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Quite a good episode, although I still think the humour is missing these days, it felt like they got the balance right today. Needless to say it's always nice to have a completely Braxton-free episode.

The competition between Jett and VJ was quite good fun, and I hope they continue to build on their friendship. I continue to really like Jett, as I find his character very interesting. His defensive and ultimately defeatist attitude following the loss to VJ is very realistic, and it's good that they've got room to improve on that as his character develops. Is it me or is the surf carnival far later in the year than it was last year? I suppose it makes it closer to summer this time though.

I want to call Romeo an idiot for putting such strain on his knee, but I understand his motivations. It was also nice to see him encouraging VJ to push to achieve his potential, even though he really shouldn't be applying the same advice to himself. Although surfing is his lifelong ambition, and this is one of the last things he actually control, why potentially ruin everything now for one competition. Then of course when he actually does wreck it he's in a pretty bad situation out in the surf. The promo also suggests he's going to buy steroids from Heath to keep on track with the training, which just goes to show that after narrowly surviving drowning, he still doesn't come away with any sense!

I also enjoyed the interaction between Liam and Sid today. Although Sid clearly has a lot to deal with at the moment, it did strike me as odd that he would get in the car and drive to a secluded place at the roadside to get drunk. His outburst at the wheel at the end of yesterday's episode suggests he didn't plan to stop there beforehand, but then why did he have a bottle of whiskey with him?

Anyway, I'm glad Liam was the one to find him and help him back home. It's also nice that he can be a friend to Indi without anything else going on, as she really needs to focus on her brother's recovery. Although he was drunk I did think it was nasty of Sid to bring up Liam's failed relationship with his son, and his past problems with alcohol and drugs. Liam wasn't trying to take the moral high ground, just relate Sid's current problems to his own experiences and show him how to move on. Despite this their scenes together today were enjoyable, and it made me wish this show would spend at least half as much time on friendships as it does on relationships.

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It is nice to see Liam continue to be there for the Walkers even though he and Indi aren't a couple.I liked the way that Sid seemed to come to his senses and sober up a bit the moment Liam told him that Indi was worried about him.And Liam seemed to take Sid's backchat on the chin and realise he was just sounding off.A good episode for Indigo too as she takes charge of things and makes it clear to Sid that he's not going to be allowed to carry all the responsibility on his own.It was a nice touch that someone actually thought about how Liam would get his bike back after rescuing Sid.(And not a mention of April!)

Good to see John and Jett bonding again, I'll give Gina the benefit of the doubt and assume she didn't want Jett pressured when she didn't support John since she didn't make any objections when Jett agreed. Annoyingly, she's still being suspicious of John and Marilyn, although Marilyn isn't helping by acting guilty whenever the Palmers are around.Nice to see VJ involved in the action too.Romeo actually gave him some good advice, although as cadactyslover said he really shouldn't think the "Don't listen to other people, if you believe you can do it you will" mantra applies to him.I wouldn't wish death on him(well, probably not)but he's being such an idiot I do hope he ends up wrecking his knee for good.When the promo came up, I thought "Are they going to do it?"They lasted a while but yep, there's Romeo, alive and well, after a cliffhanger where we're meant to worry he's in danger.I agree the surf carnival's a lot later than last year:The fact we're two months behind doesn't help but in terms of the Aus transmission it's at least four months.Maybe it moves around?

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That big talk Casey finally had with Brax and Nat certainly lifted his spirits, it must have been a huge weight off his shoulders to tell them he shot Danny, whether he inteneded him to die is debatable.

I liked he realised what he had done to Sash and that he went there to apologise and although a shame April intervened and stopped him she did hear him say he was sorry. Maybe they'll catch up with each other away from the house. I can understand Sid having at go at him, but he didn't force her into anything. I guess Sid confronting Casey at Angelos's must have happened off screen.

I could be wrong but didn't Casey meet Kyle before when he was with Danny once (as when he saw him at Angelo's he acted as if he hadn't) or was that Brax?

Very nice interaction between Liam and Sid, Of course Liam (or anyone else) that hasn't had a relative go through that would understand what it is like, but they do have Dex back and the real Dex is still there, he's just a bit lost at the moment. Liam was the right person to find Sid and get him back on the right track. Sid's remark about Liam being a fine one to tell him about drinking when he'd been a junkie may have sounded right to him, but actually the fact Liam had been there made him know exactly what he was talking about. His little quip when they got back home about a doctor advising him to look on it as a wake up call was nicely done. Well done Indi for standing up to Sid regarding who was going to be taking Dex in for his treatment as and when needed, much easier for everyone all round to take it in turns. Cadyctslover, I guess maybe he was taking the whisky home.

One moment Romeo is acting all wise when he was being supportive to Veej, which was lovely, then acting like a right plonker when it comes to himself. He 'listened' to both John's and Alf's advice then went right ahead and ignored it. I do hope Heath doesn't actually get him the drugs he's wanting and tells him to go take a jump.

The John, VJ and Jett scenes were great, John didn't favour one above the other, he gave equal encouragement to both. I really, really don't know why Gina thinks something is going on between John and Marilyn. I think the reason Maz is so jumpy is she thinks John is being overfriendly, when he's just being John.

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Please please please I hope Heath doesn't get the steroids for Romeo! I am finally liking Heath And I'm beginning to admire that he is turning over a new leaf and making a go of a decent life rather than being all Riverboy like.

Also re Gina, she will push him away if she carries on. She is grating in me. Little bit. She finally has what she wanted, a family with John and Jett, and she's going to ruin it!

No Dex and April in today's show. I'm a hopeless romantic, and them two are just too cute.

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Please please please I hope Heath doesn't get the steroids for Romeo! I am finally liking Heath And I'm beginning to admire that he is turning over a new leaf and making a go of a decent life rather than being all Riverboy like.

I too was very surprised disappointed that Heath agreed to supply Romeo with steroids. I didn't feel as though Heath necessarily had his mind elsewhere (Bianca and Rocco), he actually seemed to be taking pleasure that the 'pretty boy' of the bay was going to such extremes. Instead of telling Romeo to use his brain and allow his body to recover, he agrees as long as Bianca doesn't find out. If he really wants to be taken seriously as a father figure by Bianca he shouldn't just try to hide these dealings from her, he should be avoiding it altogether!

Contradicting everything I just said, I do think Heath is capable of looking after Rocco independently, and Bianca shouldn't be behaving the way she is. The recap reminded me she told Heath he could look after Rocco as long as it was at the Beach House :rolleyes: . Her accidental double-booking of babysitters was really subtle, and would it have been so hard to ask Irene to stay in during the day and keep an eye on the two, rather than make Heath feel terrible?

Although Gina appeared to organise lunch with John as a way for them to be able to spend time together, she immediately launched into a lecture about honesty in relationships, and used it as an excuse to bring Marilyn into the conversation again. It made me really angry when later she told Bianca that she and John had had a fight, which just made me scream 'No Gina, you started a fight with John!'.

Elsewhere, Roo and Harvey's problems continue to continue.

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I think it was Marilyn that met Kyle before, I don't think any of the Braxtons had.

Well, Romeo continues to be an idiot.And Bianca continues to show a lack of faith in Heath which is disappointing, double-booking him and Irene rather than, as has suggested, being subtle and just asking Irene to pop in from time to time or keeping an eye on them sent out completely the wrong message.I was disappointed that Heath agreed to give Romeo the steroids.Was their scene together the other week really about setting this up?It didn't show either of them in a good light as it was.I do think that this is Heath acting up because of Bianca's lack of trust in him, that he's having one of his "People are always going to think the worst of me so I might as well do it" moments.But that's no excuse and it's a shame.As with Brax, it kind of undermines the way that Irene and Bianca are beginning to improve their opinion of him since they're only getting half the story.

Guess most of us never thought we'd see the day when John was sticking up for Harvey.Shame it only served to stoke Gina's paranoia.At least Jett seems impressed with his "middle-aged ironman" antics.

And personally, I'm glad to be having a break from April and Dexter.They just get on my nerves, especially when they're together.(Well, Dexter can be okay on his own sometimes.April not so much.)

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Please please please I hope Heath doesn't get the steroids for Romeo! I am finally liking Heath And I'm beginning to admire that he is turning over a new leaf and making a go of a decent life rather than being all Riverboy like.

The recap reminded me she told Heath he could look after Rocco as long as it was at the Beach House

Yeah i had also forgotten that had happened. I just think she is being insanely over annoying when it comes to Rocco. When i read what is going to happen

Rocco's Death

i just thought ohhhh dear, Poor Heath. I Dont want him to go back to how he was. I like softy Heath!!!

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Thanks for that Red, I knew someone had met Kyle.

One good thing came out of Bianca's 'mix up' about who was looking after Rocco, Irene is now on Heath's side! Btw how sweet did Rocco and Heath look when they were asleep on the bed. :wub: He is trying so hard to be a better person and Bianca was a bit harsh regarding the baby rocker. Don't forget though Bianca is a first time mum so is bound to be over protective, especially as Rocco was premature. At least Gina was able to reassure her she wasn't being paranoid as she had been the same when she had her first.

Doesn't look good for Rocco going by the trailer, but it looks like Heath did the right thing in getting him to hospital. As for what you said 630si, what will it do to them

(Heath & Bianca)


Shame it looks like Heath is likely to wreck everything by supplying Romeo with steroids. Is Romeo aware of what else steriods can do him? The "It's just between us" is the kiss of death.

Shame Gina didn't heed her own advice after inviting John to lunch so, I guess, they could have time together she immediately spoilt it all. John knows he overstepped the mark by revealing more than he should have to Marilyn, but that was more the drink talking than him. I not even sure Marilyn remembers much about it and she is no gossip so would never talk about what she was told.

I loved Jett calling John A Middle Aged Iron Man, :P could have been worse, could have been an Old Iron Man!! :lol: Gina had better watch out it could become John & Jett and she'll be the one being pushed out.

Do wish Harvey & Roo would get them sorted out, but I can see their relationship being one that thrives on rowing, making up, rowing, making up etc.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Roo was in four.Irene and Leah were in just one each.

I surprised myself by actually really enjoying Brax and Casey's scenes in the bush.It feels like there's been a shift in the relationship and they're treating each other like equals now, which is long overdue.I hope the show continues to portray them like this.Casey's acknowledgement that things can't just go back to how they were before is another thing that I hope gets taken to heart.I could have done without the two latest Braxton groupies swapping notes though.That brings back bad memories and just makes Natalie seem like even more of a substitute Charlie.

Disappointed that the writers have chosen to have Rocco get ill the first time Heath looked after him alone.It's probably not Heath's fault but it'll look like he wasn't keeping a close enough eye on him.It did seem like he knew something was wrong when Bianca phoned but chose to keep quiet about it(because he hoped it could get sorted quietly?), which could look bad for him.

For the first time, I found myself wondering why exactly Harvey's bothering with Roo.Her demands were pretty unreasonable and I think he should just cut his losses and walk.I did love when Alf stresses he can't give Harvey any advice, then Harvey asks for some and he obliges.

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Doesn't look good for Rocco going by the trailer, but it looks like Heath did the right thing in getting him to hospital. As for what you said 630si, what will it do to them

(Heath & Bianca)


I dont know, I assume it will be something like

Biance will blame Heath for whats happens, and pushes him away perhaps?

Red Ranger, i also felt a bit like Nat was a charlie replacement in the latest episode. There were almost identical scenes between Bianca and Charlie at the beach, there's boy trouble, they get coffee and talk about it. - Having said this, I am glad Brax is able to move on. For a soap, they've not done too bad with that one!!

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