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I completely agree with above comments about Rocco's aftermath being slightly flat. I can't work out whether its been very badly done or whether they're just frozen with show and just staring at things.HeAth saved the day by breaking down at the end. I was like " Finally!!! I'd have been in bits well before this" everyone grieves differently I guess.

Marilyn, please please please just slap Gina off the Jetty. and then maybe she will listen to you.

Looking forward to seeing how things pan out with casay / tamara / going to jail. And Natalie broke it off wih brax!! Yay! I don't see it lasting long though...

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Btw was that Cheryl we saw snogging the face off the cabby?

I think that's Sid and Lisa you're thinking of.

Thanks again Red

It's a shame because the two scenes between Brax and Heath were really good, with Brax's utter helplessness at being faced with a situation he has no control over and Heath's little moment reflecting on all the things he dreamt of doing with Rocco.

My thoughts exactly, the stunned look on Brax's face when Heath broke the news was so believable and it is something he can't (for once) fix. That was so sad seeing Heath sitting there smelling Rocco's blanket and saying he was going to teach him to surf then breaking down. :cryingsmiley: Maybe it was just as well Brax did decide to take Casey to the hospital, that would have been the last thing Heath & Bianca needed. I get that Bianca is in shock and I suppose the first instinct is to push your partner away, but it seems she goes a little too far, judging from Cheryl's reaction tonight. She may have not been the best mother but I liked the way we saw she was standing up for Heath. Do we think this may push Bianca back over the edge? In every case of SAD the parents always ask if it was something they did or didn't do, but of course it isn't. Rocco was what two/three months old, he was premature, had just came out of hospital (which they wouldn't have allowed if they had had any concerns) unfortunately it is nature being cruel. I think I understand why Bianca wanted to be back with Irene & April, it would feel more like home that the Braxton's place does. I guess when Darcy is told, let's hope they won't forget her, will be told off screen.

I think having a break from Heath, Bianca & Rocco was a good idea, gave us the viewers time to take a breath. I suupose Gina was extra snappy with Marilyn was because she was still getting over the shock of the night before, but she could have explained exactly what it was she was angry with Marilyn about. I'm glad Roo spoke to her later and got it out of her and Alf rose to the occasion again and told her she had been misinformed.

I guess Nat didn't tell Gina the real reason she had taken time off (a week?) and cracked on it was family business. She is coming across (to me at least) a lot stronger than Charlie ever did, but she has broken up with Brax for an entirely different reason, namely his commitment to his brothers. Good that she oofered to be there should Heah need her. Mayhap it was that interview with Emerson and his oblique reference to Charlie that decided her. Good idea to question others in the bay that may have seen Kyle, but as they don't have a photo of him, it could be a bit tricky. Also how do we or they know his surname is even Braxton?

Before the cops burst in and nabbed Casey Brax was going to tell him, but I guess it is something he doesn't need on his plate right now, there's nothing he can do. If we didn't know better I guess Casey's/Brax's/Nat's story would sound unbelievable.

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Hmm, I'm in two minds about whether giving the Braxtons two such major storylines at the same time is a good idea or not.It's meant that characters aren't where they need to be quite a lot but it's brought in a few neat character moments, like Heath checking on Casey with Brax at the start and Casey wanting to be there for him but not being allowed to leave the hospital.Emerson is back to being firm but fair after what looked like it was meant to be an unsympathetic portrayal in the previous episode:Doing his bit to keep Casey out of jail despite the lack of firm evidence and even managing to get the last word with Brax by pointing out the impossibility of the job everyone expects him to do.It's probably not going to be mentioned but it shows up the fallacy of Brax's "No police" policy:Not only did it hamper them saving Casey but it's left them with no evidence.Can't help recalling Leah ignoring him and calling the police when Tyler went after Casey;while part of me's glad that her infatuation with Brax didn't really go anywhere, she was probably a better influence on him than Natalie, who, for all her attitude, has a bit of a sheep mentality where Brax is concerned.I know she said about him putting his brothers first but I think it's what that means that prompted her decision, along with Emmerson pointing out she's meant to be a school counsellor and not a semi-retired gangster's girlfriend:As she said, since hooking up with him she's ended up in the middle of two crime scenes and had him choose to leave her to turn fugitive.I rolled my eyes when Natalie turned up in this episode but thankfully her scene was almost totally irrelevant.Sid's hardline attitude with Casey and ordering Sasha to stay away from him annoyed me:It was obvious they needed to talk for Sasha to get through this and I'm glad their chat seems to have left them in a better place.I'm assuming Natalie was guessing when she referred to Kyle as Kyle Braxton last episode, especially given Emmerson couldn't find him under that name.If he was Danny's secret son, he'd likely be using his mother's name(and he's credited as Kyle Bennett):It's not like Sasha goes around calling herself Sasha Walker.

Can't quite decide whether Bianca freezing Heath out is out of grief or because that's what Bianca does.Either way, I'm glad she ultimately went to see him and asked him to help.While Cheryl was a bit annoying in places(notably her rant at Emmerson), she did have a point with what she said to Bianca and it was nice that Irene realised that when she found out what she said.(Although again, Irene was somewhat inconsistent and didn't seem to consider Heath when she was charging around organising everything.)At least we finally got the scenes of Irene, April and Casey finding out.Like Natalie, April's reactions are suddenly a lot more realistic rather than her usual breezy "Everything's fine" attitude.And like Natalie, I can't see it and a long overdue break-up lasting.Dexter irritated me somewhat with his fussing around April, especially the inappropriate way he went skipping out of the room when Sid agreed to take him to see her.(Cos nothing's as fun as comforting your girlfriend when her nephew dies, right?) I was pleased that, instead of being a magic cure-all as I feared, his turning up just seemed to tip her over the edge and remind her of how out of control her life is.I was glad she went to see Heath and sorry that he didn't change his mind and ask her to stay, I think part of him wanted to with that look on his face as she walked out.(I could almost live with Bianca's distance from him if it meant a Heapril reunion but sadly, even if Bianca and Heath stay apart, I doubt the writers will let go of their April-and-Dex-as-soulmates delusion.)

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a Heapril reunion

Good god no *shudder* that was toxic if i've ever seen a relationship for me. I shall have to disagree on that one. I think April and Dex can be a bit sacherine sometimes but I adore Dex and his sweetness in trying to be there for April even when he's struggling so much himself is a joy to behold for me. I just love, love, love that kid, easily the best character on this show for me. I'd like to see them spend time apart and realize if they are end game but I can not condemn the boy for wanting to help her. I doubt I'd have the capacity or the strength to think of anyone else if I was in his shoes.

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a Heapril reunion

Good god no *shudder* that was toxic if i've ever seen a relationship for me. I shall have to disagree on that one. I think April and Dex can be a bit sacherine sometimes but I adore Dex and his sweetness in trying to be there for April even when he's struggling so much himself is a joy to behold for me. I just love, love, love that kid, easily the best character on this show for me. I'd like to see them spend time apart and realize if they are end game but I can not condemn the boy for wanting to help her. I doubt I'd have the capacity or the strength to think of anyone else if I was in his shoes.

I guess we all see characters differently.Although I agree Heapril had their faults, I think there was a believable bond between them that I've never really felt is there between April and Dexter.I wonder if they made a more natural seeming couple than the writers wanted them to, although the fact that they keep using the relationship suggests they've made a virtue of it.I actually think Dexter and April are quite toxic for each other:April turns into a pretty bland and self-absorbed person while she's around Dexter, while he seemed to be a lot more mature and selfless and his quirkiness was a lot less forced while they were apart.Together, I just find them a very dull and ordinary couple, which is quite an achievement considering what they were like a couple of years ago before they suddenly became attached at the hip. While I think Dexter's behaviour was at least partly trying to be a supportive boyfriend, I think he pretty much admitted that he was also doing it to prove to himself and April that he can still be there for her, which was a rather selfish attitude given that she'd made it clear(in a rather undiplomatic way, although she can't really be blamed in the circumstances)that she didn't want to have to deal with him.And predictably, she wasn't and it blew up in his face.

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First of all an apology it should be SIDS not SAD.

Although we seem to be divided on Cheryl on this forum, I liked the way she had a go at Bianca for shutting Heath out and even Irene, thought not agreeing about the way she went about it, saw she was right. It seemed to have worked anyway, very moving those scenes of her and Heath sorting through Rocco's things. I imagine the cause of death must have been established if the hospital have released his body. Unless it's happened off screen we haven't seen Bianca cry yet. I felt for Dex for not being able to comfort April the way he would have been able before the accident, I suppose it's not able to express himself the way he used to be able to. I can understand her deciding maybe not continuing to be a doctor, for all the advancements in medicine deaths like Rocco's still happen. His decision to ask Gina about special consideration for April was just like him and so thoughtful and loving which she really appreciated. I don't want Heath and April back together they have moved on too far for that.

Talking of Cheryl I had to laugh at her reaction to Emerson at the hospital - "My boys don't lie" :lol: No of course they don't love. :rolleyes: She didn't seem that surprised about learning of Kyle. I thought he acted very compassionately by doing his bit getting Casey bail. I'm not really sure how much Casey can tell him about Kyle he didn't give much away about himself. So much for Sid telling Casey to stay away from Sasha when she went to see him. Although not totally resolved at least he got the chance to apolgise in person.

Erm, Sid & Lisa, it could get complicated her being Dex's therapist and him his dad. I think he made the right decision in the first place, she was OK with it, but perhaps referring to their 'thing' as a mistake could have been phrased better. She is good at her job though, right amount of firmness and sympathy.

Good to see it hasn't been fogotten that Nat is also Sash's counsellor and we saw some counselling.

Possible not the best idea John has had lately by going to see Marilyn as soon as he got back, especially at the Diner when there was every chance Gina would walk in, which of course she did. On that point it must be costing her going there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Their kind of talk didn't go that well and Jett's decision seemed to have come out of nowhere.

Romeo and Indi storyline seemed a tad out of place, their awkward 'date' and his peck on the cheek didn't seem to fit.

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Well, I guess we had to have a two episode break from the aftermath of Rocco's death given how the contracts work.Shame it means the focus shifts to a couple of shallow teen relationships that the show attaches far too much importance to.Plus side:Dexter seemed to have a more credible idea as to how to support April in yesterday's episode, doing something practical instead of smothering her.Shame about what it was and that another realistic reaction gets undermined by meaningless cutey scenes.April resitting her exams was a karmic punishment for her taking drugs and manipulating everyone around her last time she took them(after all, no-one could be bothered to give her a proper punishment), so having Gina basically hand her the HSC on a plate leaves a bad taste in the mouth.Her "I don't want to be a doctor anymore" seemingly vanishes as soon as Dexter decides he knows what's best for her and she goes back to snuggling up to him, I seriously groaned when she turned up back at the farm.("What would I do without you?"she asks.I dunno, maybe what you did last time you broke up?)Still, at least we got some decent stuff with Sid and Lisa:I was surprised he went back and arranged to see her again but it's good that he's getting some adult company.As opposed to the, um, adult behaviour they indulged in before.

I get that April and Heath have moved on but as a fan of the pairing, I think they could easily go back there now.After all, April and Dexter moved on and somehow ended up back together(despite her clinging to him like he's her world these days, April spent months barely noticing he existed).And then there's Romeo and Indi, who both ended up with other people who they were probably better suited to(and yet incredibly Indi declares "Thank you for never giving up on us" here)and yet are now on Take Whatever of their relationship.The end of yesterday's episode, with Romeo turning up at the house as Indi called him, was the point where I finally gave up and started yelling at the set in disbelief.After more pointless cutesey moments(if, after two years together on and off, they've never sat up and chatted before, they really have got problems), they finally chat but, really, what can they possibly say and do that they haven't already said and done and it hasn't worked?For a moment, I thought they were going to avoid rushing into things but no, we've got another couple who sleep together straightaway, as if that somehow proves something.Romeo's done too much this year and before for me to accept him just snapping back into Nice Guy mode, I just tend to roll my eyes when he appears.And Indi's increasingly coming across as an airhead, even aside from wanting him back.

Shame that John and Gina didn't really get much of a chance to chat because what he said was pretty much true:They have got problems that go beyond him spending time with Marilyn and need to fix it.If Gina's treating all the students like that boy that fought with Jett, she's gonna have a rebellion on her hands.I suppose I can't really blame her for wanting a bit of space and it's nice that John and Jett are spending time together.Er, sort of.While the writers are obviously running out of ways to put Liam in episodes, his stuff with Jett here was actually rather good and it's nice that he prompted John to have a chat to him and sort a few things out.Although I couldn't help noticing that Marilyn only seemed to be paying attention to the parts of Roo's rant that mentioning John...

Ah yes, Harvey and Roo.Vaguely amusing, especially Harvey acting as Alf's yes-man, but they've increasingly coming across as a one-trick pony and it's not a particularly good trick.I'm not sure at what point Roo turned into a nagging fishwife but it's basically how she came across here and it's hard to really care about the "The wedding's off, maybe" cliffhanger.As with most break-ups this week, it'll probably be reversed pretty quickly.

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I found it difficult to get invested in Romeo and Indi's 'blossoming' romance today, when I know very well how toxic things can be between them. It's not so long ago that they were at each others throats and Indi was sleeping with Liam. So their awkward, teenage behaviour felt totally inappropriate. Although they discussed where their problems stemmed from last time, they almost directly acknowledged that neither of their respective issues with each other had since been resolved, or ever would be! And in the words of Duncan Bannatyne, for that reason, I'm out.

It all seems very rushed, as if they needed to setup Romeo's departure a couple of months in advance. Another reason why I'm not going to pay attention to this storyline, as they're just going to break up before he leaves, or dies.

The interaction between Jett and Liam today was interesting, if unusual. Have they talked before? Because it seems like an odd pairing. I don't really understand why Jett would rather stay with John, when he seemed to be taking Gina's side. I guess he doesn't know it was him that initiated the kiss with Marilyn. If he's going to take care of Jett for the moment, then John really needs to wake up and get his act together. His attitude to Alf and Harvey today was almost as though he'd given up on the Surf Club altogether.

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Jett and Liam did have quite a bit to do with each other a few weeks back, when Jett was visiting VJ and the penny slowly dropped that Liam had been one of his mum's favourite singers and they had a talk about making things up to people.So the relationship hasn't quite come out of nowhere.

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