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I'd like to say well done Heath for acting so quickly when Rocco was crying, some gut instinct told him what with Rocco having been born premature and the health problems he had, it was more than a babys normal crying. I guess he decided to act first then tell her than wait about for her to get home. As we saw in the trailer Bianca got on her high horse again, but just consider this if she had been alone at home with him what would she have done, exactly what Heath did. Close 630si.

The Nat/Bianca chat seemed pretty weird swapping Braxton brother stories.

Those scenes with Brax and Casey were great, Brax still acting big brother and wanting to find what was bugging Case, but at the end as you said Red, they were more on level footing. Casey had accepted his future and seemed a lot happier than he has in a long while. I got the feeling that when Brax turned round to Casey at the end he was going to say "I love you", but decided against it as maybe sounding a bit soft for a Braxton. I assume Kyle must have knocked Casey out as he is no push over.

Poor old Alf he keeps getting dragged into the Roo/Harvey battle, as if he has ever had any influence over her. His final words of wisdom were spot on though - why did Roo choose Harvey - he had been the only one who didn't put up with her nonsense.

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Another week gone -

Monday – Casey and Sasha drama was good. It a pity that they can’t be happy though. Dex and April’s heart to heart about him holding her back was sweet. I also liked his cereal scene. Sid in obviously struggling though and it a pity that he can’t seem to accept help from anyone. April and Indi with their list were great, pity Sasha came in and spoilt thee moment!! Nice to see Indi there for her little sister though. Harvey and Roo weren’t as annoying as I thought they would be. I do feel sorry for Harvey in the sense, that yes he was an idiot, but when has he not been. And she needs to remember that she did kiss Tim and considered leaving Harvey for him, so in my opinion I can’t see why she was making such a fuss about everything. Hoping there will be a kiss and make up with them sooner rather than later to be honest.

Tuesday - Finally learned the truth about what happened in the cellar and it wasn’t really a surprise, but I’m glad he finally told Brax and Natalie. Brax seeing the tattoo was a very effective way, although I do think that Lincoln sometimes overreacts when Steve pushes him, he nearly flew over that wooden fence!!! The final scene of them driving away for their little trip was sweet and it was nice to see both of them smiling and having a laugh. Trouble is about though, now that Kyle has followed them. April and Dex again today were sweet, and I’m glad she’s sticking by him. Also a nice continuation with the cereal scene. I’m also glad that Sasha said she was sorry and that her and Dex were fine. Sid on the other hand is not fine, poor guy. I liked the fact that Liam was trying to help though and that he was there just in time, otherwise I think Casey would’ve received something more than a stern talking to. The scene in the car was heartbreaking, and I hope someone will help him soon. Marilyn is always there to brighten up an episode and here was no exception. Loved her little afternoon tea and the cleansing ceremony!! Alf’s idea of going fishing was awesome too! Glad that Roo did stop before starting the fire, now for them to get back on track and I’ll be happy.

Wednesday – Gina please just let it go. There was nothing between John and Marilyn only a friendly smile and work chat, but from somewhere she got the idea that there was something going on between them. Maybe it would help is Marilyn was less nervous/jumpy when around John, but it’s like she needs something to happen just so she can say she was right!! My darling Sid, why!?! I really did feel for him, but I’m glad it was Liam that founded him in that state rather than Indi or Sasha. Hopefully now he will accept the help Indi’s been offering and they can work together to help Dex. The dynamic the Walkers have is great, really enjoyed Sid and Indi’s chat. Really enjoyed the Surf Carnival stuff too and it was nice to see some rivalry between Jett and VJ. Plus some bonding time between Jett and John is always nice to see, the sweet conversation they had at Angelos, and then training on the beach. VJ talking advice was Romeo was also nice to see, and I’m glad that John didn’t takes sides while training the boys. As for Romeo I was bracing myself for another ‘crack’ from that knee of his. I was with Alf on this one, surely keeping use of his knee is more important than a surfing competition? The final scenes of him drowning were filmed well and it was good to see John being a Lifeguard, I think this is the first time we’ve actually seen him doing his thing, and going out to save someone. Nicely filmed underwater too!

Thursday – John the ‘Middle Aged Iron Man’ you are so adorable bless you. And Jett having a hero worship moment after he saved Romeo was sweet. The misunderstanding with the hand and the sugar bowl was awkward but funny in a way and I was happy they were planning lunch as I though they would’ve had a great time together. But I guess it wasn’t meant to be was it! I disagree with Gina in the fact that the Roo/Harvey situation is the same as theirs, it’s nothing like it. In my opinion the only wrong thing that John has done in all of this is lie about dinner. Gina is making a mountain out of a mole hill, something which was partly her fault in the beginning is getting out of control, and she really needs to let it go. Romeo, Romeo what is happening to you, you should’ve just listened to Alf in the first place. And he was a bit ungrateful when John pulled him out of the water, I am glad the Harvey helped John to get him back home though. Now I was thinking he will listen to Alf now at least, but no it wasn’t meant to be. His bright idea was to visit Heath and ask for steroids. So Romeo is going down this road, I just hope he won’t get too addicted to them and that he’ll realizes sooner rather than later that it the wrong thing to do. Heath and Irene looking after Rocco were cute. Bianca was bit annoying asking Irene to say as well, if she doesn’t trust Heath then she should’ve have stayed at home herself!

Friday – Nice to see Heath looking after Rocco on his own, but there had to be something going wrong didn’t there. I did like the fact that he took Rocco to the Hospital first though before getting Bianca. He has really grown up these past few months. I really disliked him, but now the character seems to be growing on me. Loved seeing Brax and Casey spending some time together. Brax pushing him into the water was funny and I enjoyed hearing about some of the things they used to do when Casey was younger. It very rare we get these brotherly moments between them so it was a nice addition to the episode. Felt sorry for Brax when he returned and realised that Casey had gone. I am looking forward to see what happens to Casey, and what will Kyle do. Harvey made me laugh; Roo was challenging to say the least. I do feel sorry for Harvey as it seems he’s the only one that taking the blame for this mess, where in all honesty it was a bit on both side. I really can’t believe she called the wedding off though, seemed a bit OTT. Please will they sort this out soon, and get back on track!

Next Week looks good (even though the Palmers didn't look happy :( )


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Have to admit to being somewhat disappointed that the writers have chosen to make Rocco ill again:It might be true that premature babies are prone to infection but I'd have preferred if the family had been allowed to be happy rather than being dragged back there.Bianca wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be and Heath probably did mess up by lying to her when she phoned but the question about getting him to the doctor quickly was a bit out of line.I'm still disappointed Heath walked away completely though, I was hoping Brax would convince him to go back.(Another sequence where Brax was quite likeable, by the way.)Irene's been a bit inconsistent in whether she's on Heath's side or not but I'm glad she stuck up for him a bit here.Is there some rule that all doctors have to have two names?The one here introduces herself as Alex Bennett(the name of a '90s male regular, confusingly!), then gets credited as Rosi Bennett.

I was surprised that Brax was so quick to think the worst of Casey rather than being worried about him, despite his recent behaviour, it seemed rather out of character.Despite her loyalty to Brax, Natalie demonstrated again that she really is out of her depth in the Braxtons' world:Leaving aside the fact that it's exactly the sort of thing Brax would do(he made a similar offer to Ruby a few weeks back), why would she be so shocked at the idea the police might suspect he had a hand in Casey disappearing?Has to be said that Casey's "strict bail conditions" can't be that strict if no-one's noticed he's gone yet.It seems a bit late in the day to suddenly mention that Natalie's still counselling Sasha and I wasn't too impressed with the way she went about it at first.It's kind of sweet though that, having got past the initial hurt, Sasha still cares about Casey and I hope he'll get a chance to apologise to her at some point.

Roo and Harvey continue to be the dullest thing in the show at the moment only enlivened by Alf's grumpy wise old man act and the desperate attempts to hide the fact that Leah's ballooned by now.

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Well, Good old Alf in his PJ's burping. Fantastic. We don't see enough people in their PJ's ironing or something these days!!

I hope Roo and Harvey sort things out on their boat ride. - how fantastic did them shots look of the boat, and the sea and the scenery. Any body else watch on 5HD??

With regards to Rocco, I'm on Team Heath again for this one. Bianca has been on at him for every little thing, I think if i was in his shoes i wouldnt want her to know straight away if it was something i may be able to sort out myself. Heath was probably scared that he would be seen as failing - after all it was his first day looking after Rocco. Imagine how impressed Bianca would be if he had a temperature, took him to see the Doc, who then diagnosed it as just a temperature, prescribed him something and then they were back at Irene's for when Biance got home from work. She'd be amazed he took the initiative to not worry her!! Poor Heath, cannot win. He shouldve stayed at the hospital though.

Anyone know why they have used a different hospital set than usual?

All in a ll a good episode, and this week looks really good


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Ok so, to answer my own question, they flew Rocco to the city, thats why the hospital is different! durrr!

Today's ep (Tues) was great. Had a giggle at Harvey and Roo on the Boat and their moment of passion!!

Things are looking up for Rocco at the moment, and it is about time Bianca realised how she has been and good on Heath for kind of accepting it and moving forward!

Im feeling very sorry for Dex, as is he, and when he said "I shouldve died in the crash" I really felt for him. I dont know if April staying at Irene's and Dex not even asking why she wasnt home was quite the right thing to happen but each to there own. And i was thinking just the other day that they seemed to have ignored the fact that April and Dex moved in together. It appears now April has given up the lease. I want them to get a happy ending. :(

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I think Heath left in case he said something he'd regret later on. I'm glad he asked/told Irene to go in his place so Bianca wouldn't be alone. A natural enough question about getting help earlier, I think it was the way Bianca asked it. I hope Bianca rings Heath and asks him to come back. I was glad Brax once he found out where he was and why didn't bother him about Casey and relieved that after his initial brushing Brax off Heath let him in to what had happened.

It was a big conclusion to jump to by Brax that Casey had run off, then thinking he may have topped himself, though it's not been unknown for that to happen. Luckily Nat seemed to be the voice of reason. As for Casey's bail conditions, he and Brax had only been out in the bush for a night and were planning to spend another night before coming back, Casey could have reported in before they left. Nice to hear Sash is still getting counselling and a natural conclusion by her that Casey told Nat about their night together. Very caring of her to try and get in touch with Case.

Loving Alf being the wise old man of the bay, even if it is reluctantly in the case of Roo & Harvey. He keeps telling them not to ask his advice and they totally ignore him, I reckon he should take himself off for a few days and leave them to it, they are supposed to be adults after all. VJ and Jett are less trouble.

Know what you mean about Leah, they put any more items on that counter to hide her bump we won't be able to see her at all. :D

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It sounded to me like Brax and Casey were meant to have been gone three days before he disappeared.If this whole thing gets resolved without anyone noticing he was gone, that really will be stretching credibility past breaking point.

I haven't been a big fan of Roo and Harvey but for once they didn't feel out of place here as they actually managed to talk their issues over calmly and sensibly.Shame it devolved into a semi-comical night of passion, which as Roo said didn't solve or change anything, but at least they talked things over and Harvey made a good point that they're both still there.Still not sold on them as a couple though and got a horrible feeling someone's trying to turn them into the new lead couple.

I was pretty annoyed a few weeks ago when April brushed aside Bianca and Heath because she was too absorbed with Dex, so I'm glad we got a reversal of that here and she finally remembered she has a family of her own.Nice to get some Heapril interaction and that she succeeded where Brax failed in convincing him to be there for Bianca and Rocco, then helped Bianca see things more clearly.Good that Rocco seems to be on the mend and it's brought Heath and Bianca closer.April actually managed to be halfway bearable and I was hoping they'd keep her and Dexter apart after that bit in the Diner so I nearly groaned when she turned up at the farmhouse near the end, although thankfully it wasn't too bad and we didn't have to endure any more forced cuteness.It's a bit late for them to address what's happened to April and Dexter's home and why April hasn't been using it but at least they got there in the end.Glad that Marilyn had been visiting Dexter and he just didn't remember because for a moment there I thought that was bad of her.I'm glad that the storyline basically played out with just Sid and Dexter because it increased the emotional impact of that last scene.Having Sid hear Dexter say what he himself was thinking a while back could well have given him some perspective and I think by the end he hasn't got any doubt that his son is still there.Which ironically comes as he's as unDexlike as he's ever been: There've been a lot of episodes recently where aside from the odd mistake or twinge you'd think there was nothing wrong with Dex but here he's robbed of all his quirks and end up utterly broken, which I found strangely compelling and I hope the show will resist the temptation to have him bounce back too quickly.Or make it all about April again.

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This afternoon's episode was very "feel good". I enjoyed all the airtime Marilyn had, and she was spearheading he sunshine in the walker household for Dex, very glad he wasn't feeli g sorry for himself anymore and sounding a little bit more like the Dex we know and love. My main annoyance is this whole Gina / John thing. She has absolutely no evidence of anything going on and she's asking questions like "do you want out of marriage" it just all feels very rushed, I know they've had problems in the past but in recent months they've been great together. He doesn't come home from tea one night and she and her thoughts start to ruin heir marriage. It's just a bit silly in my opinion. If they had been rowing for weeks or something before this meal with Maz then maybe i would understand it better. And for Christ sakes I'm not half worried for casey, it's been like 3 nights now since we saw him disappear, be nothing g left of him. Get to the episode in the dessert already it looks really exciting!!!!

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I'm watching the episodes tonight on Five and Fiver so looking forward to it! I agree completely on the Gina & John front, but I do think Gina doesn't seem happy except for when Jett is around. She's become reliant on Jett for her happiness and rejects Jon if Jett's unhappy, which isn't healthy. I think Marilyn is totally innocent, her nature is so sweet and kind that she wouldn't think anything of talking to Jon. I just wish Dex would hurry up and get better so he can be happy with April again, Sid clearly isn't coping. Also I wish they'd just let Bianca and Heath be happy for five minutes. :( excited for tonights eps! xx

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I'm watching the episodes tonight on Five and Fiver so looking forward to it! I agree completely on the Gina & John front, but I do think Gina doesn't seem happy except for when Jett is around. She's become reliant on Jett for her happiness and rejects Jon if Jett's unhappy, which isn't healthy. I think Marilyn is totally innocent, her nature is so sweet and kind that she wouldn't think anything of talking to Jon. I just wish Dex would hurry up and get better so he can be happy with April again, Sid clearly isn't coping. Also I wish they'd just let Bianca and Heath be happy for five minutes. :( excited for tonights eps! xx

Nice to know I'm not the only one with these thoughts about Gina. I think you're right, she is reliant on Jett, which is a shame. Enjoy your double bill tonight!!!

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