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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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To be honest, Home and Away has, over the last few years, if not earlier, frequently sent out the message that the main characters are above the law.It started long before the Braxtons came in, Aden's trial was far more farcical with a prosecutor who didn't both to cross examine the defence witnesses(in contrast, the one at Casey's trial did his job well)and a judge who did the defence's job for them and came up with an excuse to let Aden off an attempted murder charge he was clearly guilty of and gave him no jail time at all for three counts of kidnapping, just before that you had Jack somehow being allowed to stay as a police officer without being prosecuted at all for planting drugs on someone in a personal vendetta, just after you had Kane being let out of jail after just a few months of a nine year sentence for a violent armed robbery...Compared to any of those, Casey is a very mild case:You can use the narrowest possible definition of "self defence" if you like but Casey's actions clearly saved the life of an innocent bystander, which is enough to qualify in my book.Danny was a dangerous man who couldn't have been stopped in any other way.Sadly, we're now treated to Kyle, whose crimes are far worse than Casey's, in all likelihood going to get even less of a sentence if any at all.

I am finding it very hard to like either Casey or Tamara in the current scenario.As with Ruby, it feels like we're meant to see Sasha as the one getting in the way of the meant-to-be couple when in fact she's the one who's being treated badly.There was a spark between Casey and Tamara and I think if Sasha wasn't around I'd be all for them but the whole thing leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Frankly, Casey's coming across as just as clingy, with the way he was practically begging Tamara to stay around so he can keep his options open, it'll serve him right if he ends up with neither of them but no doubt, like Romeo, he'll be rewarded for being a jerkass by having whichever girl is lucky enough for him to decide on fall into bed with him.I feel a bit sorry for Tamara having heard her back story but frankly it feels like she's making assumptions or projecting her own feelings:She says her parents hate her but it sounds like she's the one refusing to see them while they try and get in contact.Maybe she can't forgive herself so she thinks they can't either?

Curious sense of people's hero worship being damaged here:Brax stands up to Adam when he tries to get him to go back on his word, Natalie realises that Brax thinks he's sorted out Jamie when he's clearly done nothing of the sort.Although he could have toned down the scare tactics, John was right to be straight with Jett about Jamie:Gina was making the same mistake as Leah, only telling him half the story and thus not letting him know what the danger is.

Although well-meaning, Roo came close to repeating her earlier mistake when it seemed like she was going to go behind Harvey's back again and tell Winston he wasn't needed.Fortunately, she did talk to him first and he seems to have decided to run with it.

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Casey/Brax/Heath – This is what I enjoy about the Braxtons, when all three are together just doing normal stuff like normal brothers. No criminal activity in site on Monday, just them hanging out. Heath’s idea of a boys night was great and it was nice to see them all laughing and having fun. Their beach scene was sweet and it was refreshing to see Casey worried about Brax, rather than the other way around. Some nice family moments that showed just how close these three bothers are :)

Dex/Romeo – Loving the bromance that these two have got go. Romeo is the worst liar in the world, but I will let it go because as he said Sid’s stare put him off!!!! But I do like the lengths he will go to protect Dex and I also liked how concerned he was that he was lying to Indi. He has really grown up these last couple of weeks and he’s a world away from the surfer dude he was earlier this year. One thing that did bother me was why Sid was not working that night. He always seems to be working?!?

Bianca – Finally getting her life back on track and the moment she shared with April and Irene at the cemetery was a nice family moment it a pity Heath won’t give her a chance though, but you can see where he is coming from, after all she has refused his help time and time again since Rocco died.


Kyle/Heath – Nice touching moments between then, and it looks like they will become quite close. It was nice of Heath to take him to see Danny’s grave, I think he deserved some kind of closure. As for the police arresting Kyle, why didn’t they just do it in court or just after? The celebrations were well under way, surely letting him go for one night wouldn’t have made a different?

Brax/Natalie – Simply sweet. Please let this be the start of a wonderful relationship, she makes him so happy, and that’s exactly what Brax needs.

Casey/Tamara/Sasha - Well his sentencing was something to celebrate. I am glad he didn’t go to jail. Poor Sasha though, now she feels she has to fight for her man. Casey needs to pick pretty sharpish, juggling both girls will only blow up in his face. Tamara is an interesting character and I’m looking forward to learn more about her. If only she would eye another man in Summer Bay and leave Sasha and Casey alone, they make a sweet couple, why would you spoil it?

Sid/Lisa – Poor bloke is in a state of worry and she won’t answer her phone, I hope she is ok, but the least she could do is let him know that. He just looks so lost last night bless him, with Lisa gone and Dex being more independent he’s gone from looking after two people to none, and that is leaving him feeling quite lost.

Romeo/April/Dex/Indi – Well all of this was awkward. Nice to see Romeo acting so protective of Dex, and I’m glad Indi respected his decition and didn’t pry to much into what he was hiding. I am happy that Dex finally told April though. Her reaction was understanable and I guess Dex should’ve expected that. Although I do hope this won’t effect their relationship too much, and that they can sort it out between them. But if April reacted like that to the news, can’t imgine what Sid will do?


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It seems like Roman is the only guy still in jail.I think every male character spends some time locked up at some point - even Alf has done time!

I can't get into Roo and Harvey I hope they get married soon and take a long honeymoon their story seems to have ground to a halt, feel for Alf who has to share a house with them behaving like kids.

I reckon Sasha has forced the relationship on Casey he's not chased her, it's like Ruby and Romeo in some ways what with the false pregnancy. Sasha will lose him if she's not careful, she needs to back off and have more self confidence. However, I think Casey and Tamara are more suited, she would fit more into his surf world than fashion conscious Sasha.

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It seems like Roman is the only guy still in jail.I think every male character spends some time locked up at some point - even Alf has done time!

There's also Will, though we don't know what sentence he got. Jesse served his sentence and I think Barry Hyde is still in prison.

I must say I've never heard of periodic detention before! I'm guessing the jury decided it was self defence mainly down to the hostage's testimony. Why Brax and Heath were so up in arms when they found him guilty of attempted armed robbery, I really don't know, he was there, admittedly under Danny's influence, but still there. I see Kyle was at Anegelo's before they went to the court which beggers the question where was he the night before? I liked that bonding between Heath and Kyle, Heath explaining to Kyle (and very well imo) that they both were low down in Danny's thoughts Btw what date did it give for Danny's birth on his headstone? I would have put him in his 50's. Once again a no-show from Cheryl, which after her behaviour when Casey was in hospital you would have thought she would be.

I feel sorry for Sasha, she hasn't a clue if Casey feels more for Tamara than her, I'm not sure if he does either. Casey and Tamara went through something she can't can't be a part of, that will always bond them. Pretty gutsy of her to approach Tamara to try and sound her out. When Casey finally managed to get her to open up and he hugged her, I think it was just to comfort her, nothing more. It does explain her reaction to Kyle hurting Casey. She's probably more worried that Nelson will track her down then her parents finding her. She can't leave now as she's got to stick around for Kyle's trial. Is a probable scenerio to be Sasha with Kyle and Casey with Tamara?

I'm glad Brax stuck to his guns about his promise to help Kyle, even though Adam keeps having a dig about burdening himself with another brother. Is he wanting Brax to leave so he can can put whatever plans he has into motion? Kyle having to stay with Adam as part of his bail conditions has my alarms bells ringing.

I suppose Adam can't keep an eye on Jamie 24/7, but he doesn't seem to have taken what Brax said seriously. How many days has it been since Leah left and only now Jamie's asking questions? I know Leah didn't have any idea where she was going, but even if she had I'm betting she wouldn't have told anyone so they would be able to genuinely say they had no idea. They all seem to be of the same opinion of him. Jett, being more street wise than VJ, had Jamie's measure, as seen when he told John and Gina he didn't like him as he scared him. Good for you John, telling Gina if it came to it he would take action to protect his family. Jett is no fool or little kid to be fobbed off by Gina saying it wouldn't happen. I notice she looked spooked when Tamara dashed past. Jamie does appear to pop up out of nowhere as in when Jett was playing out front. Just how Jamie is expecting to find out where Leah & VJ are by hacking into Jett's pc is a mystery. Now he knows why they have gone he certainly won't be telling anyone, even Jett.

I'm glad Dex told April about his seizure, even though she didn't take it the way he thought she would.

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I seem to remember Jesse had periodic detention for a bit donkeys years ago, back in the '90s, after he planned to break into Donald's house.(Long story.)Looking at various online sources, Danny's DOB on the tombstone was 1959.I really hope Sasha doesn't end up with Kyle if Casey gets with Tamara and actually I don't think she will, although there don't seem to be any other options for her at the moment.She needs someone less likely to mess her about, not more.

Well.Thinking about this Jamie storyline, it really is hard to see it going anywhere.He's obviously not going to find Leah and VJ because we know Ada's not returning to the show any time soon.Is it really as easy to hack someone's chat account as the episode implied?And are we meant to believe Jamie was near enough to hear what John and Liam were saying at the end?Because as with Leah a few weeks back, he didn't look it.

That seemed a rather rushed and disappointing end to Lisa's storyline if this is the end.I'm assuming she and Neil are meant to have moved away or something, given that the police seem to have found the house empty and she's tying up her affairs at the hospital.I can see what she's doing, ending the marriage without putting the Walkers in danger, but it's a shame that it seems the whole thing's basically going to be resolved off screen.

Marilyn trying to organise Roo's hen night is mildly amusing, didn't think she'd go in for, ahem, life modelling.Alf made a decent foil for her.I'm still finding the whole storyline rather flat, possibly because I find it very hard to care about Roo and Harvey.Even the potentially clever idea of Winston getting stuck in the doorway during a sad exit didn't really work.And is that really how you pronounce "Maldives"?Apparently so, guess I've been getting it wrong for years.At first I thought something had already happened to Harvey when they commented on him taking hours to get a pint of milk but apparently he really was walking to Yabbie Creek to get it or something.

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I seem to remember Jesse had periodic detention for a bit donkeys years ago, back in the '90s, after he planned to break into Donald's house.(Long story.)Looking at various online sources, Danny's DOB on the tombstone was 1959.

There was that, he served two years, but isn't he currently back in jail(?) for causing Chloe's death, due to drunk driving? Ta for that info on Danny, so 50's was right.

Not being a techi in any shape or form I wouldn't know what is possible or not about hacking into an account, but I suppose we'll have to accept it is. I was wondering about Jamie being able to overhear John, Jett & Liam, who btw did a pretty good job of putting two and two together and sussing it had to be Jamie who was emailing VJ. Another name for Jamie to get his revenge on at a later date. Going off on a tangent, would it hurt Leah for her just to ring to say she is OK?

But is this the end of Lisa's story, Australia has its season finale (episode wise) coming up so I guess something dramatic is going to happen. Is she planning to kill him, and that's not a spoiler just my guess!

Winston must be pretty well off suggesting he whisk Harvey off to the pyramids for one idea for a bucks night. Probably the way they pronounce Maldives down under, Americans pronounce Carribean entirely differently from us Brits.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four.

Surprisingly, after my earlier criticism of it, I did rather like the Harvey and Winston stuff today, it had quite a few genuinely funny moments.Harvey's very good with the dry humour and that works best when he's got someone neurotic to provide the contrast:His "As long as we're both over that" after Winston necks a drink in misery over a failed crush and "What do you do to people you don't like, drive their cars off a cliff and set fire to their houses?" were particular highlights.After his over the top plans last episode, Winston did actually seem to have put some thought into the eventual bucks night and the fact he flew an old friend of Harvey's over especially shows his heart's in the right place.(Incidentally, I was sure I'd seen that actor when he was much younger, so I just looked on IMDb and went "Glen Donnelly from Neighbours?!"Ask your parents.)

Shame Bianca still hasn't quite got the message about Adam and still thinks he was helping her.Heath standing up to him was a great moment and strange that even Liam now seems in favour of him and Bianca getting back together.Then again, when the alternative's Adam, better the devil you know.I have very mixed feelings about Jamie.There's no excuse for his behaviour towards Leah and VJ and I'm glad that Liam told him where to go but on the other hand he seems very young mentally and he's obviously not had a good life with Adam so I kind of feel sorry for him.When Heath was taking him under his wing, I was hopeful that maybe he'd be portrayed a bit more sympathetically but turns out it was all a ploy of Adam's all along.Then again, it seems like he's only doing it because Adam's manipulated him with false promises and the way he was looking at Heath at the end I think he's very uncertain about doing it.

When I mentioned Jesse, I meant he had what Casey's been given back in 1996, it only went on for a few months if that.No idea if he's meant to still be in jail for causing Chloe's death, it's been seven and a half years so he might be up for parole by now.(Hey, it's Home and Away, Larry Jefferies was let out after less than two years for an identical offence, much good it did him.)

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four.

Surprisingly, after my earlier criticism of it, I did rather like the Harvey and Winston stuff today, it had quite a few genuinely funny moments.Harvey's very good with the dry humour and that works best when he's got someone neurotic to provide the contrast:His "As long as we're both over that" after Winston necks a drink in misery over a failed crush and "What do you do to people you don't like, drive their cars off a cliff and set fire to their houses?" were particular highlights.After his over the top plans last episode, Winston did actually seem to have put some thought into the eventual bucks night and the fact he flew an old friend of Harvey's over especially shows his heart's in the right place.(Incidentally, I was sure I'd seen that actor when he was much younger, so I just looked on IMDb and went "Glen Donnelly from Neighbours?!"Ask your parents.)

Shame Bianca still hasn't quite got the message about Adam and still thinks he was helping her.Heath standing up to him was a great moment and strange that even Liam now seems in favour of him and Bianca getting back together.Then again, when the alternative's Adam, better the devil you know.I have very mixed feelings about Jamie.There's no excuse for his behaviour towards Leah and VJ and I'm glad that Liam told him where to go but on the other hand he seems very young mentally and he's obviously not had a good life with Adam so I kind of feel sorry for him.When Heath was taking him under his wing, I was hopeful that maybe he'd be portrayed a bit more sympathetically but turns out it was all a ploy of Adam's all along.Then again, it seems like he's only doing it because Adam's manipulated him with false promises and the way he was looking at Heath at the end I think he's very uncertain about doing it.

When I mentioned Jesse, I meant he had what Casey's been given back in 1996, it only went on for a few months if that.No idea if he's meant to still be in jail for causing Chloe's death, it's been seven and a half years so he might be up for parole by now.(Hey, it's Home and Away, Larry Jefferies was let out after less than two years for an identical offence, much good it did him.)

Well, After 2005 neither Chloe nor Jesse were never mentioned again (although I think Irene still has the former's photo on the mantle somewhere). And let's not forget Richard Huggett's all-too-forgettable pre-Neighbours turn as Chas (a Mate of Lance and Martin's) in 1989 for one ep.

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Everything's nicely set up for season finale week then.

Anyone else going to watch the season finale in one sitting on Thursday at 5:30? Record/Demand 5 part one when it's shown on Wednesday then play that back at 5:30, watch part two live on Thursday at 6pm on Channel 5 then switch over to 5* at 6:30 for part three?

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Everything's nicely set up for season finale week then.

Anyone else going to watch the season finale in one sitting on Thursday at 5:30? Record/Demand 5 part one when it's shown on Wednesday then play that back at 5:30, watch part two live on Thursday at 6pm on Channel 5 then switch over to 5* at 6:30 for part three?

The way my week is working out it looks like I'll end up watching them all on Friday night or Saturday morning. Should be good.

I should probably give some credit to the writers, because they've made Roo annoy me so much that Harvey has actually been okay in comparison.

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