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^Well, Romeo and Indi can't start divorce proceedings because they have to be separated a year first.(Bianca and Liam haven't for the same reason, as Bianca alluded to a few weeks back.)Their marriage hasn't been good for either of them, they want different things from life and should have gone their separate ways with dignity a long time ago instead of desperately clinging on to this destructive love they seem to share.It's not an adult relationship, it's a high school romance that ran its course a long time ago.

Not for the first time, I'm left thinking the Braxton drama would work a lot better if Brax wasn't around.Both Heath and Casey are much better drawn characters and it's interesting to see how disillusioned they've both become in Brax:Heath has realised Brax will always choose Casey over him, Casey no longer trusts Brax's judgement or ability to put things right.The scene between them was pitched perfectly and showed that this is hard on both of them, while Brax just sees their father's death as another problem to get rid of.I loved the chats between Heath and Marilyn and between Casey and Sasha.I was waiting for Heath to kick off but it never came and instead we just saw the decent human being he can be deep down.(And after lots of speculation about where he gets his money from him, it seems he is still working at Angelo's.Maybe.)And I'd actually say Casey and Sasha's situation is very analogous.I'd say that Danny wanting to kill an innocent man does excuse Casey's response:As I recall, Casey shot him in the stomach, not the heart, hence his still being conscious and in good enough condition to gloat at Brax afterwards.Even if Casey was thinking rationally enough to make a considered opinion about where best to shoot him, rather than acting out of fear and desperation, I'm not sure a leg shot would have been enough to incapacitate him and stop him doing anything to Casey or Pete in retaliation.

With all the psychodrama going on elsewhere, the childish romantic triangle between Roo, Harvey and Tim didn't really interest me at all.Marilyn's meltdown felt slightly out of place but, for all Alf's reassurances, she's probably looking at her very real future:With the possibility of having children gone and no real options with regards remarrying, she probably is going to end up as a somewhat solitary figure.

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I'd say that Danny wanting to kill an innocent man does excuse Casey's response:As I recall, Casey shot him in the stomach, not the heart, hence his still being conscious and in good enough condition to gloat at Brax afterwards.

I know, I was being facetious. Away from the major organs would have been good.

I have to disagree that Danny's behaviour excuses what Casey did. He killed a man, and not in self-defence. He should be punished for his actions to the full extent of the law, but his second name is Braxton, so I think he'll probably get off with some community service.

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^I'd disagree with the "not in self-defence" bit.Admittedly, Danny didn't make any direct threat towards Casey but the implication was there and at the very least, if Casey hadn't shot him, he'd have killed someone.So Casey acted to save an innocent life, which legally probably comes under the same heading.(Of course, there's also a legal grey area in that Casey killed him while in the process of committing an armed robbery, albeit under a certain amount of duress and with good intentions.)

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As yet none of us know what happened to make Casey pull the trigger on Danny! Did Danny make a grab for the gun and there was a struggle and the gun went off or did Danny keep pushing Casey who who warned him off and Danny taunted him that he wouldn't shoot him as he didn't have the guts and Casey pulled the trigger not realising the damage a gun can really do, he'd never even held one till then. He could have been aiming for Danny's leg, but reckoned without the kick a gun can have which jerks it upwards. Good that they managed to get him out on bail, though understandably Heath wasn't over the moon, maybe just as well he is moving out to Irene's.

Yes, cadystlover, I liked how Heath thanked Marilyn for her arranging the funeral, that's a long way from the old (sometimes not so old) Heath. Also I think you're right about Heath Casey shooting their dad having consequences, as in he can never resolve or understand why Danny treated him the way he did. I wonder if it was because he'd tried to bully Brax and failed and so decided to pick on Heath instead. It was sweet of Marilyn to gently hint that Sash go and see Casey, after all she is the only one who has anything like an idea of what he is going through. Her saying he should talk to someone as holding it all in isn't good, as she should know. Good old Alf picking up something was making her sad and not being fobbed off with "Everthing's OK". I had to smile at his remark she'd never end up with 50 cats as "There aren't 50 cats in Summer Bay".

I'd have to say Dex 'hitting' April wasn't deliberate, just part of his frustration at his situation, he lashed out and she was in his line of fire, so to speak. Sid once again has been brilliant in explaining what Dex may or not have to go through, he obviously can't be specific, it's the brain we're talking about. Actually I though Sid did right initially about not telling April Dex didn't want to see her, he probably didn't think she'd come back so soon, I'm glad he was honest in the end though. I may be wrong, but is he assuming the reason Dex doesn't want to see her is because he doesn't want her to see him like he is? Brief mention again of Jody, but still no show, where is she Outer Mongolia?

Indi doesn't have to act on the fact Romeo told her he still loves, if she really, really doesn't feel the same as harsh as it may sound she can't let that influence how she feels. Liam has picked up on her distance from him and wouldn't you know he overhears her telling Dex all about it.

I've never been a huge fan of Harvey, but have warmed to him lately, except when he's been a prat, he's a good dad (or tried to be) who loves Lottie and his and Roo's relationship is never going to be plain sailing (sorry about that), some couples aren't, they thrive on having huge rows. I do prefer him and Roo to Tim and Roo, he is a creep, I know it'a an old cliche but he cheated on his wife with Roo so it's more than likely he'd cheat with someone else if he and Roo got together, Harvey who didn't always tell Roo everything about his past, hasn't cheated on anyone with her. I do wonder though if Roo's kiss was wise, did she do it to decide once and for all she didn't love Tim any more or did she run because she did?

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Actually rather liked today's episode, even if some aspects were a bit frustrating.Aside from giving Gina some fairly good advice, Natalie once more seemed to be employed mostly as Brax's lackey and it was about time Casey called her out on her two-faced behaviour.The promo suggested we were going to get another Braxton brawl with everyone ganging up on Heath but pleasingly it didn't go that way:There was a moment there where Brax finally seemed to notice that Heath is a human being with feelings, not his personal punchbag to blame all the family's issues on.Not entirely happy with their subsequent chat on the beach, where Brax seemed to be at least partly trying to get Heath back onside for Casey's sake and his reassurances about being there for him and being interested in his life felt like platitudes, but there was some good advice in there whatever his own agenda.When Marilyn remarked to Bianca that the important thing is she and Heath love each other, I wondered if Bianca had ever actually said she loves Heath, I could only remember him saying it to her, but by the end of the episode she had done so all's good.Brax breaking up with Natalie felt a bit random and I'm not really sure why he did it.If he thinks he needs to concentrate on Casey and can't do that with the distraction of a new relationship, fair enough.But it almost felt like he was thinking that Casey can talk to Natalie if she's not his girlfriend, when we're surely way past the point of her being impartial.(Again the question of where Natalie lives comes up, with an odd throwaway remark about shared housing.)

Gina annoyed me even more than last week here:I'm not a huge fan of her at the best of times and her mother hen attitude towards Jett here didn't help.Neither did her shutting out John, who's clearly missing Jett as much as her but doesn't have some sort of messiah complex about being the only person who can help.Liked the little scene between Alf and John, it's been too long since they've had any interaction.I did wonder if Gina was planning to go and see Jett when John found her packing and given her panicked reaction to him offering to come with her I'm still wondering...

Nice that they didn't ignore Sid's troubles at the moment and had people chat to him about it.Does kind of underline that there's so much going on off screen though:Bianca hasn't had any scenes with April since Dexter was first taken into hospital and Heath hasn't had any at all, even though they're now living in the same house.

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I was wondering the same Red about Bianca telling Heath she loved him, no she hadn't until Marilyn brought the subject up. I'm hoping she means it. Btw that was deep of Heath asking Biance would they be together if Rocco hadn't been premature. Had to laugh on Friday when Irene saw more of Heath than she (or he) intended. :blush::lol: Come on, it was an accident, I don't suppose for one moment he owns such a thing like a bathrobe. Loved Heath sitting on the bed and holding Rocco's hands and throwing punches. Bianca getting all stressed because she couldn't work out why Roco was crying and Heath actually hitting on the possible solution, Rocco was picking up on her being stressed and her shouting at him that she was calm!!!! Very sweet moment later when Bianca & Heath left Brax alone with the baby, after his initial panic, he did seem to be a natural chatting away about what sort of surfboard to get him.

As thought Heath did have questions for Danny which he can't now ever answer, if he would have been bothered to, I think Brax got it pegged pretty well and gave Heath the truth. As for Brax and Natalie I think they must have come to the same conclusion to stay apart separately. Let's hope they can make a better job of it than Brax and Charlie ever did. She realised that in her talk to Gina about Jett. I must admit I'm confused about where she lives/lived. Last time I looked she was at the caravan park, but the way she was talking it sounded like she wasn't there anymore. Boy did Nat pick the wrong person to confide in about her feelings about Brax!!!!

I liked Marilyn's chat to John about him feeling left out with Gina fretting/obessing about Jett, it wasn't quite the same witrh her and Sid as they were his children. Her and Alf seemed to have become the bays agony aunt and uncle. Made me chuckle when John picked the phone up and said "Hello darling" and it turned out to be someone wanting to be his new service provider! :D Good that thay had that frank talk about the possible reason Jett hadn't been in touch, he told her how much he missed Jett and they went off for a meal hand in hand. Though as we have seen from the trailer for next week Jett & Richard turn up on her & John's doorstep!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Brax was also in four.

Absolutely loving this new softer side of Heath we're seeing at the moment, his shadow boxing with Rocco was great.Rocco is definitely shaping up to be a cutie.And welcome back, Neurotic Princess Bianca.I did love the bit where Brax realised he'd been left alone with the baby, Brax seemed to be firmly in affable mode throughout this episode and I was reminded that I could actually like the guy if I wasn't so sure he'll do something that'll make me hate him again within a few weeks.Natalie living with Leah could be interesting but just how many best friends is Leah going to go through?Assuming they do head down that track.

Gina continues to be frustrating and it's a shame that Molly seemed, somewhat off the cuff, to blame Jett's attitude on John.Good thing that Gina didn't seem to take it to heart and realised that John's missing Jett as much as her.Kind of disappointed that it looks like we're going to see Jett again because this really should be the end of the storyline with Gina accepting she was there for Jett when he needed her and now she needs to let go.

Again with the random promos:I'll swear there was a clip of Sasha asking Leah "Why didn't you stop them?" at the end of last week that didn't get shown.[Presumably referring to Liam and Indi so it's a good thing it got dropped, it would have made Sasha into even more of a pain than she's already been.]

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I have to disagree that Danny's behaviour excuses what Casey did. He killed a man, and not in self-defence. He should be punished for his actions to the full extent of the law, but his second name is Braxton, so I think he'll probably get off with some community service.

I do think that Casey was almost in an impossible position as you could argue he probably wasn't thinking straight and didn't have much time to act. But Heath made a good point to Brax in that if it had been him he wouldn't have even been with Danny in the first place and I do think that Casey consciously made the decision to go with Danny and so he is to blame for putting himself in that position.

It's interesting as I mentioned before how blind Natalie is with Brax. Although I don't believe there was an ambush as such I still think that Casey made a very valid point about there being a serious conflict of interest her going out with Brax and counseling him at the same time. I actually don't think she should be doing it anymore. But on the other hand I thought she was quite correct about the situation with Gina and Jett even though I think Jett would be better off with Gina and John.

Brax has been getting on my nerves this week. The way he was with Heath felt like intimidation again even though I know Heath can handle himself. I don't agree with the way Heath was acting with Casey but it was understandable. And then the writers throw Heath not blaming Casey anymore into the equation so it makes it seem as though Brax was right all along. Then they give him the magic touch with Rocco so after crying for ages Brax just picks him up, everything's OK and Irene, Heath, Bianca, Natalie and Leah rally round him in absolute joy. I suspected something like this would happen which is unfortunate as I still feel he has a selfish and manipulative side to his character and a lot of people can't see that.

Never thought I see the day where Romeo and Harvey would be under the same roof and getting on. They'll end up being friends next. The way Roo's acting at the moment only serves to prove Harvey is right for not wanting her to go to the city although I don't think it will really make any difference if she's away working or in Summer Bay. If their relationship's strong enough it shouldn't be a problem. Can't really say I'm that interested in them to be honest. Although they aren't the worst. That award goes to Natalie and Brax. Not sure how long I can stomach those two for - I do wonder what Leah thinks about them sleeping together though.

Have to admit, felt quite sorry for April Dex rejecting her like that. Still at least Sid was diplomatic with her this time. There was actually a point when April was trying to help Dex earlier on in the week where I felt Sid was seriously biting his tongue. I wish Ruby could see the effect the accident is having on everyone involved at the moment.

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Commiting armed robbery with 'good intentions' I'd like to hear how that stands up in court! lol. Casey's been locked up before so I'm afraid he's going to get his wings clipped this time, he might get off with manslaugter it depends if the guy held hostage takes pity with his testimony. It's crazy he got bail, how much did Brax put up for that?!

^I'd disagree with the "not in self-defence" bit.Admittedly, Danny didn't make any direct threat towards Casey but the implication was there and at the very least, if Casey hadn't shot him, he'd have killed someone.So Casey acted to save an innocent life, which legally probably comes under the same heading.(Of course, there's also a legal grey area in that Casey killed him while in the process of committing an armed robbery, albeit under a certain amount of duress and with good intentions.)

I'm not sure about Romeo and Indi anymore, she's turned into a bit of an airhead and Sasha has turned into the sensible sibling. Maybe Romeo should concentrate on his surf career a little more or any career really instead of just moping around.

And what about tent model Roo! Stone the flamin' crows, she goes to the big city and within five minutes is snogging her ex, great basis for a marriage to Harvey. No wonder she's knocking on 40 and single!

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Bit behind, but here goes on last week (sorry if some of the days are mixed up!!) -

Monday – I like Tim, but I think if would’ve been better if he came to the Bay when Roo came back two years ago. He just seems to have been thrown in so the Harvey and Roo can overcome another obstacle on their way to wedded bliss!! Didn’t think he’d try an kiss her though, and she didn’t exactly fight him off did she! I’m glad that Dex is awake and April was being a bit over powering, but I did feel sorry for her. It can’t have been easy waiting for that day to come where he finally wakes up only for him to lash out when it arrives. But his reaction was understandable. Robert once again played his part to perfection; this storyline has really showed what a fantastic actor he is.

Tuesday – The fight between Tim and Harvey in the surf club was, as Casey would say, Lame to say the least. Why did we need that scene at all? I’m glad Roo mentioned the kiss to Harvey, but the whole truth wasn’t revealed though was it!!! I’m glad that Tim won’t give up on them, but maybe he’s fighting a battle he’s already lost? Dex and Indi chat in the Hospital was sweet and I liked the fact that she talked to him as she always did. Glad that Casey’s out and that him and Sasha had a little chat, I really like these two together.

Wednesday – Brax and Natalie why does it have to be the end. I really liked them together, they made a great team. I guess Casey will have the support of both though so there is still a chance of a reunion!! Heath and Casey were a bit full on, but I’m finally glad we got to know why Heath is so angry with him.

Thursday – Gina was a bit too much on Thursday, and I find it hard to believe that she was so caught up in how she felt she failed to realise that John was also hurting. John’s chat with Alf was good to see and John talking to Sid was a nice touch. It did make me sad when Gina threw John offer of going with her back in his face with a stern ‘No’. Poor guy is being pushed aside for caring and wanting to help her :( Did laugh when he suggested they had the house to themselves though!! I’m glad that baby Rocco is finally home and Brax and Heath’s chat on the beach was a nice family moment. I do like it when they chat to each other and share things, brings them down to Earth! Heath calling Marilyn, Maz also made me smile!

Friday – Oh Marilyn you are just too sweet. Her and John’s chat was just perfect and I’m glad she gave him the advice he needed. Gina was very short with him on the phone and then when Jenny (?) mentioned the reason why Jett may be laying low, I thought that she had nothing in her sights but getting Jett back no matter who she left behind, although I’m glad that wasn’t the case and that she finally realised he cared about Jett just as much as her, not that she welcomed him with open arms when he arrived in the City. Them walking away together to the restruaunt hand in hand was sweet, and a nice way to round up their story for the week ^_^ Second sweetest moment of the night, baby Rocco and Uncle Brax. I guess being the oldest he has had some experience with Casey when he was a baby, but those little scenes were a nice touch. Heath and Bianca bought some laughs into looking after a baby this week; it was some light relief in the story when they were looking for the dummy, pity it didn’t last for long. Natalie moving in with Leah is good, even the house out a bit, although it might be tough for Leah after what she founded out at the end!!!! Didn’t like the way she was trying to spook Natalie away from Brax though, let the girl make her own mind up! Laugh out loud moment tonight was John answering the phone with a ‘Hello Darling’ only to realised it was a service provider company on the other side :lol:

Roll on this week!


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