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Maybe it's because Sasha has been the first other girl Rosie has connected with is part of the reason why she is so clingy, but she's in danger of stifling Sasha and forcing her to lie to Rosie to get time to herself let alone meet other people. Of course she couldn't tell Rosie why she had to let her down over lunch, she did say she was doing something for Gina but couldn't say anything. Wonder if Sasha will tell Gina what Jett told her about feeling he deserves to be bullied? So Tilda didn't show up at school, but Gina, as principal, has a duty to ring her parents and find out why she didn't show up.

I thought Celia was supposed to be a Christian so why her judgemental attitude to Heath just because he dresses differently and has tattoos! So glad Irene stood up for him and told her about his and Bianca's recent troubles. Considering Irene herself has changed her mind about him a couple of times she can I suppose feel justified in taking Celia to task. I had to smile when Celia was calling out Mr. Braxton to Heath and he looked around all puzzled, can't be many times he's called that outside of court! I spotted that remark of Alf's as well and Celia's surprised 'there's more of him?'

Perhaps Spencer's dad is used to getting his own way by bullying other people into doing what he wants but he picked the wrong person/people when he tried it on with Roo and Harvey, not forgetting Alf later on. What was with the Americanism 'trailer trash' anyway??? :angry::puke: (It's not the first time I've noted terms like that creeping in.) The Braxton's yes (sorry boys!) Maddie's mum seemed a decent woman, we didn't see her dad, but I guess that they are both ordinary working class folk whose daughter happens to have a exceptional talent. Just because they are not 'top drawer' like Spencer's dad they aren't good enough to walk the same streets as him. As Maddie and Spencer are 16 (maybe only just) they can't be forced to go back so I guess Roo & Harvey weren't obliged to tell him where Spencer was. Very foolish for him to issue that ultimatum 'come home with me now or else!' That was bound to get Spencer not to! His hug and 'goodbye dad' really threw him. I loved it when Alf gave Maddie the violin, is he seeing her as a surragate granddaughter already?

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I do find Heath downright lovable at times, even when he's doing things I might have complained about in the past or if it was someone else doing it, like threatening to kick Bianca's door down, which is kind of softened by the way Irene pretty much treats him like a child throwing a tantrum and tells him off.His confused "Was that a yes or a no?" after Bianca slaps him and equally bemused conversation with Irene on the beach("She said I was a lion")were other comic highlights.Analysing it slightly objectively, Heath does seem to have come up with the idea rather quickly but he also seems to be sincere and I think Bianca did overreact.

I also find that I like Dexter and April a lot better when they're apart, their awkwardness at not knowing how to just be friends anymore struck more of a note than wince-inducing lines about "the best thing that ever happened to me".Hopefully their living apart will also see some more of the Irene/April/Bianca interaction we get here.Sid does seem to have recovered from his depression remarkably quickly but I'm not going to object when it means we see him in wise father mode with Dex, I really liked their scenes here.

Bonus points for having Spencer and Maddy stay in a caravan rather than act like the house has got about seven bedrooms.(Nearly makes up for the way we're meant to ignore the fourth bedroom in Irene's house so all bedroom scenes can take place on that one set.)It's something of a regret that the show didn't introduce the classic Summer Bay High girls' uniform until after the first year, so the uniform Roo shows off to Maddy here isn't the same style she wore in 1988.There is a nice lightness about these scenes and it's good Harvey's onboard with playing parent, hopefully Roo won't overdo it to make up for not being a parent to Martha.

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Oh Heath, you can be so frustrating but lovable at times!!! He is completely entitled to change his mind about marriage, but his sudden proposal to Bianca did come out of the blue so not surprising she (over) reacted like she did, they hadn't discussed it since her mention of it last year. Liked Irene's talk with him on the beach and comparing his not having a ring to him surfing without a surf board!! :lol:

Celia still trying to be well meaning, but still getting it wrong, I love her calling Heath Mr. Braxton.

I was wondering about the number of rooms at Irene's and why Bianca and April have to share, I always thought there were four, one opposite the bathroom, one at the front of the house and two upstairs, unless one has been 'disappeared'. Been a while since Bianca and April have have a sisterly chat over their respective boyfriend troubles.

Dex's and April's breakup isn't quite the same as other couples who find that while they are not in love anymore they still can care for each other as friends. Those two still do that's why Dex felt he couldn't go to the show with April, it would be far too strange and awkward. I liked his chat with Sid and how he said he didn't think it would be so hard.

I thought Roo said once a caravan came up, one of them (Spencer) would be moving into it? Roo did look very nostalgic when holding up the uniform against Maddie, even it wasn't the same style, must have taken her back. Seems like Roo isn't into sewing (like me) as she was taking the dress to a seamtress, where are you Pippa when we need you, she would have made a dress (maybe even two) overnight!I! I liked Harvey's chat with Spencer and his description of Roo being worse than Bridezilla before their wedding and to let her have her way over his going back to school. I think Harvey will rein in Roo's enthusiasm, gently of course. He missed out on some of Lottie's older years whereas Roo missed out with Martha completely, now they can experience it together.

Good point Blaxland, depends I suppose on much maternity leave Ada wants to take. Leah has been referred to a couple of times.

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Not sure if it was visible last episode but here you could go "April, that door over there?That's the one that leads to the house's fourth bedroom.You know, where you slept when you first lived there.So give your sister some space and move in there."If you're so inclined, that is...Bit of a shame to see Celia go since she's definitely turned out to be an asset these past couple of months.I love the relationship that built up between her and Heath, vaguely similar to the one between him and Irene.Her giving him the engagement ring she kept hold of for decades seems a bit unlikely but maybe, as she said, it's a symbolic way of opening up the next chapter in her life.A couple of nice Heapril scenes, which are always welcome, and a case of Bring Your Own Subtext with April's tears "of joy". (We're probably meant to assume she's thinking of how she expected to have that milestone with Dexter and now might not but there are other explanations...)Nice that she gave him her permission. Heath and Bianca proposing to each other and his desperate fumbling for the ring was comedy gold again.

I like Rosie but she is seeming more and more unstable and it's past the point where Sasha, or even the world's worst school counsellor, could do her much good, she really needs to see a proper professional.I can't tell if her running into the water was just a stunt or genuinely suicidal but it's landed both her and Sasha in trouble either way.It's a shame she didn't want to share Sasha with Spencer and Maddy because they could have been good friends.

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Don't see how you can like Rosie, Red Ranger. She's a walking disaster and no friend for Sasha, who has been very good looking after her so far. I'm sure a decent school counseller would have done something to get her out of living in that house by herself and get her some real help. Especially after her running into the sea and pulling Sasha down under as well.

Like all the different storylines going with couples at the moment : Casey/Tamara, April/Dex, Heath/Bianca, Harvey/Roo, Spencer/Maddy, Romeo/Indi, etc and then the singles interacting with them. Hope Kyle gets hooked up with someone soon.

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Firstly, little disappointed Celia has gone. I quite liked her and enjoyed the scenes with Heath or as she put it Mr Braxton.

So Casey rescues Sasha from drowning and not even so much as a thank you from her. When she told him to rescue Rosie first I almost got the impression thinking about it afterwards that she didn't want Casey to be the one to save her. It's a shame it's ended up like this because although I do find Rosie annoying sometimes I do like her friendship with Sasha but it looks as though she's blown it now. Sasha won't want go near her with a ten foot barge pole. I actually found Rosie's jealousy during the scenes with Maddy and Spencer yesterday cringe-worthy. I do agree with Sasha's conversation with Natalie in that Rosie needs some sort of help. This was evident when Sasha gave her back the necklace and after Rosie apologised to Sasha she wanted Sasha to wear the necklace again almost as if she wanted Sasha to completely forget about everything that happened and Natalie's words fell on death ears. I do feel sorry for Rosie. Neither of her parents want anything to do with her, she's all by herself so it's perfectly understandable that she will be lonely and given her current situation hardly surprising how fixated she's been on her friendship with Sasha. You could argue Sasha is probably the only good thing in her life at the moment. If Natalie knew about the situation why is she only now suggesting foster care. Shouldn't she have tried to make arrangements beforehand. All I can do is hope Sasha and Rosie sort things out but I don't think so.

I don't know if it was just me but there seemed to be quite a few scenes with Kyle and Tamara today. I'm wondering if he fancies her. Obviously there's the fact that he kept staring at her during their shift at Angelo's and offered his room to her without clearing it with Brax claiming he was trying to make up for what happened before.

Usually find Natalie quite annoying but when she stormed round to Brax's I couldn't help but laugh. I do think that she was trying to help Casey but let's face it she would have used any excuse to see Brax.

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I continue to like Rosie in spite of what she did.At heart she's just a lost soul.I did wonder for a moment at the start if she was actually trying to kill Sasha but probably not.It is a shame that Sasha didn't thank Casey for saving her but maybe it's a bit soon.It's an even bigger shame that we didn't get to see Sid's reaction despite John saying he was going to call him.I was pleased that, even though she understandably sent Rosie away when she acted like nothing had happened, Sasha still felt enough for her to go and see Natalie and tell her Rosie needed help.Rosie seemed to have completely lost her grip on reality when Natalie first spoke to her but she seemed to face up to it more when they spoke again and we got a little hint of why she did it:She's so used to people leaving her that she sets tests to see if she can rely on them and ironically, in the process, drives them away.I'm glad she apologised to Sasha, I think it was sincere and I think Sasha realised that, but offering the pendant back was a bit premature and it's not a surprise Sasha wasn't ready to take it.I'm not sure the door's closed completely though, I think Sasha does still care what happens to her.

There does seem to be a bit of a love/hate thing going on between Kyle and Tamara and to a certain extent Kyle and Casey.Kyle does seem oddly fond of Tamara and the kind of three way bickering was rather amusing.Kyle casually arranging for Tamara to move in behind Brax's back made me smile.It's curious that people seemed to be expecting Tamara to end up as Irene's foster kid but instead she's effectively been "adopted" by the Braxtons, she notes here they're more of a family to her than her own.Same goes for Kyle, who actually does seem to add a new dynamic to the Braxton household, which I didn't think he would when he first showed up.Although I appreciated Casey rejecting Brax's lecture, ultimately he did seem to give him pretty good advice and it's nice that he swallowed his own feelings and told Casey to accept Zac's help.

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