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Slade, Red Ranger and H&Alover, I agree with what you are saying mostly. It's all making for a number of interesting storylines going on at the same time. One more thought : what is Casey doing? If he's afraid that Tamara could lose her job, why doesn't he get one? I thought Romeo said that there was enough work in the gym for Heath and Casey? The mini intervention was so unlike him.

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<p>True Sasha acted immaturely when April was giving her talk at school, but she <em>was</em> mature enough to admit she was out of order and apologised and her and April are friends again. I'm liking Tamara's and Sasha's friendship, perhaps Tamara's realised Sasha isn't a threat to her and Casey.</p>


<p>I'm sure Sasha wouldn't have a problem with Rosie having other friends, <em>if</em> they were true friends, not like Mullens and his little crew. Their true intentions have already been revealed and I do think Rosie is that naive, she hasn't a family or had that many friends to guide her and she's had to muddle through on her own and leaps in when both feet when anyone shows an interest, hence her pouncing on Spencer when he was just being friendly.&nbsp; Anyone else&nbsp;would have&nbsp;been flattered and took it it in the spirit it was meant but she read it <em>totally</em> wrong and thought it meant he<em> liked</em> her. <img class="bbc_emoticon" src=" blush.png" title=":blush:" />&nbsp;I was glad Sasha didn't just storm off and leave Rosie to it, hopefully Maddy took in what Rosie said about her not deserving Spencer when it was clear he loved her and she&nbsp;was lucky to have him. &nbsp;The friendship charter seems a good idea as long as it's a two way street.</p>


<p>I would have thought Maddy would have got over her strop by now, can we blame it on her hormones raging all over the place.&nbsp; I suppose, unfortunately as Roo is the nearest she has to a parent, <em>she</em> is getting it in the neck. I thought Miles had signed over the caravan park and house to Alf when he left to go to Thailand? <em>If</em> he did then it is Alf's house and his rules!&nbsp;</p>


<p>I have to say Jett has a very wise head on his shoulders for someone of his age. He is old enough to decide who he would prefer to be with even though Richard <em>is </em>his father, he's never been a dad. I can understand <em>why</em> Gina flipped out when John told her he (Richard) and Jett were having a one-to-one, but John made the right call and she should have trusted Jett not to be swayed as easily as she thought he might be. Jett gave Richard valid reasons why he wanted to stay with Gina and John. I did have a gulp when he told Richard he might be his father, but John was his dad and Gina his mum. <img src=" cryingsmiley.gif" />&nbsp;I liked the fact John went after him and thanked him and that he and Gina would do the very best job they good in looking after Jett. I hope we do see Jett keeping in touch with him and maybe visiting him.</p>


<p>In answer to your question Brian, I don't think Casey can work in the gym until he's been given the all clear form his doctor, which the last we heard was going to be six weeks.</p>

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Alf's episode count this week:Two(although he was credited on Tuesday for no appearance).Natalie was only in one(although she was credited on Friday).

Hmm.You know, the more I think about that episode the less I like it and the more it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.I don't think the fact Alf and Roo were bluffing really changes anything.I think they handled Maddy wrongly and needed to use a bit more carrot and a bit less stick.Half the time I'm not even sure what point they were trying to make, except using bullying and threats so she'll do what she's told in future.Alf randomly ordering her off to make lunch just felt like he was looking for any excuse to have a go.Harvey and Marilyn sitting there smirking and bleating platitudes didn't help either. Marilyn might say that Alf's brought up loads of kids and they turned out okay but actually most of them, including Roo herself, ending up moving out at one time or another because they were sick of him constantly overreacting.I'll accept that Maddy was a bit rude but when I don't understand what was expected for her(apart from apologies for getting upset at being bullied and some meaningless blather about "respect")I'm not sure how she was supposed to.Shame that it felt like her olive branch to Spencer was mainly so he'd support her if she burnt her bridges with the Stewarts.I hope the ending is the end even though it wasn't really.Maddy agrees to follow the rules if she stays there but what exactly are the rules?"Do what we tell you when we tell you"?What exactly did all that achieve apart from an excuse for a hug and more platitudes?And the feeling that they'll have the same storyline next week?(And, Alf, it's not your house.I'm not even sure you pay rent on it.Miles just asked him to look after it when he left, Marilyn told Danny Braxton that he and Sally still own it.)

Meanwhile, Romeo's back to being a brat, with his below the belt "I can't do that" when Sid reminds him he's supposed to be sharing things with Indi.I really think Sid's giving Romeo too much credit here by expecting him to do the right thing, it feels like he's taking the coward's way out here.His words to Sid, Alf and Roo seemed very final even though it's not really clear what he's planning. They're presumably meant to be emotional moments but instead they just make me uneasy.And even the scenes of Heath showing that he can actually do a pretty good job of running the gym are undermined by the fact that as soon as he gets put in charge he abandons his responsibilities to, ahem, have some alone time with Bianca.Presumably meant to be a cute moment but like most of this episode it sends out the wrong message.

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Found certain parts of that episode incredibly frustrating. And much to my dismay it seemed fairly Maddie centric. Maddie is a manipulative COW. She caused that argument with Alf and Roo by playing the victim with the sweet butter wouldn't melt act and Roo was dumb enough to fall for it. She really has Roo wrapped around her little finger. I thought it was very telling that with the exception of Roo, everybody thought Alf did the right thing. I was extremely annoyed Alf was bluffing. He should have been prepared to kick her to the kerb. Maddie has a really, really BAD attitude and seems to have very little respect for other people. She has no idea how lucky she is. And let's face it the apology to Alf and Roo was COMPLETELY disingenuous. The ONLY reason why she did it was because Spencer gave her an ultimatum and let's be honest, he was probably bluffing too. I could seriously swing for that girl.

I thought the scene where Romeo thanked Roo and Alf for everything they did for him over the years was very emotional.

Brightside - Heath. He really has come a long way and I often find myself smiling through a lot of his scenes. The guy seriously cracks me up too.

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I find myself wondering where the rest of the River Boys are. Seems strange they just disappear into the background and are all now well behaved.

Was disappointed with this week's storyline around Maddy although can see she is pushing boundaries and expected Spencer to also flounce out and go back to living rough. Talking of Alf's children - Duncan! Say no more.

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<p>In answer to your question Brian, I don't think Casey can work in the gym until he's been given the all clear form his doctor, which the last we heard was going to be six weeks.</p>

Yes, thanks, I realise that now, especially as it was referred to in Friday's episode. The stitches

didn't stop him making love to Tamara though, did it?

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<p>In answer to your question Brian, I don't think Casey can work in the gym until he's been given the all clear form his doctor, which the last we heard was going to be six weeks.</p>

Yes, thanks, I realise that now, especially as it was referred to in Friday's episode. The stitches

didn't stop him making love to Tamara though, did it?

Perhaps she was gentle with him! :wink: Working in the gym woould involve lifting heavy weights, which Tamara certainly isn't.

I'm in two minds about Maddy. Sure she was pushing boundries, Roo & Harvey aren't her parents and thought she would be able to get away with a lot more. A lot of it was, I think, Spencer's refusal to take things further in their relationship. Alf certainly had me fooled about him kicking her out if she didn't toe the line. Kids do need to have bounderies, though I was rememebering Alf trying that with Roo and look how that turned out, he did kick her out! I hope Maddy realises respect is a two way street. Her decison to do the right thing did seem infuenced by Spencer telling her if she left she would be on her own.

I suppose none of us would know how we'd behave in Romeo's position, we'd like to think we'd tell our wife/husband whatever, but I guess most of it's his age (21?). I think I know what's he's planning, though I doubt even he, at the moment, knows it.

Heath really has found his niche in the gym, his admission that he screwed up with the till then realised what he had done and rectified it proves it. Hope he won't be too proud to ask Sid for help should he need it.

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Really don't know what to make of the Romeo/Indi stuff here.It wasn't as tedious as I thought it would be when I saw that hot air balloon at the start but...I'm guessing the idea was to show a young couple having one last happy time together before they're torn apart by tragedy.Except Indi doesn't know any of that, so she's bouncing about all giddy and happy, Romeo's doing such a good job of hiding it that it's very easy to forget he's meant to be dying and instead of giving us mournful close-ups of Romeo and melancholy, bittersweet music, we've got a light and bouncy underscore.So, aside from the one moment where Indi notices Romeo's biopsy scar, we're mostly left looking for subtext with a spade whenever Romeo makes comments about her being able to look after herself or Indi makes unknowingly ironic comments about all the time they've got.

Spencer and Maddy are the only young couple on the show I've got any time for so it was good to see them back on an even keel and as relaxed as we've seen them since Roo and Harvey stuck their oar in at the start of the episode.Shame it didn't last long.Chris seems to be playing a subtle guilt trip on Spencer with his chat about how hard their mum's taking it.Maddy really didn't seem to know how to handle it, seeming to say all the wrong things with her trying to remind him of the bad things about his family or get him to put the idea of a reconciliation in the future, and it looks like it's still weighing on him.

And Heath, gold once again.Loved his defiant expression as Casey gets creeped out by the realisation of what he and Bianca have just been up to, then his casual "It's either that or I break your legs" while trying to get Casey to help at the restaurant.No idea where Brax was but Heath did seem to be acting like the head of the family a bit here with his bossing Casey and Kyle about, plus Kyle stepping up to organise the party, which once again leaves me feeling they don't really need Brax.Bianca's pained reaction to a Braxton-run engagement party was great too.Natalie backing out of going because she's giving Brax a wide berth didn't seem particularly fair, she's the closest thing Bianca's got to a girlfriend, I'd have hoped she'd want to support her.Some rather odd editing in the scene at the Braxton house:After Kyle first asks Heath about the party, we get a lengthy shot of him going to the fridge in which it looks like he's been teleported across the room before offering to organise it.It looked like the two halves of the scene were recorded separately and the editors had trouble fitting them together.

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I noticed that odd blip as well Red, he seemed to take a long time to get to the fridge. One moment he was standing by the table, the next he was approaching the fridge from the direction of the bedrooms. :wacko:

I have a feeling Chris has some bad news to impart, but is keeping Spencer (and us) dangling for now. Was it me or was there some tension between Maddy (just how are we meant to spell her name btw, I've seen different versions by the site) and Chris? Alf seemed a bit wary of him. Looks like 'our' original thoughts about Spencer's dad being a control freak was right.

What a beautiful place it was that Romeo took Indi, any idea where it is? He must have already had set it up and had their luggage ( a change of clothes at least) delivered there because they certainly weren't carrying any. I suppose his intention was to tell her at sometime, but when could you pick a time to deliver news like that? It's got to be such a strain trying to be light hearted and looking to the future when you know what he does.

Did I mishear Liam telling Nat that he was going the next morning, if so how come he turns up at Bianca & Heath's engagement party? I like Liam so I'll be sad to see him go.

Kyle's sudden idea of a party came out of the blue and it certainly stunned Bianca into silence. This means you'll get to see the River Boys MargaretB. :wink:Plus a fight which is a Braxton party tradition. :whistling: I think everyone crying off is a blind and they'll all be there anyway. That'll be the second engagement party (or is it the third) of hers they've attended. I'm sure Nat could avoid Brax, if he is there, if she wanted too. See Heath got his priorties right by getting the booze in and left the food for Kyle and Bianca to sort out. :D

Well I suppose Heath was getting exercise of a sort with Bianca. :blush: He was quite right (and responsible) to insist on Casey getting signed off by Sid before even starting doing light duties. It would come back on the gym and Romeo if he started him before he was fully fit. Casey wouldn't try and claim compo but it would give the gym a bad name. It seemed Heath was right when Case collapsed carrying the crates upstairs.

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What a beautiful place it was that Romeo took Indi, any idea where it is?

It's the Barrenjoey Lighthouse overlooking Palm Beach. It's seen often enough on the show but actual scenes up there are rare - due it being a lengthy walk along the beach and up a steep track on the headland.

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