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Tamara's surname is given as Kingsley on the closing credits.Incidentally, Kyle's been credited as Kyle Braxton since the Melbourne episodes.

Well, guess I was right about Sid turning up, didn't expect it to be literally immediately after the opening credits though or for the situation with Neil to be resolved so quickly.Well, the immediate situation anyway, seeing as the police couldn't find anything to charge him with.Nice that the incident seems to have made Indi more sympathetic and understanding of Lisa's situation.Shame that Romeo had to turn up, being his usual annoying self.There seemed to be an attempt to explain his behaviour by pointing out his stepfather was the same as Neil but it was very half-hearted and mostly came across as Romeo being an ass.Lisa's phone call was very curious:Was that meant to be Neil on the other end?If so, she was surprisingly assertive.Maybe Indi's advice about standing up to him has sunk in,

Could Roo get any more annoying?Probably and I'm not looking forward to it.Alf explains Harvey's problem so instead of talking to him about it or, shock horror, doing what he wants, she goes behind his back to Lottie and tries to get some random to be best man.And what's the bet, given its prominence in the recap, that that's the best friend from school Harvey really doesn't want to see again?Jett seemed to be in full on brat mode again and you'd have thought he'd be more pleased about John and Gina being back on track, although I can kind of understand his point.Still, what was with that phone recording?So he leaves a phone in John's pocket making an audio recording and leaves him alone with Marilyn.Okay, I'll buy that and I'll buy that the fragment of conversation we heard could be misinterpreted but did he only listen to those few seconds?What exactly was said in the rest of the conversation?At least Gina instantly realised what it was.

As for Dexter's little subplot...well, I'm kind of glad that the "Everything's brilliant" attitude of the previous week seems to have been premature and they're continuing to run with it.

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Cheers for that Red, in our area they tend to squish up the credits and zip through them so you can't read them. First time Kyle has acknowledged he's a Braxton in public, let alone in private.

Sid did seem to appear out of nowhere, last time we saw him he was with Lisa, in a puff of smoke he was at Angelo's, the police also arrived pretty quickly. They let Neil go because it was Indi's word against his, um wasn't Sid there too or doesn't his word count? Showed what a coward he is, by his wimpering when Sid grabbed him. Indi stood up to it pretty well, though I guess there will be some after shock. Romeo was just being a concerned husband I guess, though even if he had been there, there was little he could have done.Yes, that phone call of Lisa's I do hope she knows what she is doing. Indi hasn't been under his influence for years like Lisa has, is she strong enough to stand up to him?

Roo for gods sake let Harvey alone, interfering again! He certainly looks like a ladies man going by the trailer, I see trouble ahead, will Mailyn be next in his sights? Loved the way Alf called Roo a banshee, spot on there. Had to smile at her protest that Harvey did have friends in the bay then couldn't name a single one!

I can understand Jett in a way, wasn't that the second time John had moved out since he'd been there? Pretty clever of his doctoring the recording to make it seem very saucy. :wink: Just as well Gina had already had a tasting so knew what it was all about.

So Dex seeming to be on the road to recovery has hit a bump. I'm no medical expert but it seemed he was having an epileptic fit and his being zoned out earlier also points that way. He was doing so well too and it is good (in a way) that it hasn't appeared to have resolved. If it is epilepsy it's going to mean more medication and until the doctors get the dosage right, he's going to need more watching.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.

Wonder how many people actually recognised Winston as Marilyn's disastrous date?The references did seem to get sledgehammer subtle when they eventually came.I don't know what it is about this storyline.Well, I do but...Winston could have been a good comedy character in a decent storyline but he just feels like another aspect of the refusal to give Harvey a break.I'm surprised he hasn't run a mile now he's got two irritating people hassling him all the time and Roo still doesn't seem to get how unreasonable she's being.Maybe walking in on Harvey and Winston wrestling convinced her it wasn't such a good idea?

It is nice to see Bianca making progress and Irene and Gina giving her good advice.I can kind of see Heath's point, everyone seems to have forgotten since he's handled it better that he lost a son too and he's been getting it in the neck from Bianca when he's just been trying to help her.On the other hand, while Bianca has come down hard on Heath in the past, her recent behaviour is a reaction to grief so maybe he should wait and see a bit before writing her off as another person who keeps treading on him.(After all, he still puts up with Brax...)Much as I thought they worked well together at the end, I do have to query when exactly Heath became "the most important person in [bianca's] life".(And on a somewhat frivolous note, it's nice to see that Rocco actually has got a grave after the weird end to the funeral.)

Well, at least we had Heath and April in the same scene here and at least he apologised to Dexter and Dexter sort of did likewise.Shame that the rest of the Walkers have used up their episodes so Dexter's left interacting with the two hangers-on, April and Romeo:April coming in all inappropriately chirpy after his fit felt as out of place as she usually does in that household.

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Must admit I didn't twig it wasn't the same guy, shows how much of an impression he made! He comes across as very needy and latched onto Harvey because he saved him from being beaten up all those years ago. Have to agree Roo did seem to be having second thoughts about him. I see Maz is still weating her hair down, though it looks like it is hair sprayed to death, it doesn't move!

I can understand why Heath is so wary of Bianca wanting to make amends, it took him ages to let his gaurd down and admit he loved her, then she throws it all back at him and after the way he was treated by Danny you can see his point. Not that Bianca should give up, if she means what she says about them trying again, I'd stick in there. It was nice to see Rocco did have an actual grave, my guess is Heath has been there a few times. I guess Bianca won't be having Nat as a counsellor? :wink:

Looks like my assumption was right and Dex does have epilepsy, he must even think so himself, as he asks the doctor he see next week. He was looking it up on the net before he suffered another one. To be fair to April she had no idea Dex had had a fit, he wasn't about to tell her. Romeo was very instinsctive picking up on the fact he (Dex) wasn't his usual self, but deciding not to say anything with April and Indi there so as not to spook them. I was relieved Dex realised he did need help and deciding not to brave it out. Clever move of TPTB to let the viewers 'see' the attacks from Dex's point of view, seeing objects out of focus and co-ordination being off, it does give you an insight of what it must be like for people who have the condition. I should imagine Charles Cotier spoke to epileptics to ensure he was getting it right?

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John/Gina/Jett – So Jett has trust issues. Didn’t really go the right way around it did he. I did like his attempt though; it was a well though out plan! John and Gina being all loved up is good to see and I also love hearing him say ‘Honey I’m Home’!!!!! Did wonder why he moved so much stuff with him though, did he really need all of it? Jett’s recording made me laugh, but I am glad that Gina knew what it was about, or it could’ve been a very deep hole for John to dig himself out of. That final scene of John promising Jett that he is there to stay was sweet, and I’m glad they are all now back together and all is well in the Palmer household :wub:

Roo/Marilyn/Alf/Harvey – Congrats to Marilyn and I’m glad she is part of the bridal party, although with Leah out of town, Roo was short on choices. And I enjoyed her scene with the different icings. I felt sorry for Harvey when he told Alf he has no friends and I guess Roo should’ve listened to him rather than going behind his back and calling someone on his behalf. Surely if he didn’t need a best man, that was his choice?!?


Harvey/Winston – Winston is an interesting character to say the least. A bit full on but a lot of fun all the same. I really enjoyed Harvey and Roo in the Diner and Harvey telling her the John would’ve been a better option!! Marilyn’s face when she saw Winston was a picture, can’t wait to see how she will be around him, because he seemed very keen to pick up where they left off. I love her ‘Cardboard Box Man’ nickname he has given him though!!!!

John/Jett – A nice little scene of them making the lunch. And it was nice to them having a little bit of banter together!

Romeo/Dex – Romeo is the perfect big brother for Dex at the moment. I like the fact that he can figure Dex out and that he wasn’t willing to brush what he saw under the carpet. I’m also glad that Dex finally faced facts and asked Romeo to take him to the hospital. They make a great team. As for April and Dex, I can’t believe she didn’t notice that there was something up with him, after all she does spend every day with him. When he offered lunch at Angelo’s was sweet though and I’m glad she gave him the chance to prove himself, even if they needed the help from Heath in the end, it was nice to see him trying a different thing.

Promo looked good for this week :)


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I have to say that I have never been a fan of Heath's but I had to agree with him when he told Bianca that he could not just be used by her.

I hope that they keep him on the straight and narrow - I hate that we are supposed to believe that the Braxton's are becoming better people but they continue to sell drugs or threaton and beat up people. I am bored now with the gang stuff and would like to see them keep up the improvements and become more integrated into the bay or if the writers can't do that they should just leave.

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I actually really loved the Braxton stuff in this episode.I really wish the show would concentrate more on this side of them.It's reached the point where they actually have a fairly decent relationship as brothers and scenes like this, where they basically sit around doing nothing except chat about where their lives are at, are far more compelling than them running around getting into fights.I freely admit Heath is one of my favourites now and I love that he's becoming more dominant, basically managing to boss his brothers about here and get all the good lines, then quietly telling Casey he'll look after Brax(all the more ironic when Brax thinks he's the one looking after them).I'm kind of on the fence with Heath and Bianca:I think it's good that he's not willing to take everything she throws at him out of some sort of inferiority complex but I do think she's sincere about him and hopefully if they do get back together it'll be on a more equal footing.Great to see Irene and April being there for Bianca and somewhat amusing that they're both now in favour of her and Heath.Curious moment when Bianca says she hasn't had a reply to her text from Heath and wasn't expecting one and April says "Me neither":Does she mean she's texted Heath and he hasn't replied, she's texted Dexter and he hasn't replied or just that she wasn't expecting Heath to reply to Bianca?(Yes, I think too much about things.)

Have to admit though that the Walker stuff fell flat for me.Maybe I'm prejudiced against Romeo but I really don't think he's a strong enough or interesting enough character to act as a decent foil for Dexter, he was basically just standing there the whole time.(Reminds me of the days when Xavier and Mink acted him off the screen.)And while I could get Romeo having to improvise an explanation for their absence on the phone, he and Dexter had plenty of time to come up with a decent cover story to explain their overnight absence and apparently didn't bother and left Romeo to make up another far-fetched story on the spot.And somehow Sid and Indi believe it!I was waiting for a sign that they were suspicious and it never came.

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As I predicted way back Bianca did come to regret asking Irene to give away all Rocco's things, thankfully she (Irene) hadn't and was able to hand them over, she looked so happy when told that. Bianca had got to that stage where she was able to look through them with sad (but fond) memories. I loved that little t-shirt, I'd forgotten about that. Unusual layout in the graveyard, no actual graves, just little plaques. Good to see she (Bianca) hasn't given up on trying to get through to Heath, secret I suppose is don't push too hard. When she went up to him on the beach why didn't she say anything? I think the latter there Red about the text I mean. One thing, Bianca keeps telling Heath, Irene, April and Liam she's finished with Adam BUT has she told him???

:offtopic: I have to add I like Bianca's leather jacket.

I also liked the Braxton boys night in and Heath overruling Brax! :D I'm guessing Kyle is in custody. Although it may not have been nice for Bianca not getting a reply to her from Heath, I'm kind of glad he didn't answer it, that way it could be just the three of them, hanging out like they used to. Was a nice touch Heath telling Casey he'd look after Brax, who may he think he doesn't need looking after, but in truth possibly does. Tonights the night then when we find out what's going to happen.

Dex did put Romeo in a very difficult position, by asking him to lie for him and I guess Romeo feels he should otherwise he'll lose Dex's trust. Do agree Romeo could have thought of something better, but he was caught on the hop. So if not epilepsy, what? Will he be getting anymore or was it a one off?

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Hmm.Casey's sentence is probably fair although I'd have liked a few more details:How long is this weekend detention thing supposed to last?Once again he was massively insensitive around Sasha, which is making me not care about Tamara since she seems to be the catalyst for this change-for-the-worse in Casey's character.Shame, since she was a good influence on him back in the desert. Shame too that Sasha got interrupted just as she was about to tell Casey her concerns.Natalie's double talk to Brax about people re-evaluating their relationship now the trial is over made me cringe. Mind you, it looks like Brax is still going to have his work cut out.Heath's sudden big brother relationship with Kyle seems a bit abrupt given that he's shown no sign of really caring about him before now but I guess it continues the idea of him suddenly being the responsible one in the family.Not sure how we were supposed to feel at the end:Are we meant to think Kyle's getting what he deserves or are we meant to think that now he's a main character it's okay for him to leave a guy chained up in a desert to die?Can't see the outcome being particularly satisfactory.Either we're going to be treated to yet another long, drawn out storyline about a Braxton facing jail or Adam's bent lawyer is going to get the charges dropped straightaway.

Didn't really care about Dexter's storyline.We get treated to more dull musings from Romeo and Sasha bleating about how special Dexter and April are.At which point Dexter comes clean to April and she's clearly more bothered about him waiting a day to tell her than about the fact he actually had a seizure.Yeah, she's a keeper that one...

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Caseys sentence fair, are you are kidding? I think the whole trial has been a farce and sends out a bad message to kids. As much as we love Casey the facts are he belongs to a notorious gang family, was expelled from school for his violent temper then subsequently sent to borstal, he then goes on to rob a place which ends up with him pointing a gun at his dad and shooting him dead. Ok, he was found not guilty of murder, which shows leniancy, but what about manslaughter? How can it be self defence when his dad was unarmed and not attacking him? Even the lesser charge of armed robbery is serious enought to carry a custodial sentence ... but he gets part-time jail despite his record, huh? It's all a bit unbelievable lol. I really think H&A should send a stronger message the Braxtons appear to be above the law a little too much.

Liking Tamara, there is definately a spark between her and Casey. Poor Sasha seems to be taking on Rubys clinging role now :-(

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