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Mel & Harvey have come along way (ignoring the sleeping together) since the first time we saw her. Lovely to see Lottie again and in her usual no nonsense way got her dad to see sense, btw when did she get so interested in drama? I notice she didn't mention Dex, unless it was off screen. Mel took the news Harvey was going back to Roo pretty well I liked the 'I thought you said it was over, I thought it was' chat. I hope if Roo and Harvey have one of those 'no more secrets' chats he tells her what happened.

I guess VJ had to come round to liking/accepting Liam in his own time, you can't force adults to like someone let alone kids. His handling of VJ & Jett's scrap went someway towards it as did his owning up to breaking the vase, which prompted VJ to own up by himself. I thought it was sweet that Jett had heard of Liam, and got all excited. VJ's throw away 'I liked the second chord best' was funny. I know you shouldn't judge on size and age, but Jett is 13 (as Gina always likes to tell everyone) and VJ is 11 despite TPTB telling us otherwise, but did you notice they are the same height? I had a feeling Leah talking about why Jett had come back to Gina and John that he would want to talk to Ash, hope he won't let his ex hanging up on him doesn't stop him trying again.

Last nights certainly packed a lot into it. April really doesn't have a clue about how tough it's going to be for everyone having Dex back home. He's going to need 24 hour care and although Indi, and Sash love Dex the girls just don't have the experience or time to give him the care he's going to need. Sid can't afford to give up work to be there all the time. I can fully understand why Dex feels he would be better at home around familiar surroundings rather than be sent off to the city, in his current state of mind he does feel as if he is being abandoned. He may be getting there physically but his memory isn't what it was. Maybe after a while at being at home, he'll realise what it is costing his family and decide by himself to go to rehab. A double edged sword his getting that letter from uni showing his high distinction results, it showed what he was capable of and yet it showed what he can't now do. That head doctor got it spot on that Sid should be acting with his head, not his heart, easy to say though if it's not your child. Still no news from (or about) Jody, where is she Outer Mongolia?

Then there was Casey and his turmoil, I'm glad he felt he could talk to Nat again, though I don't agree about him being like Danny, he knows he can be aggressive, him hitting Brax like that was out of the blue, but at least he recognises it which means he can get help, something Danny would never have done. I thought Casey fell off deliberately, but when he was going down and 'saw' Danny came to his senses. I was wondering if toughening himself up meant he was preparing to be able to look after himself when he went inside. Was getting that tat another reason, to show he was part of a gang. What was that map all about, it seemed both Brax and Heath knew all about it.

I was disapponted in Bianca and her reaction to Heath offering to look after Rocco while she was at work, and Irene didn't help. At least he realised having him at home wasn't a good idea, he looked so hurt when she more or less suggested he wasn't capable. She herself wasn't sure she could handle having Rocco home after the problems they had with him. Why not have a trial period where she maybe goes out for the day and see how he gets on?

I see from the trailer Maz accidently drops John in it with Gina. I loved Maz's handbag earrings btw.

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I know you shouldn't judge on size and age, but Jett is 13 (as Gina always likes to tell everyone) and VJ is 11 despite TPTB telling us otherwise, but did you notice they are the same height?

Regardless of when VJ was born(actually less than 11 years ago), he's in the same year as Jett and they're clearly meant to be the same age, give or take a few months.

Agree with a lot of the earlier comments about Sid and April.I do find April annoying pretty much all the time but her continuing self-righteous attitude towards Sid really does make me wish someone would slap her down.And I think Sid is going by his heart rather than his head, most people would have difficulty turning Dexter down given how desperate he is but deep down he knows this isn't the right thing for either Dexter or the rest of the family.To be fair, while April probably does want it to be easier to spend time with Dexter, I think she is doing what she thinks is best for him:In a way, she and Sid are coming from the same place except she's naive and arrogant enough to think that they're the best people to look after him.Still, now she's intruding in the Walker household and making what should be about them even more about her.(Guess we can assume April and Dexter have given up their new place.)I just find their scenes together really awkward still.

It's a shame because I think April would be better used in the other storyline.She managed to be in the same room as Heath and Bianca for about twenty seconds yesterday, which seemed like a waste.(And if her phone was in the next room, why didn't she hear it when she rang it eight times?Unless it was on silent.)I was annoyed by how dismissive she was when Heath spoke to her but glad she had that talk with Bianca anyway.Bianca not trusting Heath to look after Rocco was disappointing, I don't think she meant he'd intentionally harm him but still, they're both new to this and I don't see why she thinks she's somehow able to handle it and he isn't.If she was that worried, she could have asked someone to look in from time to time rather than just telling him to stay away.Disappointed but not surprised that Irene gave the advice she did, she's always been rather cold towards Heath.Loved the way Heath took the initiative in going to help the Walkers and was the one dragging Brax around for once and glad Brax stuck up for him with Bianca.At least she's giving Heath a chance now.Interesting that he wasn't won over by her being all kittenish around him, I suspect not too long ago he would have been.

Even though I basically like Casey, I'm getting a bit bored by the way his storyline doesn't seem to be going anywhere and just seems to consist of the same characters having the same conversations.The chat between Casey and Natalie was utterly meaningless and just shows how incapable she is of helping him or looking at his problems objectively, she's so blinded by chemistry she's convinced Brax can sort him out.In reality, Brax has piled heaps of pressure on Casey, trying to turn him into the Braxtons' hope, the one who's going to keep his nose clean and make something of himself, and he's feeling he can't live up to it.I wonder if that's why he got the tattoo, to say "I'm nothing special, I'm the same as the rest of you."

I can kind of see Gina's point, since John did lie to her.But I was disappointed that she firstly seemed so determined to think the worst of him and secondly got on her high horse instead of considering why he lied.Is this about the problems they had earlier in the year, over John lying about their financial arrangements?Possibly a bad move to lie again given all the trouble he got into but still, I wish she'd listened.At least Marilyn had something to do, with that and her helping out the Walkers, which was nice to see.

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How nice to see Dex back at the farm with the family. Really good to see the Walkers pulling together for him, and Dexter's sense of humour shining through!

I understand Sid's trepidation, as he wants to do the best for Dexter as his father, but also as his doctor. It would certainly be beneficial for him to be transferred to the city to be treated at the rehab centre there, but in the short-term it will be good for Dex to return to some form of normality.

I thought it was really nice of Heath and Brax to offer to help Sid adjust the farm to suit Dexter's needs, one of the only scenes in memory that I've not spent the entire scene seething with hatred for Daryl! Then I also found myself agreeing with his serve at Bianca. He wasn't too agressive about it, just reminded her how much Heath has changed recently to offer Rocco two stable parents. I don't think Bianca honestly thinks Heath would deliberately harm the baby, but perhaps she feels he is not responsible enough to look after him alone. I wish they had communicated more this episode, and that Bianca had properly explained her doubts.

I'm not quite sure why Gina reacted the way she did, I do think it was a bit OTT. I understand that she doesn't want to be lied to, but nothing happened between him and Marilyn, and once he'd explained that she should have taken his word. She has been excluding him from decisions regarding Jett recently, whether she was unaware of it or not, and it's completely understandable he would want to blow off a bit of steam with someone else. It just happened to be Marilyn who was there.

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I thought that was a really lovely gesture of Heath's to offer to help Sid move in the equipment for Dex, (and his idea). Guess he got the idea from April. Sid's protest "I can't ask you to do this", Brax - "You didn't, we offered". Heath's response "After all you did for Rocco, I owe you one". Must admit it made me rather misty eyed, then later when Marilyn brought over the food (touch of Colleen there) to save them not having to cook made Sid feel very touched that people cared so much. Both April and Brax did try and talk Bianca round, but it wasn't until later when Brax told her what he had at Sid's she had a rethink. So glad he (Heath) didn't fall at her feet in gratitude and is going to make her wait. April had calmed down last night and was much more reasonable, still not convinced she knows what is going to be involved. Of all of them Sasha seemed to be the only one unsure about him being home. It must have felt demeaning for April to cut up his spuds, but once his co-ordination improves he'll be able to manage by himself again. Definitely a flash of the old Dex when Sid reminded him he used to dribble down his chin when he was a baby and he said "the night is still young". :D Like you red I was wondering about the flat, maybe under the circiumstances the agents returned the deposit and cancelled the lease?

Gina did overreact, it was hardly a secret assignation between Marilyn and John, it was in a public place, Angelo's even, it was an on the spur of the moment decision by John and Marilyn could have easily have said no. Good for Marilyn not getting involved and insisting Gina ask John, I'm glad she told Alf though. Even when John told Gina the reason why she was still thinking the worse of him, because he had hit a nerve maybe and doesn't want to admit it.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.

Well, not sure where to start with this one.Casey is increasingly coming across as someone right on the edge and he may actually have gone over it, he seemed completely withdrawn and mechanical in this episode, even if he did manage to give Sasha some fairly good advice about Dexter.Even with his...treating Sasha in a way you wouldn't normally treat a friend at the end there, it seemed like he was just going through the motions rather than actually feeling anything.Not sure why Kyle seemingly spent all day following him around or if he was still there at the end.I did wonder if he was trying to get Casey alone but then why not do something when he was seemingly alone in the house?(He was watching him on the beach earlier so presumably knew where he'd gone.)

While Roo was obviously going to find out about Harvey and Mel at some point, I wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly or for Harvey to just come out and say it like that.You could see he was mulling it over throughout the day, with his reactions to everyone else.I thought maybe John and Gina had cleared the air for a moment there but it seemed like he was still feeling left out when she was messing around with Jett at the end.Not sure how I feel about that, aside from Gina treating Jett like he's half the age he is:She didn't go out of her way to include John but in a way he seemed to exclude himself by sitting around on the couch.I'm almost beginning to wonder, given that it's about three years since Gina became a regular and that tends to be how long the actors are contracted for, if they're writing her out soon and want to split her and John up.It's hard to imagine Jett leaving so quickly or Gina leaving him behind though.

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I was quite interested in the Casey/Sasha stuff today. It really felt that they both were on completely different paths during their time in the woods. Casey's mind was completely somewhere else whereas Sasha effectively saw it as a date under the guise of looking out for him. When Casey was telling her how well she's handled herself despite finding it hard to see Dex in the state he was, it felt like he was just telling her what she wanted to hear whereas to her it seemed like Casey was really saying something special. Again when he came onto her near the end (not that I blame him and might have done the same thing had I been in his position) he seemed like a robot, completely devoid of emotion whereas Sasha closed her eyes in absolute pleasure. I said this before and this applies even more-so now but he's not in the right head space for a relationship. Although again it's understandable him cracking onto her because at the moment from his perspective he doesn't have a future and so has nothing to lose.

Not sure why that guy was stalking him by the way. I thought it had something to do with Danny at first but he didn't look like Danny's accomplice (at least I don't think he did).

I couldn't understand at first why John seemed unhappy at the end but then I thought about it and recalled the way he held Marilyn's hand and perhaps he has feelings for her. And the way she was I think it could be mutual.

When I first saw the trailer for Romeo overhearing Harvey I thought he was going to get on his high horse and get all defensive about Roo but he was actually OK about it. I do think Harvey did the right thing telling her. Don't really think it would be wise going into a marriage with that hanging over him. Even though I found the stuff with him, Melissa and Lottie amusing I was still disappointed that he cheated on Roo. Not because I particularly care about Roo but because Alf fought his corner and when he finds out he will probably be thinking why he even bothered and that Harvey hasn't changed at all.

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Interesting to see Kyle again, I thought like you Red he was waiting for him to be alone, then when it turned out he wasn't going to be cleared off. He must have thought it would be too risky fronting him at home. Casey really was in a strange mood one moment treating Sash off handily, then showing concern about her doubts looking after Dex. His "It's who I am" remark when she commented on his tat didn't soumd that convincing. If they are planning to be there all night, hope she's told someone where she is, Sid doesn't need anything esle to worry about.

I'm the opposite to you Slade I was thinking Marilyn was reading too much into John grabbing her hand. I don't think Gina was meaning to exclude John when she was mucking about with Jett.

Personally I'm glad Harvey came clean, all those chats about fessing up to things, Marilyn feeling guilty about John 'coming onto her' and should she tell Gina was driving him mad. It would have torn him apart if he had kept quiet, true it didn't help Romeo overhearing, but he is the hardly the best guy to ask advice of about 'cheating'. As expected she didn't react well, is it just me or does Roo's voice grate on anyone else?

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Another week gone -:

Monday – I’ve grown to like Harvey over the past couple of weeks, but Monday he did a mistake in going back to Mel’s after leaving Roo. Although the hug/cheeky kiss thing between Roo and Tim did seem a bit weird he should’ve stuck around and waited for her to tell him the truth in person rather than jumping to conclussions and running away. I did like the normal scenes we had between Harvey and Mel though, made a change to all the screaming we were used to. Why did he have to throw away a good phone though, hasn’t he heard of a little thing called a Sim card he could’ve easily replaced? Romeo’s need to surf and compete really is annoying, surely the use of his legs is more important than the surf, and he should’ve listened to Marilyn and Alf instead of risking everything. The crack noise we got when he fell was horrible!! And Liam and Indi have finished something that didn’t really start. But the chat they had about just wanting to be friends was sweet and I’m glad it was resolved without too much drama!

Tuesday – Casey really needs to talk to someone. The state of his room was creepy, and then falling off his board, it wasn’t hard to figure out that something was going on. I think it would’ve been better if Brax had talked to him before bashing his door down though. Despite that I don’t think Brax deserved a punch for his troubles. So Harvey kissed Mel, Lottie returned with a piece of advice, and him and Roo kiss and make up. Yes Harvey this will defiantly work out now, because you’re not lying or anything!!! When will he ever learn, Roo always finds out these things, always!! Nice to see Lottie again though. Leah’s household this week was sweet. Jett first of all getting star stuck meeting Liam Murphy (assuming he listened to the CD, he should’ve recognised him before now!!) Jett and VJ building bridges and becoming proper mates, I like seeing these two together. Jett and Liam’s chat about how they treated VJ was nice( Liam playing video games is great but he mentioned that Jett bought his games round next time, so can we please before this see John and Jett playing video games, that could be interesting!!!) The Liam and Leah had a heart to heart which was sweet, and I’m glad Liam and VJ are now friends again, make a more peaceful household.

Wednesday – Glad that Heath and Brax tidied Casey’s room for him and that Brax shared his fears with Heath rather than trying to solve everything himself. Nice to see Natalie having some sort of luck with Casey. The tattoo seemed painful and didn’t seem quite right for Casey. But I guess I have to get used to it, as it won’t go anywhere anytime soon. Sid and Dex were really sweet, and I’m glad that Sid changed his mind and allowed Dex to come home. I can understand why he was angry with April though as she doesn’t always see the bigger picture. Felt sorry for him when he was sitting alone in that room, bless him. Bianca and Irene annoyed me a bit, I know Heath hasn’t always shown his best side but I think they should at least give him a chance to look after Rocco before judging him. He had every right to feel angry when she told him; she should know that not everyone is perfect.

Thursday – Ooh sweet Marilyn, you have nothing too feel guilty about. Yes John lied, and it was wrong but why is Gina making such a fuss about it? If it was Alf he would’ve lied about having a meal with, would she be making such a fuss? Still I hate seeing them like this, and when she told him that she couldn’t trust him again it upset me, he just poured his heart out and then she breaks it all over again :( I will always be on John’s side; I just wish Gina would see it from his perspective for a change! .The Walkers were great and Dex coming home made me happy and it was nice to see them have a happy moment around the table when Dex failed to cut his own food. I also liked the fact that they addressed Sasha’s fears of looking after him when he tripped by the car. I love this family at the moment, they have a great dynamic. The community coming together was nice to see, Marilyn with her food and Brax and Heath helping get the house together. Nice to see them doing something different to the other going on’s in their lives. I’m glad Brax told Bianca what they had been doing, now that Bianca knows that Heath can be responsible and has tried to change, she will hopefully give him a chance to help her out a bit more with Rocco.

Friday – Poor Marilyn made to feel awkward in her own space. I’m glad John tried to apologize for dragging her into his mess, and it would’ve been fine if not for Gina’s very bad timing!! The sauce issue was just random but I’m glad that Jett was there before it boiled over, Gina really didn’t really need to bring anything up there, and she just made everyone apart from herself feel awkward. Nice to see John go round to Marilyn’s to explain he situation to her and his little speech was sweet. I do think that the hand holding was nothing more than a friendly one and that Marilyn read a little bit more into it, but I like the fact that she felt the need to tell someone about the moment. Glad the John explained to Gina why he does these things and how he just wants everything between them to be perfect, and the moment they had in the kitchen was lovely. It was good to see them having a laugh while doing the puzzle until Jett came in and everything returned to the way it was, and John was once again feeling alone :( Casey and Sasha going bush I really enjoyed, I really like their friendship and the fact that Casey trust her. She made me laugh when he took off his shirt and she saw his body, and the tattoo, plus her comment about the axe was classic. And finally they kissed, but I doubt this is the start of a love story after seeing the preview for next week. Kyle really freaked me out though, and his face when he saw the tattoo was not one to be messes with. I’m glad Harvey told Roo about his night with Mel, although I think we know it going to be another break up/ make up story for them. I wonder if he would’ve spilled if Romeo didn’t know though. I also liked them helping Marilyn with her dilemma.

Overall a good week, roll on next week :)


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