of getting himself rearrested?I think at this point all Brax can do is wait and hope Casey changes his mind, forcing help on him isn't going to do any good.

I believe if no-one claims a body then the state dispose of it.Marilyn organising a service for Danny is thoughtful and I was slightly disappointed that Alf was so against the idea, I hope he comes round and supports her or it'll be just her on her own in the funeral home.Not sure if telling the Braxtons what she was up to was particularly sensible, especially when, with Casey in lockup and Heath away, Brax is the only one available and he's least likely to be receptive to the idea.That said, he didn't react as badly as I thought he would.

Guess they could have chosen a more subtle way of showing John, Gina and Jett were having a good time than having them all jump in the sea with their clothes on for no apparent reason but I appreciate the sentiment.Not all that comfortable with Jett's announcement at the end but I'll hold my tongue for now and wait to see how they handle it.

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Gina did a good job of encouraging Jett to give Richard a chance...for about two minutes.After that, she and John did everything a foster parent shouldn't, making promises they couldn't keep and turning the situation into a battle that they couldn't hope to win.What Richard said to Gina was spot on:It wasn't plain sailing when Jett came to live with them to start with but things got better and they might with Richard as well.It's a shame that Jett's gone through so much upheaval in the last few months and he's having more now but it was John and Gina's job to make it easy for him, not harder by telling Richard to go away.It's a pity that Richard went to the police and forced the issue instead of going to the department and trying to get John and Gina onside, it's just made Jett resent him.All three of them made a difficult situation even more difficult.Where were Jett's case workers?They should have been there to make sure things went smoothly, not a voice on the end of a phone that Gina ignored.

Not happy with the way Romeo's playing the injured party.He was prepared to move on and leave Indi in the past, he can't tell her she can't do the same.And while I can understand him being unhappy about Liam dating his ex, it's not like he wouldn't do the same if the position was reversed.Nice to get confirmation on what the situation is with Ruby, shame it came after we'd all worked it out for ourselves.We should have been told last week, instead of them waiting for Leah to reappear as if she's the only one paying attention.It's beginning to look like I was wrong about the Walkers' attitude towards her, although we might get a reaction when we get an episode that actually focuses on Dexter rather than Romeo and Indi's latest love triangle.It'll disappoint people who'd want to see them angry with her but, while there've been a few missteps(notably the way Indi took an age to tell anyone about the phone call), I think it's better this way:They need their energy to focus on Dexter getting better, not waste it hating someone who's already paying for what she did.

Find myself caring less and less about Roo and Harvey.At the moment, their storyline just feels like a waste of screen time, which pretty much sums them up as well.

CURS:Why was that clip of Dexter arresting in there?The car crash clip firmly established that he'd been injured and including a cliffhanger without the resolution made it look like he was dead.

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I agree c120701, I liked that jumping in the water scene with John, Gina & Jett, very heart warming. John being down to earth as usual, though he is going to miss him as much as Gina, and telling her one thing she is urging Jett to be postitive about going with Richard, then 'crying in the corner'. I don't suppose he was suggesting she be nonchalant about Jett leaving, just that it was making Jett unhappy. Bit of a shock Richard moving all the way to Western Austraila, hardly down the road so they can visit is it? In two minds about him changing his mind about wanting Jett in his life, although he has every right to, it did seem a complete u-turn and I hope it works out for both of them seeing as they are going to be away from anyone either of them knows. Did seem odd all that was dealt with over the phone, the situation needed a impartial party there.

So Ruby is staying with Morag, she'll certainly keep her on the straight and narrow and hopefully give her moral support.

Very interesting that little chat with Liam and Romeo, Romeo did take it better than I thought he would, by that I mean he didn't try and knock Liam's head off. He did seem more resigned about it when he spoke to Indi, or is the lull before the storm? I can understand why he moved out of Leah's, wouldn't be very comfortable for either of them if he stayed.

I forgot Casey's other outbursts against Heath, they were out of character. I was worried about Georgie giving Brax that info, but at least we (and he) knows how far Danny was prepared to go in dropping Casey in it. Remember he was wearing gloves a lot of the time. Mind you, the motel mentioned only seeing Casey, how then was he supposed to have got there walked and what was with the one way air ticket? I guess first time round Brax caught him off guard bail wise, this time, he pre-empted him and as he is 18 treated as an adult. Nat probably had the right idea about backing off and letting him work through it in his own time and letting them back in when he's ready.

Marilyn may be presumptious arranging Danny's funeral, but I was relieved she did tell Brax rather him finding out about it later. Alf I think will calm down and go with Marilyn to the service.

Quitr right Red, Roo/Harvey/Tim totally out of sync with the rest of everything else that's going on. Though I do agree with Harvey Tim only submitted that proposal as Roo's suggestions were in it and he knew she'd want to be involved.

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I actually thought that secretly Brax was over the moon Danny is dead. And although he's clearly worried that Casey will go to jail and trying everything he can to keep him out, he's probably glad he didn't have to finish off Danny himself.

Marilyn is still trying to see the good in someone which is admirable but Danny was anything but good. Although I suppose he is still entitled to a funeral.

Sasha and Romeo really annoyed me in today's episode. The way Romeo was telling Sasha about Liam and Indy felt like he was trying to paint them out to be the bad guys and him to be the angel. Don't get me wrong I don't think they are innocent in this at all it's just a bit rich given how Romeo's acted over the last few months and given that he did the same thing to Jai. The thing that bothered me about that was that Sasha got a completely one-sided story. She then decides to stick her nose in and have a go at Indy for something which is none of her damn business. So what if Indy is seeing Liam? What the hell does that have to do with her? It was also the completely wrong time to bring it up too. Dex is lying in a hospital bed unconscious, they're not even sure if he's going to wake up and Sasha wants to spend time giving Indy a dressing down about her choice of partners. Perhaps subconsciously Sasha likes Romeo which is why she was fighting his corner. She did try it on with him the first time she saw him and Casey's not interested in her so you never know.

Two jaw dropping moments for me. Firstly when VJ brought up Liam's past relationships i.e. the breakdown of his marriage with Bianca, Gypsy and Haley. Whilst a bit harsh, I actually think he had a point although again it wasn't his place to bring it up.

Second was with Sid. I thought he was completely out of order with April. I don't just think April was speaking to Dex as an alternative way to cure him and bring him out of his coma but I also think she was doing it as some sort of coping mechanism. Even Sasha seemed quite shocked at the way he behaved. See this is why Ruby should have been here so Sid could aim his frustration at her and not someone who is completely innocent in all this. So she's been charged. Seems like a small consolation especially out of sight.

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So, Romeo's switched back to Nice Guy mode so everyone forgets what a complete jerk he's been towards Liam and Indi and treats him like the victim.I was hoping he wouldn't be able to just walk back into his old room at Summer Bay House now Ruby's gone but I knew it was going to happen, after all he doesn't have anywhere else to go.So he's moved out of his temporary bolthole of a few weeks into the closest thing he's got to a home and Sasha's acting like Indi's made him homeless.I've no idea why she took Romeo's side over her sister's, especially as Slade said at Dexter's sick bed, she was acting as though Romeo and Indi have only just split up rather than they've been separated for months and he's done the same thing with Ruby(which Sasha was apparently on Indi's side over).I don't understand why everyone's suddenly in Romeo's cheer squad:I'll just about buy Dexter and Sasha being close to him even though there's been no real on screen evidence, given that they lived together for so long.But why is VJ suddenly so pro-Romeo, anti-Liam?Apart from a few scenes in 2009 because they were already at a loss as to what to do with Romeo, when have he and VJ had anything to do with each other?I thought it was a shame Leah stepped in and sent him to his room because I'd have liked to see Liam try to respond to his points.Leah's judgemental attitude annoys me too."I hope it's worth losing a friendship over." What, like when she went after Sally's husband?At least Liam waited until the marriage had broken down.

So, we find out what's happened to Dexter's mother.Kind of.Shame she seems to be keeping her distance after she went to all that effort to build bridges with her children last year.Irene's offer of a place to stay for April was better timed here than it was last week.I'm kind of in two minds about Sid's outburst.Objectively, I think it was harsh and uncalled for but I was also rather glad that he put a stop to April's cloudcuckooland behaviour because she was getting on my nerves, never mind his(although judging by the promo, we've just traded chirpy and annoying April for teary and annoying April).I'm still not convinced that an on-off girlfriend is one of the most important people in Dex's life and Romeo calling her his "soul mate" made me want to throw something at the set.Also objectively, I can see that Sid's been bottling all this up and it was always going to come out at some point and given his private fears about Dexter while trying to be the strong one(it seems like only Indi's given much thought about how this is affecting him, aside from Irene)I'm not surprised that April's refusal to face facts made him snap.It would have made me snap as well.

EDIT:Oh yes, forgot to mention yesterday, finally we have definitive confirmation that Dexter's eighteen!Of course, it comes around about the time he should be turning nineteen...

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