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Thursday’s Episode -

Sid/Lisa - She is trouble and I think Sid should get out while he can! Dex bringing her to the wedding was sweet only for her to mess it up by revealing the truth about her and Neil, although I guess it better now than further down the line. The sad thing is though I don’t think Sid will cut ties with her. I really felt for him when she told him the truth and then she just walked away, he really did look lost, bless him.

The Wedding – Now this was a nice touch and a very sweet way of beginning their storyline into a full circle. The Farm House looked beautiful and it wasn’t too cheesy or over the top. The stag night was great and I loved Sasha’s reaction at being a bridesmaid, a reaction you wouldn’t totally expect from her :D I thought the speeches were perfect and it was nice to have some guest there without anyone making a big fuss out of the whole thing. Really enjoyed it.

Leah/Jamie – Now this seems like a very odd pairing. And I think Leah has the right to feel a weird about going out on a date with him. Then again if they both like each other then why not! Their dinner at Angelo’s was fine until his weird questions started flowing around, way too personal in my opinion and the fact that he didn’t talk much about himself was a bit odd. But I guess Leah wasn’t too fussed about that after what we saw at the end.

Friday’s episode -

Jamie/ Leah – Now this was creepy. Showering her with gifts and presents after one date is a bit full on. Ok so she texted him three times and tried to call but then again he managed to be weird without being on screen. I think she would be better off letting him go although I doubt it will be that easy now, he seems to have made up his mind as to where he wants this to go!! She really needs to watch her back or this could get nasty!

Dex/Romeo/Sid – Loving the brotherly bond they share and it was nice of Romeo to spend time with Dex. I think he did the right thing in pushing him into the water and I think Sid understood that in the end. Their little talk while making dinner was sweet. Romeo has really grown up this last couple of weeks, and I like this side to him.

Liam – So Mr Murphy has found his calling in Summer Bay, and it giving advice and listening to problems!! He’s been there for Indi and VJ. Couple of weeks back he gave advice to John about Jett, and listened to Jett’s worries. He was there for Leah this week and he offered Sid a meal and gave him some advice! I kinda like this side to him, much prefer this to the mopping Rock star we’ve seen over and over again.

Next week looks good :)


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Hmm.Well, they're playing creepy music over shots of Jamie so I'm guessing we're meant to think there's something up with him.I actually think that he's telling the truth as far as he knows it about his mother but I agree that someone poisoned her.He does seem oddly interested in VJ but I don't think it's in a predatory way, I think either he's looking for a readymade family or he's got a thing about mothers.Guessing there's about ten years between him and Leah.Despite her reservations, she seems to be back on with him:Are we meant to think Something Happened between that kiss on the balcony and them saying goodbye at the door?Love Ada holding the handbag in a desperate attempt to hide the baby bump.Harvey appearing in one scene to say hello to Roo and in another to say goodbye to her has to be one of the most blatant token appearances ever.

Oh boy, does no-one in Summer Bay know anything about subtlety?Liam makes all the same mistakes as Natalie, being confrontational with Bianca and getting her back up rather than trying to win her trust.He did at least take the pills off her but how long until she gets some more, with Adam handing them out like they're lollipops?At least Irene seems less deluded and has noticed there's something up with Bianca.

Well, at least Brax and Heath have got better when it comes to demanding information from women.Actually, it seems like they were taken in by her story, when I doubt anyone else was.Wonder who she was or if we'll ever find out?Just some friend presumably.Heath seemed oddly uninterested about finding Kyle once they hit a dead end, as if he was just there to get out of town for a bit, although oddly, despite his talk of Heath needing to fix things, Brax ultimately seemed the more stressed.Did find Heath's bemused side of the phone call with Bianca and his "Oh no, not again" expression at the end rather endearing.Have to say this was another episode that didn't quite seem to know when to end, there was about four scenes I was expecting to be the cliffhanger.

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Did anyone else think Jamie's story about his mother dying of food poisoning with her lover sounded a bit strange? Perhaps he poisoned her and is looking for a replacement family or something bizarre like that!

I'm getting a whiff off "Mummy cheated on Daddy so I poisoned them both"... But that's a shot in the dark.

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Was rather a bitty episode, jumping backwards and forwards between the bay and Melbourne, which TPTB took us on a tour of. Did my eyes decieve me or did I see a poster of Cat Stevens? Is it always so rainy there? On that, it seemed it was raining when they were sitting in the car outside Kyle's place then when they got out it wasn't?

Their low key approach did seem to convince Kyle's girl friend(?) to persuade him to meet up with them, though he did turn up mob handed. As seen in the trailer it was because he thought they were going to kill him. Heath probably wasn't all that pleased to find Liam (or Murphy as he still insists on calling him) being involved in keeping an eye on Bianca. I had that thought Red about Nat and now Liam going the entirely wrong way about getting Bianca off the drugs. The more they tell her to stop the more she is going to ignore them. Once again Liam was getting blasted for being a recovering drug addict when it's because he is he knows the dangers. Looks like Bianca is going to get more than drugs from Adam going by the trailer.

Mmm, if Leah was so wary about seeing Jamie again, why did she go to 'his' house alone? Roo's idea about Leah ringing her should he turn out to be an axe murderer may have been in fun, but in reality hardly likely to work. He does seem very keen to meet VJ, but like you Red I don't think it is for any pervy reason.They haven't done too bad a job of hiding the bump with the occasional hiccup. We (and Leah) still know nothing about him. Certainly was a posh pad, btw just where is Adam living?

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Perversely, I was quite looking forward to a rumble at the beginning so slightly disappointed it fizzled out.It really is hard to work out what the show's going to do with Kyle, I think the only way he can be brought into the fold is for both the character and the viewers to forget everything he's done so far.I'd rather see more of Mack but she'll probably disappear now her role in the storyline's concluded: That said, it was nice to get an explanation for who she is(I thought their relationship seemed more platonic than otherwise)and I loved the moment when Heath realised mid-sentence that he doesn't know her name.Brax seems to be back to being the level-headed one while Heath is easily riled.

Maybe it is a good thing that Heath didn't tell April about the drugs since she managed to push Bianca over the edge anyway, especially in that scene in the bedroom, where she seemed to know she was saying all the wrong things.Apart from their later chat, where April did actually do a fair job of pointing out that Bianca isn't coping, I found her intensely irritating even though she was away from Dexter for once, I think she's well and truly on my list of ruined characters.Was there any reason why she turned down the opportunity to keep an eye on Bianca and Adam, which might have stopped Bianca making some questionable decisions?So much for Adam being the perfect gentleman.Are we meant to assume that's the same house that Jamie took Leah too?If not, we've got another instance of CURS on our hands.

Oh man, what have they done to Roo?This Bridezilla act might be amusing if she hadn't been acting this irritating for about a year by now.They're making me feel sorry for Harvey, which I guess is the idea, but it did it have to be at the expense of totally wrecking her character?

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Liam/Bianca – Bianca’s behaviour is getting annoying. I know she’s grieving but surely she knows better than to push everybody away? Liam was again being the shoulder of the Bay and helping Natalie out. I’m glad that he confronted Bianca and took the drugs off her even if it does lead her straight back to Adam. I sort of wished that Irene would walk in while they were arguing, one more person knowing couldn’t be all that bad, and I think she could help seeing as Bianca lives with her. Didn’t like the call she gave Heath after the Liam incident though, surely she knew that Heath would never ask for help from Liam and that it was Natalie that had been asking?

Brax/ Heath/ Kyle – Melbourne looked lovely and the weather was very British!! Nice to have some Brax and Heath moments, they have been somewhat lacking this year due to Casey’s problems. I like them together as they always seem on the same level. Looking for Kyle at the house was a nice move and the approach was a pleasant change to the usual Braxton approach. Glad that Kyle called them up, but why did he need the tough crowd with him at the end? I think if he’d have taken the girl then Brax and Heath would go easier on him. Bringing hostility in only creates more hostility and that never ends well!!

Leah/Jamie – He creeps me out purely because of his slight obsession with VJ. Yes the Friday episode was a bit creepy, but he redeemed himself by apologizing, but then straight after he heads down the weird route again. Leah is too busy falling to notice though!?! I think he mentioned VJ about 4 times in yesterday’s episode, and then the goodbye she got was just *shudders*


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Well, I'd crow about being right about Jamie being Adam's son but let's face it, he was never going to be anything else.Pretty odd way to handle the revelation, as if we were actually supposed to guess it ourselves;even odder that Adam casually mentions it to Casey when he was previously evasive with Brax.There does seem to be a parallel with Danny and Kyle here:Jamie comes across as someone with issues but possibly is a decent person deep down, whereas Adam seems very controlling and mostly seems to view his son as a tool.Liam ends up doing what Heath refused to and agreeing to help Adam in exchange for keeping Bianca safe, then again he doesn't know Adam as well as Heath and might not realise what he's getting himself into.Jamie's behaviour with regards VJ was a bit odd, I actually wondered if this was some sort of Fagin-style recruiting-new-gangmembers trick for a moment when he told him to keep it from Leah but then his conversation with Adam suggests he actually wants things to work with Leah so why was he doing something that was guaranteed to upset her?Was Leah really close enough to Adam and Jamie to be able to hear what they were saying?(And if so, why couldn't all the people who were closer than her hear?)It is slightly dubious that she stormed onto the balcony instead of out of the restaurant so she was still there for that.

Not quite sure what John was doing when he spoke to Marilyn's date like that.At first, I was thinking that that guy seemed to be too good to be true, with the way he seemed to like everything that Marilyn likes, and I wondered if John was going to reveal that he knew the bloke and he was really a fishmonger or something.But no, unless the guy's going to turn up again, it seems we're meant to just take him at face value and see John as being somewhat overprotective.

Loved all the Casey/Sasha stuff, the actors seem to have a lot of natural chemistry and I just found their interaction really sweet.Despite them both insisting they just want to be friends, the way they're acting doesn't really fit that and their expressions when they parted, and that barely-platonic kiss, suggest they're having a bit of difficulty staying on that side of the friendship line.

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Marilyn looked beautiful today. Her disastrous date with Winston the cardboard box retailer was funny, and I'm enjoying the relationship/jealousy that is developing on John's part as a result. I thought it was actually very thoughtful of John to go over and check on Marilyn during her second date in Angelo's. Neither he, Irene nor Leah noticed her waving during the first date, and to me his interruption came across as a subtle way to check everything was alright, rather than to deliberately intrude. I understood Marilyn's outburst later though, although hopefully later after thinking about it she'll realise he was just trying to help. Jett is obviously beginning to twig the connection between John and Marilyn.

It's so nice to see Casey just being a normal teen character, rather than as Casey BRAXTON and all of the stigma that goes along with it. His 'friendship' with Sasha is really sweet, and I hope they are working towards a relationship for the pair.

Although he is very creepy I've found myself feeling quite sorry for Jamie. As is beginning to be explained it seems he comes from a very troubled background, and develops very strong feelings for women he meets and develops a relationship with. It was definitely a step too far to find VJ and take him jet-skiing, and then to tell him to keep it their secret. Although I completely understand her anger at this, I thought Leah went way overboard telling Jamie to stay away from her son and her in future.

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Harvey/ Roo – Now his provided a bit of a laugh during the episode. First of all I liked John/Alf/Harvey scene, these kinda scenes with the men of Summer Bay are rare so it was a nice change even if it was short. The answering of the phone and Harvey talking to John and panicking when Roo came back were nice comedic moments. Poor John couldn’t get a word in edge wise, although his reaction to Harvey’s comment about Marilyn internet dating was interesting, like a sense of guilt was hanging over it a bit!

Adam/ Bianca – Wrong on all levels. Maybe he does make her feel better but at what cost? She is obviously dressing to impress though! The house they were in was the same as Jamie’s, which would explain their connection. One thing I do like about Adam is that he can do the bad thing good, the same as Danny did! I still can’t understand why Brax would trust him when he’s the exact mould of his Dad?

Heath/Brax/Kyle – Now this started bad and ended up quite good. Mac was very helpful, which was quite refreshing. I had half expected a game of cat and mouse, but a sit down and a chat was a tad more enjoyable. I kinda felt sorry for Kyle at the end, in the sense you could see he wanted to be part of a family but knows that Casey will always come first and that’s the reason for coming to get him, nothing else. I like the new Heath though, he has changed a bit this series and for the better.

Irene/April/Gina – I liked the different approach these three ladies took in dealing with Bianca’s behaviour. Gina took the no nonsense approach, which I liked. Can’t believe Bianca tried to wriggle her way out of the situation though, sleeping on the desk at work is no excuse no matter what she’s been through. Irene didn’t do much, but I don’t think she wants to overstep the mark. As for April, I liked her sisterly chat with Bianca, and it was nice to see Bianca stop and listen for a while instead of biting everyone’s head off.


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