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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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.(Could have done without him and April winking at each other during the wedding for added ick factor too

See I thought that was a nice touch, it went to each couple when Indi referenced certain times and she said something about 'struggling but it all being better when they had each other' and then it showed Dex and April who lets face it have been through an absolutely horrendous time of late. I thought that was well done and a good nod and in no way 'icky' at all. He looked to her for support and she gave him a little wink of acknowledgement. Sometimes I find April so grating and they can definitely be icky with the whip cream faze but this I definitely did not think of as icky.

In fact i thought the entire wedding was beautiful, I'm actually enjoying Romeo and Indi this time around and I just hope they can live up to what Sid asked of them, that they’d make things different this time around. Also I love the Walkers and the farm house looked just beautiful.

Feel like such a real, authentic family.

They fe

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.(Could have done without him and April winking at each other during the wedding for added ick factor too

See I thought that was a nice touch, it went to each couple when Indi referenced certain times and she said something about 'struggling but it all being better when they had each other' and then it showed Dex and April who lets face it have been through an absolutely horrendous time of late. I thought that was well done and a good nod and in no way 'icky' at all. He looked to her for support and she gave him a little wink of acknowledgement. Sometimes I find April so grating and they can definitely be icky with the whip cream faze but this I definitely did not think of as icky.

See, I get that that was how I was supposed to see it but I just don't.I don't think any of them are better together, just the opposite.I liked at least three of them, possibly all four, a lot more when they were with other people.They were two couples that I was glad to see the back off and now suddenly they're back together and the writers obviously expect the audience to see them as perfect for each other and to celebrate the wonderfulness of them, when all I could see was two of my least favourite pairings in one place, looking shallow, vacuous and nauseating.I would much rather the Walker house was a genuine family home, rather than having Romeo and April, one of whom I don't like at all and the other of whom I don't like when she's around Dex(and, indeed, at several other times but I'd rather she was with her own family than his), getting in the way.

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I'm getting the feeling Jamie and Adam are related as well, though so far we haven't seen them together apart from that look that passed between them that first night at Angelo's. Is Jamie targeting Leah deliberately. Could it be that is has something to do with the guys Vinnie informed on when he was in prison? NOT A SPOILER, JUST MY THOUGHT.

I liked Indi & Romeo's renwal of their wedding vows, they have come a long way since the first time round and (hopefully) learnt a lot from all their troubles. At the moment they don't have much of a choice but to live at the farmhouse until they have more money behind them to afford a place of their own. Dex made me laugh when he, Sid & Romeo were playing golf and he took a swing and let the club go flying accidently on purpose. Nice of him to invite Lisa to the wedding and his remark about three of Sid's ex's being there was another sign that the old Dex is still there. Isn't Sid dating (or not as the case is now) against professional protocol as she is treating Dex? So she had been economical with the truth about her and her husband, but good for her she owned up and backed off.

Nice to see Harvey and Roo not squabbling for a change, maybe seeing a simple do like Indi and Romeo's will help her see it doesn't have to be a big do.

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I'm not sure if I'm malfunctioning or what but I found myself quite enjoying Romeo & Indi's "wedding". I've never liked them as a couple and more than almost anything I hate sickly sweet television.. but somehow I was touched. Perhaps I'm just overcome with emotion by the return of H&A to my Sky planner..

That said, I was all prepped to throw things at the screen in the aftermatch of the April/Dex wink (until I remembered I didn't pay for the TV), so maybe I'm not going completely soft just yet.

Other than that, I think the only thing that took my interest was John/Gina/Jett and the date that wasn't.. and then was, at the diner, covered in oil. I love their little interactions as a family, it's the sort of thing the show needs in between boring Braxton drama.

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Roo was in four, Casey and Kyle were only in one(and Kyle didn't even have any dialogue).

Leah really does seem to be sending out mixed messages.After spending half the day climbing the walls and bombarding Jamie with phone calls and text messages, when he does get in touch she starts avoiding him.She did have a point about him sending her expensive presents when they've only just started going out, but if that's not what she wants then she needs to tell him, not cry off a planned meeting.Liam's doing well in this sympathetic barman role they seem to have assigned him, with Leah and Sid here.I'm guessing since Sid knew Lisa from work before she was Dexter's physiotherapy, then there's no professional ethics thing.Sid needs to think about his children though;whatever his feelings for Lisa, he can't really subject them to a messy situation like this.

The Romeo/Dexter stuff wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, although I still get the feeling we're meant to being staring agog at Romeo and going "What a guy!"Not sure if pushing Dexter in the sea was really the best plan, it might have saved him a bit of embarrassment but he could have ended up with hypothermia the way he is.Then again, he's kind of made a point to Sid that he needs to be able to live rather than be mollycoddled all the time, even if he's possibly never going to be back to the way he used to.

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I'm glad Leah was wary of creepy Jamie, there's obviously something not right with him. When she opened that third present I honestly thought he'd sent her a tea towel as some kind of snide comment on her working in a diner. Anyway, he's either a paedophile or going out of his way to look like one if you ask me. She said he seemed "angry" VJ wasn't around. Alarm bells! He could easily be, not all of them have beards and tinted glasses - only 99%.

I thought the vows BBQ thing was nice but he's crazy to take her back. She doesn't seem overly sorry she cheated on him.

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What I was getting at Red is as Lisa is Dex's therapist should Sid be getting involved with her, over in Corrie Jenna was going to transfer Sophie to another therapist as Kev (Soiphie's dad) only made a pass at her and she said it would compromise her position.

Probably rather rash of Leah to sleep with Jamie on their first date and very out of character for her. Those three, very expensive gifts, would have got my alarm bells ringing as well. One would have been more than enough. He's certainly persistent, too persistent. As Leah is in her 30's just old is Jamie supposed to be, early 20's?, not that much of an age difference.

I thought Romeo did the only thing he could under the circumstances, it saved Dex's diginity and he would have been mortified if those girls had seen what had happened to him. As it was it just looked like his mate had shoved him into the water as a joke and he acheived his goal by getting them to laugh. For someone whose brain is rather muddled he gave a very good description what his brain is like at the moment. His defending of Romeo was good, that sure he was tired but he had had a good day and had been treated as normal for once. It certainly brought home to Romeo what it had been like for the rest of them.

I said before Liam seems to becoming the younger version of Alf by dispensing advice.

Going back a bit to those shots of Kyle in Brisbane, is he a guitarist/busker then and his wounds seem to have healed OK?

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