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So according to Tamara - Sasha has given up on Casey.

That might hold more water if she didn't say it about an hour after Sasha gave him a birthday cake she spent all day baking! If Casey agrees with Tamara then he doesn't deserve to be with Sasha - she is much too good for him.

Well that was her spin on it!!! After a lot of thinking Casey did do the right thing for both of them, she does need to get her own problems resolved, otherwise there always going to be between them and any future they may or may not have. Maybe Sasha is 'playing' the better game.

Funny how different people view the Dex/April thing. To me for Dex it seemed going to the Uni Open Day was a slightly better option than having tests at the hospital. First taste April has had of Dex having a petit mal, so at least she now knows what to expect, so she isn't going into it with her eyes closed. She did repeat, more or less, the speech she made earlier, about them getting through it together. She did ignore his advice about what to wear though. :P

Just as Harvey was beginning to enjoy having Colleen and Celia (she changed her mind about him pretty quickly) running about after him, notice Morag kept her distance, they ruin it all and Alf throws them all out. Did seem odd, no mention was made at all of Ruby. His chickenpox seemed to have cleared up seeing as he was running Colleen and Morag to the airport?

Yes, Spencer and Maddy, your typical runaways? His 'I must have left my wallet in the caravan' was rather obvious and Marilyn being Marilyn fell for it, not so sure it would have worked with Irene.

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I had asked a question in the Quick Questions # 2 thread in the spoiler section a month ago about if Ruby had been mentioned and I got a answer that she wasn't mentioned by Morag neither anyone. She was not mentioned since Episode 5642 by Casey when he and Romeo were talking at the farmhouse. She's another character forgotten. Hope this helps :) xx

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Jett was only in one(although he was credited on Thursday for no appearance).

Kind of intrigued by Spencer and Maddy:Spencer's story to Roo definitely seems to be spin, given his latest reference to going home.It's clear they're running away from something but what?At the moment, despite a bit of attitude, Spencer is quite likeable and Maddy's little scene with Romeo and Indi leaves me hoping that we'll see more of her interacting with the existing youngsters.

I'm with Jett here:Why isn't VJ calling him?Unless there's something going on that we don't know about, it's likely to be another example of Leah overreacting and not trusting VJ to talk to his friend without giving anything away.Do feel sorry for Liam caught in the middle though.It was nice of Indi to give Jett a peptalk although it seems to have made him interested in her...Odd that it happens right when someone's given her a really bad make-up job, that bright red lipstick really didn't suit her.

Celia really needs to tell someone about what's happened rather than relying on Alf to bail her out.Her working at the Diner seemed like a smart idea so it's a shame that Irene seems so against it, especially since, as Marilyn said, she was willing to employ Colleen there for years.Given that Roo and Marilyn wimped out of telling Celia, I'm hoping Alf does talk to Irene and get her to reconsider. While Irene's comment about knowing Celia for several years is technically correct, she's never been a permanent resident in Summer Bay while Irene's been living there so Irene seems to be judging her by seeing her for a few weeks at a time:This is only her fourth visit in over a decade.Where's Celia supposed to have been living?As recently as 2007 she was still working in Africa but the comments here suggest she's back in Australia.

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Posted this yesterday, but then system threw a wobbly and I couldn't access this site.

Didn't take a genius to realise Spencer was lying about his family. I'm guessing it's Maddy who has the problem with going home.

Are we meant to gather from what he said to Jett that Liam knows where Leah is? Surely Leah must know by now VJ can be trusted.

Looks like Jett has developed a crush on Indi :blush::wub: judging by the conversation he was having with John. Well he is 13 and girls aren't so 'meh' as John put it.

I can understand Celia not wanting all and sundry knowing she was taken for a ride by that conman, but wouldn't she want to protect other women who are likely to be taken in by him?

A bit late but, the Bianca & Heath reunion was lovely. This time round they can get the relationship in the right order. Dating, getting to know each other, then perhaps moving in together down the line.

There is a storyline coming up, allegedly, that I can't wait to see how they explain it.

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I think Cameron Welsh often writes plot-heavy episodes.The plot was pretty heavy in this one, with Brax's plan seeming unnecessarily convoluted unless you read an awful lot of subtext into it.It's hard to see what staging an argument with Liam in front of Adam achieved and, when I found myself wishing Heath was serious about Jamie letting go, I suddenly thought that maybe he was:After all, even though it was what they were expecting, Jamie didn't have to go straight to Adam.So maybe Brax and Heath were hoping that Adam and Jamie(respectively?)would take the easy way out and leave peacefully and that was why they were given so many "leave town" warnings.Mind you, I don't think either of them actually expected it to work out that way, hence their final rug-pulling moment.

Although I'd have rather he'd spoken to Irene, it was nice of Alf to give both Celia and Marilyn an out and let Celia keep her dignity by offering her work at the caravan park.Mind you, he could be regretting it now.Celia's characterisation has improved and her going around lecturing people on moral standards without a hint of self-awareness as to how outdated she's being feels very much in character.Although given her talk of her "friend" and ease with which she beat Harvey at poker...that phone conversation definitely suggests there's more going on.

Well, Spencer's story is now clearly not true, given Maddy's reference to their parents.The lengths to which Roo is going to help them and cover for them, on the basis of a couple of brief meetings, is reminiscent of Gina turning into Jett's protector last year, although somehow it manages not to be so objectionable, maybe because of the large amount of scenes Spencer and Maddy are having on their own to show their softer side.Surprising that Spencer is more ready than Maddy to trust an offer of help but it's an interesting move.

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Pretty obvious Brax marching into Angelo's and 'firing' Liam was for Adam's benefit (I'm assuming it was Liam in the first place who told Brax Adam was there). Was Brax expecting Adam to approach Liam and offer him other work? One moment Brax seemed to be telling Kyle to stay out of it, then the next moment Heath and him were ganging up on Jamie, both playing good cop/bad cop. A bit of a gamble on Brax's part that Jamie would go straight to Adam and suggest they leave, but one that paid off, good to see the Braxton lads acting together for the common good, i.e. getting Adam out of town. Jamie played into Heath/Brax's hands by telling them why he was forced to do what he did. Nifty bit of timing Heath ringing Brax so he and Liam could start their 'arguement' about Leah's supposed whereabouts. I know he probably followed him but even so.

Definitely sounds more to it than Celia being cheated out of her money, perhaps she owes people money? The 'I haven't played poker for ages' line patently wasn't true, just as well it was toothpicks. :D Poor Alf his good turn to get Marilyn out of a hole has backfired, I liked his 'you owe me' to Marilyn.

When Sasha hadn't been in the bay long her and her brother (Felix) camped out in the school during the storm when she was planning to run away. After it had cleared and the school was closed VJ and some mates were chucking stones throught the windows and Felix got hit. Roo found her and stopped her leaving which would explain why she told Sasha who it might be who had been there and left the linen as she knew she would emphathise. What did seem odd out of all the pupils in SBH it was Sasha who discovered what Spencer and Maddy left behind. Is the fact Maddy is a very good violinist also something to do with them running away, plus the fact her health doesn't seem too good. How old are they supposed to be btw?

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I'd guess, going from how they look, that Spencer is about 19 and Maddy about 17, but everyone's talking as though Spencer's school age so maybe this is one of those younger-than-they-look things. (Otherwise known as cast-an-actor-in-their-20s-to-play-a-teenager.)

So...today's episode.Oddly, I didn't find the Sharpes' downfall as satisfying as I probably should have done.Maybe if it had just been Adam but as usual I felt quite sorry for Jamie.And...while I wouldn't go as far as to say I felt sorry for Adam, he did actually come across as a more pleasant person than I was expecting.It seemed a bit presumptuous of Brax to think that Adam would be bothered about Jamie being kidnapped but right at the end there he actually came across as a caring father in his own way and maybe in his own head he was doing the right thing by Jamie.Disappointed that they made Jamie the one who killed his mother and it doesn't make me feel any less sorry for him which I suspect was the intention:It just makes me feel more certain that he's a psychiatric case, not a criminal one, and perhaps should have received help a long time ago.Maybe he'll get it now since this seems to be the end of them, despite Adam's claims to the contrary.Smart move to have Liam and John backing up Brax, emphasising that this isn't a private spat between two criminal families but something that's affected the whole community.Nice too that the apparently incidental detail of Jett helping John with his phone and John going to see Brax turns out to be important.Shame it ended on a slightly sour note with Brax's attitude towards Heath:Gina trusts him as a babysitter but Brax doesn't even trust him to look after himself.Bianca's right, he can't go on living in Brax's shadow.

Jett's slow motion gaze at Indi in her bikini:Half the audience have probably done the same.And quite a few of us have probably groaned at Romeo turning up as well.His acting like he and Indi are on a date at the Diner and then while watching television was rather amusing.Interesting look on John's face when Jett says he's arranged for Indi to come round:Does he suspect something?

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