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Brilliant revenge by Jett, he used his brain and we already know he is pretty smart!! Clever interpretation of the Montague's and Capulet's feud, by bringing bullying into it. Put Tilda on the spot in two ways, she couldn't admit the essay wasn't hers without admitting what she had been doing to him. Gangs, especially girls are pretty fickle so no great surprise they turned their back on her. I think he is safe now, loved the high five between him and Spencer and Maddie! Was that a quick turnround by Gina suspending Tilda or is a pupil getting another to do their work more serious? Guess mummy wil be storming back in!

I think I said before I reckon Maddie is just going through a rebellious period and will settle down, especially after Spencer had a word with her. Not so much scare mongering on Alf's part, more a gentle reminder they have only just got married and need 'them' time as well.

The governer seems to be dragging his heels a tad, seeing as Casey has to back to jail, is he going to be isolated when he goes back?

I shouldn't worry Tamara, plenty of pupils feel out of their depth given the number of times so many of them have to redo a year! So should we surmise she's 17/18? Bit of a surprise Sasha standing up for her, but nice to see.

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I found the arguing with Tamra and Kyle hilarious. It was really funny but I have to admit that Tamara came across as a self righteous cow and it felt like Kyle couldn't do anything right. She reminded me a bit of Summer from Neighbours. I really enjoyed Sasha's concealed amusement at Tamara's rebellion with regards to the school uniform. And trying to fight her corner too. Maybe there's hope for them to be friends yet.

Absolutely loved Jett getting one over on his arch nemesis. Still kind of hoping he and Tilda get together though.

I thought Maddie was acting like a brat towards Roo which is a shame as she was really good with Jett. Perhaps the next time she does it, Roo should threaten to ship her back to her mother.


With regards to today's episode, I thought certain parts were mostly positive:

Although somewhat unrealistic, I'm pleased Casey's been released. Similarly, I'm happy Jamie's going to be transferred away from Courtney. In spite of what he did I don't think he deserved the be left alone to deal with Courtney and his gang. The running option suggested by Brax was unbelievably stupid and given how Tamra acted with Kyle shooting though last week couldn't believe her attitude. Luckily Casey had the sense to see how ridiculous the whole thing was.

Fair dos that Zac came though but to be honest that really could have gone either way. I spent most of the episode thinking that Casey having to go back inside with person who stabbed him knowing that Casey grassed him up was Zac's fault for basically pressuring Casey into giving a statement without a firm guarantee that the deal Zac suggested would even be honoured. And had Casey gone back to jail this part of my post would have been very different. Hats off to him considering it cost him is job too. I did feel bad for him the way he was watching Natalie with Brax, Casey and Tamara at Angelo's but am kind of glad Natalie chose him because at least it means he's got something even though Natalie was his main motivation for helping Casey in the first place.

Was very satisfied with Sasha trying to make conversation with Tamara. It seems as though she's gotten past what's happened with Casey, certainly with Tamara although, I'm not sure when she'll forgive Casey. Was a bit disappointed Tamara didn't stay and talk to her although I suppose she still feels awkward. Now that she's changed her mind (again) and decided to go back to school, hopefully we will see some more Sasha/Tamara interaction.

I'm glad Rosie's found herself a family now and seems to have made friends with other people in school but still feel a bit sorry for her as she clearly misses Sasha. Natalie annoyed me again. She quite correctly told Rosie to give Sasha some space (putting Rosie in the mindset that she and Sasha were over for now) then shortly afterwards goes straight to Sasha and asks her to include Rosie in her protest with regards to the school uniform. What?! I think Rosie did the right thing declining Sasha's offer. Sasha actually looked slightly hurt ,so I wonder if she will rethink her friendship with Rosie.

I have to admit, I was actually quite shocked when Sid told Romeo the cancer had metastasised. Wasn't expecting that. Never thought I would say this but felt REALLY sorry for him. I know this is soapland but it looks really bleak. Sid's basically told him with treatment he only has a year left tops. And he wouldn't give Romeo an answer when he asked how short his time could be. Other than that I think Sid's handled this pretty well up to this point. In terms of the storyline, the next thing I guess would be Indy's reaction. So I guess Romeo's the umpteenth person in Summer Bay to get the Big C.

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So, once again Brax's solution to a problem is to encourage Casey to run away from it.And Tamara, once a positive influence on Casey, seems to have just completely fallen into line with the Braxton way of doing things.Nice that she noted that she was the one who encouraged Casey to take the deal without thinking it through, shame Brax didn't have the same sense of awareness.Once more, Casey deserves applause for doing the right thing in the face of pressure to take the easy way out.And I'm glad that Jamie's been sorted out too and we got a reference rather than him just being forgotten.Natalie going straight to the Braxtons and ignoring Zac until he got fed up and walked out was slightly irritating.Tamara said she'll be getting her HSC in two years so presumably she'd be in the same class as Sasha and Rosie even though she's a fair bit older:I'd guess she's at least 18/19, around the same age as Casey.

Sasha may have a point about the uniform code but that Summer Bay High girls' uniform is pretty iconic(it wouldn't feel like Home and Away without girls in far too short school uniforms), so it's hard to cheer her on:Even if she gets a result, it'll probably mean a couple of characters wearing something different then it being forgotten about when they leave school.While it's good that Rosie's with a family now, I wish we'd gone into that more.Natalie really is an utter liability as school counsellor.She gives Rosie good advice and I thought maybe she was going to get it right for once, then she tells Sasha to do the exact opposite.Yeah, like that's not going to be disastrous.It's a shame she didn't do the job properly because Rosie helping Sasha out could actually have been good for them both.It was nice that Sasha made an effort to be friendly to Tamara, although Tamara didn't really seem to care.

I don't know how to feel about Romeo.Or indeed if I feel anything.I can't say I'm leaping for joy or thinking he deserves it or anything crass like that, and on a subjective level I can recognise that's a terrible thing for a young person to have to deal with but I really can't feel any emotional connection to the character.At the risk of sounding callous, he died for me a long time ago.John mocking his attempt to get round Indi was a funny moment.I guess there's a parallel with Belle's cancer in there, although this time round they have had the sense to show us the character's diagnosis and let us see their reaction to it.But again, keeping the diagnosis secret from the partner is treated as noble and selfless when in reality it's pretty much the opposite:It's all right for Romeo to say he doesn't want to ruin Indi's life by telling her and act like he's protecting her but this is going to affect her either way and he's arguably just making it worse by denying her the time to get used to what's going to happen.I guess up until he got the prognosis he could claim he wasn't worrying her(much as Casey waited until the last minute to tell Brax and Tamara about the prison situation)but we're beyond that point now.Aside from the fact that the regular doctor always treats everyone in Summer Bay, Sid giving Romeo the results seemed like a bit of a stretch:Doesn't he have a GP?

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Got kicked out of this earlier?

So Casey didn't have to go back to jail, bit of an eleventh hour rescue though! Brax I could understand suggesting Casey do a runner, but not Tamara, well done Casey for being the bright one. Glad to know Jamie will be transferred out of Courtney's clutches. Hope this won't be the last we hear of him. I liked that Brax did the decent thing and thanked Zac for his efforts after slagging him off every time he saw him. Why though did they seem to leave him on his own at the bar once they had invited him for a drink? Fair enough Nat would want to congratualte Casey, but sitting down with them and ignoring Zac was a bit off, no wonder he stormed off. The whole Casey possibly going back to jail thing certainly put Tamnara's strop about wearing a school uniform in perspective. Nice to see Sasha talking to her even if Tamara cut her dead somewhat, perhaps she's stil feeling wary about her.

Good to hear Rosie is with a family, even if it was a casual remark between her and Nat.The way I understood Nat's advice to Rosie was although she could still be friendly with Sasha, just not rely on her too much, but not cut her dead. She seemed to have made some progress as we saw her chatting to other pupils which she wouldn't have done a few weeks ago. She didn't need to be so dismissive with Sasha and what's with her hair, it looks like she's left a roller in it. :wacko:

They certainly get results back quick in Aus, hadn't Romeo only just got back from the city? Such a shock it was as bad as it was, he's so young, but then so was Belle. Clever use of the fading of Sid telling him the news as if we were hearing it from Romeo's perspective. He's been very lucky, if you can call it that, considering how far it's spread that he's had no other symptoms other than an aching shoulder. I suppose Sid can't give him a definitive answer as to how long he's got. There does seem to be a dearth of G.P's in the bay everyone goes straight to the hospital.

While it's good news that John and Gina want to adopt Jett (as seen in the trailer) It made me wonder what the law about that is in Aus. Here Jett's dad would have to be asked for his permission. Plus would Jett would need to be willing.

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I can't say I'm still overly bothered about Sasha's campaign but the pay off of Sasha realising she misses Rosie made me smile.Their friendship is one of the best things to come out of the show recently:There was talk a few months ago after Sasha and Casey broke up of her not having a role to play anymore but she's developing nicely without the show being in a hurry to hook her up with someone else.Liked the interaction between her and Indigo(Indi calling her Miss Purple Hair!).Sasha is still being relatively friendly towards Tamara, who by the same token doesn't seem very interested.There's definite sexual tension between Tamara and Kyle, Tamara was very self-conscious about Kyle seeing her half-naked(not that he was wearing much at the time).Nice to get some background about Kyle, seemingly the only Braxton to have ever finished school.Wonder why he left his foster parents at eleven, Danny would presumably have been in jail at the time although I imagine they were in contact before he came out.Liking Heath's nicknames for all the characters(Blondie for Romeo, Mighty Mouse for Tamara)and his "Aren't you a bit old?" about Tamara returning to school was exactly what I was thinking but cheered Kyle standing up to him and stopping him taking money from the till:He's got his own job now, he doesn't have to keep taking "payment" from Brax.Is Kyle meant to be manager now or at least in charge when Brax isn't around?Seems like Casey's moved back into the Braxton house since coming out of hospital as well.

Well, Jett seems to be a lot more popular at school since his victory over Tilda.The girl hanging around him here does actually get a credit...although confusingly the character seems to have the same name as Liam's girlfriend from late 2010.Whilst I can understand him being taken aback by John and Gina offering to adopt him, his reaction seemed a bit extreme.A nice replay of his low opinion of himself seen during the bullying storyline, possibly suggesting it affected him more than was apparent, but I wonder if there's more to it than that and that's just a smokescreen.

Romeo seems to be doing everything the wrong way round:There's no point trying to get Indi to sell the gym and then arranging Heath as, in effect, a replacement for himself when she doesn't have any idea why he's doing it and will just be left confused.That said...I know I've been critical of Luke Mitchell a lot but he nailed that scene on the beach with Sid perfectly.Whether you believe he and Indi were a strong enough couple to last the distance or not, that speech really underlined the tragedy of it:There were many things he still could have done with his life and now he won't get the chance to do any of them.

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It was a good episode today and I feel like posting about it. Heath thinking he was about to be fired and Romeo's reaction was great. Their scenes have been a joy to watch because they've made me laugh but it actually is showing development with Heath. It is very subtle but it is obvious he knows something is seriously wrong with Romeo. I would like to see more interaction with Heath and Indi in the future (which should happen if she is his boss).

It turns out that Heath does pick up on the little things quite a lot, with him seeing Kyle's affection for Tamara. I was waiting for Kyle to give Tamara the smackdown she deserves but it was only a small moment, with him revealing he is educated. I quite like that little tidbit about Kyle and hope that they do reveal more (was he an average student? a secret genius?). To be honest I just like Kyle and haven't been this interested in a character for ages :lol:. That scene with Tamara waking him up annoyed me though. She knew that the couch was his bed yet thought it wasn't weird walking around half-naked. But I did like Heath calling her mighty mouse.

I love the Palmer family unit. That is all that can be said about them.

One last thing to comment on. Where has Luke Mitchell been hiding those acting skills? Seriously, the man has gone from being The Plank jr to... a damn fine actor.

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If I was Kyle, I'd risked getting killed by Casey/Heath to have a shot at Tamara. She's got to be the sexiest chick in Summer Bay at the moment. The tutor sessions should be interesting to watch in the future, I wonder where they will take place. Braxton house (surely not), kitchen of Angelos?

Agree about Romeo's improved acting skills. Be sorry to lose him. Any chance the diagnosis could turn out to be incorrect?

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