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I really really hope Marilyn doesn't do anything with John. She is oh so nice! And in the 'next Tom' bit at the end of today's show Jett appears to be storing a bit, hearing Marilyn say he tried to kiss her and he. Telling gina he did kiss her. Poor thing should try stay out of it as much as he can. I lt was lovely seeing Heath and bianxa happy in the bedroom. Yay for smiley scenes, and I'm really glad April and Dex managed to move past the awkward bit, I really hope they work out. I'm pro them two as a couple. All round a nice episode. No deserty stuff which was nice as the last few days were great yet Intense. We've only got a coue of weeks to the Christmas break now right? Boo.

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I'm guessing Indi's meant to have stayed over with Romeo at the hospital, it all seemed a bit odd.

I thought the April and Dex stuff worked a bit better in this episode, largely because they kept them apart for most of it.Dexter and Sasha's conversation here felt more natural and it's always good to see Sid, who seems to be slowly developing into the show's only sane man, getting involved.Not so keen on April's chat with Irene but I liked the sisterly scenes between her and Bianca, of which more later.So I grimaced a bit when April got sent back into the other storyline.Dexter's decking out the bedroom with candles and fairy lights was a bit cheesy and looked more like another seduction attempt than trying to make it feel like home.For a second, I thought April wasn't going to be won over by the gesture and acknowledge that some things don't have a quick fix but they're soon back in each other's arms.I'm assuming/hoping they just had a kiss and cuddle rather than going back to business as usual.

I never thought I would but I'm really loving Heath and Bianca, all their scenes were cute and funny.This is how Bianca works best, being forced completely out of her comfort zone and struggling to cope, her reaction on seeing the state of the Braxtons' house and Heath's fumbling attempts to cover were brilliant.I'll even come out and say that I think they work better together than she did with Liam.April accidentally bringing up that she's stayed over with Heath a number of times was the biggest laugh of the episode, I like that that relationship hasn't been forgotten which could have been the easy option.Also had to smile at Leah hovering behind that shelf as if worried she'll go over her mark(although we get a full shot of her real-life pregnancy a scene later anyway).Her and Bianca finding Heath's porn stash and Heath trying to blame it on Casey were great as well.Was that photo really Heath?What happened?And another cool bit of Heath kicking back with Rocco.Not too pleased to see Cheryl back though, the character always felt a bit pointless and they did right writing her out.(I'm hoping the "Next Time" means she's going to turn right back round again.)Did she really not go and see Rocco in hospital, as her "I want to meet my grandson" suggests?Even Danny managed that.Liked that we got a Heath/Sasha scene although I hope she doesn't listen...well, ringing Casey's a bit pointless with his phone having gone under Kyle's boot but I'd like a chat between them to clear things up when he gets back.I am slightly frustrated at the blase "when Brax and Casey get back", though.Does Heath know what's happened or is he just guessing they'll be back soon?What do the police know?Are Brax and Casey really going to sit in the middle of nowhere until next week because they've used up their episodes?And where's Darcy, who was meant to be part of this new family?

Continue to like the John and Marilyn possible pairing more than I possibly should, although they should probably wait a while before anything happens.John once more gets involved in a crossed wires chat, with Roo and Harvey this time.With Marilyn's comments to Sasha about not going after men when they're married, I think she might be more tempted than she wants to be...

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John once more gets involved in a crossed wires chat, with Roo and Harvey this time.With Marilyn's comments to Sasha about not going after men when they're married, I think she might be more tempted than she wants to be...

I loved that crossed wires talk between John, Harvey and Roo, his face when he realised what they were really talking about was great! The later conversation with Marilyn didn't go too well either, reckon we could be onto something Red. :D I was thinking that Red, why would Marilyn bring 'married men' into the conversation with Sasha? Wouldn't Casey's number just come up as unavailable each time Sasha rang it seeing as it's smashed to pieces? Heath did give her good advice actually. Heath may have been told the minimum of what happened, he did have other things on his mind. Don't forget Red, Brax, Casey and Nat have got to drive back this time, assuming, that is, Brax hasn't got a plane stashed away to use. :wink:

Loved the Bianca/Heath/Rocco moving into together, I don't remember Brax leaving the place in quite that much of a state when he and Nat took off? Bianca's face was a picture! Heath's bedroom certainly resembled a single (or ex single) mans, complete with mucky book stash under the bed and yes of course you took it off Casey! :wink: Loved the slip (and cover up) by April when Bianca went to use the socket by the door -"Oh that one doesn't work". I know Brax has been gone a few days and Heath has been at the hospital with Bianca but was that really all they had in the fridge?? Didn't Heath look cute when he was a little 'un, loved how embarrassed he looked when Bianca showed him it. :blush: Lovely scene of him and Rocco on the bench. I believe originally Heath didn't want Cheryl visiting Rocco when he was first born then of course after that Danny turned up and Brax got her out of town. :offtopic: I still keep seeing an older version of Roo when I see her. If folk in the bay don't want people just walking in why don't they just put the latch on, old debate but keeps coming up.

Thanks Red I realised where Indi was when it was mentioned Romeo was still in the hospital. I loved that chat between Sash and Dex, another flash of the 'old' Dex when Sash said it was her fault his planned seduction didn't work out and he looked up and said "Yes it was your fault" with his cheeky grin. I think that time apart helped both April and Dex, both got good advice, Dex from Sid and April from Irene and Bianca. Loved the "You're the genius, you work it out" quip Sash gave Dex when he asked what he should do. Loved the way he did the room up and April was right, they can't go back but they can go forward, looking on it as a new beginning.

I thought Jett liked John, why then does he appear to lie to Gina?

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Great to see Cheryl back, and her butting heads with Bianca was fun to watch. I liked that Cheryl finally accepted her when she stood up to her. I found it strange though that there was only fleeting mentions of Danny's death/Casey's situation. I guess as Heath doesn't know what's been going on with Casey and Kyle in the desert Cheryl sure won't, but I was surprised that there wasn't more of a reaction from her at the news her abusive ex-husband was dead.

The end of the episode was quite a shock,

I knew it was coming but I didn't know it was going to be today's episode. How tragic :-( .

especially when Heath and Bianca were finally starting to get on track. But I suppose that's how they keep things moving on this show!

I really like Heath and Bianca together, so I hate that this has happened. I know it's going to tear them apart, so I'm not looking forward to that.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Irene and Leah were only in one.

Well, surprising amount happening in today's episode, although a lot of it just seems to be setting things up for next week or later on.Can't really work out why Jett would twist the truth like that with Gina, unless he's genuinely made a mistake.Is it me or did Liam seem disappointed when Sid told him Romeo and Indi were back together?I can well understand the reaction, I'd rather he and Indi had made a go of things than her go running back to that car wreck, but Liam ended things so he's only himself to blame.I loved Sid's quiet word with Heath about his drug dealing, I think he's pretty much the only person who could say that and have Heath pay attention, Alf or Irene would have been too aggressive.Actually, he seems to be turning into the show's father figure, which makes me regret even more that they moved Harvey into the caravan park instead of him.Sleeping with his son's physiotherapist(if they went that far)was less recommended but I guess it underlines that this is hard for him too and that's his way of getting rid of his frustrations.

Cheryl being back reminds me of why I haven't missed her and the way she was written was ridiculous, as if she's literally been hiding under a rock all year:She really didn't know Heath was a dad, even though Rocco was born before she left and everyone else within a ten mile radius knew?Brax never bothered to tell her Danny was dead, even though he'd just tried to get Casey to stay with her?That must have been one heck of a phone conversation.Even the suggestion that she was testing Bianca with her behaviour doesn't really improve matters.As for the end...it's not looking good for Rocco and personally I think losing him would be a very bad decision creatively.Just how much trauma can they put one baby and his parents through?

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Yes, we all knew it was coming (and in true soap tradition it didn't happen until the end of the episode) but it was still a shocker. TPTB must be applauded for not revealing anything in the previous nights trailer. Brax and Casey will be coming back to one devastated Heath. This weeks episodes are going to be pretty fraught. I'm guessing Rocco hadn't been asleep all day and Bianca had fed him and put him down since Cheryl had had her dig earlier? Cheryl's remarks about putting whisky on her boys dummies and letting them cry didn't do them any harm did make my eyebrows rise! I think she may have known about Rocco being born, as I said in my last post, but before she had a chance to see Rocco, Danny reappeared and Brax got her out of town. Was her pushing Bianca a test or did it just happen? I'm glad Heath told Bianca about what Cheryl said about Bianca and didn't just stew over it. Btw was that Cheryl we saw snogging the face off the cabby? One way of getting out of paying your fare I suppose! It looks like Sid is going to let Heath off supplying Romeo with the steroids, seeing as he didn't even try to deny he had.

Liam did seem disappointed to hear Indi and Romeo were back together, is he still thinking it's too soon? Is this the start of a beautiful 'friendship' between Lisa and Sid, he does deserve to be happy, though I'm not sure of the ethnicity seeing as she is Dex's therapist, but at least she is single.

I was thinking that Red, did Jett just mishear what Marilyn told Roo or did he deliberately lie? Gina did look surprised that she (Marilyn) knew John was out of town and she didn't, but then she could have heard it from Alf. Now it seems as if he has left Alf to clear up his ****-up regarding the Carnival. At least it looks like Harvey will be earning his keep (not that was a loan Alf gave him).

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Another exciting week in the Bay -

Monday – The outback looks amazing. Really beautiful. I have enjoyed this journey with Brax and Natalie on the hunt for Casey. Really glad they found him in the end and that Tamara was clever enough to give them the signal as to where they were. Tamara came out of no where and that seemed a bit random, to think Casey had been lying there for almost a week, surely she could’ve popped up earlier? As for Kyle, what a nasty piece of work, despite this I doubt he would’ve killed Casey; he had plenty of chances, but took none. I couldn’t help but think that having a petrol bomb thrown at you would injure you more than it did. I’m glad Brax went to look for him though. What a way to meet your younger brother! The Indi/Liam/Romeo storyline seemed out of place tonight. It was nice to see Romeo admitting his problem to Indi and I felt sorry for him when she just refused to help him. It was a big step for him and I think Liam should’ve been more supportive and tell Indi to stand by him, rather than the opposite!!

Tuesday – Another great day out in the Outback. Nice to see Brax and Kyle chat rather than just fight (bar that one punch) and it was nice that they showed a more vulnerable side to Kyle rather than the thug that’s been portrayed previously. I do think that Brax should’ve taken him with them back to the Bay as proof that Casey didn’t run away though instead of letting him go, seems shocking that he didn’t think of it. But the suggestion of them going on the run at the end was sweet but stupid, I’m glad he wanted Natalie to go with them though. Poor Harvey wants to give Roo a wedding to remember but couldn’t afford it. I did like the fact that he asked Alf for a loan, and then Alf just dismissed him. Alfs’ cheque to pay for part of the wedding as a present was sweet, but with him being father of the bride, isn’t that tradition? Romeo you silly boy. But I’m glad that this happened, because it gave him a chance to realise what exactly he wants. The kiss between him and Indi was sweet and I’m happy they are back together. I did like the speech Sid gave him though!!!

Wednesday – More from the outback again today. Nice to see Tamara again, I just wished she had stuck around so that Natalie and Brax could’ve met her. I had myself wondering though what was she doing out there in the middle of nowhere, was she with Kyle, it did seem odd and the only flaw in what has been some great scenes! Brax and Natalie fireside scene was sweet, and I’m glad Casey decided to head back to Summer Bay, now they have a shot at making things work between them. I did like the final shot of Tamara looking on as they drove off. John is not having a great time at the moment is he, bless him. First of all loved that he was reading Harry Potter ^_^ and you could see on his face how much he is missing Gina and when Marilyn mentioned in the Diner that she saw John I’m pretty sure Gina’s face lit up. But you wouldn’t have guessed it the way breakfast went; jeez she does know how to make things awkward. Once again she made a mountain out of a mole hill with all the Marilyn stuff, and put an end to what could’ve been a sweet reunion! I did feel for Jett and I’m glad he had a little dig at them. His chat with John was sweet though, and it was nice to see John talk to him rather than treat him like a child and give him the whole ‘it complicated’ stuff that Leah always gives VJ. Secondly John headed back to the caravan all alone, only to bump into Marilyn. Another sweet chat between them (second of the episode!!) and his line ‘I’m happy when I’m with you’ did melt my heart :wub: And then came the move of the day, couldn’t help but laugh at the way she dodged him but then I felt sorry for him because he immediate realised his mistake, poor guy. All he needs is someone that makes him feel good, enjoys his company, and wants to spend time with him and at the moment that is Marilyn. Loves Gina, no question, but he enjoys spending time with Marilyn, poor guy’s confused, but he needs to sort it out before it gets way out of hand. Dex and April were interesting in this episode and I’m glad such issues are being bought up with Dex. Nice to see Sasha involved with both of them as well. And after what she said I assume Romeo and Indi are now officially back together?

Thursday – The Dex and April thing got a little messy on Wednesday, and it was nice to see Dex so keen to apologise. I enjoyed Sid’s more laid back attitude in the episode, with his comments when he walk through the door and then his chat with Dex. It was sweet of Dex to create such a nice surprise for April and I’m glad they decided to take everything slowly and getting to know each other again. I do enjoy how Sasha has become the agony aunt of the family, helping everyone out. Her chats with Marilyn and Heath were also great. Heath and Bianca were sweet and I love their little family and the fact that they are moving in together. I also liked the scene of her and Leah clearing the bedroom out. It’s nice to see this laid back Bianca once again, make a refreshing change. Cheryl’s entrance was perfect though; would we expect any less from her? So John tried to kiss his best mate and she dodges him, so naturally he wanted to explain himself. Was a bit disappointed that Marilyn didn’t give him a chance to explain and that she brushed him off because she was afraid of what he was going to say. Although after her chat with Sasha, I do think Marilyn may have some feelings towards John but doesn’t want to admit it to herself. I am glad though that he figured out what Roo and Harvey were talking about otherwise that could’ve been something else he needed to fix! That conversation did make me giggle though as did Harvey’s comment about Roo’s beehive hair!! Another thing that made me laugh was John banging his head on the caravan door :lol: bless him. And then it went from laughing to feeling sorry for him when he was chatting to Roo. He has made some mistakes, but Gina is also partly to blame, like a dog with a bone, she has pushed him and Marilyn closer together. Please can they fix this problem soon, I need the Palmers back together and happy.

Friday – So Harvey is now organizing the Surf Carnival, nice to see him do something for the community for a change. Although I do think Alf was a bit harsh with what he said about John, like Roo said he wouldn’t have left Alf in the lurch, he must’ve just forgotten to cancel some orders. I doubt John will be too bothered with Harvey taking over though; it will give him a chance to focus on fixing what’s important to him. Talking of John, he’s gone away to clear his head and plan his next move, and by the look on Marilyn’s face she did seem a bit disappointed. Her taking Gina’s order was funny and I’m glad she told Roo exactly what happened between herself and John. Jett overhearing was bad though and I assume he didn’t hear right and that’s why he told Gina that they kissed rather than telling her it was and attempt. Gina didn’t look too pleased, but the way she’s been badgering on she should’ve expected it!!! Cheryl’s presence in the Bay was defiantly shown, and what she told Heath had a bit of truth in it, because let face it if Rocco hadn’t come along I doubt Bianca would’ve left Liam for Heath. I am glad that she stood up for herself and Heath though and finally got through to Cheryl. It a pity she decided to leave, I would’ve liked to see her hang around for a bit. As for the ending, that was pretty sad with everyone so happy something had to happen. The ending was upsetting and the way they faded Bianca’s voice at the end made it worse :(

Preview looked good – Roll on next week!!!


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Oh dear. I'm really not sure what I thought of that. It didn't leave me with anything like Dale's similar demise did 19 years ago.

I really hate the way you see "There's something I've got to tell you..." and it cuts to somebody who already knows. We only actually saw Brax get told.

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Btw was that Cheryl we saw snogging the face off the cabby?

I think that's Sid and Lisa you're thinking of.

As I implied in my earlier post, there are deeper ramifications from the decision to kill off Rocco which I'll probably go into later.Sticking to today's episode...I thought the first half was pretty good, aside from a couple of irritating moments from Brax which I'll come back to later.Throughout the episode, Lisa Gormley gave a good performance and Dan Ewing gave a great one.I'd have liked a bit more focus on them but what we got was good and showed their reactions well and was very sad.But after the break, I spent what felt like ten minutes wondering if we'd ever see them again in this episode.They seemed to turn into bit part players in an episode that should have been about them and we spent far too much time on lesser matters.We needed to see other characters' reactions but by the end I think only five people know Rocco's dead and one of them's Gina.Heath offers to call Irene and April but the point gets dropped, Brax actively chooses to keep it from Casey.There was an opportunity to explore the question of whether there's anything keeping Bianca and Heath together apart from Rocco, but by the end of the episode it seems someone's already decided there isn't, which is a shame.I'm not surprised Bianca's moved back in with Irene but I'm not too happy about the way it was done and I hope there'll be more to it.It's a shame because the two scenes between Brax and Heath were really good, with Brax's utter helplessness at being faced with a situation he has no control over and Heath's little moment reflecting on all the things he dreamt of doing with Rocco.

So...Brax, Casey and Natalie's return gets off on the wrong foot from the start with Natalie pointing out Casey should be in hospital as they're about to pull on the drive, as if she hasn't had an opportunity before now and there weren't any closer hospitals.The fact Brax doesn't seem to care about Casey's health until he thinks the alternative is talking to the police just underlines his somewhat selfish attitude:It's frustrating that he managed to be great in the two scenes I've mentioned above but utterly unbearable everywhere else.Natalie walking away from Brax at the hospital and then pointing out the crazy world that being with him has dragged her into were the most believable reaction we've had from her in a while but how many times did we hear similar speeches from Charlie?Chances are she'll have changed her mind about him by the end of the week.She's already doing the smug act with police officers who are just doing their job:It felt like we were meant to see Emerson as the bad guy here even though he was doing the right thing.While I was annoyed at Sid having a go at Casey and still refusing to let him see Sasha, the moment Brax interrupted he instantly overtook him as the most annoying person in the room and, while he possibly took more satisfaction in it than he should have done, he does have a duty to inform the police if a wanted fugitive turns up.

Never has Gina's paranoia been more out of place in an episode.Everything else that's going on and she decides to go and yell at Marilyn without getting her facts straight?It's a shame that John's probably going to end up looking like the bad guy and she's going to end up with the moral high ground.

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Oh dear. I'm really not sure what I thought of that. It didn't leave me with anything like Dale's similar demise did 19 years ago.

I really hate the way you see "There's something I've got to tell you..." and it cuts to somebody who already knows. We only actually saw Brax get told.

Probably my all time pet peeve and one that seems to be a lot more common than it was in the old days. The only two reasons to do this are: 1) You don't think the actors can believably show the correct emotions or 2) The writers have no idea how to write the correct emotions / reactions for these characters. If 1) is right, then hire better actors next time. If 2) is right, the writers should resign and let better ones take over.

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