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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It was the same place that Jamie used, hence my question 'where is Adam living?' So now we also know Jamie's 'boss' is his dad and his 'work' is setting up a drugs deal. Looks like I was wrong about Jamie wanting to get close to VJ because of something Vinnie may have done. Small niggle, and no offence to Leah, but why was Jamie referring to her as a 'girl'? His behaviour is still very suss, he practicaly ignored Jett, is he looking to cause a rift between VJ and Leah? He doesn't yet know VJ well enough to know he isn't very good at lying. Liked the 'going overboard' comment btw cadyctslover. :wink: At last VJ is actually 13!!!! You should all know by now it is only the person who is involved someway that overhears so called private discussions like the one Jamie & Adam were having, in this case Leah. This was so she could warn Liam off (too late of course) helping Adam, simples!!!

I think I preferred Maz with her hair down like that, softened her face as she has quite a strong jawline. Did we all miss something with John, Winston & Maz? If that other guy (Sean?) is really interested im Maz I don't think he will let John put him off, hope not anyway, until John butted in they seemed so well matched. She can also pop into his shop, can't she? In any case wasn't John encouraging her to go ahead with the date?

I did like Harv having a whinge to Alf about Roo turning into Bridezilla, seemed Alf was doing his own bit of hiding. Was funny when John took the phone then said 'oh yes, he's right here' and handed it back. :D

Has Adam been letting Bianca have her drugs (uppers & downers?) for free so far, if so I can't see that lasting much longer, unless sleeping with her is a kind of payment. Apart from throwing his weight about, he doesn't seem remotely bothered about Angelo's, just a handy cover for him setting up a base for his more lucrative business.

So nice to see Casey and Sasha being real friends, though I also got the idea they would like it to be something else, if it wasn't for him going to jail. Strange that Case hadn't heard from Brax that he and Heath were on their way back with Kyle? :huh:

All that running around Melbourne did give TPTB a chance to show it off, I suppose. If Mac's dad was a friend of Danny, wouldn't that have meant she would have know right away who Brax & Heath were? To answer your question Shibs about Brax not seeing the similarity between Adam & Danny, I don't think Danny had a charming side and Adam was acting the white knight in helping Brax and the family when Danny went inside. He obviously is good at playing the long game, he's going to want payback for all the times he has helped Brax.

Gina was someone Bianca couldn't ignore, if she thought Bianca wasn't ready to come back, even as a exam supervisor she had every right to send her home. Problem is it was keeping her occupied and out of Adam's way for a while each day.

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I think Jamie creepy and erratic behaviour is due to him wanting to be part of a family and I think he craves being loved i think he really likes Leah like he told his dad but he may not handle rejection very well. His dad does not seem that nice to him, Jamie may not be bad underneath it all but someone who has serious issues

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So, the confusion deepens:Now it seems Brax knows Jamie existed but presumably doesn't know what he looks like since he didn't recognise him when they briefly met(and again, why did Adam keep it a secret?).I think the similarity between Danny and Adam is definitely there, it's just their relationship with Brax are kinda flipped.Danny could be charming:He turned it on with Marilyn and, to a lesser extent, Heath, Casey and Ruby, all of whom initially thought he was okay.But he didn't bother with Brax because he knew it wouldn't work on him.Whereas Adam will be all smiles with Brax, Casey and Bianca but doesn't bother around Heath, Liam or Jamie because they've seen the other side to him.

Have to say the whole John/Marilyn thing is being rather confusingly played;despite John's insistence that he doesn't have feelings for her, it feels as though he does(and possibly her for him?)and it feels like that's not going to change soon, they just need to find a way to deal with it and put it to one side.John and Jett are starting to have those nice little exchanges that he used to have with Xavier, loved Jett's "Don't stuff it up" when leaving him and Gina alone.

Dexter's really done a flip:Not too long ago he was practically insisting Sid stay away from Lisa, now he's trying to get them back together despite the situation being far messier than he first believed. His accident wasn't really Lisa's fault but she didn't help by turning her back on him and walking away just so she could stare at an incoming call screen.(Why not stay facing him?)So, we get our first look at Lisa's husband, who seems as controlling as suggested.This probably isn't going to end well...

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John/Marilyn – Gina said a couple of week’s back that John can sometimes be clumsy with other people’s feelings, and this episode was a classic example. First of all loved how he slotted in perfectly with girls, chatting about Winston (who had a laugh that sounded like he was chocking!) and his hands signals towards her when she was eager to get away were great. I’m glad he gave her some words of advice and encorigment in the Surf Club though, and it was nice to see her giving it another go. The incident in Angelo’s was a unforunate though, John intensions in my eyes were sweet, and he was only being a good friend by casually checking up on the guy. Marilyn didn’t see it that way though and gave him a right serve about it, which in all honesty I think she would’ve regret later! I loved the look on his face after she left the Surf Club, confussed and a bit lost I think sums it up nicely!!! He just can’t seem to get anything right when it comes to Marilyn at the moment, bless him ^_^

Jamie/Adam/Liam – Ok, so Jamie and Adam are father and son. I assume Brax doesn’t know about this seeing as he hasn’t been mentioned till now? Their plans do sound a bit Braxton – like, and wanting to get Heath involved only suggests it’s something dodgy. So asking Liam instead of Heath, was a very odd move. Liam doesn’t look like the balaclava type! All this because of Bianca and the fact that she won’t let her friends in. She really needs to get her head in order before anyone gets hurt.

VJ/Jamie/Leah – Now this is just weird and I think Jett saw that as well. Leah was right in having a go at Jamie and I think she should’ve let him go long before now. The Jett Ski was cool and at I would’ve probably liked a ride on one as well, but VJ has always been a cautious child and Jett wasn’t putting that much pressure on him, so I can’t see why he agreed to go along with Jamie’s plans!?! From what Jamie said at the end though, it doesn’t look like he’ll be letting this one go any time soon!

Casey/ Sasha – Now this was refreshing. Nice to see two teenagers hanging out with each other, and just having a laugh. I like the fact that for the first time in a while we got to see Casey being a normal teenager, hanging out with his friend drinking coffee, it was a very refreshing change to the moody and miserable teen we’ve had for the past few months. The flower was a nice touch from him as well!!


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I think it was Liam, during his talk with Leah about Adam and his relationship with Jamie, queried why Brax hadn't mentioned the death of Adam's wife, well perhaps he didn't know as Adam didn't tell him for reasons of his own. I had to smile the way Miss Marple Leah put everything together - Adam being Jamie's boss, the house being Adam's. Another ulterior motve behind Adam deciding to introduce Jamie to Casey? Why do I get the feeling Adam won't stop giving drugs to Bianca once Liam has done this 'one' job for him? I did notice Liam called Bianca his friend, not his wife, not wanting Adam to know perhaps, but he can easily find out from others. Maybe someone getting hurt is what it will take to make Bianca see the light, but it's just as likely she'll say 'I didn't ask them to get involved'.

Nice bit of light relief with Marilyn, John and Jett. Good that Marilyn finally listened, instead of dodging him every time. I think he now cares for her like Alf does, nothing romantic, now he has got that out of his system. He nearly stumbled back into stepping over the line mode, but she stopped him. He does mean well but not very good at saying what he means and it comes out all wrong. Yeah I liked that with Jett leaving to let John and Gina have a heart to heart, very savvy kid that. I liked that John didn't immediately jump on Gina's offer that he move back in.

Know what you mean about Dex regards Sid and Lisa, but then he doesn't know the truth, but then again Sid doesn't know the whole truth, yet. True Lisa should have been watching Dex, she wasn't actually taking the call. Definitely not a nice guy, Neil, going by the trailer, he's not just controlling but a wife beater to boot. So what's going to be her excuse, walked into a door? Would have thought he'd be more careful and hit her somewhere it doesn't show. Maybe just me but I think Nat and Lisa are very alike.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four.

So, we've now got what I presume is the full story with Lisa and Neil and so have the Walkers.When Sasha was listening in on the conversation, I suddenly remembered about her and Stu and they used it well.It did kind of seem like no-one in the household was that interested aside from Sid and Sasha but maybe they were just being discreet.Even if she doesn't go to the police, Lisa really needs to get in touch with a solicitor and assert her rights, she can't let Neil just deny her all her things like that.(I'm assuming she still has some sort of bank account in order to consider going to a hotel, unless it just hasn't occurred to her that he might have frozen that as well.)

Frustrating that Natalie's successfully brainwashed Casey into thinking Tamara isn't real along with everyone else, she just seems to have grabbed hold of the idea against all logic and now it's causing troubles between him and Sasha, who might have been less frustrated if she knew Tamara was just someone he bumped into rather than his "fantasy woman".Then again, the last scene suggests that's not really the issue.Guess it was inevitable that the idea of Sasha and pregnancy would come up given what happened.

The Roo/Harvey stuff continues to be frustrating:Were we actually meant to cheer Roo's childish attempt to get her own back because Harvey got fed up of her constant tantrums?Slightly disappointed that Marilyn went along with it.At least she did admit that she's having problems and hopefully Harvey's idea means we'll see an end to it.

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I'm not sure about Lisa why didn't she go to the police, they would have arrested her husband and she could have got her things from the house? The scene at the Walker farm where Indy, Romeo, April and Dex were indulging in PDA was a bit weird with Sid and Lisa there.

Groan, another teenage pregnancy in Summer Bay(?) I completely forgot that you only have to sleep with someone once to conceive in this fertile area, and that condoms are banned lol. If it's true Casey will be hoping his trial is brought forward to prevent Sid getting his hands on him and to escape from clingy Sasha!

Talking of court cases, any news of Ruby... last I heard she was in the city with Morag waiting for her trial for cutting the brake pipes on Indys car?

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Talking of court cases, any news of Ruby... last I heard she was in the city with Morag waiting for her trial for cutting the brake pipes on Indys car?

You've forgotten something else about this area:If someone leaves it while facing criminal charges, we never hear how the trial went.

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Talking of court cases, any news of Ruby... last I heard she was in the city with Morag waiting for her trial for cutting the brake pipes on Indys car?

You've forgotten something else about this area:If someone leaves it while facing criminal charges, we never hear how the trial went.

True. We never know how long Jesse, Hyde or Will got for their respective killings of Chloe, Josh and Penn. I just never liked the way Ruby Houdinied out of this and didn't face any comeback for it.

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Talking of court cases, any news of Ruby... last I heard she was in the city with Morag waiting for her trial for cutting the brake pipes on Indys car?

You've forgotten something else about this area:If someone leaves it while facing criminal charges, we never hear how the trial went.

True. We never know how long Jesse, Hyde or Will got for their respective killings of Chloe, Josh and Penn. I just never liked the way Ruby Houdinied out of this and didn't face any comeback for it.

Not only do we never hear how the trial went, but we never see or hear of any of the other characters involved in the storyline having to go to court (for example Irene after that guy Corey was poisoning her).

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