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Tuesday's episode certainly had a lot of action in it!!!! Despite their recent spats and fall outs their were there for each other when it counted. Adam may well have been more protective towards Brax and Casey in the past, but he was still quite prepared for him (Brax) to get killedt!!!! I guess we will never know why now why he took Brax under his wing all those years ago. Was he the son he never had and wished Jamie had turned out like? I think it was explained the USB stick showed a list of drug shipments, did the bad guy take it with him or did it get thrown to one side in the fight? I liked how Bianca urged Heath to go help Brax while she looked after Darcy and, at last, let Connie know she was home. She, Darcy, seemed OK and obviously was looked after by Adam's 'girlfriends'.

Maddie's meningitis seemed to have come on pretty quick or the symptoms at least and Harvey did the right thing by rushing her off to hospital. I was with Harvey about letting Maddie's mum know where she was via the police, how would Roo have felt if she hadn't let her know and something had happened to Maddie? She did come round to his way of thinkg and at least they were arguing about something important. Btw everyone keeps fretting about Maddie being on Missing Persons, are we supposed to think Spencer's folks don't care about him? Wonder if Maddie phoning her mum will keep her away? Though if she had already been informed by the police wouldn't she already be on the way? I liked the way Harvey just plunged in there and told Spencer what he had done. Roo bleating on about 'not having anywhere to go' when she was in their position doesn't match with her history, she either went to Morag or Celia!!!

Talking of whom, she has been telling porkies, Celia of all people!!!!! :o Alf seemed more shocked by that than the fact she had been gambling again. He'd right to be suspicious when she said she had been 'cured' after such a short time at GA and didn't a have a support buddy. I suppose her giving the money away (like the $1000 she gave Maddie) seems to her to be a good thing and excusing her gambling.

So as expected Nelosn showed up, though how he worked out where Tamara was wasn't explained. What luck the first person he asked was Nat!! Well done Kyle for not dropping her in it, after the row he had earlier with Casey. His remark about 'remembering a cutie like her' was very natural. Unfortunately, as we saw from the trailer Rosie does reveal she knows her and her boyfriend, though of course she doesn't know about their history. Kyle was pretty blunt with what had gone down, 'Adam kidnapped Darcy, to force Brax and Heath to do a job for him, Adam was dead and Brax had left town'. Just what Casey thought he could have done about about it while he was inside I don't know. :unsure:

So Sid has had the courage to admit he might be heading for a breakdown, not an easy thing to admit. Hope he gets the help he needs. Glad he decided to step away from working on Maddie when he realised his concentration had gone. Good for Dex deciding the family, minus Sash for some reason, needed to talk seriously about him and tried to get him to open up.

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Brax shoved the USB stick into Adam's hand.Whether it survived impact with a car and the tarmac and what, if anything, Brax and Heath did with it if it did I don't know.I get that there was shipping times on there but why was that so valuable to Adam?

Sid's behaviour seems a bit abrupt, in the space of a week he's gone from empty nest syndrome to nervous breakdown.Still, it's good he's getting help.The intervention was well-intentioned although Sid's "I can do without that" probably had as much to do with Dexter's inappropriate humour as anything else.I did wonder if Sid was meant to have thrown that toaster through the window, probably not. Not sure Romeo would get redundancy pay after being there for less than a year but six weeks' pay seems fair.

Shame Maddy wasn't there when Harvey admitted to calling the police, I think she'd have been a lot less forgiving than Spencer.Celia's presence at the hospital was a bit baffling but I can believe her being enough of a romantic to give them a hand out.

Love the way John kept ignoring Gina's attempts to get him to phrase things more tactfully and just being blunt.Good to see Liam being Jett's confidante again and apologising for snapping at him the other week.So, if Jamie's in jail/psychiatric hospital/wherever, why aren't Leah and VJ coming back?(Mind you, rather bizzarely, Heath and Bianca seemed to assume Adam had evaded charges rather than being out on bail, so who knows Jamie's status.)

Kyle is fast turning into a comic character on a par with Heath, with his breathlessly explaining what's been going down to Casey in yesterday's episode and then his "Your old girlfriend says your new girlfriend's boyfriend is looking for you.If you understand that, ring me back and explain it" phone message today.Found the way Kyle and Sasha were both doing their best to look out for Casey despite the tension rather interesting, more so than Casey and Tamara themselves.Not really sure Nelson did anything to warrant Kyle's "Ask questions later" approach, maybe it's better to be safe than sorry and maybe we are told he's dangerous but it's not like he'd actually attacked or even really threatened anyone, he was just being intimidating.I did wonder if Sasha would inadvertently give Casey and Tamara away but turns out Rosie had that job.Seems there's a lot more to Rosie than first appears, with her lying about seeing her father and not wanting Sasha coming to her house. Wonder if she actually does have a little sister or if that was just obfuscation?Seems anyone can find work at the Diner apart from Tamara...

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One of those strange anomolies that happen in all soaps theUSB stick, did it survive, why did Adam want those dates etc. Probably will never be mentioned again. Yes, I wondered that about Bianca and Heath asssuming Adam had got off the charges rather than being out on bail, he does, sorry, did, have the money and the clout to get it. As for Jamie I should think he is shut away somewhere, getting the help he needs. What, if anything, he'll do when he finds out his dad is dead, we'll have to wait and see, maybe.

Perhaps, the empty nest syndrome Sid was feeling was part of the breakdown. We'll have to wait now, I suppose, until Sid has done his time out to find out how things are going. Romeo was lucky getting some money from being made redundant, as he said he was last in, so first out.

I just loved John's dad dancing on the beach and I was with Jett, totally embarrassed. :blush: The way he looked around him to make sure no-one else was about. :D Pang of sympathy for John Travolta when Jett asked John if there was anything that didn't come out of a museum. I like the fact John is so up front with Jett, who, I think, prefers that rather than Gina going all round the houses. Nice chat between Liam and Jett and it's good they've cleared the air enough for Jett to ask his advice about chatting to girls. Good moves there from John and Gina, until he put his back out!!!

Definitely something odd going on with Rosie, though Sash was out of order execting Nat to tell her anything. It's obviously something Rosie doesn't feel secure enough with Sasha to tell her. I thought it was odd the way Irene so readily agreed for Rosie to pitch in, unless it was because she was under pressure. Is Rosie going to get paid cash in hand, which Irene said wasn't possible to Maddie? After Rosie and Sasha saw Casey and Tamara kissing earlier the thought crossed my mind that was why Rosie told Nelson she knew Tamara, who her boyfriend was and where he lived. A misguided attempt to help Sasha get Casey back, who despite all her protestations to the contrary, does still like Casey.

I do have to say Casey was very ungrateful, damn right rude in fact, when he told him and Tamara that Nelson was about and looking for her. I don't expect him to fall at his feet, but a thanks would have sufficed. I don't think even she thanked him for the warning. Then later he (Casey) said he'd get his brothers to sort it, ouch!! I wouldn't have blamed Kyle for thinking stuff it, when Sasha and Rosie told him Nelson was on his way to Casey's. Luckily he didn't, and took control, in true Braxton fashion, because as Tamara kept telling Case he doesn't need any further charges against him or he'd be doing full jail time. I liked that phone call he made and I guess it did make sense.

Funnily, I found Nelson did come across as threatening towards Tamara, hardly a smooth talking control freak, and would quite happily have had Casey hit him so he could bring charges and then whisk Tamara offf. Still, as we saw Tam does press charges against him and her brother died in the car crash as result of injuries incurred by Nelson, which backfires on her!

I like Kyle and Liam's interactions, what was it Liam said to Kyle, something like 'are you sure your'e a Braxton, you turn up on time, don't diasppear without word, actually work.'? :D


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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four, Marilyn was only in one.

Well, that seems to be Nelson wrapped up surprisingly quickly.I still think a manslaughter charge is pushing it a bit but maybe this will help Tamara build bridges with her family.I'm still not finding her and Casey's relationship very engaging though, their declaration of love fell very flat.I think Tamara's thank you to Sasha stuck in her throat even more than Casey's thanks to Kyle and, while it's good she made the effort, I don't think it's changed anything between them, whereas there did seem to be a slight thaw between the two brothers.

John possibly made a good choice in steering Jett in the direction of his dance partner, she seemed nice.Jett might have been better off not listening to John's advice about dance moves but at least it seemed to make the girl laugh.Rosie seems to get crushes very easily, she's going all a-flutter over Liam here.I wondered at first if Hannah was just some random girl she'd grabbed to pose as her sister to Sasha, then when we saw them together later I thought I was wrong, then with the way Rosie gave her the money I'm thinking maybe I was right, although it could just have been giving her sister some spending money.

Roo seemed to do a complete U-turn here and came across as bad as she did with Lottie around.It seems like she's forgotten all about trying to help Spencer and Maddy and now seems desperate to palm Maddy off on someone else rather than supporting her.Even more perculiar given that not too long ago she thought Spencer and Maddy were orphans and so there weren't any parents for her to pass the buck to.She seemed perfectly happy to have them living at the house before so what's changed?

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I definitely got the impression Rosie had just asked the other girl, Hannah, to pretend to be her sister, and was then having to give her cash not to say anything. Maybe I was just drawn in by Sasha's permanently confused expression though. :D Still, I'm intrigued by Rosie, she actually reminds me of someone I knew at school who would make something up on the spot and then have to tell all sorts of silly lies to get around it rather than just coming clean (if the impression I'm getting of Rosie's character is correct).

I also wasn't impressed by Tamara and Casey's "I love you". I know we're supposed to be of the impression that they're meant to be togethe

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I think your first (and third) thought was right Red about Rosie and Hannah being some random girl she just grabbed and paid off the next day. To be honest she didn't seem that young to be her little sister. I had to laugh at the conflicting advice Jett was getting from John and Liam about how to get on with girls. :lol: Nice thought of Liam to get Sash and Rosie to dance with Jett to make those girls, the ones who had laughed at him earlier, make them think he wasn't so bad after all. Apart from his dad dancing (again) John did right by pointing Jett in the direction of the girl, whose name we didn't find out, who had been watching Jett. At least when she laughed at Jett it wasn't in a nasty way. Going by the trailer it shows Sasha turning up at Rosie's, maybe to get the truth out of her, she did try and get Rosie to talk earlier. I wasn't aware she knew exactly where she lived though.

Nelson may be locked up now, but I don't suppose that's the last we'll hear of him. Seeing as Casey didn't have to be in with Tam when she was questioned she must be over 18 as is Kyle. Maybe the manslaughter charge will be reduced depending on what transpired happened with Nelson and Tam's brother. Casey's declaration of 'love' did seem something he felt he ought to say rather than aactually meaning it. One good thing to come out of it is the thawing between Kyle and Casey, he finally thanked him and Casey seems prepared to, if not forgive him, put what happened behind him. Kyle as we saw has got his court date, though, which may drag things up again. Did I see on the letter Casey and Tamara are down as witnesses for the defence? If things had been different I think Tam and Sash could have been friends.

Emerson's talking to Maddie answered Roo's question as to why her mum hadn't turned up which she was unaware of. Perhaps Roo has gone cold on the idea of being a foster mum as currently she is just giving her and Spencer a roof over their heads rather than being responsible for them on an official level and she's scared of the fact.

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Well, Roo's motivation seems to have shifted a bit, now she seems to have done a complete U-turn and is copying Harvey's point of view, while Harvey is actually being supportive off screen.She may have had good intentions here, but like Harvey before she's making a lot of assumptions about the pair's parents and what's best for them.The last thing Maddy needs is another adult thinking she knows what's best for her and refusing to take her wishes into account but that's exactly what Roo became here, going behind her back with her mother and then targetting Spencer as the weak link in a way that was somewhat manipulative.I think that's the second time Maddy's been referred to as "over 16", sounds like both she and Spencer are meant to be school age.

Felt sorry for both Spencer and Heath here, hurting the ones they love for what they think are the right reasons.Undecided about Connie:While it's good that she didn't take the opportunity to stick the boot in about Heath with Darcy, I'm not convinced that she didn't do it for selfish reasons.It seems like she set Heath up to be the bad guy by forcing him to tell Darcy why she couldn't stay with him and I wonder if she'd have been brave enough to sit in.It's always lazy writing to end a scene with one character storming off and the other one standing still calling their name instead of going after them but it's appallingly bad here.Heath doesn't bother going after Darcy, an eight-year-old girl who was kidnapped only a week ago, when she runs off.Even if she went straight to Connie, shouldn't he have made sure she was all right?

Natalie seemed surprisingly hardline with the way she seemed ready to chuck Tamara out of the house here(and not long after defending her being there to Liam:gosh, she really is a walking plot device).Given that Irene's willing to give work to just about anyone else, at least temporarily(Celia, Spencer, Rosie, potentially Maddy), we probably could have down without a reminder that she's got Tamara's details on file.For all Tamara's talk of discrimination, if Australia's anything like here then Casey hasn't got a chance of being employed at a school with his record.Probably just poorly written innuendo but were Casey and Tamara really supposed to be Doing Something on a public beach where anyone could see them?

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No mention of Roo and Harvey being 'foster parents' until something is sorted out with Maddie and Spencer? I suppose she may have contacted Maddie's mum so they could at least talk. I have a feeling Spencer may be 17 but that is neither here nor there really. Hasn't he suggested to Maddie a couple of times they go home so he didn't need much persuading when Roo brought the matter up. I know it's years down the line but Roo and Maddie's mum were right when she may resent having lost out on a musical career, conveniently forgetting then she was just as keen. How quick can a pupil be enrolled at SBH without any checks on their previous education? As an aside Maddie must have had a very mild attack of meningitis if she's up and about already?

Glad that Bianca pushed Heath into contacting Connie to see if he could see Darcey although the end result didn't work out so good. It can't be easy to explain to a child about your criminal past without going into too much detail. I thought that too about her running off and him not following. Heath is doing the usual pushing people away 'for their own good' routine (as in Bianca) and going by tonights trailer coming over the big boss at Angelo's and upsetting Liam at the same time.

Nat did come across as hardline, though she did give a hint that Leah (and VJ) ,would be back soon which would make the house very crowded. How many bedrooms are supposed to be there or is it another Tardis? There is Leah's room, VJ's, Liam and Nat must have a room of their own which makes four, which asks the question why was Casey on the sofa in the front room when Tamara moved in?

Quite agree Casey wouldn't stand a chance of getting a job at the school even though his crimes weren't anything to do with children. I don't think you were wrong and your eyes weren't decieving you Red, Casey and Tamara were indeed getting down and dirty in the dunes. :blush: I noticed Heath quickly averted his eyes when he saw them. Talking of them, they do seem a bit hasty wanting to move in together, they hardly know each other and she still has the little matter of talking to her parents to sort out.

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Well, Roo's been all over the place the last few episodes and it's increasingly feeling like she's doing whatever the plot demands her to do at any one time.Here she's suddenly back to being all maternal while Alf and Harvey are back to insisting Spencer and Maddy should be with their parents, despite showing clear fondness for them.If Roo was going to tell Maddy what Tanya had planned(and personally I think she probably should have done), she should have done it before they left, not decided to try and phone them a couple of hours later.I hope someone will think to ring up and check how they're doing because the probably hasn't really been solved, they've just been sent right back into it.

April seemed a bit schizophrenic as well with her attitude towards Tamara:She seems slightly frosty towards her when they first meet but within a few minutes of screentime they're giggling away like old friends.Irene's place is feeling more and more like a boarding house where random people can stay, she basically acts like an overly strict landlady towards Tamara.(I really hope Tamara telling Casey "You can't stay over or come round all the time" isn't meant to have a comma in there and Irene's regressed to her old "No sex except behind my back" policy.)I'm disappointed that John caved in to pressure and sacked Casey just because one member was causing a fuss, even if he is supposed to be influential.At least he was fairly apologetic and gave him a decent pay-off.Leah's place used to only have three rooms but it seems to have expanded to four in the last few years(at one point around 2008 Leah and VJ were meant to be sharing but they're clearly not anymore).So yeah, Casey sleeping on the sofa didn't make much sense, although I assume Tamara gave him his bed back pretty quickly.

Nice to see Irene, April and Bianca having a scene together again and Bianca and April eating together at Angelo's later.Does anyone else think that Bianca's been dressing down somewhat since she's been with Heath?I don't think her 2010 self ever dressed that casually.I'm glad that Heath's pushing her away didn't last that long and he seems to have taken her words to heart and is trying to be more responsible, looking out for Casey and Tamara.But I don't think his attempt to be Brax is the right way to go about it and I don't really get why he's suddenly being so antagonistic towards Liam:He obviously wants to assert his authority but if he is going to run that place he needs to make use of his assets.I can't say I really blame Liam for punching him at the end, although it could land him in trouble and cost him his job.

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I am enjoying Celia being back but not once had she mentioned that gambling is a sin. And surely that would be a major factor on why she is feeling so bad about the situation. Not just letting Alf down etc. Remember how much effort she went to trying to stuff Dave Porter and Adam Cameron running a little bookie for the iron man. And she was mad at Alf for having a little flutter. I presume she is still religious.

Also the fact that her half sister also had the same problem, surely would have come up in conversation.

But I still wish she was staying in it longer because overall they are doing a good job.

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