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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Was kind of funny that misunderstanding by April's 'date', but hadn't she mentioned it was a study session? Then when Dex drifted by he got all flustered when he realised it was Dex's 'April' as if they were still together. I think before April gets down to studying proper she does need to get her OCD to a managable level, she'll never be able to concentrate on it. Both Dex and April need each other still but not as boyfriend/girlfriend.

No wonder Alf blew his stack when Harvey and Roo were back to their usual selves, but they did take his advice and find time for themselves. Maddy undserstandibly thought she was the reason for them arguing, she doesn't know it's part of their make-up. Said Roo & Harvey should have discussed their approach to speaking to Spencer and Maddy instead of giving them mixed messages.

Heath, you idiot, caving into Darcy's plea to stay wiht him, if he's not careful she'll be playing them one against the other. Rather mean of Connie to stop him seeing her at her swimming gala, what did she think he was going to do? Pretty obvious Connie would find out she wasn't in school, they would have rung her wondering why she wasn't there. The cops storming in like they did was OTT, frightening the life out of Darcy like that, it's not going to make Connie popular with her. Typical Braxton to be against counselling, but it looks like Bianca talks him round, not going to be Nat is it?

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Thanks for your reply Slade. I haven't "been away", just did not know how to post a reply, when they changed the format of "Latest UK Episode discussion" some weeks ago. Then I noticed this "reply to this topic" section. But I still can't work out how to select a line or two from your (or somebody else's) post to specifically reply to, like I used to be able to. Help would be appreciated.

I'm glad that you noticed that I have not lost any of my charm! There is nothing wrong with liking Sasha, Slade. I was just surprised that you prefer her to Tamara. Sasha is still rather immature and unsure of herself and tends to throw herself at a guy who likes her, whereas Tamara is much more mature and confident and would really make a good partner in a relationship. Good luck Kyle!

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Thanks for your reply Slade. I haven't "been away", just did not know how to post a reply, when they changed the format of "Latest UK Episode discussion" some weeks ago. Then I noticed this "reply to this topic" section. But I still can't work out how to select a line or two from your (or somebody else's) post to specifically reply to, like I used to be able to. Help would be appreciated.

To quote another member, you click the 'Quote' button in the bottom right of that person's post. That will then transfer it into the Reply window ready for you.

You can also use the Multiquote button if you want to reply to more than one member.

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Thanks for your reply Slade. I haven't "been away", just did not know how to post a reply, when they changed the format of "Latest UK Episode discussion" some weeks ago. Then I noticed this "reply to this topic" section. But I still can't work out how to select a line or two from your (or somebody else's) post to specifically reply to, like I used to be able to. Help would be appreciated.

To quote another member, you click the 'Quote' button in the bottom right of that person's post. That will then transfer it into the Reply window ready for you.

You can also use the Multiquote button if you want to reply to more than one member.Thanks Dan. Who is your Wonder Poster of?

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Jett's new girlfriend is called Nina Bailey according to the credits, I don't think she's the same one from the dance.

I didn't think she was anyway but everyone in Australian Discussion was saying it was her so I rechecked both episodes and yes, it is.Sorry, all.

Who is your Wonder Poster of?

Dan's avatar is of old characters Donald Fisher and Sam Marshall, last seen in the mid-2000s(2007 and 2005 respectively).For more information see here:



Anyway, today's episode.I continue to love Heath, even when he's being obnoxious and even when he's his own worst enemy.Loved his "Hey, you" to Natalie and his muddled "I need to talk to you."Guess it kind of underlines that Natalie's going to have difficulty cutting all ties with the Braxtons even if she did find Heath a different counsellor.Good that Zac's words had an impression on him and he went back and spoke to the counsellor.

What little sympathy I found for Romeo last week evaporated somewhat here.I can understand his point of view and on an intellectual level I can sympathise that he's having to deal with this cancer and is having trouble finding the strength to face up to Indi on top of that.But he really is doing everything the wrong way round.Stopping his treatment because he can't hide it from Indi is a bit of a backwards logic.I'm not even sure he was really intending to tell her the truth, he kind of started to do it because she confronted him, then when she unknowingly gave him a way out he grabbed it with both hands.I can definitely understand Sid's frustration towards him.

Was half-interested in Dexter's storyline but somehow it got invaded by April blathering on about soul mates and being so smug I wanted to slap her so I tuned out.

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Must admit Heath's counsellor did look about 15, no wonder he didn't take him seriously! At least Nat did the right thing and didn't get dragged back into the Braxton merry go round. I'm guessing Heath is unaware of what went on between her and Brax and the decision she made. Good for Zac stepping up like that, though as he said Nat is perfectly capable of doing that herself. At least he went back and apologised to Rob.

It had to happen that Dex came across Romeo and Liam in the hospital, after all it's part of soap law. Quick thinking on Liam's part which got Romeo of the hook for now, I know nothing personally about chemo, but I should imagine the first course is always rough as your body needs to adjust. Lovely that Liam was there for him, though I didn't notice him suggesting to Romeo that he tell Indi. I can understand Sid being frustrated by him not telling her Romeo is married to his daughter, but would he be so insistent if it was someone else he knew and they hadn't told their nearest and dearest? He did very nearly came close, had to say something after Dex had told Indi he'd seen them, but she was upset enough at the thought it could have been Liam who was ill, how is she going to be when she does find out it's him?

Methinks April is reading more into her and Dex's renewed friendship than he is, great he has started working back at the hospital and even though he feels frustrated at not being able to touch the patients, as April rightly said (and I did ages ago) he can have empathy with them, especially if they have gone through what he has, so should just take take it one day at a time.

As an aside good that April's returning OCD has been addressed and that it is something that can come back, as did Sally's, thanks in no small part to Angie.

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Guess it was pretty obvious that Kyle wasn't going to go to jail so at least they cut it short rather than giving us a full retread of Casey's storyline from last year.Tamara definitely seems to have picked up on his attraction to her, given that "Oh dear" look on her face when he gave her that interested look.Nice to see the annexe at the Braxton house at last, shame it seems to have shrunk in size, lost a wall and gained a bathroom in the interim.Well, I suppose they've had time to do the redesign work.

I can kind of see Sid's position:Professional detachment is all very well but at the end of the day Romeo isn't just another patient.If it was someone he didn't know, the patient would be his priority but Indi's his daughter and he's been placed in a position where he has to lie to her.That said, I did think it was slightly unfair him putting a guilt trip on Liam who's basically at the other end of the scale loyalty wise:Despite their brief relationship, he's probably closer to Romeo than Indi and doing his best to support him and respect his wishes.Romeo's reasons for abandoning treatment here, that he'd rather stay strong as long as possible than have treatment that will give him a bit more time but make him weaker, is more understandable than his "Indi might notice" excuse and something a lot of cancer sufferers feel, although he might have had more than one session of chemo before making up his mind.

So, April and Dexter both arrange coffee with a member of the opposite sex allowing the other one to feel jealous.Not sure how this ties in with the rules of their break and whether or not they're going to get back together.April seemed to have a bit of a crush on Jake but, although he obviously admired her as a student, I'm not sure he felt anything particularly romantic towards her.Dexter and Steph seemed to have some nice repartee going although again there didn't seem anything overtly romantic about it;she does seem to have a mischievous streak though, deliberately failing to defuse the tension between him and April.I assume she's new at the hospital if she didn't know Sid and Dexter are father and son, even though she and Dex seemed to talk with familiarity.

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Yes at long last the annexe is being used, whoopie!!!! It now appears to be open plan and if it was only being used for storage why did it have a loo and kitchen? Guess all that renovation was done by the fairies when no-one was looking. :wink: Casey did very well, buying all that stuff for it and getting it all sorted out in what looked like one afternoon.

So the Oz equivalent of the CPS decided it wasn't in the public interest to pursue the case againt Kyle so the charges were dropped and he's on a good behaviour bond. I liked how Casey shook him by the hand effectively putting the past behnind them, though how long that will last once he knows how Kyle feels about Tamara won't be hard to guess. I do think her protests about her not fancying him was a tad too strongly voiced. When did Casey turn into a mini Brax, the way he tried to get Tam and Kyle to talk about their differences was so like him.

Should Sid be involved in Romeo's case at all seeing as he is his son-in-law? He was hard on Liam but I suppose he was the nearest/only person he could take his own frustrations out on. Romeo could have given the chemo one more shot, I would imagine the first course is always the roughest, but it's his body and even though he is young and otherwise fit, he doesn't want to push it. Now Liam has decided to leave town and tying up loose ends any guesses as to what else will be happening? Must have hurt him selling his guitar to pay Brax back. Sllighty off topic, was it written that Liam always had to wear his leather jacket when everyone else was walking about in t shirts, shorts etc?

Oh Rosie what are you getting yourself into with Mellor(?) and his cronies, another bunch of losers that seem to have come from nowhere. Understandable she wouldn't listen to Sasha probably down to pride/stubborness, but just like Sasha not to be put off and still want to help. Bit of a turn around by Tam to offer an ear to Sasha when she saw she was a bit down about and offer her advice. Not quite sure how the pouring milkshake over him was going to make a difference. When Sasha and Tam came across them later Rosie did seem to be unsure of what to do, but was 'persuaded' to go off with them.

I like Jake, as long as he doesn't give April the wrong signals and she gets hurt. At least in his lesson/lecture about bedside manner she knew what she was talking about when she said the families should also be considered as well as the patient and gave her a much needed boost of confidence. I think the coffee meetings were just accidential and innocent, but interesting to see how Dex and April felt about each of them. Steph did tell Dex theirs was platonic. That was the 'old' Dex winding Steph up like that by suggesting they hug a doctor then hugging Sid, only for him to spoil it somewhat by saying he'd see him at home. :D Btw what a change to get peoples names up front.

Didn't think it would be that easy for John & Gina to adopt Jett. True Richard hasn't appeared to bother much about him, but signing a form to relinquish any claim over him is a big step. Well done Molly for seeing through Jett's show of bravado and getting him to say what was really on his mind. What he said about always moving around and him wondering if his 'real' mum and dad would come and rescue him from his mum and then when John and Gina took him in and showed they really cared for him and that he loved them was a gutsy thing for an 13 year old to do. :cryingsmiley:

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Kyle's declaration of feelings to Tamara was surprisingly heartfelt.I don't think Tamara's secretly lusting after him but there does seem to be some sort of subconscious attraction.I still can't get used to her in a school uniform though, she looks like an adult playing dressing up and I'm still not convinced this was the right route to take the character down.

Nice to see Richard again and glad he didn't get as much of a rough end of the stick as I thought he might.Even if he wasn't able to be the father that Jett wanted, I'm convinced he cares about him and I hope they do keep in some sort of contact.John was brilliant as always and seemed to be thinking of Jett better than Gina, who only seemed to be worried about the adoption going wrong.He seemed to empathise a lot with Richard as well, it's easy to forget that he's got a daughter out there somewhere that he never got a chance to get to know.

Rosie's loneliness led to her falling in with a pretty bad crowd there.Mullens seems a pretty obnoxious individual who really did only see Rosie as a plaything.Sasha and Tamara teaming up to stage a mini-intervention was surprising but pleasing and understandable:Both of them ended up in abusive relationships that probably started out just like Rosie and Mullens.(Also interesting to keep an eye on Lachlan, the other blonde guy in uniform who seems to be the only member of Mullens' entourage with a name, a line and a credit:He's shooting uncomfortable looks at Mullens throughout, as if he realises he's out of line but doesn't want to rock the boat by saying something, and even more significantly he laughs when Sasha catches Mullens out.)Rosie did seem to recognise on some level that being part of the in crowd and getting attention off Mullens isn't the same as the caring friendship she had with Sasha.I'm glad that they're back on good terms now and that her rather desperate kiss with Spencer didn't put them back to square one like I feared it might.

I saw a lot of comments when these episodes were aired in Australia about how Maddy's turned into an ungrateful brat and there seemed to be a lot of hostility towards her.I can understand it but I don't really share it.In her own way, she's as lost as Rosie:Sure, it was her choice to walk away from her family but she's still been thrust into this new environment and doesn't really understand the rules.I'm not sure that Roo coming down hard on her was sensible and Alf putting the fear of God into her(and again saying it's his house when it isn't)just left her feeling more upset.That said, I can understand her feeling embarrassed that Spencer's been pushing for her to sleep with him and then changed his mind the moment she wants to but she really needs to listen to him instead of just pressing him to change his mind:He does actually have a point about waiting rather than being in a rush to take things further and she could do well to accept that rather than taking everything he says as an insult.

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I was just surprised that you prefer her to Tamara. Sasha is still rather immature and unsure of herself and tends to throw herself at a guy who likes her, whereas Tamara is much more mature and confident and would really make a good partner in a relationship.

Absolutely, Sasha can be immature. The way she treated April when April convinced Irene to let Tamara stay was extremely childish- "You're taking her side against me". I totally get why you like Tamara. She's headstrong, independent and has got guts. On the downside, she can be extremely whiny and incredibly sanctimonious. The way she was acting with Kyle just before he shot through and just after he returned made me think, why would you want to go out with a girl like that.

Anyway, glad there was some interaction with Sasha and Tamara yesterday. They seemed to get on fairly well with Sasha even confiding in her and asking for advice. Not sure I like what Tamara suggested as it's obvious Sasha deliberately spilling the chocolate milkshake over those guys had Tamara written all over it. Absolutely loved Tamara's reaction at the realisation at Angelo's that Kyle liked her.

I didn't blame Rosie for not wanting to resume the friendship with Sasha. Sasha basically tells her to get lost then when Rosie does find herself some new friends Sasha can't 't handle it. It really did seem like jealousy to me on Sasha's part. And had it occurred to Sasha that Rosie was using those guys too. I don't think she's naive as Sasha's made her out to be. Regardless, I'm glad they're friends now. The friendship contract seemed a bit odd but maybe a good idea to keep Rosie in check and perhaps stop her from going all obsessive again.

Really, really not liking Maddie. She's an ungrateful, selfish drama queen. I think Rosie was right when she said she doesn't deserve Spencer. Even though what Rosie did was not cool, I was almost jumping for joy when she kissed Spencer and Maddie and Sasha saw them. It was out of order but if it stuffs Spencer and Maddie's relationship and puts Maddie out of shape so what. Really don't like those two together and hate watching their scenes. I'll take Romeo/Indy and Dex/April over those two any day of the week. Absolutely delighted when Alf put his foot down with her. Someone had too. If I had my way she would be shipped back to her mother.

Felt sorry for Richard. He seems like a good person and I didn't like the way he was effectively forced into giving Jett up. Liked that John was sympathetic towards him but really didn't like Gina in that episode. She made out that they were doing what was best for Jett but really it was about her having Jett for herself.

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