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I felt sorry for Sid and although maybe he shouldn't have blown up at April like that, don't they usually recommend visitors talking to coma patients as they can hear what is going on. I guess he had to blow at sometime and April happened to be in the firing line. He's been trying for days to get hold of Dex's mum, has he actually mentioned to her before why he is so desperate she ring? He's hasn't left the hospital even though there is nothing he can phsyically do, it must be very frustrating for him, plus he must be exhausted.

Some telling scenes between Indi and Romeo outside Dex's room, do I get the feeling she isn't as over him as she keeps telling everyone? Could be the right theory there about Sash secretly still liking Romeo, she did come onto him when she first arrived but backed off when she found out he was her brother-in-law. I think there were faults on both sides with Indi and Romeo, neither are innocent in all this at least they were civil to each other at the hospital which isn't the place (or the time) for airing their grievances.

Leah was being Leah again by not telling VJ the whole truth about why Romeo left. I'm probably being boring here but I'll say it again VJ is an intelligent boy and can work things out for himself, he told Romeo he knew something was wrong between him & Liam, so why she can't be upfront with him in the first place is always a mystery. I agree that although it wasn't his place to question Liam about his past relationships with women he did have a good point about none of them lasting any length of time. I suppose VJ feels closer to Romeo as he is nearer his own age and we don't know how close they have become since he moved in.


Someone please do something with Irene's hair it looks like ratstails!!!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four.Dexter was in two but again he spent one of them comatose.

I never really doubted that Alf would support Marilyn and front up to the funeral with her but I was still cheering when he did.I'm glad Heath made it there as well, when it was first suggested at the beginning of the week I thought they were going to have it without him.I wondered for a moment why he and Bianca were in separate cars but it was a nice touch that she brought Rocco along.Thought Marilyn was going a bit far in pestering Brax to go to the service and, even though he and Natalie turned up, it was only because it suited their own agenda.Although since they managed to get Casey to fight the charges, I guess it was in a good cause.So presumably Danny was supposed to drive off with Kyle and Casey would have been left with the getaway car, the loot and the murder weapon.Not entirely sure how that would automatically mean he'd get caught, was Danny planning to give the police a tip off once he was safely away?

I found the opening Sid/Sasha scene very odd:It was as if they wanted to give Sasha a reaction to Sid's outburst but weren't entirely sure what it should be so just had them spout contradictory dialogue for a bit and then walk off.I'm glad Irene didn't blame Sid for destroying April's optimism and was understanding and I guess it's good he apologised, that scene wasn't as bad as it could have been.It's nice that even though Dexter's awake he's not swinging from chandeliers singing cheery songs, waking up like that is bound to be a traumatic experience.Shame the guy doing the underscore didn't quite capture the mood, continuing to use cutesy music long after he became agitated and waiting until his outburst to stop.

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Yeah I knew Alf would come good, loved his getting all embarassed at Marilyn getting all weepy on him. Gosh what a surprise seeing Heath in a proper jacket, very controlled behaviour from the Braxton boys. Seemed like Nat's advice about letting Case work it out for himself payed off, going by his flashbacks of events and his dropping the earth on the tarpaulin instead of Danny's coffin. Although it took a lot of persuading on Nat's part to get Brax to go, it did mean he was able to close that chapter of his life. I suppose Darcy's nan put a block on her being there, he was her granddad as well. Lovely chat after with Heath & Bianca and him realising he was growing up. Perhaps Kyle was going to be the one to phone the cops, he didn't seem to be otherwise involved and Danny had only one one way ticket out of the country.

I'm glad Sid & April made their peace, he had to snap sometime, normally he could help a patient, but all he can do this time is stand back and let others do their best. His freezing when Dex needed intubating was understandable, though you can see why he felt guilty, it was shock at seeing his own son lying there. His saying the day before she wouldn't make it as a doctor if this was the way she carried on was unfair, this isn't a patient, it's her boyfriend. Guess it's not going to be a 'miracle' recovery for Dex, which makes a change for any soap.

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Here we go for this week -

Monday - Come on Casey, fight this. It did annoy me a bit that he has just given up so quickly, and fighting with Heath was a bit random, but understandable in his situation I guess. Marylin and Casey's chat was sweet and I'm glad he told her that Danny considered her a friend. Tim, Roo and Harvey I don't know. I like Tim, but I find myself feeling sorry for Harvey. Plus I can't believe that Alf knew that Roo was dating a married man :blink:

Tuesday - John, Jett and Gina spending their last day together. The jumping in the water scene was lovely and heartwarming. I simply love this family :wub: Watson giving Brax some advice over Casey was good to see and it's nice to see that Brax listened to her, had it been another policeman I doubt he would've listened. He has some new found respect towards her which is nice to see.

Wednesday - Goodbye Jett :( This episode was rather emotinal for me, especially Jett's farewell. I think Richard was a bit out of order and should've listened to Jett more instead of going in all guns blazing and demanding what he wanted. I did wonder why no one from DOCS was around during the change over, just to keep the peace, rather than having the Police there. Jett's decition to leave in the end was a sudden change of heart, and I believe he only did this to stop John getting in trouble, which in itself is sweet. Upsetting stuff, but wonderfully acted!

Thursday - Poor Sid I understand why he lost his temper with April though. I really feel sorry for him, he really is struggling to deal with this all on his own. It was sweet of Indi to bring him some dinner. The Romeo, Indi, Liam thing, again I don't know. I did like Romeo's scene with Sasha and I like the friendship they have. VJ was spot on with his little serve for Liam, even though it was out of character!!

Friday - Dexter woke up!!! Nice way to finish off the week. Sid and April's scenes were also sweet and I'm happy he apologised over his outburst, but it good she finally realises that hoping just won't be enough. The funeral that Marilyn had for Danny was a nice thought and I'm glad all three boys were there even if it wasn't for the right reasons. It's good that Casey finally realised that Dann was using him and that he is willing to fight the murder charge. I'm glad Alf joined Marilyn at the funeral, ever the gentleman!!

Another exciting week in the Bay - Roll on next week :)


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I'm kind of in two minds about what's going on with Dexter.When spoilers first began circulating that it wouldn't be a miracle cure after the accident, I wondered if they'd be brave enough to put him in a wheelchair permanently.As it is...well, he's obviously not going to stay the way he is forever, that'd be too difficult to fit into the show.Maybe he'll get a bit better but not completely but it's hard to shake the feeling that, much as with Bianca's post natal psychosis, he'll soon be magically back to normal.End of the year max.So it's just a case of seeing how long they manage to do it justice before wimping out.I dunno, maybe that's me being cynical.Seemed odd that Dexter seemed to talk fairly clearly at the end of last episode but was struggling to form any words at all here.April was irritating as usual and, although I could see where she was coming from, once again she made someone snap and her fussing over Dexter was never going to have any other outcome.It's a shame we get so much focus on how this affects her and more cloying "I love you"s while Sasha's more natural reaction was shoved aside.The neurologist looking at him was played by Richard Healy, who either plays lots of doctors or the same doctor with lots of names:We recently saw him as the suspiciously named Doctor Dan Bennett in a 2007 episode in the repeat run, he was Doctor Fagan for quite a while about three years ago and now he's Doctor Ben Dawson.

Romeo actually manages to push ahead of April in the annoying stakes and I just want to slap him every time he's on screen.It's hard to see his current nice guy act as anything other than, well, an act since we've seen plenty of evidence that he's anything but nice.I don't know why Indi's giving him the time of day or, astonishingly, apologising for the way she's treated him:Maybe she should have a few regrets over Logan but it seems she was apologising for turning him down when he started stalking her.Seriously, why?Especially when he's still looking for any excuse to crack onto her.It's hard to shake the feeling that Liam is going to be the loser in all this, that Indi's going to get sucked back in by Romeo and he's going to be left with all this hostility that's abruptly sprung up on all sides.I really didn't like the way Sasha was shooting him evils, although at least Sid was just being consistent.(In fact, I suddenly remember a time when Sid was pretty hostile towards Liam and the words "Stay away from my kids" may even have passed his lips.)

Thank goodness for Alf, who always manage to remain likeable whoever else is around him.Kind of nice that, despite telling Harvey he wouldn't play games, Alf still helped Roo see his side of things.And then Harvey goes and wrecks all his work in about two seconds.Alf's reaction is wonderful.Shame Leah was channelling Colleen again.Can't really muster up the energy to care about Brax and Natalie, especially when their scenes practically seemed to be in a different show.

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Would be a brave move of H&A to have Dex permentantly disabled in some way, even if not in a wheelchair left with a noticable limp, not one that disappears with time. The last person who was disabled was Seb but they shuffled him out of the bay. Dex didn't say that much when he first came round, but it is strange how he seems to have regressed to not being able to form any words. April seemed to be panicking when she was trying to give Dex his drink which must have made him very frustrated especially as he couldn't tell her to stop. We don't know how much he can understand, obviously, but I'm glad Sid gave him the facts and didn't fudge it. Sid has gone back to his warning yet another fellow of Indi's 'not to hurt her'. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't it turn out to be the other way round with Romeo!!!! I have a feeling it's going to be the same this time as well.

Alf was very wise in keeping out of Roo & Harvey's dispute, though he was diplomatic when speaking to Roo about it, his argurment what if it was the other way round made her think. Then Harvey the pratt tried to forbid Roo to go to the city!!!!! :rolleyes: It wouldn't work on any woman, but trying that on with Roo!!!! No wonder Alf looked at him with such a look of exasperation. Both Irene & Leah were puzzled, to say the least at why Roo would want to go into business with her ex, though Irene was more restrained in her comments which must Roo realise it's not just Harvey's jealousy and mistrust of Tim. Have you noticed we are only seeing shots of Leah from behind, at a distance and from the shoulders up?

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Yes, it would be brave of H&A to make Dex handicapped, can't think of another soap that's done it, but I assume he'll make a full recovery and have a magical wedding with April. Besides, the other actors won't let him get away without having to learn lines for long!

Sigh, I think Caseys future is looking bleak, he's up for armed robbery and murder (or manslaughter) and with his previous criminal record I think he'll be looking at a spell in the big house. I also don't see him being granted bail as it's a murder charge and I'm sure he'd be considered a prime flight risk! But, it is soapland so who knows...

Never thought I'd feel sorry for Harvey but I nearly do... nearly :-)

Would be a brave move of H&A to have Dex permentantly disabled in some way, even if not in a wheelchair left with a noticable limp, not one that disappears with time. The last person who was disabled was Seb but they shuffled him out of the bay. Dex didn't say that much when he first came round, but it is strange how he seems to have regressed to not being able to form any words. April seemed to be panicking when she was trying to give Dex his drink which must have made him very frustrated especially as he couldn't tell her to stop. We don't know how much he can understand, obviously, but I'm glad Sid gave him the facts and didn't fudge it. Sid has gone back to his warning yet another fellow of Indi's 'not to hurt her'. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't it turn out to be the other way round with Romeo!!!! I have a feeling it's going to be the same this time as well.

Alf was very wise in keeping out of Roo & Harvey's dispute, though he was diplomatic when speaking to Roo about it, his argurment what if it was the other way round made her think. Then Harvey the pratt tried to forbid Roo to go to the city!!!!! :rolleyes: It wouldn't work on any woman, but trying that on with Roo!!!! No wonder Alf looked at him with such a look of exasperation. Both Irene & Leah were puzzled, to say the least at why Roo would want to go into business with her ex, though Irene was more restrained in her comments which must Roo realise it's not just Harvey's jealousy and mistrust of Tim. Have you noticed we are only seeing shots of Leah from behind, at a distance and from the shoulders up?

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Have you noticed we are only seeing shots of Leah from behind, at a distance and from the shoulders up?

I hadn't but it does make sense and I did notice it in today's episode.

Fears of a forthcoming miracle cure aside, Dexter's storyline is going okay at the moment.It's understandable he wouldn't want April seeing him like that and I think Sid should have told her outright rather than having to tell her again later.I wouldn't really say he hit her in the previous episode, he seemed to give her a relatively gentle shove then hit the bed, I don't know if we're meant to assume he caught her at the same time but it didn't look like it.I can understand April's research mania but she needs to stop and think:However much she knows about the technicalities of Dexter's condition, she's never going to understand what it's like to live it and I'm glad Sid pointed that out.Yet again though, there was far too much focus on how this is affecting a shallow on-off love interest as if we're supposed to automatically accept her as the most important person in Dexter's life, which is apparently how she sees herself.Her crying over what's basically a video of them having sex is probably more apt than the writers intended. Please don't talk about them getting married, that would just be horrible, it's bad enough Romeo and Indi went there.(I've got this nasty feeling the only reason the writers had them hook up was because they joined together so their contracts probably run out together...)Talking of which, oh god, Indi's being sucked right back in.She's wondering what she's walked away from?Let me see, a joke of a marriage and a jerk of a husband.(Who was actually the one who started walking, even if he did keep running after her and asking her to go in the same direction as him.)I'm pleasantly surprised by her attitude towards Ruby: I was expecting her to be calling her every name under the sun but instead she's looking at her own actions and thinking what she could have done to prevent this.Even though it's not really her fault, it's understandable and quite healthy that she'd do that and in stark contrast to Romeo, who did far more to help the chain of events along than she did, acting like he's done no wrong.

Oh, Roo.Really?A matter of hours alone with Tim and she's got her tongue down his throat?I initially thought Romeo was wrong to tell Harvey to go after her, not because he shouldn't let his pride get in the way but because it would send out a message that he didn't trust her.But after that, I'm wondering if he should have done, she'd probably have thrown a tantrum but at least she wouldn't have fallen into Tim's arms.Just delaying the inevitable, I guess.Wonder if anyone picked up on the irony of Roo saying Harvey wouldn't want to live in the city because he likes to be on the water while sitting right next to what appears to be Sydney Harbour.

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I like the idea of Casey and Sasha as a couple, but it would be nice if they could find topics of conversation other than mutual interest in accidental murder. The token mention of Dex's accident was also too brief:

Casey: "How is Dex?"

Sasha: "OK."

Casey: "OK."

I have to say I'm not feeling a hell of a lot of sympathy for him at the moment. Although Danny set him up as part of the robbery, that doesn't excuse killing him, despite what Brax says. Casey was certainly in a difficult position, Danny forcing him to shoot an innocent man. But if he really saw no other option to stop Danny, perhaps he could have shot him in the leg, rather than, you know, directly into the heart.

I respect Heath for being the only Braxton brother big enough to look past his differences with his father, and mourn for a man who is now dead. As he said, Danny had a far greater impact on Heath's life than he did on Casey's, and now he's gone and Heath doesn't have the opportunity to resolve any of those issues with him. Of course he's going to be more upset by the loss of his father. It was also nice to see him thank Marilyn for her efforts with the funeral, she deserved it.

Speaking of Marilyn I felt so sorry for her in this episode, she is clearly so lonely. Although she and Danny were only together for a short period, this is a tragic loss for her too, and being left alone again is sure to remind her of her age. It was nice for Alf to offer her some advice, even if it was just to reassure her it would all work out.

Roo and Harvey is all a bit blah. She and Tim seem to have far greater chemistry than she and Harvey, I can't stand any more of his whining and neither should she. Get rid of him!

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Please don't talk about them getting married, that would just be horrible, it's bad enough Romeo and Indi went there.(I've got this nasty feeling the only reason the writers had them hook up was because they joined together so their contracts probably run out together...)Talking of which, oh god, Indi's being sucked right back in.She's wondering what she's walked away from?Let me see, a joke of a marriage and a jerk of a husband.(Who was actually the one who started walking, even if he did keep running after her and asking her to go in the same direction as him.)I'm pleasantly surprised by her attitude towards Ruby: I was expecting her to be calling her every name under the sun but instead she's looking at her own actions and thinking what she could have done to prevent this.Even though it's not really her fault, it's understandable and quite healthy that she'd do that and in stark contrast to Romeo, who did far more to help the chain of events along than she did, acting like he's done no wrong.

Yes, I hope Indi does get sucked right back in. And Romeo is not a jerk. He made one mistake with Ruby and now he's learnt from it. Indi has had at least 2 affairs and maybe she's learnt from those as well. They are still good for each other - just got married too young and neither has started divorce proceedings. Thye should get back together and make a real go of it, cos they still love each other. Romeo has said it and indi will as well soon, I bet

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