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Talking of rape, was the guy who raped Bianca ever sent to trial?

Ooh, can of worms, open.He was arrested, he confessed, so even though no trial was ever mentioned we can probably assume he was.

Alf's episode count this week:Three.

They're continuing to do a good job given the limitations they've got to work with to focus on the fallout of Romeo's disappearance.So while Indi's still in her room crying until Samara Weaving's episode count gets topped up, we at least get to see Dexter's reaction.Whilst I was annoyed with April here, with the way she went and had a go at Steph out of jealousy and tried to make out she's the only person that can help Dexter, it has to be said Dex is being the king of mixed messages again.After spending all his time recently hanging out with April like they're a couple without the benefits, he suddenly changes the rules again and decides that she isn't his special friend anymore and she can't hang out with him until he says so.Even then, he doesn't definitively end their relationship, he's still calling it a break.Yet apparently this break extends to seeing other people, even though he makes it sound like they'll get back together when some undefined set of circumstances comes into play.It's a shame there's been no real build-up to Dex and Steph:She's in one episode, disappears for over a week, they apparently spend a lot of time together off screen, we don't even see much of their drink together(although it did sound like he called her to talk)and then suddenly they're talking like there's this huge bond between them.That said, their scenes together and the kiss were rather sweet and she did seem to be doing a good job of helping him while April made it all about herself.Slightly confused by her age:Dexter's still only 19, she seems to be a fully qualified nurse which would probably make her at least three years older(and she looks like she's in her 20s).But then she makes a comment about uni camp as if she's still a student, so possibly she's meant to be younger.

Not so sure about Harvey here;even though he says it's not the case, viewing Spencer as a substitute for Ben isn't particularly healthy.The way he brushed aside Maddy's offer to help him instead of Spencer felt like he only wants to spend time with his favourite.Good to see Maddy getting a bit more involved and having her join the surf club could be an interesting idea.And apparently they really have just let Spencer wander off and miss a load of school.Weird.

Zac's to be commended for his honesty but I'm not sure he'd pass a CRB check in this country, don't know what the rules are in Australia.Is there a point where a conviction is regarded as spent?He wasn't in jail for long and, if it was while he was at uni and he's now about 30, presumably it's some time ago.

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Some great storylines being played out at the moment, that you have all referred to, but the other one that nobody has mentioned recently is Jett's adoption. It was a lovely scene when he told the case worker exactly why he wanted to live with them - very mature. Then when he over-apologised for not clearing his room (what teenage boy does?)when he did not need to and offered to get them food. A classic! He is turning into a really good actor - hope we see a lot more of him.

Enjoy the holiday everyone!

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So at least it's explained why no-one else in the bay knows Romeo's disappeared, Sid want's it kept quite for now, but someone will have to say something soon, there's the gym to sort out and who is going to be in charge, going by the preview, Indi thinks she ought to be, whereas Heath thinks he is, down to Sid to sort it out?

I suppose Dex would understand why Romeo chose to leave, he explained as much to April that others look at and treat you differently, probably without intending to, but he knew they did and he is getting better, but Romeo of course won't. Knew something was amiss when he chose to tell Steph first and not April. Where did this uni camp come from, it certainly wasn't mentioned before he 'went away', he just returned and as you said Red, and what transpired between Steph and Dex she was on it too. That would make her a student nurse, wouldn't it? Dex's and April's break was always going to be awkward, they didn't really want to, they both care for each other too much. Doesn't help they are still at the same uni. April didn't handle that at all well, all it's done is alienate her from Dex. Maybe being with Steph, who knows his history, but didn't know him before the accident, is making him feel 'normal'.

:offtopic: Are the actressess who play Steph and Tamara related, I thought they looked alike, especially round the mouth area?

Good that Harvey has 'confessed' why he's missing Spencer, would Ben be that old if he had lived? Harvey 'has' Spencer, Roo 'has' Maddy. It'll be good if Maddy gets involved in something and stop her being so dependent on Spencer.

I think Zac would make a great teacher. I'm glad he owned up to what wasn't in his CV, he could have kept quite and hoped no-one mentioned it. It depends on how the school board view it I suppose, it must be what 10 years ago, maybe more and he's done his time. I know Gina turned down Casey when he applied to work at the school but he had served time for arson and was out on bail awaiting trial for murder.

Loving the storyline about Jett and his pending adoption. Nice to see it isn't being fast tracked making it seem a seamless process. Jett's working out the postal collection and delivery and how soon Molly would be receiving and dealing with it was so him! The play fighting on the beach was just :wub: .

Hope your'e having a good holiday too Brian!

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So at least it's explained why no-one else in the bay knows Romeo's disappeared, Sid want's it kept quite for now, but someone will have to say something soon, there's the gym to sort out and who is going to be in charge, going by the preview, Indi thinks she ought to be, whereas Heath thinks he is, down to Sid to sort it out?

I suppose Dex would understand why Romeo chose to leave, he explained as much to April that others look at and treat you differently, probably without intending to, but he knew they did and he is getting better, but Romeo of course won't. Knew something was amiss when he chose to tell Steph first and not April. Where did this uni camp come from, it certainly wasn't mentioned before he 'went away', he just returned and as you said Red, and what transpired between Steph and Dex she was on it too. That would make her a student nurse, wouldn't it? Dex's and April's break was always going to be awkward, they didn't really want to, they both care for each other too much. Doesn't help they are still at the same uni. April didn't handle that at all well, all it's done is alienate her from Dex. Maybe being with Steph, who knows his history, but didn't know him before the accident, is making him feel 'normal'.

:offtopic: Are the actressess who play Steph and Tamara related, I thought they looked alike, especially round the mouth area?

Good that Harvey has 'confessed' why he's missing Spencer, would Ben be that old if he had lived? Harvey 'has' Spencer, Roo 'has' Maddy. It'll be good if Maddy gets involved in something and stop her being so dependent on Spencer.

I think Zac would make a great teacher. I'm glad he owned up to what wasn't in his CV, he could have kept quite and hoped no-one mentioned it. It depends on how the school board view it I suppose, it must be what 10 years ago, maybe more and he's done his time. I know Gina turned down Casey when he applied to work at the school but he had served time for arson and was out on bail awaiting trial for murder.

Loving the storyline about Jett and his pending adoption. Nice to see it isn't being fast tracked making it seem a seamless process. Jett's working out the postal collection and delivery and how soon Molly would be receiving and dealing with it was so him! The play fighting on the beach was just :wub: .

Hope your'e having a good holiday too Brian!

The actresses that play Steph and Tamara are not related by the looks of it.

Steph is played by Zara Michales and Tamara is played by Kelly Paterniti.

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Interesting point, H&Alover, about Ben's age:He was younger than Lottie, who'd be in Year 12 now(a year above Spencer), and Harvey says he'd be a teenager...I'd guess he'd be a bit younger than Spencer, 13-15, but I wouldn't swear to it.

Well, after a couple of episodes crying off screen, we finally catch up with Indi.She was definitely taking it out on Casey:I thought at first that it might be because Romeo wanted him and she didn't or because Romeo arranged Casey as his replacement behind her back and it was her way of showing it wasn't all going to happen on his terms.But the revelation that she thought he was in on it, and her slow realisation that she had as many clues as him and didn't twig, was a nice moment.I loved Dexter pointing out to her she was being too hard on Casey and her changing because of it.Sid doesn't really deserve to be on the receiving end but for now I think he needs to back off and let her stew for a bit, even if that means getting rid of all Romeo's stuff.The "No heavy lifting" rule for Casey was forgotten very quickly:First he's lifting a dumbbell off Chris, next he's humping what seem to be pretty heavy boxes about.Indi being asked if she's single by a stranger and realising that she is was another nice moment.Is she running the gym full-time now though?What about uni?

Alf giving Maddy lifesavers training was a cute moment, they definitely seem to have bonded.Even Harvey seemed a bit more relaxed around her here.He's probably right about Chris but confronting him the way he did was a bad move.Spencer seems to be torn, judging by his awkwardness around everyone and his cold behaviour around Harvey.Not sure of Chris' motivation though, although he doesn't seem too keen on Maddy.Maddy did say that Spencer's always defending Chris to their parents, maybe he can't cope at home on his own?

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So Indi has served her off screen sentence. Did appear that Indi was against Casey working there as Romeo arranged it, so now one person outside the family knows about Romeo. I don't think he's Romeo's replacement, I thought that was Heath, who seems to be doing his off screen sentence as he was absent from the debate between them. I like how Dex intervened on Casey's behalf by not being too pushy. Why would she think Casey knew about it? I can understand why she is being the way she is against Sid, he did know and didn't tell her though of course he couldn't, but Romeo isn't there for her to take it out on so Sid cops it. Wonder if any of them will think to keep some of Romeo's stuff as Irene did with Rocco's when she insisted she didn't want to keep anything? I thought that about Casey lifting the weights and heavy boxes, but hey ho that's soaps for you! :rolleyes: I guess Indi will fit in her uni work around the gym seeing as Heath was left in charge by Romeo, unless she fights that too. Her point about Caseuy having to go on a safety course, will Heath be going on one too? Chris is a player and someone Indi should stay away from. Sure a no strings fling may make her feel Ok for a short time, but she would regret it and he'd be gone.

Talking of whom, he's just come back from his travels, found Spencer had run away from home and he'd (Chris) be stuck there unless he can persuade Spencer to go home so he can take off again.That's my theory anyway. He's probably been guilt tripping Spencer during their days away. I loved those scenes between Alf and Maddy, real grandfather/granddaughter moments. Her nearly breaking the dummy with the compressions was funny! :lol: Poor Indi looking on and looking so sad.

Weren't there three years between Lottie and Ben, I think she was eight and he was five when he died. The last time we saw she was about 15/16, which would be stretching Ben being a teenager a tad.

Hope that kiss Dex gave Steph wasn't just to prove he could be with someone else other than April. He did seem to give that impression to Sid later.

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Lottie was in the same year as Sasha so she's probably 17 by now.So if Ben was three years younger, that'd make him 13/14.

So, Dexter finally gets to sleep with someone that isn't April.I guess after his sexual awakening with her he's more inclined to act on it if he has chemistry with someone:There was a definite feeling of "can't keep their hands off each other" there.I'm not sure if it's a rebound so much as this being the first time, arguably in his life, he's been able to just do that if he meets a girl he gets on with.I can definitely see the attraction of Steph's more relaxed attitude after months of April's intense "We're soulmates, we're going to be together forever and have babies" pressure.Fair play to him for telling April about the kiss and at least he's finally bit the bullet and said their break-up might not be temporary.Wish I could be sure that was the end of them for good but once more Dexter's alternate love interest is a guest character so I won't hold my breath.Again, feels like we're skipping the important bits:I really wanted to see their reaction to sleeping together but, although they presumably did spend time together the next morning, the episode fastforwards to his tracking down April.Thought Marilyn was giving Steph evils for getting in the way of the couple she's shipping at the beginning there but she called her nice later so maybe I imagined it.

Seriously, is Natalie addicted to Brax or what?He makes casual small talk with her and she uses it as an excuse to go all "Let's grab a coffee so I can tell you all about it."Even her pushing him onto Ricky feels like she's trying to prove that she's over him.

Wasn't sure about Harvey confronting Chris again but he actually did a good job and did seem to be trying to understand rather than just attacking him.Maddy came across as a bit more mature than is usual lately and I'm glad Spencer decided to stay, I'd miss them both if they went.

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Do they have to put Natalie and Madeline in the same episodes? Yes, I know unavoidable but when you've got two highly annoying individuals both taking up screentime, it makes the episode far less enjoyable.

Natalie I still find quite annoying. I thought the party was a one off for Bianca's sake but no she now wants to be friends with Brax. I wonder how long she will keep that up for. It felt to me she was hanging round him quite a bit although not as much as April was hanging around Dex. It just felt odd the way she was almost teasing Brax about Ricky and laughing and joking about it considering what's gone on before. It was like she was trying too hard. I got the impression that Brax wasn't as keen to hang around her as she was him but didn't want to say anything for fear of her throwing a strop like when she accused him of shutting her out that time. Or when he was avoiding her before and she went up to him and told him if he had a problem with her to come out and say it. Even today I felt awkward watching the scene when Natalie and Zac bumped into Brax and Ricky in the Diner and Brax wished Zac good luck with the job interview. Even though I don't particularly like Brax, I accept he's not going anywhere right now and he hasn't done anything too bad as of late. I actually don't mind him and Ricky together. Also if it means that he's not with Natalie then great although in saying that I don't like Natalie with Zac either (I'm starting to wonder whether I don't like her with anybody). Zac himself is OK, I quite liked the way he stuck to his guns during his job interview and I think Gina respected that.

More manipulation from Maddie yesterday, crying her eyes out at the prospect of leaving the people she showed so little respect for previously. I guess the crocodile tears were enough to convince Harvey to confront Chris and finally made Spencer change his mind which was a shame but hardly unexpected. I actually thought Harvey was being just a selfish as Maddie with regards to Spencer both wanting him for themselves rather than Spencer doing what was best for his family.

One really good part of yesterday's episode was the stuff with Dex and Steph. I really enjoyed their interaction (How the hell does Dex do it?). When April started telling Irene that she thought Dex wanted back together it was an Uh-oh moment. And there was no doubt in my mind she when she turned up to the farm she would catch Steph there. Have to admit, I felt a bit sorry for her.

Still really enjoying Heath. Loved the remark he made to Bianca about not getting too riled up with the counselor as he didn't want to pay for hospital fees as well as legal fees. Also smiled when Brax and Ricky came back, saw Bianca with her top slightly undone and Heath in his trunks and realised what had gone on. When Heath left after Ricky tried to get a reaction out of him regarding Bianca, I did wonder if Brax was going to mention Rocko. Still thinking what a cow Connie is. Bianca and Irene went to all that effort and she pulls the plug at the last minute no doubt out of pure spite (OK maybe she didn't know about the party). I did like the way he handled himself by thanking them for their efforts and going to the gym to redirect his frustration. I think Bianca is a very good influence on him, just a bit concerning that if their relationship doesn't work out then Heath will go back to square one.

Mixed feelings about Sasha today. I loved the way she stuck up for Rosie and fought her corner when she went to Gina about Mullens but given what happened with Christy and Stu, I was disappointed she decked him although she did get him good. She was an idiot and absolutely deserved the suspension. I get that she was frustrated that Mullens was purposely trying torment Rosie by making her out to be a liar and asking her out again but that wasn't the way, especially in front of everyone. Wondering if Rosie is becoming dependent on Sasha again given that she wanted to stay over especially when she really should be getting her foster family involved to support her.

Oh and why exactly was Natalie present when Sasha was speaking to Gina about Rosie? Seriously what use was she?

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