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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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"probably helped him from being added to Summer Bays ever growing jail population"

not really all she did was back up his story/kyles testimony that he was kidnapped he still probally would of gone down for the robbery and shooting his dad if it wasn't for the other eye witness/(s)

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The past couple of episodes have actually been quite enjoyable. I liked the banter between Harvey and his 'friends', and having Celia, Morag, and even Colleen back has been good. However, unless I missed something there was no mention that Celia and Colleen now know they're related. Despite the fact it's been almost 5 years since Colleen, Morag, and Alf found out I would have enjoyed a small mention from Celia. Perhaps Colleen says something typically bizarre, and Celia nudges Alf and whispers "Are you sure we're related to that woman?"

It was also nice to see another event return to the original St. James' church.

Even the guest list wasn't too random, aside from April declaring "I wish I didn't have to go" when, aside from a plot device to get her and Dexter in the same room, I can't think of a single reason why she did have to go.

Red I was going to say exactly the same thing! I don't remember ever seeing any interaction between April and Roo/Harvey, and you're right it just lay the tracks for a reunion between her and Dex at the reception, which was, as usual, vomit-inducing!

It was good to have a large proportion of the cast there (although Lottie's absence was particularly disappointing. If it was a matter of budget then surely we could have done without best man #2, whatever his name was?), and an episode without Brax is also very much welcome.

Lovely to see Winston finally feel wanted, and thanks to Harvey, recognised as 'the best' at something. That was a nice moment.

But strangely, my favourite moment of the episode was Sid's reaction as Roo walked up the aisle. It was just a fleeting shot of perhaps 2 seconds, but to me it painted a thousand words. Although it's hardly ever touched upon any more, he and Roo have a history together, and understandably he would feel some sadness seeing her marry someone else. Especially after the way things ended with Lisa recently.

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But strangely, my favourite moment of the episode was Sid's reaction as Roo walked up the aisle. It was just a fleeting shot of perhaps 2 seconds, but to me it painted a thousand words. Although it's hardly ever touched upon any more, he and Roo have a history together, and understandably he would feel some sadness seeing her marry someone else. Especially after the way things ended with Lisa recently.

Yes!I meant to mention that but forgot, it was definitely a nice touch.

As for Lottie...Well, the frustrated shipper/conspiracy theorist in me thinks she showed up just how forced a couple Dexter and April are by being the perfect counterpoint to Dexter that he keeps insisting April is, so they're keeping her away from them so people don't wonder why he isn't dating her instead.

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Harvey/Roo – Really enjoyed the Wedding and I’m glad they are finally married. The little hiccup they had at the beginning of the episode was a worry as I though here we go again, down the same road with them, but thank god for Winston. I loved the scene where Roo ran towards Harvey on the beach and they hugged, while at the same time Winston did the same to Gary! The wedding itself was rather beautiful with a little bit of light humour tossed in there. Winston fainting and Colleen giving a standing ovation were a pure delight. I also liked the random clips of the guest we had, showed us how many great families we have in the Bay and it gave it a nice, relaxed feeling. The food and party at Angelo’s was also a delight to watch, nice and calm with everyone smiling and having fun. Roo and Harvey’s chat out side was sweet and it feels like finally they have arrived where they belong! Out of the three it had to be my favourite Home and Away wedding of the 2012 season.

Colleen/Alf – Nice to see Colleen back in all her American glory!! She is a delight and her welcoming of Celia and Morag was classic. Alf did his father of the bride job perfectly last night. His chat in the car with her was sweet and his speech was spot on. I also like the Martha reference that was thrown in.

Casey/Tamara/Sasha – Casey has to be the slowest guy on the planet. So two girls like him, but he didn’t know. His girlfriend needed some support at the wedding, but instead of staying with her he runs of after a waitress who kisses him and said girlfriend sees it all unfolding. I can’t see how he will dig himself out of this one. But Tamara is right, he needs to choose pretty soon, or he’ll lose both of them for good. And I thought he was supposed to be the brightest of the three brothers!!!

Sid/Dex/Irene/April – Now this Dex saga really got out of control last night. I really do feel sorry for Sid, he should’ve been informed before now, but Irene was right to tell him. Sid should’ve waited till he’d gone home to raise the matter, and thank god Liam was there to keep watch and keep the shouting to a minimal. But I guess one good came out of it, with April and Dex getting back together!?!

John – Such a legend, dancing with a Cocktail Umbrella in his hair! :D


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What has happened to Jodi Gordon these days? Martha would be someone you'd reasonably expect to be there.

Apart from the fact that she'd be arrested on the spot?Still on the run, remember.On a vaguely related note, I believe Colleen did refer to Roo as her niece within earshot of Celia, so I guess they do know.

Anyway, today.Oh boy.Once again, I was left wanting to slap Dexter and April every time they were on screen, with all the supposedly "cute" moments.Dexter was a complete brat towards Sid once again, hiding out at April's and throwing a tantrum on the phone.And by the end, he's perhaps realising that he really did back the wrong horse.Sid's slightly overprotective attitude is nothing compared to April turning the television off in case he, um, thinks too hard and mashing up his food for him.Apart from a more appealing bed for the night, has she really got anything to offer him?

Wasn't too keen on Casey either here.Or Tamara for that matter:It's all right saying "I'll walk away if he chooses you" now but she should have done that before kissing him.Casey really has messed up and seems to have been stringing Sasha along, which really isn't fair.His "I don't want to date either of you but I still want you both to be there when I want you to be" was not only a cop-out but a bit selfish and I really do feel sorry for Sasha in all this.So, we finally get the full details of Casey's sentence.Going to prison a couple of days a week for a year?I have a hard time seeing the show being able to sustain it for that long so I suspect either he'll leave or the sentence will be changed.

Some interesting stuff building with the Braxtons and Sharpes:Brax finally seems to be having his doubts about Adam with Heath's revelation that he treats his son the same way Danny did, nice that he actually stopped and listened to Heath for once.Seems like even Jamie doesn't know what Adam's really planning...

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I didn't watch the show much, if at all, between 2009 and early 2012, largely due to spending much of it out of the UK with only a 3G dongle for Internet. I certainly completely missed Martha's exit but the fact I stopped giving a stuff about her and Jack somewhere around Sally's exit/Who Killed Sam says it all. I honestly didn't realise that was what happened to her.

Out of interest, how have Channel 5 handled the editing-up of the Season Finale? Was there still a preview at the end tonight (I'm being a stubborn mule and watching the entire thing in a 90-minute sitting tomorrow night when I get in!)

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