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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Agree with you both, Red Ranger and Slade. The spark between Kyle and Tamara is there and will grow and that will put Casey's nose out of joint, metaphorically not physically speaking. One weekend, when Casey is away, I wouldn't be surprised to see that spark ignite and then when Casey comes back,....... And they're all living in the same house!!!!!! Work that one out, daddy Brax!

Romeo is an idiot trying to carry on like that. Course Indi will notice and so will the gym clients. Sid is in an awkward position as his doctor and father-in-law, but I suppose that doctors come up against that from time to time. He should have done the "I'll tell her if you won't" threat, or just drop a very big hint, like Kyle did to Brax about Liam. I also feel sorry for Kyle, the only really decent guy out of all those Braxtons. He doesn't deserve brothers like that!

Poor April, can't carry on without Dex. She shouldn't have mothered him so. Serves her right.

Hasn't Bianca gone down in the world? Was going to marry an Italian prince and now engaged to a River Boy, or has he really reformed? To paraphrase a quote ; "You can take the boy out of the river, but you can't take the river out of the boy".

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Sid actually seems to be doing a pretty good job covering for Romeo, which is nice to see in a way although I'm not sure his patience will last too long.The way things went back and forth between Romeo and Heath was quite interesting, Romeo actually seemed to empathise with Heath's confusion about doing the sensible thing rather than the first thing that comes into your head.He actually seemed to be doing a pretty good job keeping an eye on the gym, perhaps suits him better than trying to run a restaurant, although best not let him near the books.Once again, we're apparently meant to think Romeo's behaving out of character when everyone gives him shocked looks for being rude to Dexter but I just thought "Yeah.Romeo can be a right jerk sometimes.This is news to anyone?"

Kyle telling Brax without telling him was a great scene:His "I'm always serious.Haven't you noticed that?" was a bit nonsensical but said with such conviction it was a great moment.Surprised that Liam just came out and told Brax what he was doing and surprised too that he didn't seem to have any real reason to do it:Fair enough, he's tired of putting himself out for the Braxtons without any thanks but that's a pretty expensive way of thumbing his nose at them.Brax firing him was reasonable but slightly disappointing given everything Liam's done for him, although that does kind of go both ways.Brax and Kyle making themselves scarce when they realise Heath and Bianca are about to argue was great.

After a rather nice little bit of everyone together at the Diner, April going from "Yay, I'm at uni" to feeling like a fish out of water struggling to acclimatise was very believable, as was her eventual meltdown.Sadly, some decent work was completed wrecked by the last scene when it turns out it's all because she can't cope out without Dex.Seriously?Does anyone remember the smart, mature, independent April of 2010?It's a struggle at times and I think by now she's well and truly dead and buried, lost in this increasingly unhealthy relationship.

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Sid doesn't have a choice regards Romeo, he is his patient as well as his son-in-law and he can't 'threaten' to tell Indi if he (Romeo) doesn't. I can kind of see Romeo's reasoning about not telling Indi until he knows the full facts, probably like most people facing this, he is also in denial. You can see Indi's reaction when she finds out, she'll blame Sid for not telling her, though if the boot was on the other foot she wouldn't want Sid to tell Romeo.

Ditto to there being a spark between Kyle and Tamara, a lot of relationships start with the people involved initally hating each other, (Liam and Bianca spring to mind), though as Casey isn't going back inside (now he has given his statement) how that will work is to be seen, and make Casey's decision pretty pointless. What was with her going from telling Kyle he'd never be part of the family, then having a go for him trying to leave,but did she actually say he should go? It took him long enough, just in time for Heath and Bianca by pure chance to spot him! :rolleyes: She seemed to be giving out very mixed messages. Yes, why did no-one notice he wasn't around, poor lad? I liked the way he turned the argument back onto Tamamra!

That was a revalation I didn't see coming about Zac having been inside! :blink: Something else he has Brax hasn't , with Nat and has done time, that shows he knows what he is talking about, Brax soon slunk off after overhearing that bit of news. I still like the fact Casey was standing up for Jamie against Heath, where had he and Bianca been that he didn't know about Casey? Jamie was under orders from Adam to bump off Heath, even if his heart wasn't in it, and Adam wasn't the knd of man you said no to.

I'm glad Bianca 'persuaded' Heath to change his mind about working for Romeo, it does seem more his forte than working in Angelo's, but yes, definitely keep him away from the books! :wink: As long as Bianca doesn't keep distracting him. What is the history between Heath and Romeo that Heath keeps calling Romeo 'blondie'? That Italian Prince wasn't that much of a catch, he'd already cheated on Bianca, that's why she did a runner to the bay,then he did it again!

Very clever way of Kyle's to tell Brax about Liam without telling him, he really is a very decent guy, considering who his role model was. He doesn't actually seem to laugh much does he, he looks lovely (well more lovely) :blush: when he does. I have to say Liam's 'reason' seemed pretty flimsy (I think there is more to come on that score) no pun intended.

How ironic, April being the one to struggle at Uni, handy having a Uni on their doorstep they don't have to go far do they, she was going to be the confident one, worrying about Dex coping and it was her falling apart. What was wrong with her asking directions, there would have been no shame in it, there would have other people on their first day. Both Bianca and Irene could sympathise having been to Uni themselves. I suppose Dex having been there (last year)? gave him that edge of knowing his way around and he had mates too, no problem with that part of his memory. I loved how he fended off Indi's and Sid's concern and declined Sid's offer to take him as he wasn't at kindergarten. Quite a turn of the tables that April realsied she needed Dex more than she thought he needed her. This tutor we saw Dex introducing himself to and finding he'd already done it, for some reason started alarm bells ringing, I have a feeling he is going to give Dex a hard time.

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It took him long enough, just in time for Heath and Bianca by pure chance to spot him!

Yes, Kyle's obviously been taking lessons from Spencer and Maddy in how to run away really slowly.To be fair, Bianca and Heath did seem to be out of town but they'd only gone as far as Mangrove River.Hasn't he heard of buses?

So.Sasha's being an evil matchmaker.I would have preferred it if we hadn't been treated to such a saturation of April and Dexter scenes but at least we've been spared a reunion so far.I'm as confused by the state of play as they are, they've broken up but they're planning to get back together at some point and for now they're friends?Maybe?Dexter having memory problems in class was a nice touch but why hasn't the lecturer been informed of his difficulties, rather than making a fool of him?

The scene between Irene and Liam was nice but it seems his motive for taking the money was exactly what it seemed to be in the previous episode:Okay, he eventually sends it to Ash but that seems to be a last minute decision.In fact, it looked like he was originally planning to give it back to Brax, given that he had it in his hand when he was looking for him earlier.Not sure about the long, lingering shot of him driving off at the end, are we meant to assume he's left town?

And Tilda's still causing trouble for Jett.Nice to see Sasha continuing to look out for him and nice, if a bit abrupt, to see Spencer playing big brother figure.Loved John's "Hey, I say what's on my mind, remember?" look after Gina glared at him for hoping Tilda started bullying someone else.Well, Tilda's mother is clearly where she gets her superior attitude from and any words from Gina are going to fall on deaf ears clearly.

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Those two (Dex & April) did need their heads knocking together and in the end both did fess up that their lives weren't going as well as they were letting on. Maybe they won't actually get back as 'a couple' but can be there for each other if needed. Maybe the lecturer does know, but Dex being Dex wouldn't want to be treated 'differently', which was the whole point of him going back to Uni. Depends how far the lecturer pushes it, a bit of teasing is I would imagine part of uni life, but if he continues to make Dex the focus of it that's when it can be verging on bullying.

Talking of which - Tilda. I see she now has a little gang of Tildaettes, where did they come from? :huh: It did come out the blue Spencer coming in as a big brother type (Maddie gets in on the act tonight), but I suppose Jett can relate better to a boy rather than a girl (Sasha). Why did they seem to cut a bit of the scene where Mrs. Hogan was talking to Gina? In the trailers, right after Gina tells her there were witnesses to Tilda's bullying, we see her telling/warning(?) Gina not to take the matter any further or there would be consequences, yet last night no sign of it, why? I wasn't aware it was common knowledge how Jett's mum died? It does seem a long drawn out affiar just to get someone suspended, no wonder John was exasperated. I guess Gina must be frustrated by the 'system' at times herself. She did get one thing right, if eventually Tilda is expelled it would just be ttransferring her bullying onto someone else at another school. Simplisitic I know but wouldn't it be a better idea to find out why she is a bully? Perhaps we got a glance of why Tilda is like she is judging by the way Mrs. Hogan was banging on outside the Surf Club. It was so obvious she wanted Gina to hear what she was saying. I can imagine her being on various committees and making her voice is well and truly heard! I bet she wears the trousers at home, assuming there is a Mr. Hogan.Liked John's observation about the apple not falling far from the tree!. :lol: I know it would be totally inappropriate but I would have love to see Mrs. Hogan and Gina have a scrap!!! I know who my money would be on.

Didn't someone suggest that is why Liam was stealing from Brax? I was wondering about any royalties Liam would get from his songs, is the money going straight to Chelsea? He certainly seems very down at the moment. Not quite the end of him yet Red. :wink: In fact

rather a neat book ending of his (and another) arriving in the bay.

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.

So.Not entirely sure Jett's way of getting back at Tilda would have been enough to turn her newly formed gang against her.Kind of lucky Gina was the one running the class(why?)or no-one would have heard about that essay.Also...Tilda didn't think handing in an essay in Jett's handwriting was at all suspicious?Still, he got another moment of triumph against her.Wonder if that's the end of it.

Roo is in danger of smothering Maddy, going through her bag here for fairly vague reasons.Marilyn's mediation probably wasn't that smart an idea but it's nice that Maddy actually sees their bickering as a positive thing because she's never been comfortable enough to be like that with anyone before.Alf's warning to Roo and Harvey feels a bit like scaremongering:Okay, maybe the boys and girls heading off to separate corners isn't the best way to build a family but surely parents would spend a lot of time with the kids and not so much alone together?

So, seems that Casey getting out of jail isn't the done deal it appeared to be.Nice that he's keen to pursue his studies either way.Tamara going back to school was a bit of a weird one(and felt like she'd been given one of Kit's old storylines), although at least they did acknowledge that she's a lot older than your average schoolgirl so we're presumably not meant to think she's 16 as well.The uniform didn't actually look that silly on her:She's probably the only Summer Bay High girl to ever worry the skirt's too short, although she tends to show off a lot of leg anyway with those short short things.Her and Sasha seem to be getting on better now:Their bickering came across more as banter than genuine hatred, as well as being genuinely funny in places("Substitute teacher"), and Sasha actually took her side over the uniform issue.

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Tamara going back to school was a bit of a weird one(and felt like she'd been given one of Kit's old storylines)

Yes, that came to mind for me too. It did take a couple of moments for me to think of who'd had that storyline, but then I remembered it was Kit.

I've quite liked Jett's storyline with Tilda, and taking advice from some of the older students - Sasha, Spencer & Maddy. I guess we'll soon see whether that's the end of Tilda's bullying.. I loved the little grin on his face when Gina was reading the essay, at first when it just seemed like a dig at the bullying, but even more so when she reached the punchline.

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