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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Last week was good -

Monday – Their reaction to finding Rocco was really upsetting. You can understand why Bianca would want to get out of the house, but I did feel sorry for Heath, she did seem to ignore the way he felt. Their little scene on the beach was sweet, in a sad way. Heath final scene I think was the most upsetting one of the episode though, we haven’t seen this side to him before and I liked the fact that it was when talking to Brax he realised that everything he cared about had gone. Brax, Casey and Henry coming back to the Bay and instantly rather selfishly thought that the police car was waiting for them. Why all of a sudden the would the police be looking for Casey if they hadn’t bothered for the last couple of weeks? I’m glad they took him to the hospital though and that he got the care he needed. I also think Sid was right in calling the police, even if he didn’t do it for the right reasons. Natalie had some attitude when talking to the policeman (I’ve forgotten his name) I can’t see why though, he was only doing his job! Gina really needs to put things into perspective; I doubt the supposed kiss between Marilyn and John was really an issue after what she had heard the night before. Surely she could’ve put things to rest for at least one day? Glad that Alf stuck up for Marilyn and told Gina the truth behind the matter!

Wednesday – This episode seemed to be all about relationships. Romeo and Indi were sweet, bless them. I am happy they are back together, now it just a matter of him moving back to the farm house and all will be well again. Although with the awkwardness they had, I think we’re a while off that stage yet. Roo and Harvey all over each other was a bit much, yes it nice to see them happy but just slow it down a bit. April and Dex were just too cute, and I’m glad she realized how lucky she is to have him in her life. Nice to see a bit of his recovery sessions as well. Sid and Lisa have come out of nowhere, but I’m glad that Sid is finally letting go a bit. This year has been one drama after the other for him, it nice to see him having fun for once! And then we’ve got John and Gina, the one couple I really want to be happy is not :( I think it was sweet of John to go and apologize to Marilyn and I’m glad they sorted it out, him and Gina though, not so much! John was right about what he said about them, and that the problem runs deeper than this thing with Marilyn. Didn’t like the way she walked away though, seemed like she was sulking. Jett asking to stay with John came out of no where, but it nice that he wants to give Gina some space to work stuff out. John did look lost when Gina was talking with him at the diner though. That’s another thing, all this time she has been wanting to fix things with John, now he suggest it and she decides to have some time to think. She does need to make up her mind, either she needs to sort it or she needs time to herself! It did seem like she was sulking because Jett had choose John and so had given up on the idea of sorting stuff out!! I hope not though.

Thursday – John seemed a little lost at dinner with Jett, it was like he had no idea what had just happened! Did like the fact that they planned the boat trip together, only for Alf and Harvey to ruin things. If the boys had made plans surely they could’ve let the Surf Carnival stuff be for one day. It was nice to see Liam being that helpful ear for Jett though; I think we could do with seeing more of this sort of thing from him. Also liked the fact that he confronted John about the whole thing and made him realise how much Jett needs him. John seemed far away again when he was leaning looking over the Bay; he seemed to be delaying returning to Jett for some reason, maybe because he felt he had let him down again? Their little chat about the family problems and Gina was sweet though, and that promise is one I’ve been waiting to hear. I’m glad they are spending time together again, now if only he could fix things with Gina, then I’d be over the moon. Harvey and Alf annoyed me a bit with the Surf Carnival. They do need to calm down a bit. And then to add to that annoyance Roo founded out about the loan and it was a problem. A problem I can’t really see. Talking about making a mountain out of a mole hill!!! Romeo and Indi are back together and I’m glad. The picnic was nice, and now they are on the same page, let hope they have some happiness for a change!

Friday - :( is all I can say. April’s eulogy was nice. Nice to see Darcy again as well, just a pity it had to be on such a sad occasion. The River Boys’ goodbye was a nice touch, very emotional. I liked the way they walk to top of the hill and gathered round the fire while Heath, Brax and Casey swam out with the wreath. A very emotional and touching goodbye for Rocco. Roo, Harvey and Alf were a nice relief from the emotional stuff surrounding Rocco. I am glad that Roo finally took the cheque and made up with Harvey. She does need to make up her mind, either she gets a nice big wedding with all the trimmings or she can get a budget wedding with the bare minimum!?!

Very good week. Preview looked good :)



Now on to this week -

Monday –Bianca was way out of line with Darcy. Yes she is hurting but that is no excuse to speak like that in front of her. I’m glad Heath confronted her about it and that she apologised. I adore Darcy, she is so sweet, I enjoyed seeing her spending some time with Casey, and that picture she drew was very touching. And so Heath is gone for a couple of days to clear his head and get away from the Bay, which is the right thing for him at the moment. The River Boys scene at the beginning, waiting for the sun rise, was a nice touch and it was good to see them as a family, there for each other. Brax and Casey’s situation did get a bit out of hand though. Did we know he was in that much debt!?! I’m glad they are working together to find Kyle and Tamara and that they are doing all they can to fix this mess. Alf calling at the end was a bit surprising though, surely who ever were running the bar that night would’ve called his boss to tell him the news? Was Angelo’s even open; because it looked awfully quiet there? The Surf Carnival committee seemed a little thin. And taking to consideration who was there, they could’ve had their meeting at home! I’m glad they are turning the Surf Carnival into a fundraiser and that it will be for a good cause. Harvey made me laugh with his panicking. Marilyn, bless her, feeling a bit guilty and protecting John at the same time whenever his name is mentioned. Glad it was her idea, and that they finally listened to her, after the ignorance she had all episodes!

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Well, Sid and Lisa seemed to go through a lot of status changes throughout the episode, practically every scene they were in had them making a decision about whether or not they're going to be together or Lisa's going to be Dexter's physio.Kind of glad that she was mostly on the level and they seem to be make a go of things, despite it being a bit rushed it's good for Sid to have someone, although he gets points for being willing to give her up for Dexter's sake.Somewhat frustrating that, just as Dexter and Lisa were discussing how he knows she's married, the music decided to drown out the dialogue.Guess we're meant to assume she let it slip during a session.

So, Romeo's back training already?Guess the steroids did him some good if he was able to get that far.For all the talk of only doing it for fun rather than expecting to win, and even though he deserves points for putting a stop to it in the end, it's hard not to get the feeling that he's back to making the same mistakes.Really don't care about him and Indi, it's another of those relationships that's just making me dislike the half of the couple I used to like.

Not sure about Jett and VJ's antics.Surprised they were that quick to start playing John and Gina off each other, although it's possibly the most comfortable John and Gina have been around each other in a while, their scene at home felt just like old times.I was expecting them to have an accident with the fireworks and either one of them would get injured or they'd injure someone else but I guess it's good they didn't.Given that John was right about them waiting until dark to set them off, it's a bit odd that they took so long to find them.

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There's a surprise coming up about Sid's new girlfriend Lisa.

I see old habits die hard.... <_<

I haven't revealed anything have I?

I could be totally wrong, but this Adam guy suddenly turning up, solving all Brax's money problems just like that, he must be well loaded that he has $30,000 to pay off the lawyers and get the fridge back. There has to be a hidden agenda plus he was supposed to mean so much to Brax and Casey and yet we have never heard of him before.

I was wondering about that Red about Nat and her advice to Sasha about Casey. Was it genuine concern, as she knows what it is like being with a Braxton, especially as Casey is more than likely going to prison, or that the fact because she couldn't make it work with Brax she doesn't want to see Sash maybe making a go of it with Casey. He did seem really hurt that she finished with him and didn't even want to be friends. Did I imagine things or was that Tamara we (and Sash) saw with Casey?

Shades of the 'old' Dex showing again with him taking the mick out of himself and his condition. Him trying to get out of putting on shoes with laces and a shirt with buttons was a good try, Did like the line "I'm brain damaged, not blind" when talking to Sid about him and Lisa. :D. I wondered how he knew when Sid didn't, she certainly wasn't wearing a ring, so I guess she must have mmentioned it in passing to Dex. The old Sid wouldn't have cared less, but the new and improved Sid did at least at first out the brakes on, even when she explained the situation. It wouldn't have made sense for Lisa to stop being Dex's therapist.

Was that reverse psychology Indi tried on Romeo when she wished Romeo good luck when said he was entering the Iron Man contest? If so it worked!

So VJ and Jett are best buddies again, not sure who was egging who on most there? The fireworks stunt was stupid, but I was pleased to see they were sensible enough not to get too close to them. It did seem to take John and Gina ages to find them, it was afternoon when they set off to look for them and night time when they found them. Good to see John and Gina in agreement for once when they realised they'd both been duped.

:offtopic: How do I get my avator back on this new look page?

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Good episode today, it's been a while since we've had that sort of big community event with most of the cast there.(Although the reference to Sid, Dexter "and the others" (April?Lisa?)being in the city for no reason was a bit of an eye roller.)I actually quite liked Romeo and Indi's little bits with the nippers and would have liked to have seen more of it, although I'd have preferred it if Indi had had Sasha or Dexter or Liam with her.And it was good to see Indi and Sasha together and her giving much better advice than Natalie did.Shame she saw Casey with that girl and jumped to conclusion, at least she worked it out quickly and apologised even if Casey does still want to keep his distance.(For shallow reasons, I wouldn't mind seeing that girl again...)

I'd like to think that John wouldn't have fallen for Jett's sob story as easy as Gina did, although he probably would.He did seem to realise she'd gone too easy on him though, which she turned back on him, although at least they were finally presenting a united front at the end.Glad that Leah changed her mind and let VJ compete, making him clean everywhere was punishment enough.Not sure about the look on Marilyn's face when she saw the reunited family walking off:Was she just happy for them or were there some mixed feelings there?

I continue to be pleased and surprised by the development of Heath in the aftermath of Rocco's death.I was really expecting him to go off the rails but he does seem to be trying to turn it into something positive and his speech at the presentation was very heartfelt:Bianca asked him what good can come of it but he answered the question there, they can try and stop other parents going through what they have.It's also rather nice to see Heath and Liam on the same side for once, with Liam even sticking up for him with Bianca.I'm trying to cut Bianca some slack but she's not being that sympathetic.Her reaction to the fundraiser was an interesting reversal of the breast cancer fundraiser for Irene a year ago, when I was wondering how she'd take it.

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Was away all of yesterday, so I've just watched Thursday and Friday as a 1-hour episode. Which was kind of cool as they fit together quite seamlessly.

As much as I think C5 could have gotten away with a two-week break, this seemed a kind of natural point in the story to finish - we've had all that build-up to the surf carnival, Leah's new man, Bianca finally crying and then the big reveal that Adam is, infact, a bit of a drug baron. It has left me with a real sense of "WTF? They can't end it there!" so, yeah, good point to bring it off for Christmas. It almost seemed like it'd been deliberately written with the idea of setting up a UK Christmas cliffhanger in mind. Not sure if it was, or just coincidence, though.

See you in three weeks, then!

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Why on earth were Marilyn, Leah and Natalie on a girls night out? The three of them barely know each other and never have scenes with eachother - let alone friendship scenes! I hate it when they try and make characters friends when there is no depth to the friendship and it just makes it unbelievable.

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:offtopic: How do I get my avator back on this new look page?

Sadly, the avatar gallery is no more, although there's talk of finding a way to make the old avatar photos available to users.Otherwise, you can now upload(or is it download, I can never remember which is which)a photo directly from your hard drive, as well as the previous option of storing one online elsewhere:Go to your settings page, which you should be able to access by clicking on your name at the top of the page, and hopefully it'll be relatively simple from there.

Alf's episode count this week:Five!Roo was also in all five.

I kind of agree about Leah, Natalie and Marilyn, they're not even in the same age group unless you lump anyone over 20 in together and it kind of underlines just how pointless Natalie is without Brax to hang off.Not that I want Natalie to go back to hanging off Brax, their scenes together were the most boring part of the episode and Natalie even points out they're not saying anything new.I have to admit I'm actually kind of liking Brax at the moment although there's always the awareness that any minute now he'll do something that'll make me hate him.(And indeed, judging by the promo at the end of the episode it won't take long.)

So, Heath doesn't like Adam?Wonder if there's a story behind that or if it's just a case of someone else favouring his brothers over him.By the end of the episode, it looks like this may actually be a case of Heath being right about someone and Brax being wrong.Adam's probably meant to be another juxtaposition with the Braxtons, his advice to Brax indicates he's what Brax would be if he didn't care about his brothers.On the other hand, Adam's fixing Brax's problems the same way Brax fixes everyone elses and offering Bianca drugs makes him only slightly more dodgy than the Braxtons if at all.(Heath has been selective about who he sells drugs to in the past, refusing to give them to April or Jett, but would he give them to a random grieving mother he didn't have a connection to?Maybe not now but, say, a year ago?) Bianca's breakdown on the beach probably was a step forward but it's not going to be the cure-all that she seemingly hoped it would be, she needs to keep dealing with these feelings, not look for an escape from them.By the way, I meant to say yesterday:Nice use of Marilyn and Harvey, both of whom have lost a child, in chatting to Bianca and Heath.Not that either of them's a particularly good role model on how to deal with it...

Adam clearly knows Jamie given their brief greeting and, according to the end credits, they've got the same surname.Is that his secret son?He was pretty quick off the mark, whoever he is.Harvey seems to be able to move pretty fast too:He's doing his DJ bit on stage when Leah, Natalie and Marilyn walk in but a few seconds later he's at a table with Alf and Sid.(There is time for him to move between the two, it just looked weird.)Sid's return from...wherever he went was a bit abrupt too.Nice to see Liam performing again.Any excuse.

And so, for some reason known only to Channel 5, they take the show off with six weeks of the 2012 season left and over a week to Christmas.I don't really think that was any more of a natural break than the previous Friday(Rocco's funeral and Bianca pushing everyone away)or especially the previous one(Bianca fails to wake Rocco, Gina is told John kissed Marilyn, Sid meets a new love interest).Or, indeed, the Friday of the next week(don't know what happens, I'm just guessing).Guess we'll find out how far behind Australia this leaves us when the show returns there.

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So I wasn't wrong about Adam!! Just arrived in town and he's willing to give/sell drugs to an obviously grieving woman, and one who is/was Heath's girlfriend. Plus all that trying to get Brax to spread his wings by saying 'there's a big world out there'. Is he looking to take over Angelo's completely for his own ends? I was wondering why Heath wasn't so keen to see Adam, was it a case of him being left out again? Perhaps that guy Brax was throttling in the promo knew something about Kyle? Talking of Bianca, she may think just because she has given in to her tears that she is over the worse of it, but anyone who has been there will know that it just the start of the grieving process. Her getting drunk and trying to seduce Heath is her way of numbing the still obvious pain she is going through. I loved Heath's speech, it was so moving and for someone who when he arrived in the bay was supposed to be the 'heavy' was very articulate. Was that really $10,000 they made? Also we finally found out how old Rocco was - four months and eight days. Liked how Marilyn tried to empathise with Bianca with her own heartbreak at losing a child. Heath responded better to Harvey. It did remind me of the fundraiser they had for irene, back then it was Bianca and Marilyn trying to get her to leave the house.

I can never read the credits, they are too small and go too quick, so Adam and Jamie have the same name, could they be brothers? He wasn't in a hurry to introduce him to anyone was he?

The girls night out did seem rather out there, never heard of it beign arranged prior to that and although Nat and Bianca are friends and Nat and Leah share a house it still seemed a bit odd. Jamie certainly didn't waste much time with Leah :whistling:

Is the beginning of her exit storyline while Ada is on maternity leave?

It seemed Gina has forgiven Marilyn for her 'dalliance' with John by the way she listened to Marilyn telling her about Jett boasting he'd got away with any punishment. Loved the united front they presented, hopefully this will see them reuniting.

Indi did give Sash very good advice, shame it didn't work out in the end.

Well now we will all have wait just under a month.

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