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Talking of court cases, any news of Ruby... last I heard she was in the city with Morag waiting for her trial for cutting the brake pipes on Indys car?

You've forgotten something else about this area:If someone leaves it while facing criminal charges, we never hear how the trial went.

True. We never know how long Jesse, Hyde or Will got for their respective killings of Chloe, Josh and Penn. I just never liked the way Ruby Houdinied out of this and didn't face any comeback for it.

^Well, she turned herself into the police and almost certainly well to jail, I'm not sure that qualifies as not facing any comeback.As I said at the time, I don't think it was really required for a bunch of characters who I don't like at the best of times to queue up to yell abuse at her(I seriously wanted to smack April when she had a go, I understand her position but she just came across as cruel and sanctimonious, especially with the way Ruby was in tears and obviously deeply remorseful about what she'd done).I understand that a lot of fans didn't like Ruby and felt she deserved to suffer more than she did but for me those scenes would have just demeaned the characters in question.I'm more annoyed that Romeo received no real comeback for his part in things, aside from Indi blaming him for one scene and then going back to him anyway, and has been accepted back into the family he indirectly hurt.

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When Sasha was listening in on the conversation, I suddenly remembered about her and Stu and they used it well.

Great minds think alike Red!!! Must have seemed a bit strange for Lisa taking advice from a 16 year old. If it is Neil's house as opposed to theirs, I guess he can change the locks. All she could do is as Red said get advice about getting her belongings from it with the police as an escort, he couldn't freeze her personal bank account only a joint one. They've all been very sympathic towards her.

Perhaps Casey has decided to just go with the flow about Tamara to keep everyone quiet. Of course we know Kyle saw her, wonder if he will admit it though? Looks like he is going to need some, er, persuading to go to the police. Yes, a 'fanasty girl' (or boy) is much harder to compete with. I'm guessing Sasha hadn't had time to get the pill sorted out and condoms are the sort of thing you normally take with you into the outback, it was pretty impromptu decision to go.

I'll skip over Sid/Roo?Alf, Marilyn didn't handle that at all well.

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John/Gina/Marilyn/Jett – This was the highlight of the week for me. First of all loved the scenes between Jett and John, they have a real dynamic to their relationship, Jett’s lecture to John was spot on and I’m glad John took notice, even though by taking notice he only went and made things a tad worse with Jett! Jett’s ‘Don’t screw this up’ line and the little tap he gave John when leaving the house was great, bless him. John fixing things with Marilyn was sweet to say the least. I loved the fact that he was determined to have his say and sat in the Diner till she was ready. And then when she was ready to listen, he defiantly delivered the most heart melting apology he could’ve possibly thought of, despite almost falling into the same trap again. Telling Marilyn she’s ‘amazing’ and that he cares about her was sweet and I think that it in a big brother/close friend role he sees himself with Marilyn, nothing more. And then to top it all off he had another heart melting speech, but this time with Gina! Their heart to heart on the sofa was so cute. Also liked the fact that it was John who suggested that they took it one step at a time and that they’d revisit the subject of moving in in a couple of days. Nice to see them not rushing things, but this was a perfect beginning to what will be a beautiful reunion :wub:

The Walkers/Lisa – Nice to see the Walker kids concerned about Sid, and it was sweet of Dex wanting to help Sid and Lisa get back together, although running on sand while in recovery might not have been the brightest idea! I don’t think Lisa did a whole lot wrong as she only turned her head for about a second. Glad that Sid calmed down and on his kids request went and talked to Lisa, but instead came face to face with hubby Neil. He is an odd sort of bloke, and Sid looked a tad bit confused when he was walking away from the house, he could sense there was something out of place. I really do feel for Sid, relationship never seem to be easy for him!

Liam/Leah – I like the friendship that’s developed between them since he’s moved in. I can understand Leah’s concern and I enjoyed the scene in the diner where they were putting the pieces of the jigsaw together. Calling Brax was a smart move as well. But going by Liam discussing his shifts with Indi, he seems to have agreed to the job, for the sake of Bianca, which is sweet but he is defiantly playing with fire and I think both and Leah are in for a bumpy ride!!


Casey/Sasha – Now I think Casey would’ve lost either way when it came to Tamara. If he hadn’t told her then she would’ve found out and she’d have been angry. He did tell her and she was angry at him for not thinking about her. Personally I thought he was right to tell her, although telling Sasha she was imagined was not the best move considering he has no proof of this. And then came Natalie, why is she always around when these two are trying to solve something, it really puzzles me. And I fail to see why she’s drumming the fact that Tamara was imaginary into Casey’s head, how can she be so sure if she wasn’t there? I did like the chat she had with Sasha at the end though, and it nice to see that Sasha has someone to talk to outside the Palmer household. And so Sasha is pregnant, can’t wait to see how she’ll tell Casey!?!

Roo/Harvey – I like the light relief that’s been supplied with the wedding preparation. It’s just a pity really that it has now come to a stop. Poor Marilyn didn’t deserve to get caught in the middle of all that, and Harvey should’ve either man up or just let Roo be, surely she would’ve grown tired of the routine soon enough. As for Alf, a bit disappointed that he didn’t talk to Roo about this, surely he’s not scared of her!?! Did like the scene of them talking about the Bomboniere though!!! :D

Sid/Lisa – First of all since when is the Farm House door open for all to enter? I liked the fact that the whole family was in the kitchen when she walked in and was offered a place to stay, you only had to look a couple of minutes before and you could see there is no room in that house without adding another person to the living arrangements, but I guess Sid couldn’t just turn her away!! Nice to see him taking her back to get her things only for Neil to change the locks! That seemed weird considering, last week she only told Sid how Neil couldn’t let her go!? The chat she had with Sasha was a nice link up between storylines and I’m glad it was mentioned. So I’m guessing Lisa will be sticking around now for a while, which is good, because it about time Sid had some success in the relationship area!!

Promo for this week looked good :)


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Please don't read on if you're not in the mood for a negative review.

Wow, today's episode summed up perfectly my problems with H&A currently. The Braxton characters are overused, moreover their story isn't even interesting!

I have a real problem with watching a show in which a growing number of characters are deliberately unlikable. Don't get me wrong, I love gritty drama and don't want the show to feature zero conflict, that's what makes it interesting. However, I cannot understand why they would cast yet another Braxton character, who doesn't deliver anything new.

Sure, Kyle may go on to be a completely different character from his brothers, but let's be honest, that's not going to happen. Already I can tell that the story arc for his character is fitting into the Braxton family, and finally being accepted by them as their brother. Perhaps in 6-12 months Kyle will save Brax from the bad guys during his latest drug deal?

But what I really don't understand is the idea that Kyle wants to get to know his brothers. Why does he want to be a part of the family (?), he clearly hates them all. Danny is dead, so it's not like this gives him an opportunity to be closer to him, and earn his respect. He tried to kill Casey because he shot Danny dead, so that relationship is going to be difficult to recover. Brax and Heath hate his guts, and only have him in the house to coerce him in to testifying during Casey's trial. So what reason is there for him to want to get close to them?

The problem I have with introducing several characters such as this and writing them into endlessly contentious scenarios, is that it's not an enjoyable viewing experience for me, and I struggle to understand how it would be for any other viewer. It just ends up being depressing, when you begin to realise that the objective is not to develop the characters into better people, it's to promote violence. This episode is also a good example of the imbalance amongst the cast, with the vast majority of scenes involving the Braxton characters, be it the Braxtons themselves, or their overpowering influence on other storylines and scenes involving Sasha and Natalie.

Don't get me started on Natalie, and her comment about Sasha falling pregnant being Casey's fault. I hear this attitude a lot and it really irks me. As if Sasha played no part in that exchange of bodily fluids. They say inequality between men and women is a thing of the past, what a joke.

On to the remaining 10% of the episode, a sub-plot involving the Palmers. Not a storyline as such, and clearly not very important scenes judging by their prominence.

Sorry, that was a bit rambling, but this episode put me in a really bad mood :angry2: .

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Surprisingly, I actually rather enjoyed this episode:Yes, there was a lot of Braxton stuff in it but we haven't seen most of them for a while and, in fact, seeing Brax, Heath and Kyle enconsconced in the house at the beginning left me thinking I'd missed an episode.I do, however, agree with the point about Kyle:He's been given a very strange introduction that it's going to take more than a few little boy lost looks to get over and he doesn't really add anything new to the Braxton family and just increases the feeling that they're all just left interacting with each other and the occasional guest antagonist, without their storylines really affecting any other characters.It doesn't help that he's still being portrayed as a budding psycho but then again, so are most of the Braxtons, especially Brax.I did think it was a nice reversal to see Heath as the softly spoken one and Brax as the one who just wants to hit someone, the line seems to be blurring between them somewhat which is perhaps necessary.It's definitely a toss up as to whether Heath's suggestion that Brax would kill Kyle if he doesn't co-operate is a bluff or not.Casey's reaction is to be expected, I think it's understandable that it's tempered by the knowledge that he needs Kyle's help.I was surprised that Natalie backed down with him so easily and even more surprised that she couldn't come up with a better plan than "wander around in the hope of bumping into Brax and Heath".Heath was pretty dumb to just go in the shower like that, I was expecting him to come out and surprise Kyle at first.And nice to see Georgie, being business-like but quite helpful as ever.Hopefully Brax will have the sense to take Kyle to the police station now, if nothing else it will prove he exists.

For once, I actually thought Natalie did a good job with Sasha:I get that her "Some people would say he did this to you" could come across as a bit judgemental but really I think she was just trying to point out that Sasha's as affected by this as Casey is.I'm glad Sasha told Casey pretty quickly, I was worried they were going to drag it out.I don't fault his reaction, Sasha might have been hoping for him to instantly vow to stand by her but it was obviously a shock to him and it's going to take him a while to process it.

And I actually really loved the John/Gina/Jett stuff and don't think it was forced into a corner of the episode by the Braxtons at all, it seemed to take up as much screentime as the other two storylines. Someone said over in the Australian thread that the Roo/Harvey storyline was probably meant to be a humorous counterpoint to the serious stuff but failed by not really being funny.Here, though, I think it worked perfectly, possible because it's got a more natural-seeming family unit as its basis.The opening shot of Jett cuddling up to John in his sleep was really sweet, topped by his deadpan "This movie sucks" as he wanders off to bed.While it did trot out the cliche of hapless-patriarch-humoured-by-everyone, I think the comic timing of everyone involved made for great television and even the slightly serious twist of John braining himself turned into a genuinely heartwarming moment.

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It seemed, to me at least, there was a lot more to Kyle and Nat, then their previous brief meeting. I din't think she was just wondering around it just happened she bumped into Brax and Heat, luckily right near the pier!!! :rolleyes: I spotted the switch of 'good cop, bad cop' between Heath and Brax and Heath's warning to Kyle not to call Brax Darryl otherwise he'd really upset him. Not gorgetting his suggestion that if he didn't behave, he'd be taken for a ride by Brax who would come home alone! His home truths about Danny and how he felt about each of them seemd to have an effect. Didn't understand Kyle saying Heath & Brax saying they kidnapped him he went voluntarily, they didn't have to knock him out and stuff him in the boot. Personally I didn't blame Case for punching Kyle after all he put him through, though it won't look good when he does, eventually(?) go to the cops. I'm sure Brax will eventually mange to persuade him. It was good to see Georgie again and see Casey has been signing in as stipulated in his bail cinditions. I liked how she was professional yet sympathic towards him.

I'm with Red and her advice to Sasha, I think what she said was 'you mustn't see it all as your fault'. It does take two after all. Myself I would have taken the test first, then if it was postive told Casey, then I suppose it wouldn't be such a tense story line. I know, when she finally managed to tell him, she didn't get the reaction she was expecting, whatever that may have been, but give him a chance, let him get his head around it first. I'm sticking my head out here and say he won't be mentionoing it to Brax or Heath.

Loved the John/Gina/Jett scenes, real family stuff without being icky. I get the feeling John is not as good at D.I.Y as he likes to think he is. The little deal between Jett and Gina was funny. :D Chips and ice cream, what together!! :blink: Quite right of Gina to insist John went to the hospital, he did knock himself out.

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It was good to see Georgie again

I thought I was the only one on Watson watch. I used to do the same when Fitzy, Harper or McGrath were in the mix. The cops could have easily had their own spinoff; Yabbie Beat given the amount of times they popped up between 2004 and now! ^_^

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It was good to see Georgie again
I thought I was the only one on Watson watch. I used to do the same when Fitzy, Harper or McGrath were in the mix. The cops could have easily had their own spinoff; Yabbie Beat given the amount of times they popped up between 2004 and now! ^_^
And what happened to nurse Julie
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