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I'm afraid I'm a bit behind, and have only just watched Friday's episode:

It seems strange that Roo keeps going on about them having a big wedding, it doesn't ring true for me. From my experience of her character she would want a small ceremony with family and close friends, and perhaps these details are being fudged to fit the storyline. I'm glad that Harvey decided to tell Roo about what happened in the city, but I didn't think he would own up to it so quickly. I was also surprised that Romeo realised he had no place to judge him, and decided to stay well out of it.

I don't think Harvey is a good enough character to stay on too much longer, but I did actually feel a bit sorry for him here.

I thought the little moment between John and Marilyn was really lovely, and it was good of him to explain why their evening last week was inappropriate (even though I don't think it really crossed any lines). It's pretty clear to me that his real feelings lie for Gina, and even if he has been looking for comfort in Marilyn, it's more as a friend than anything else. It felt like a nice piece of character development for him to mention his ex-wife, and what he learnt from the collapse of that relationship.

It was also nice to see Casey and Sasha finally getting together, even if Casey doesn't appear to be all there at the moment. Shame the writers have seemingly abandoned their previous plans for Casey. He is no longer the unique member of the Braxton brothers, aiming for a better life away from the seedier side of his family. The huge tattoo quite aptly puts the fact in writing as well :lol: .

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I'd like to be able to say how nice it is to see all the Walkers together but...it still feels like April is dominating things.I realise it's partly my problem for not liking April or her relationship with Dex, because I loved it when Xavier filled that role earlier in the year, but I'm really hoping her ego takes a battering soon because she seems to have gone back to being annoyingly and inappropriately chirpy.Sasha is the latest person to be pushed over the edge because of April harrassing her, not thinking about anyone else's feelings and not knowing when to shut up and as usual, Sasha was the one that ended up looking bad. I thought at first that that scene with Casey and Sasha would show her in a better light but it soon devolved into her being uncharacteristically meanspirited about Heath(does no-one involved on this show realise that rubbishing a pairing that some people like just makes us resent the new pairing?)and then giving obvious and patronising advice and acting like she thinks she's being clever.I'd really love it if she did take the way out Dexter's offered her and get lost but sadly I don't think I'll be that lucky.

Don't know what to make of Casey, I'm not sure if he knows deep down that he's treated Sasha badly and feels lousy about it or if he really just doesn't care.While I was in favour of Casey and Sasha getting together at one point, I think that, after a period where they seemed to glamourise teen sex and have everyone's first time be a wonderful experience, the show does seem to be portraying it in a more balanced manner, such as giving Romeo a series of casual and ultimately unfulfilling liaisons instead of going down the obvious route of having his first time with Indi or sticking April in a casual relationship with Heath instead of having the big deflowering scene with Dexter, and indicating that sometimes it just causes problems and doesn't bring people closer together at all.Here, we have Sasha losing her virginity to the boy she's been after for months(although it's some way into the episode before that's made clear)only to find that it hasn't changed anything between them.In a way, getting them together now would be a cheat.Shame that interesting idea is buried under April being annoying on one side and Brax and Natalie being annoying on the other.Who in their right mind would get Natalie to make a psychological report on Casey?She's obviously biased and any decent prosecutor would have her evidence labelled unreliable in seconds.While I like that Indi went after Sasha and found out what was wrong with her(let's face it, no-one else was going to)and confronted Casey, sadly that just seems to be a plot device to get Brax involved and have more repetitive scenes between them.I didn't realise until we saw the clip on Friday that Casey's tattoo was the same as his father's, which says a lot about where he's at at the moment.

While Alf's reaction to walking in on Roo and Harvey's latest argument was a highlight of the episode, I really can't care about their latest drama and it's disappointing if understandable that Alf was so quick to play the heavy father with Harvey.In a way Roo's brought it on herself but Harvey should really have checked his facts before copping off with Mel.

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Dex continues his streak of bringing the tears for me. So thoughtful and kind of him to try and offer April a way out when he's in such a bad way right now and struggling himself. I just love him, do I think he deserves better at times? Yes but I think April loves him and she's trying her hardest in her bordering on/while sometimes definitely entering irritating April kind of way. I agree though I'd like to see more of the other Walkers featured rather than the emphasis on April and Dex. I'd be happier if she went back to the beachhouse and let the Walkers deal.

That being said. I think she's trying her best.

The Walkers continue to make this programme for me, they are all a brilliant family and very believable. I hated that Dex overhead Sasha saying how rubbish it'd been since he returned. His little face, he was so hurt bless him and he's handled all this so bravely. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I was mad at Sasha for a bit but she's a young girl struggling with lots of things, her brother, her sexual encounter with Casey, being burned by Casey, so I get why she snapped but man if that was my brother, i hope i'd never say it and he'd never hear it.

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This trial is not a done deal - I'm assuming that Brax just guessed that's what Casey was thinking about and didn't have any details of the discussion Natalie had with Casey earlier on as we all know it's supposed to be private and confidential. I think there's an argument Casey was out of order with Sasha. He knew that she was into him and used that to his advantage to sleep with her (again not that I blame him). I think the scene where he dropped her off in Brax's car was very telling. Casey seemed to still be in autopilot mode whereas Sasha was on cloud nine. I don't blame Indy for going round to Angelo's to have a go at him. In Casey's defence I don't think he used her as some sort of object, as he said I think he doesn't want to get into anything because he believes he's going to jail for a very long time. I hope they can work it out.

What Sasha said about Dex was harsh and it was especially harsh Dex overhearing like that but she was just being honest. Sasha was obviously feeling worse because of what happened with Casey but I feel this is a taste of things to come. I really can't see this situation being sustainable in the long term and I'm hoping eventually Dex will realise how difficult it is for everyone and hopefully go back to hospital to be rehabilitated properly. Even though she was only trying to help, I still found April annoying when she was effectively mollycoddling Dex whilst he was trying to eat breakfast.

The stuff with Harvey and Roo seemed more serious but I was still laughing during some of their scenes. I really liked the way Harvey was made out to be the victim despite being the one who actually did the cheating (Was he actually cheating or does that class as being on a break?) and Roo still kind of felt guilty. It's a shame he fell out with Alf and that was one things I was concerned about last week but I still found it funny when Alf had a go at him. TBH not sure where I want the relationship to go from here.

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I suppose Casey feels he has no choice but to think the worst will happen when he goes to trial. He did go along with Danny willingly, only he & we know he was only doing to see how far Danny would go. I'm in two minds as well about Casey not really being bothered about hurting Sasha, even if he didn't want to take it any further the way he responded to her yesterday means he's lost a good friend.

It took Casey long enough to open up to Nicola in the first place and they don't have that much time to get a new counsellor, but seeing as he has in effect told her he's done with talking it's all academic.

Although Sasha had other things (Casey) on her mind she did notice how low Sid was when she got home and he'd been drinking. Although I can see Sid's point in wanting to keep things consistent for Dex by being the only one to take him to his round of treatments, it's not going to do him any good in the long run, he'll be exhausted. Liked how Indi was getting the roster for cleaning/cooking sorted. April may think she's helping Dex, but he needs help not fussing over, case in point being her remarking about his pouring the milk in his bowl before putting the cereal in, so what! Saash's comments about Dex were unkind, but she was being honest, though she was mortified he'd overheard. She is only 16 and it's a lot to take on board. I loved her being all sisterly by having a go at Casey on Sash's behalf. Dex explaining to April he'd understand if she wanted to walk away until things got better and he wouldn't hold it against her was so sad. The actors/actresses who are playing the Walkers have been brilliant.

As far as Harvey was concerned he wasn't cheating as he thought he and Roo had broken up, though as she said it didn't take him long to fall in bed with someone else, even if it was with his ex, which may or may not make it worse. When Alf had a go at him he didn't know that until Harvey told him. It certainly was the quietest I've seen Roo which has to mean it really hurt her. To be fair to Harvey it wasn't planned.

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To say that Harvey didn't cheat because he thought he and Roo had broken up is missing a few important details. He didn't confront Roo and Tim to find out what was going on, nor did he answer his phone to her after he made up his mind to leave. In fact he threw his phone out of the window! So it's his own fault that he jumped to the wrong conclusion, they hadn't broken up, and so he was cheating.

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So I see April's acting like she owns the place. I seriously could have throttled her today. I don't mind Indy or Sid getting annoyed with Casey because at least they've got good reason but seriously what's it gotta do with her? She was just annoyed with Casey because his brother did the same thing to her i.e. used her for sex. I do think quite a big deal has been made about this. Sasha has been wanting to get together with Casey for ages. OK so they're not a couple but she wasn't exactly fighting him off and furthermore we could see how much she enjoyed it. I accept that Casey could have been more affectionate with her afterwards (or at least pretended) rather than acting like it was nothing but I really don't think it was a case of him using her like an object. I think from his perspective he really likes her as a person, values her friendship, finds her attractive and at that moment thought he'd try his luck. I think in a funny sort of way he was trying to not get to emotionally involved because he thinks there's no future for him and so doesn't want to think about getting into a relationship and doesn't want to lead her on in that sense.

I know it's not his fault but the more I think about this situation with Dex, the more I think how selfish he's being. He is clearly quite prepared to let April go because he loves her and doesn't think it's fair to burden her but I believe he has some idea of the effect it's having or will have on Sid, Sasha and Indy but he's OK for them to all of them to put themselves through the stress of taking turns to look after him, in addition to doing school, college, work and general duties around the house/farm. I know they're his family and there is an argument that it's their duty but it feels like to me he holds April a lot higher than he does them. Personally if I was in that position I wouldn't want to burden my family no matter how badly I wanted to go home. It's very similar to when Sophie from Neighbours got badly injured in the car crash and although she wanted to go home they sent her to the city because it was the best thing for her, although at least she has the excuse that she's a child. Dex on the other hand I think is fully aware.

I've said before that I actually really like the friendship with Roo and Marilyn. One of the reasons is because they were sort of enemies before so I think it's quite nice they get on so well now. I quite liked their interaction today and I'm glad Roo didn't burn the photo of Harvey. I'm kind of on the fence as to whether he deserves another chance but I just wouldn't want the relationship to end because of one minor moment of weakness. Especially considering it wouldn't have happened if Tim hadn't come along trying to put a spanner in the works.

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I know it's not his fault but the more I think about this situation with Dex, the more I think how selfish he's being. He is clearly quite prepared to let April go because he loves her and doesn't think it's fair to burden her but I believe he has some idea of the effect it's having or will have on Sid, Sasha and Indy but he's OK for them to all of them to put themselves through the stress of taking turns to look after him, in addition to doing school, college, work and general duties around the house/farm. I know they're his family and there is an argument that it's their duty but it feels like to me he holds April a lot higher than he does them. Personally if I was in that position I wouldn't want to burden my family no matter how badly I wanted to go home. It's very similar to when Sophie from Neighbours got badly injured in the car crash and although she wanted to go home they sent her to the city because it was the best thing for her, although at least she has the excuse that she's a child. Dex on the other hand I think is fully aware.

I actually disagree but I guess it's the good thing about this storyline that you can envoke different reactions and feelings. I personally if I was from a loving family like The Walkers and my dad was a doctor would definitely want to stay at home. None of this accident is Dex's fault, in fact while it's not even directly Indi, she was the one Ruby was aiming for, why should he, the innocent injured party in all this be punished and sent away when he's feeling at his lowest eb. It's like Casey said a week ago 'he cant push his family away because he's too connected'. I don't think Dex is being selfish at all, he promised Sid he'd do what he told him if he took him home and it looks to me like he's done just that. And the Walker family are stronger and fiercer for aiding him through that. I'd be seriously disappointed in it all if they just shipped him off to the city. I don't really care if it's tough on Indi and Sasha and Sid or not, he's their family, they owe him this, especially wiith the amount of times Dex has supported them over the years. Having to stay with him sometimes and cook a meal isn't exactly a huge sacrifice. It's tough for them seeing their loved one like this and struggling but many, many people go through this in real life and end up caring for their family member at home, I for one think it's very important to show that. I think Dex pushed April away and offered her an out because as the girlfriend she could potentially remove herself from the situation, his family can't. I don't think he's being selfish in the least letting them help him, it's what familys do when times get tough, support and carry one another through it.

When Sid said he had another child and wanted a family meeting to discuss what to do, both Indi and Dex could have said we want nothing to do with them but they didn't they united, supported their dad and accepted their new unknown sibling, now's the time to support Dex.

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Episodes like today's remind me of how much I despise April at times, she really is an awful character and the show would be better off without her.This storyline about the Walkers having to cope with Dexter's disability should be a good one but it isn't because of the insistence on sidelining the family and trying to make out that April's the perfect girlfriend in the perfect relationship when she's clearly nothing of the sort.I'm sorry to say I've stopped caring about Dexter and pretty much hope he doesn't get better so we'll be spared the sight of him and April skipping through fields together.And yet I know it's going to happen because the show would never be brave enough to leave him this way long-term.That scene of Dexter and Sasha making up should have been an important moment but instead it practically plays out in the background with far too much emphasis given to April's reaction.And just when I think I can't hate April more, we get that awful scene with Casey, where I was screaming at her to shut the hell up, mind her own business and stay out of it instead of acting like she's suddenly queen of the castle.She really is completely self-absorbed and thinks only the problems that affect her matter and doesn't care that Casey's got a few problems of his own, as demonstrated by her "Why haven't you visited us?" yesterday and her yelling at him to stop bothering them before she even knew what he'd done today.And while she's making his childishly simplistic treatises about sticking by the people you love, we get the far more realistic admission from Sid that he's scared Dexter will never get any better.And the frustrating thing is that, as with his fears Dexter wouldn't regain consciousness, he'll probably turn out to be wrong and April will be rewarded for breezing around acting as though everything's going to be fine.

Casey's storyline seems to be going nowhere fast and the only interesting thing about it, his messing Sasha about, gets pushed aside because of April stick her oar in and stopping them having the conversation they both needed.Can't blame Sid for being angry, I suppose.I think there's no doubt that Casey treated Sasha badly, as he clearly knows:It's all right saying it's okay because she enjoyed it but what she enjoyed was thinking that she'd shared something special with the boy she'd liked for ages and that they were going to be a couple, not "a bit of fun."Even if Casey didn't make any promises, he should have known if he thought about it that it'd mean something to her.And even if he can't give her what she wants, I think him talking to her and explaining how he feels would have helped her.Instead, we have Brax discovering the tattoo because he manhandles Casey and rips his shirt, then being an utter jerk to Natalie, and both of them still treating him like a saviour.Everything that's presumably supposed to be an important moment just falls flat.Casey didn't tell Brax and Natalie anything that they and we didn't already know yet it's written like a huge revelation.Brax and Natalie kiss but they haven't been acting any different since their "break-up" anyway.Kyle doesn't do anything new except talk to Casey and when Casey doesn't know who he is so what?And just how long are Brax and Casey planning to be away?Given that Casey's out on bail on a murder charge, you'd think he'd be making regular visits to the police station.

I think it's a grey area whether Harvey cheated on Roo, since he thought they'd broken up but they hadn't.Roo planning to burn all his stuff was a bit childish and what I assume was Marilyn's little piece of reverse psychology almost backfired.

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To say that Harvey didn't cheat because he thought he and Roo had broken up is missing a few important details. He didn't confront Roo and Tim to find out what was going on, nor did he answer his phone to her after he made up his mind to leave. In fact he threw his phone out of the window! So it's his own fault that he jumped to the wrong conclusion, they hadn't broken up, and so he was cheating.

Missed this one last night. Anyway, you've reminded me. I wanted to mention last week it was a draw dropping moment for me when Harvey threw his phone out of the car. That was an iPhone. I'm sure it was. Don't know if it was the 4 or 4S but those things cost anywhere between £300-500 and unless it was a contract phone and he has some sort of insurance I don't imagine he can splash money out for a replacement just like that. Regarding Harvey actually cheating when you put it like that I think you may be right. The evidence was circumstantial at best and he didn't even confront Roo or speak to her.

I actually disagree but I guess it's the good thing about this storyline that you can envoke different reactions and feelings. I personally if I was from a loving family like The Walkers and my dad was a doctor would definitely want to stay at home. None of this accident is Dex's fault, in fact while it's not even directly Indi, she was the one Ruby was aiming for, why should he, the innocent injured party in all this be punished and sent away when he's feeling at his lowest eb. It's like Casey said a week ago 'he cant push his family away because he's too connected'. I don't think Dex is being selfish at all, he promised Sid he'd do what he told him if he took him home and it looks to me like he's done just that. And the Walker family are stronger and fiercer for aiding him through that. I'd be seriously disappointed in it all if they just shipped him off to the city. I don't really care if it's tough on Indi and Sasha and Sid or not, he's their family, they owe him this, especially wiith the amount of times Dex has supported them over the years. Having to stay with him sometimes and cook a meal isn't exactly a huge sacrifice. It's tough for them seeing their loved one like this and struggling but many, many people go through this in real life and end up caring for their family member at home, I for one think it's very important to show that. I think Dex pushed April away and offered her an out because as the girlfriend she could potentially remove herself from the situation, his family can't. I don't think he's being selfish in the least letting them help him, it's what familys do when times get tough, support and carry one another through it.

When Sid said he had another child and wanted a family meeting to discuss what to do, both Indi and Dex could have said we want nothing to do with them but they didn't they united, supported their dad and accepted their new unknown sibling, now's the time to support Dex.

Firstly I said at the first part you have quoted that Dex wasn't responsible. As you've said none of them are responsible. The only person to blame for all of this is Ruby. I don't agree that sending him away is punishing him. That is a matter of opinion. What about the fact that if they sent him to the city he will have constant access to a specialised unit with some of the best facilities that will probably actually speed up his recovery, rather than have a physiotherapist or nurse come to the farm twice a week. How is that punishing him? He will actually be able to interact with other people in the same situation with him which might actually help psychologically too rather than being stuck in the farm most of the time (which is what I suspect will happen). To me how he's feeling at the moment is completely irrelevant. I don't think it should be about how he's feeling. It should be about the best possible way for him to recover. He was accessed by a team of highly skilled doctors/nurses and they ALL decided that going to the city would be the best thing for Dex (bearing in mind they've all been doing this for years). Even Sid thought that was the best thing for Dex as a Doctor. And if it has been someone else's child in that position and they wanted to bring him home I think Sid would have tried to talk them out of it. Even if Dex did go to the city he would be down for a little while but I think he would have been OK. Again whether they owe him anything is a matter of opinion. Dex has actually known Sasha for less than two years. And the Walkers themselves haven't been in the soap for that long so we don't know what's happened with Indy and Dex for her to really owe him anything (I'm trying to think but I can't recall anything at the moment). I think there's definitely an argument that Sid possibly owes him because I understand the implication when the Walkers first turned up that Sid wasn't the best dad but I don't think it should be about owing him. You don't do something because you want something in return. Family should be about love and duty. And I feel there's an argument it's their duty to do the best thing for Dex personal feelings aside. It's not just about staying with him and cooking him a meal though is it? This will be a regular thing and I will imagine they will have to help him do other things until he's fully recovered. So even if they start off managing it will eventually catch up with them. These are two young ladies. Both of them having to go to school/uni and balance that with a part time job. It would be different if there wasn't any other option but why should they sacrifice their future especially when there is an alternative. I believe Sid knows what affect this will have on them which is why he's refusing to let Indy take Dex presumably to the hospital because he doesn't want to put any pressure on her. And we can already see the affect this is having on Sid. He's now turned to drinking to try and cope with the pressure. When you balance that with the type of job he has to do, long hours, sometimes double-shifts, people lives are in his hands, how is he supposed to do that effectively and look after Dex too? Yes I believe Dex is being selfish. I'm still not entirely sure if he's consciously being selfish but he's expecting his family to look after him on top of all the other things they have to do when there is IMO a opinion a far better option.

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