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I've been watching episodes a few days after they're on lately, so I can't quite remember which day it was.. but when Harvey was helping Alf move boxes and they were talking about Roo I realised I'd been paying more attention to a dog that seemed to be walking in and out of the door behind Alf. I don't think I heard a word of the conversation, which probably indicates how much the storyline interests me. You don't seem to get many animals in the Bay...

Haha! I did exactly the same thing! I've no idea what Alf and Harvey were talking about, I was thinking, "Is that Dag Dog?".

Drunk Marilyn was great yesterday, so nice to see her let her hair down once in a while and show her fun side :D . I wonder what the secret Stewart hangover cure consists of?

It's a shame Tim's gone as I had begun to like him, especially when compared to Harvey, and it's a shame that she's sticking to the 'safe' option. Judging by her ongoing feelings for Tim, perhaps it's not wise to agree to get married to another man so quickly. Again I found Harvey quite obnoxious today, surely if he wanted to keep an eye on his fiance and her business partner then he should have kept quiet. Instead he disturbs them so much they're forced to leave, have their meeting elsewhere and end up talking about their mutual feelings for each other rather than business!

I am surprised that Liam has decided to break things off with Indi. I think it's a shame that their relationship never went anywhere as they seemed to work well together, but I can see exactly what Liam is thinking and it was very mature of him to go about things in this way rather than warn Romeo to stay away from her. It's quite clear that Indi still cares a great deal for Romeo (as mad as she is to want to go there again) and Liam is right to remove himself from the situation before it gets too serious between him and Indi, and let her make the same mistakes again if that's what she wants to do.

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Parts of today's episode felt quite tongue-in-cheek.

Can't really say I get all that excited about the stuff with Harvey and Roo but some of their scenes seemed very comical. The part I really liked was when Alf put his foot down and told both of them off and told Roo to decide who she wanted to be with.

I know Indy's had a lot to deal with and I'm not entirely sure if she's aware that she's even doing it but I think she sending mixed messages again to both Romeo and Liam. She accepts the marriage is over, sleeps with Logan, then wants to give things another go with Romeo when he appears to have moved on with Ruby, then decides she wants to be with Liam, basically tells Romeo the marriage is over then she can't take the fact Romeo doesn't want to be friends with her (which I think was the right decision at this particular time) and then Liam has to practically grovel. She'd then rather spend time hanging out surfing with Romeo being friends again than she would going on a date with her boyfriend. Not surprised Liam finished with her. She's been out of order and I don't think he wants to be messed about.

Can't really blame John for getting drunk with Marilyn. She must be better company than Gina at the moment. And it almost feels like Gina needs Jett (and wants Jett) more than she does John.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four.

After watching today's episode I can only think..."Huh?"I have no idea why Liam broke up with Indi(assuming that's what he did, the conversation seemed almost absurdly casual).Or rather I do know why, I'm just not sure why he'd break up with her because of that.So, she cancelled a date with Liam and went surfing with Romeo.Fair enough, that's pretty poor girlfriend behaviour and she did seem to enjoy Romeo's company.But she seemed to enjoy Liam's company just as much, with that walk on the beach(even if she did get self-conscious when Romeo showed up)and her behaviour towards him at the restaurant right before he dumped her.It feels like Liam instantly expected her to be as comfortable with him as she was with Romeo, when obviously that's going to take time and having Dexter wind up in hospital the day they got together obviously didn't help.I think there's always going to be chemistry between Romeo and Indi but frankly that's all it is, whenever they actually try and do something about it one or both of them just ends up miserable.I'm coming to the conclusion that they're just not mature enough to date each other, let alone be married to each other, they need someone else.Liam could have been that someone else but it seems he's not going to get that chance.

The Marilyn stuff and Alf's cure were quite amusing.As for Tim, it's now obvious he was just there to provide a temporary obstacle for the writers' preferred couple(which I guess was Liam's function too).I can't say I was particularly keen for Roo to go off with him, even though I'm not sold on Harvey either.I think I literally held my head in my hands when Harvey won Roo over with his announcement he wanted to get married straightaway then promptly told her to quit the job with Tim.And now he's made another hasty decision...

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The best thing about Friday's episode was Marilyn's hang over, I chuckled every time I saw her, so unlike our usual in control Maz!! So well played as well, no immediate recovery and not overplayed either, the :puke: when Ro brought up (sorry) the serving of bacon, eggs, sausages, burgers, and her telling everyone to stop 'shouting'. Wow that was some miracle cure, sleeps for the whole day and wakes up cured. Then she came out with that well know phrase "I'm never, ever,ever, ever going to (and in unison with Alf & Romeo) drink again!".

I can see why Liam broke up with Indi (though as she said they hadn't even been out on a proper date yet). He can see better than her she isn't over Romeo yet, and doesn't want either of them getting in to deep and getting more hurt. I suspect he realises he is a rebound. I know it sounds odd, as they are married, but that scene of Indi and Romeo on the beach and him spraying her with water worked wel, a reminder of when they first got together and it was light hearted they way it should be between boy and girlfriend.

Harvey went and done it again didn't he! :rolleyes: Got the proposal right, thanks again to more nudging by Alf, then ruins it all again, by banning her from working with Tim again!. I know it's a well known cliche, but this time it really wasn't what it looked like when Harvey saw Roo kissing Tim (goodbye). Alf didn't agree but I think Harvey was right to be off to the city, he and Roo need some distance between them.

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Wasn't expecting to see Melissa again.Disappointed we didn't get to see Lottie but there was a photo of her in the background and the promo indicates she's going to appear before too long.Quite like the idea of her at drama camp, hope we get the chance to see it develop.Anyway, Melissa was surprisingly nice to Harvey.Erm, maybe a bit too nice.Not sure what I'd prefer, him to get back with her and Lottie and disappear or get back with her and bring her and Lottie!!! back to Summer Bay.Either way, hard to care much about Roo's constant dramatics.

Guess we were meant to feel sorry for Romeo stuffing his knee up again but hey, he's an idiot, he's acting like a petulant brat as usual and I wouldn't mind if he did wreck his surfing career for good. Meanwhile, I'm still left thinking Liam's doing the wrong thing for the right reason.I'm glad that he and Indi made things up but when they were walking off together at the end I was left with an overwhelming feeling of "Why are you breaking up?!"For all Liam's claims, she seems as happy and relaxed with him as she's ever been with Romeo.One surfing session does not mean Romeo and Indi should get back together.It's exactly the same problem as Liam with Indi only more so:They can have a laugh as friends but if they get back together it'll soon be all seriousness, money worries, jobs that they hate, arguments over surfing careers, getting jealous of each other's exes and friends of the opposite sex...I groaned when Indi made a beeline straight for Romeo after breaking up with Liam and was quite glad he told her to get stuffed.If only I thought it would last.

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My take on last week! -

Monday – Welcome back Jett!!!! Although he hasn’t been gone long it was nice to see his face. John made me laugh with his voucher, bless him he was trying his best all day to cheer her up and I can see why he felt the need to rant (of a sort) when she failed to turn up. Surely a phone call wasn’t too much to ask? But the way his face lit up when Jett tapped his shoulder was sweet, but yet again he was left out of the picture when Gina took Jett to get takeaway, can’t she see what she’s doing? Casey confused me, does he want Brax and Natalie together or not, he really is sending out mixed signals at the moment, but I am glad Brax tackled Gina’s worries with him head on, and that it was solved there and then. I also enjoyed his scene with Sasha on the beach and I’m glad he’s got someone he’s willing to open up too.

Tuesday – Felt sorry for April at the beginning of the episode but I was glad she was there when those nurses were talking about Dex, I’m not sure why he tried to get out of bed though, but the final scene was very touching and it nice to see them together again. I also liked Casey’s chat with April and I’m glad she listened to him. Sasha’s straight talking towards Dex was a bit out of nowhere but truly in character and it’s nice to see that she is treating him the same as she would’ve before the accident. The Brax and Natalie stuff was good, but I don’t see what Leah achieved be telling Natalie that she had feelings for him in the past?!?

Wednesday – I’m glad that Heath and Casey have finally sorted things out, it about time. His reaction to holding Rocco was less than great though and I hope this will pass. His scene with Dex was also sweet and I’m glad he finally paid him a visit. The rearranging of his room was a bit random at the end, but I’m sure we’ll see the reason for this in coming weeks. Dex and April back together made me happy, although her continuous mother hen act might start to annoy me very soon. I’m glad he finally took his first steps though and it was nice to see Sid there helping him along the way. April still didn’t look very happy though, and I do wonder if she’s finally realising the true extent of his injuries?

Thursday – John and Marilyn, simply perfect. I loved their little drunk conversation about silver lining and their previous conversation at the diner, and my heart did break a bit when John said that he would have to get used to his own company for a while :( In true Palmer style, John made me laugh though when he tried to get the last drop out the bottle and disappointedly realised it was empty, then bumbled home and tried to tell Gina about her being his silver lining. Ok so lying about the meal wasn’t the right thing to do, but yet again he was left on the outer at the diner and when he told her that he can’t drop everything just to spend time when it suits her to include him she still failed to realise what she’s been doing!!! So you can’t really blame him for wanting to spend some time with a friend that wants him around and enjoys his company! Don’t get me wrong I like Gina, but it just seems at the moment that she’s doing everything she can to annoy me!!!! Welcome back Tim, again. This saga seems to be pointless, it just a way of stirring up trouble for Roo and Harvey. Marilyn falling onto him was the funniest thing in that household this week!! One positive out of this is that Alf gets more screen time!!

Friday – Marilyn, never change. She was great on Friday and Alf’s hangover cure was classic. Pity that all of it happened under the same roof as the shouting festival. Roo has been a bit childish in all of this, and I think Harvey has the right to feel a bit paranoid about the whole thing. I must admit having not liked Harvey in the past, he is beginning to grow on me and I did feel sorry for him when he saw their goodbye hug/kiss. I thought him leaving was a bit sudden though, but I’m glad he knew that Alf was on his side when he left. Is that the last of Tim? The character had potential I think if only he hadn’t entered the Roo and Harvey whirlwind! Romeo and Indi were a delight tonight and I enjoy seeing them having a laugh together, and I think Liam did the right thing calling time on him and Indi.

Roll on this week


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What a nice scene between Leah and Liam where he explains the reasoning behind breaking up with Indi. I'm glad she heard it too, and that she now understands where he was coming from. They do have very good on-screen chemistry (likely because the actors were probably seeing each other at the time of filming) and I would be happy to see them remain good friends, if not a couple. Liam is a character that I never really had any opinions about until recently, but I've really begun to like him. I just wish they'd give him a bit more to do :) .

I can't feel very sorry for Harvey, as he made far too rash a decision leaving SB like that without even attempting to speak to Roo about what he saw. Yes it looked bad, and honestly I would probably react in the same way rather than confront them. I did like that his first port of call was to go and see his daughter, even if that meant having to make small-talk with his ex-wife. It was clear quite early on what was going to happen between him and Mel, so I could have done without the writers' constant hints. It's just a shame that this tired cliché had to be rolled out again.

Romeo and his knee don't interest me. As Red says, he's an idiot, but at least he and Indi haven't already got back together. I'm on tenterhooks as to when and how they'll fall back into each others arms <_< .

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Yes cadyctslover, that was a nice scene between Leah & Liam and good that Indi overheard so she knows why he backed off from a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Gave her a bit of a shock when Romeo didn't fall at her feet when she told him her and Liam weren't an item anymore. Could that have been behind his reckless idea to throw himself into training? The swimming was OK, weight bearing, the little paddle on on that board and a quick surf fine, but then he had to go for those sprints which was definitely pushing his luck. I'll skip over how he managed to get himself to hospital, but his reasoning that he wanted to get back to what he loved was a bit lame (sorry no pun intended), if he wrecks his knee for good, he won't be able to will he? I do so hope he isn't going down the anabolic steroid route, though it would be an interesting storyline on the dangers of taking them.

We see Lottie tonight, wonder if she will suss what mum and dad got up to.:wink: It was pretty obvious what was going to happen, she was far too nice to him for a start. She reminds me of an English actress, though I can't think of her name. He really opened his heart to her and for her part Mel wasn't all sneery about Roo as she has been in the past.

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Absolutely loved that scene of Harvey and Melissa near the beginning, with her joking about them getting back together and their rather interesting double talk about their bout of ex sex.Whatever else you say about Harvey, Marcus Graham has brilliant comic timing:His bewildered "So we haven't broken up?" while on the phone to Roo was the funniest moment of the episode.And Lottie!!!Man, the moment she appeared on screen, jabbering about rewriting Shakespeare, I was reminded of just how much I'd missed her.I seriously thought we were never going to see her again when she got packed off to live with Melissa and while she's been left behind again, I hope this is evidence she'll continue to pop up when needed.(And looking into my crystal ball, place your bets now on the likelihood of Melissa turning up pregnant in a few months' time...)

It feels like we've waited a bit too long to get a pay off for VJ's aggressive attitude towards Liam but at least we got there in the end.And it actually worked out quite well, with him taking on the role of parental figure for VJ and Jett and getting them to sort out their differences.I was going to point out the contradiction of Liam saying you have to own up to your mistakes and then covering for VJ but it seems the contradiction was deliberate and inspired VJ to own up.Nice touch too that Jett both does and doesn't know about Liam's rock star history.And a reminder that Liam has a son out there somewhere, hopefully that'll be followed up on.(Although Leah/Gina's remark about leaving it too late to bond as a family seems rather simplistic:Look at Sasha and Sid.)Nice to see some interaction between Liam and Natalie now they're living in the same house too.

Also tempted to say we did Casey stressing about being locked up and nearly drowning last year but it was sufficiently different so I'll let it slide.The sequence was a bit confusing but I'm guessing that Casey fell asleep on his board and started dreaming about what happened with Danny, which is possibly why he's been staying awake?Also wondered if the working out was because he thinks he'll need to toughen up to survive in prison, his reaction to Brax suggests he's already partly in that headspace.(Hmm, more equal opportunities hitting among the Braxtons.)Not sure how I feel about Brax breaking into Casey's room:He had sufficient reason to worry but I'm getting a bit tired of his he-man way of handling things.

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Found the scenes really funny with Harvey, Melissa and Lottie in Tuesday's episode. Wouldn't have predicted this several months ago but I actually quite like Harvey now. And as I mentioned before his scenes are very comical at times.

I did feel sorry for April previously when Sid had a go at her but she seriously annoyed me yesterday. Does she actually think she knows more than people who have had experience with patients such as Dexter for years and have probably had to deal with them week in week out? So when Sid was saying that the best thing for Dex (quite correctly IMO) was to go to the city so that he could receive 24 hour care with the facilities for a proper rehabilitation program and April was arguing with Sid that Dex should come home, just I'm guessing so that she could look after him and be closer to him I was frustrated. I was also frustrated when Sid thought like a father instead of a doctor and gave into Dex's emotional blackmail and decided to allow Dex to be discharged so he could come back home. Don't get me wrong I don't blame either of them - Dex isn't himself (contrary to what he said to Sid in that scene) and so obviously doesn't want to go to an alien place, be around people he's unfamiliar with and not have his family around him. And it must of been very difficult for Sid seeing his son like that. I thought it was a very emotional scene and you could see Sid was almost close to tears and at that moment thought with his heart instead of his head. So when April very patronizingly told Sid he made the right decision I thought Sid was too diplomatic with her. I thought he would have been well within his rights to lay into her like he did that time when Sasha was with them. I think Sid has made the wrong decision here and I don't think it will be fair on Sasha who's a young girl with a life of her own. I don't think it will be fair on Indy who is going uni and has to balance that with her job at Angelo's. I don't think it will be fair on Sid himself who has a hard enough job as a doctor. And most of all I don't think it will be fair on Dex who I imagine will have a much harder and longer time recovering.

Very disappointed with Bianca regarding her attitude about Heath looking after Rocco if she goes back to teaching part-time. I was also disappointed with Irene too. Considering some of the people she's given second chance to I thought she would have made more of a case for Heath looking after his own son. I'm not sure what Bianca's problem is exactly? Does she actually think Heath will harm Rocco?

Sick to death of Casey/Brax/Natalie stuff. Although Heath's Casey's brother I was disappointed he was involved too as I would much rather see him interact with Bianca and Irene than the other Braxtons at the moment. Only other things to say are if I was in Casey's position I really wouldn't be happy with my counselor dating my older brother. And Casey hitting Brax...hmm.

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