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I don't think we've seen the last of Maddie (with or without Spencer) once she finds out what her mum has planned I can't see her sticking around at home. Parents are making the usual mistake of splitting up couples rather than letting the romance carry on and seeing if it just runs its course and fizzles out.

Sash did act very childishly towards April when she was giving her talk but at least did have the good grace to admit she was in the wrong after, though Rosie thought, mistakenly, she woul be left out in the cold. There is no reason why April can't be friends with both Tamara and Sasha as long as she sees them separately and as long as she resuses to be drawn into their rivilary. What's to stop Casey and Tamara getting down to it while Irene's at work as long as he doesn't 'stop over'. :wink: John did seem sorry he had to fire Casey, that guy most have a lot of clout to exert that much pressure.

Great pep talk Bianca gave Heath and their break up didn't last long, all of one day! Though his storming into Angelo's and taking over hasn't got off to a good start, why mend something that's not broken? I thought he and Liam had reached some sort of understanding, especially as Liam and Bianca are now well on the way to being divorced, yet he seems determined to antagonise him at every turn. After that intial lash out he (Liam) seems to be taking the line of least resistance. The way Heath is going he's going to run Angelo's into the ground and Brax will have nothing to come home to. Heath, with the best will in the world, is not management material, Kyle can see that but feels obliged to defend him to Liam. Liam nicking the money from the till is not a good move, but I guess he is relying on Heath not bothering to check it.

So Tilda is 'Hannah' (I didn't reconigse her with her hair tied back) and where did she come from? She really, really is a nasty piece of work :devil: if she can terroise Jett who has always come across as pretty streetwise. Wonder if her daddy is the same guy that got Casey fired? Shame he feels he can't confide in either John or Gina, though Sasha got an idea of what she is like and may intervene on his behalf at some later date.

I think we find out tonight what is really going on with Rosie, is she living at her home on her own? I know you can't tell just because she appeared to be when Sasha followed her, but I hope she does confide in her, sometimes you need an unprofessional outlook.

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Somewhat disappointed with the way things have gone between Liam and Heath, who seemed to have been getting on more or less okay since Rocco died.I can believe they'd both react that way- Heath's obviously hurt by everything that's gone on with Darcy and looking for someone to take it out on, Liam's obviously had enough of being reasonable and decided to give as good as he gets-but it feels like a step back.Part of Heath's problem was down to laziness, thinking he could proclaim himself manager then hang out on the beach and let his staff do all the work, but he really needs to be working with Liam on this, not putting him down.While sweet in its way, his phone call to Brax and the suggestion that he really can't cope without him feels like a step back as well and pretty much proves Brax right about Heath not being ready to strike out on his own.Did find the way Heath and Natalie's relationship was portrayed interesting:Natalie seemed quite amused at Liam thumping Heath, while Heath got his own back by referring to her as Brax's "thing".

Tilda is indeed a nasty piece of work and Jett needs to stand up to her quickly, although the storyline does seem to have come out of nowhere.Wish we'd see more of Jett's dance partner, got the feeling that she's gone and the cynic in me notes there was a trailer of various couples including a clip of them dancing airing in Oz around this time and think she was added in to make up the numbers.

Sasha's attitude was a bit weird:I can understand her being upset at April helping Tamara but she seemed upset at the idea of Tamara living with Irene even before then, when really "So what?", she was living in Summer Bay anyway.Took a slight sadistic glee at Sasha and Rosie disrupting April's talk although I'm glad Sasha didn't stay mad long and she and April sorted everything out.Not sure Rosie's reason for her egging her on, maybe she thinks that's what a friend's supposed to do?Glad that Sasha followed her home and got the story about her family, guess it emphasises how lonely she is and how much she needs Sasha.The hug was rather cute and I love Rosie talking to her fish.

Since when did Marilyn refer to Celia as "Celes" rather than, you know, "Miss Stewart"?That aside, her pepperpot game was the sort of thing she'd come up with even though it didn't come up with the desired result.

So I'm guessing the Walkers haven't seen Sid since we have?Nice to see Sasha involved again, there was some good repartee between the three siblings at last and liked Sasha's "I can't see your face and even I know you've got a look" to Romeo, as well as Dexter's side of the phone conversation and "message" for the rest of the family.Sid's feeling of helplessness and even more purposelessness came over well.Can see both Indi and Dexter's point of view:Indi's right that Sid's sorting things out in his way and isn't in trouble but I can understand Dexter being worried and wanting to know what's going on.Not sure if his just turning up at the hospital is going to help or not.

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Tilda is still laying on the pressure on Jett, who nearly crumbled and told John. I'm second guessing here that as she is an only child her parents give her anything she wants rather than actually spend time with her.

Well done Sash for not taking no for an answer from Rosie, she has it rough, a dad in the city who sends her an allowance so she can buy food and live in the house and a mum who just sends birthday and Christmas cards! Is it legal for Rosie to be living alone, I'm guessing she's the same age as Sash - 16? Explains why she talks such a lot when she's with other people, talking to the fish is rather a one sided affair.

I missed the 'Celes' bit, but at least she did get them talking, for a bit anyway. So that is what Sheldon looks like, not a blind and nothing like I'd imagined. :offtopic: I liked that the earrings Marilyn was wearing matched her dress.

You know it's been so long since we saw the gym I'd forgotten it existed! it did do a good trade, there were always people in it. Romeo would be good at it and with Indi's help he can put together a business plan.

I loved that "I can't see your face and even I know you've got that look" from Sasha! Just like Dex to be more worried than Sasha or Indi over Sid and I'm glad he decided to follow his instincts, though could he just walk into the psychiatric clinic like that? Sid is typical of a lot of strong people who feel they have to shoulder all the responsibilties. As his doctor said something has to give eventually and his walking away when he had trouble giving Maddie her lumber puncture proved how strong he was not weak as he thought he was. It's well known so called 'strong' people are more prone to breakdowns that ordinary folks who admit they find the going tough sometimes.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Otherwise, fairly sparse week for everyone with only Irene, John, Roo and Heath managing three episodes.

Almost a role reversal with Dexter looking out for Sid.Although when Dexter said he didn't want to be a burden to people when he was in hospital, I wondered if that was before or after he begged Sid to look after him at home rather than send him to a specialist clinic.Not really sure if Sid discharging himself was the best thing to do but I guess he only had a fairly mild depression.On the other hand, the fact that he instantly starts getting all paternal provider with Romeo and Indi in order to get some purpose back isn't necessarily a good sign.Shame too that he apologised to Romeo when(a)what he said wasn't actually that bad and(b)it was also true.I can see what they were trying to do with Romeo and Indi here, making Indi the stressed out, quirky one and Romeo the calm, laidback one except that Romeo was wrong and once again he's come up with a big idea which is going to make them rich(no, really, this time it will)only to prove incapable of delivering.Sid asking Dexter if he minds him helping out Indi was a nice touch, it's exactly what my dad would have said to me.Curious to know exactly when John's meant to have given up the gym.

So, we meet Sheldon.And we also learn who Sheldon actually is, having only had Celia's initial cover story so far.While Alf may have been harsh towards him to start with, it's starting to seem like he may have had a point and behind all the double talk about needing to say goodbye to Sheldon to say goodbye to gambling(which she quickly dropped)Marilyn hasn't really thought this through.Even if Celia was telling the truth that Sheldon's never encouraged her to gamble, it's certainly not true now.

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I was thinking that about Sid leaving the clinic too early, but as I guess he admitted himself he can leave whenever he wants to. Now he's opened up to Dex (and I suppose Indi, Romeo) and Sasha when she comes home they can prevent what caused the breakdown happening again. It may help him being Indi and Romeo's sleeping partner, he's involved but no to the extent he feels he ought to do more. I know yoiur'e not a Romeo fan Red, but he does know the sports/keep fit business and as long as he doesn't try and overstretch himself, starts off slowly and builds it up, it could be a going concern.

I can totally understand Alf's reaction, Celia is still his little sister and in a strange way still feels he should be looking out for her and it was her lying that upset him more than her actual gambling. She is right, though the end of the episode appeared to belie it, Sheldon didn't frog march her down to the bookies, casino, racetrack or whatever, she could have said no at anytime. She may well have said no to Sheldon this time. It was as she told Marilyn and Alf she got caught up in the excitement.

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Firstly regarding last week why the HELL did Adam have to save Brax? Now he's left Jamie without a father. And guess what, Brax wins YET AGAIN!

For the most part I don't like scenes with Jett. When I think back to the time he mugged Marylin, how he treated VJ, I ask myself what's to like. There's been the odd occasion that I've quite liked the scenes with Gina or John but other than that I end up getting quite annoyed with him. The most recent time was when he locked Romeo in the shed. I did however really like the party at the Surf Club. I liked the way Jett was blown out by those girls but Sasha and Rosie (under Liam's instructions) started dancing with him then those same girls suddenly decided they were interested in him. I liked the way the adorable little blond girl was watching him the whole evening and John advised him to go for her rather than the group of superficial young ladies he had taken an interest to initially.

I will admit I've quite liked the scenes with Jett and Tilda. Part of me is hoping that her bullying of him is a way of basically saying that she fancies him. So, I'm hoping this will lead to them getting together even though she isn't particularly a pleasant person. But then neither is Jett. I find it hard to have much sympathy if I'm honest and I guess it's karma for the way he used to pick on VJ. I'm a bit disapointed that the adorable little blonde seems to have vanished and I too was actually expecting to see her this week.

I really liked the scene last week where Tamara thanked Sasha. I accept it must have been very difficult for Sasha but she handled it quite well given the circumstances even though you could tell she was still upset. Although it was incredibly immature, I have to admit I really loved the way Sasha accused April of teaming up with Tamara. That brought a smile to my face as it reminded me of the time she told Ruby to stay away from Casey. I thought her behaviour was pretty awful when April was trying to offer advice about studying in class. I was really impressed with April for clearing the air with Sasha afterwards and we saw the true Sasha. Not particuarly keen on Rosie. At times I find her quite annoying. I actually thought she was a bad influence on Sasha. Granted Sasha was annoyed about April convincing Irene to let Tamara move in but Rosie wound her up even more and egged her on in class to try and humiliate April. I guess Rosie living on her own and being lonely goes some way to explaining her behaviour. But again I liked the way Sasha proved that she was a good friend and gave Rosie a hug afterwards.

I really liked the scenes and what looks like a possible friendship with Tamara and April. I was really glad April talked Irene into letting her stay at hers. Hopefully it means she's going to be around for the time being. It's good to see April actually spend time with someone not from the Walker household. So I hope that friendship continues and we see more scenes with them.

Have to say although I really wanted to see Sasha and Casey together, I'm really liking Casey and Tamara. IMO they have real chemistry and really care for one another.

Kyle's another character that I'm quite liking at the moment. Although it's happened rather quickly he does seem to have genuinely changed. I really liked the scene where Casey thanked Kyle for helping out with Tamara. It was interesting seeing all three of them at the police station compared to the desert a couple of months ago. For me at the moment he does seem the most level headed out of the Braxtons.

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Nice to see Alf back in the wise old man role but with a bit of fire in his almost tough love approach to Celia.I'm guessing Sheldon's gone then, after Celia's own tough love approach fails to get the desired result.Marilyn giving Alf a shove in the right direction was nice to see too.

Guess it was inevitable things would fall apart around Heath and Brax's pained reaction when Heath began to tell him about the list of calamities waiting for him was a mildly amusing moment.I'm not sure he really needs to undo all Heath's decisions, what exactly was wrong with the new roster?Not sure what to make of Brax's behaviour, he really does seem to be fed up of having everyone relying on him, almost as fed up as Heath seems to be of, well, relying on him.Watching Natalie and Zac's scenes kind of reinforced just how bland a character Natalie is and how little we really know her, it felt like we were watching two strangers rather than one established regular and one newbie.Zac does at least seem to be genuinely nice, possibly too nice for Natalie, but it's hard to care either way about their kiss.

Not sure how I feel about Jamie being back, I'd have preferred if we could have just been left to assume he was getting help rather than having him thrown to the wolves now Adam's not around.At least Casey seemed to recognise that Jamie's as much a victim in all this as anyone and do his best to help him, although I'm not sure that's going to do either of them much good judging by the ending.Courtney's coming across as fairly contemptible as Casey seemed to recognise with his mocking of him.You wonder how exactly he's managed to get all those thugs to follow him around instead of beating him up behind the bike shed.Maybe he's their supplier.

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I have to agree about Natalie's character. She is very loosely defined, her major characterisation being an infatuation with Brax.

Would they really put Jamie into a detention centre with the brother of the man he was imprisoned for attempting to murder?

I did enjoy Celia choosing not to gamble away the money with Sheldon, even though I still don't see this gambling addiction development being rightfully in character

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So Brax was gone for a week, according to Nat, just a couple of teeny weeny quibbles, did Brax actually walk off to who knows where and where did that bag he was carrying come from? He spent all day trying to meet up with Nat only to keep getting waylaid, then when he finally gets to Leah's he's too late! Seems there was more than a friendship in Zac and Nat's past, a romance that didn't end well. Pretty sure the only reason she decided to take things further with Zac was because she thought Brax wasn't interested anymore. That's despite her somewhat feeble protestations to Bianca to the contrary she didn't like him anymore. Btw I'm NOT liking Zac with that stubble!

Seems Brax is right back where he started sorting out Heath and now Angelo's, he's only got to get the chef, Michael, to come back, sort out the deliveries Heath forgot about, try and get Heath to reinstate Liam and things will be fine! :rolleyes:

No way should Jamie be in a regular prison, not with his problems, if I understood him right Adam's legal team abandoned him when Adaam's assets were frozen and that is why he is where he is, have I got that right? I suppose the authorties are aware of the connection between Jamie and Casey, if so it does seem a bad lapse of management. After his initial shock I liked how Casey approached Jamie and talked to him about they were both there because of what their fathers had done and tried to give him advice about how to keep out of trouble. Courtney now has a new boy to 'play' with and sadly Jamie is an all too easy victim for him. he obviously wasn't keen on beating Casey up (and from the look of him Casey did fight back) but having your legs broken is a valid reason considering.

Well done Celia you resisted temptation and found out what Sheldon was really like, though it must have hurt! I'm glad Marilyn chose to interfere and put Alf in the picture, just when he was singing Celia's praises so he was able to have that talk with her about if Sheldon really loved her he wouldn't pressure her to do something she didn't want to.

Btw her showing Alf her engagement ring

does have some significance :wink:

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