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Whilst I'm glad that Heath is learning to control his temper and he certainly wouldn't help by lashing out and making himself look like the bad guy, frankly he's got every reason to be angry at Connie.She obviously doesn't care about what's best for Darcy, she just wants to hang onto her by hook or by crook and seems to enjoy playing with Heath's feelings and by extension Darcy's.It wouldn't matter if Heath turned into a choirboy, she'd still want to hold onto all the power for selfish reasons.Heath repeating the psychobabble from his counselling sessions then realising was a great moment.

Mullens really does come across as someone who thinks he can get what he want whenever he wants:It probably doesn't even occur to him that Rosie might not want him.Frustrating that the police can't take things any further.I'm glad Sasha's supporting her but the punch...yeah.It was a dumb move, especially when Gina was handling it, and only served to switch things round and make her the aggressor.Still, I'm kind of glad that Sid wasn't too angry with her and saw that her heart was in the right place.Rosie being dependent on Sasha...possibly but it's perhaps understandable that she's fragile after what's happened.She needs to work through this somehow but with Mullens striding around telling everyone that she made it up that's going to be hard.

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Do they have to put Natalie and Madeline in the same episodes? Yes, I know unavoidable but when you've got two highly annoying individuals both taking up screentime, it makes the episode far less enjoyable.

Natalie I still find quite annoying. I thought the party was a one off for Bianca's sake but no she now wants to be friends with Brax. I wonder how long she will keep that up for. It felt to me she was hanging round him quite a bit although not as much as April was hanging around Dex. It just felt odd the way she was almost teasing Brax about Ricky and laughing and joking about it considering what's gone on before. It was like she was trying too hard. I got the impression that Brax wasn't as keen to hang around her as she was him but didn't want to say anything for fear of her throwing a strop like when she accused him of shutting her out that time. Or when he was avoiding her before and she went up to him and told him if he had a problem with her to come out and say it. Even today I felt awkward watching the scene when Natalie and Zac bumped into Brax and Ricky in the Diner and Brax wished Zac good luck with the job interview. Even though I don't particularly like Brax, I accept he's not going anywhere right now and he hasn't done anything too bad as of late. I actually don't mind him and Ricky together. Also if it means that he's not with Natalie then great although in saying that I don't like Natalie with Zac either (I'm starting to wonder whether I don't like her with anybody). Zac himself is OK, I quite liked the way he stuck to his guns during his job interview and I think Gina respected that.

More manipulation from Maddie yesterday, crying her eyes out at the prospect of leaving the people she showed so little respect for previously. I guess the crocodile tears were enough to convince Harvey to confront Chris and finally made Spencer change his mind which was a shame but hardly unexpected. I actually thought Harvey was being just a selfish as Maddie with regards to Spencer both wanting him for themselves rather than Spencer doing what was best for his family.

One really good part of yesterday's episode was the stuff with Dex and Steph. I really enjoyed their interaction (How the hell does Dex do it?). When April started telling Irene that she thought Dex wanted back together it was an Uh-oh moment. And there was no doubt in my mind she when she turned up to the farm she would catch Steph there. Have to admit, I felt a bit sorry for her.

Still really enjoying Heath. Loved the remark he made to Bianca about not getting too riled up with the counselor as he didn't want to pay for hospital fees as well as legal fees. Also smiled when Brax and Ricky came back, saw Bianca with her top slightly undone and Heath in his trunks and realised what had gone on. When Heath left after Ricky tried to get a reaction out of him regarding Bianca, I did wonder if Brax was going to mention Rocko. Still thinking what a cow Connie is. Bianca and Irene went to all that effort and she pulls the plug at the last minute no doubt out of pure spite (OK maybe she didn't know about the party). I did like the way he handled himself by thanking them for their efforts and going to the gym to redirect his frustration. I think Bianca is a very good influence on him, just a bit concerning that if their relationship doesn't work out then Heath will go back to square one.

Mixed feelings about Sasha today. I loved the way she stuck up for Rosie and fought her corner when she went to Gina about Mullens but given what happened with Christy and Stu, I was disappointed she decked him although she did get him good. She was an idiot and absolutely deserved the suspension. I get that she was frustrated that Mullens was purposely trying torment Rosie by making her out to be a liar and asking her out again but that wasn't the way, especially in front of everyone. Wondering if Rosie is becoming dependent on Sasha again given that she wanted to stay over especially when she really should be getting her foster family involved to support her.

Oh and why exactly was Natalie present when Sasha was speaking to Gina about Rosie? Seriously what use was she?

Is Heath the only character you like on the show, Slade?
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Well in 2008 sold half to Miles like you say and as far as I know Alf doesn't own anything related to the caravan park. He's just 'there'. Same with Marilyn.

Didn't he move in there to look after Sally after Flynn's death? I'd like to see him move out. Sorry for going off topic btw!

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Well in 2008 sold half to Miles like you say and as far as I know Alf doesn't own anything related to the caravan park. He's just 'there'. Same with Marilyn.

Didn't he move in there to look after Sally after Flynn's death? I'd like to see him move out. Sorry for going off topic btw!

That what I thought. So there has been no mention of Sally and Miles selling it to Alf, yet him and Roo were both saying to Maddy that it is his house! Then isn't that just really really bad from the makers of the show to make such a mistake?

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Thanks for that Jezz.

No worries. Glad to help :)

Your question was valid though. I do think there is a resemblance between the two actresses as well.

Glad it wasn't just me!

I'm concerned about Dex sleeping with Steph being a rebound kind of thing. April was reading a lot into what he said and jumped to totally the wrong conclusion. Her and Dex did go through a lot together but Steph has come into the relationship fresh as it were without knowing the 'old' Dex. I liked how he tracked her down and explained the situation, even if she wasn't in the mood to hear it.

I was wondering about Nat and her previous vow to stay away from the Braxtons seems to have been forgotten again! Brax had the good grace to thank Zac for sacrificying his job for Casey and I think his good luck to him was genuine. Good for Zac standing his ground about not writing a letter regretting his involvement with drugs, hopefully it won't scupper his chances.

I'm not sure about Ricky, she appears to be an independent woman, looks like she is a professional photographer. She seemed to be having the same little digs about Brax and him letting his family be too dependent on him as Adam did.

Loved that scene with Bianca and Heath and she told him how proud she was of him. Not like him to be embarrassed by getting caught in his undies. :blush: His going to the gym after being let down by Connie and letting go of his anger by exercising is a true sign of how far he's come. Connie taking her spite against Heath is one thing, but she's forgetting about Darcy she needs and wants to see her dad. Going by last nights trailer, things are going to get worse.

I guess, though it doesn't seem right, Mullens did have every right to be at school as he hadn't been charged, though if he had a decent bone in his body he would have stayed away. His mate didn't want to be part of his taunting Rosie. Seems strange the police came to such a quick decision that there was insufficent evidence. I know Sasha was totally in the wrong to hit Mullens, first name Alexander, guess Mullens makes him sound tougher, I can't blame her, even Sid understood why she did it. Perhaps Rosie feels more comfortable at the Walkers than with her foster parents. Looks like Kyle comes to Rosie's aid tonight.

Maddy acted a lot more maturely last night, telling Spencer whatever he decided she was staying put, she knows what her mum is like and she's probably right about Spencer's family not letting them see each other again. Still think Chris has a hidden agenda. He doesn't want to believeSpencer hasn't been persuaded by Maddy to stay and that he has a mind of his own.

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I actually rather liked Kyle and Tamara's interaction, the kiss was a dumb idea though but I think it was pretty instinctive.He doesn't really know Sasha and Rosie, I think the only time we've seen them together is when they talked to him about Nelson, so it makes more sense for Tamara to be the one to get him involved than for him to randomly decide to play knight in shining armour for a couple of virtual strangers.The Tamara/Sasha/Rosie interaction was pretty good too, there seems to be a decent friendship building which I prefer to one of them hooking up with Kyle as I've seen suggested.As for Kyle's solution...not sure.I mean, it's good for Sasha that the charges have been dropped and good for Rosie that she doesn't have to see Mullens every day but it's not a very satisfying solution. Rosie fails to get any real vindication and Mullens will likely do the same to a girl at his next school once the memory of Kyle putting the wind up him has faded and assume that if someone goes out with him then he can do what he likes to her.Sid's agreement with Tamara was a nice moment.I'd actually have liked it if Sasha being charged had been strung out a bit more, even for just a couple of episodes, rather than dismissed that easily, just to show that taking the law into your own hands can backfire and turn the wrong person into the victim(as Kyle pointed out to Tamara).

Well, my opinion of Connie's crystallising.She was okay with Heath as a part-time dad but she doesn't want him looking after Darcy and it's not because she thinks he'd be no good at it, she just wants to keep Darcy for herself.She was happy to go along with the law when it was on her side but now there's a chance that a custody battle might decide in his favour she's just grabbed Darcy and run, not caring if she's traumatised by being separated from the father she loves.

I've been accused of not commenting on the John/Gina/Jett storyline but to be fair, while it's well acted and rather sweet, it's not really going anywhere at the moment.Nice to have there but not really a lot to say about it.Nice to get some more John/Marilyn interaction and John and Jett's chat about not making a girl play football when she wants to play chess was the sort of so-deep-into-a-metaphor-no-one-can-dig-you-out chat that John usually finds himself embroiled in.Nice chat between John and Heath too.

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Well, I was trying to avoid a double post but everyone seems to have migrated to the other thread(my fault, probably)so I'd better bump this one.

Alf's episode count this week:Two.Sid was in four(although curiously he wasn't credited on Wednesday so I suspect that scene was filmed for another episode).

I didn't really mind that Kyle kissed Tamara but I think he crossed the line a bit with the way he was insisting she wanted it despite her claims to the contrary.There was almost a touch of Mullens' attitude about him for a moment there so I'm glad he seemed to get over it.I'm undecided about Brax's decision to exile Kyle to the caravan park.I can see the logic of it:Now that Kyle's made a move on Tamara and Casey knows about it, the three of them living together would be pretty untenable.(Even though everyone's acting as though Casey and Tamara getting their own bedroom with en suite counts as "moving out".)But the way Brax did it was pretty cold and he made it seem like a punishment, so it just came across as him playing the bullying big brother again.Curiously, I'm finding that I am buying Tamara as a young character now, with that opening scene with Casey at the gym she came across as genuinely nervy and with a young mentality.

Even though I groaned at the sight of April(who seems to have succeeded Romeo as Character I Least Enjoy Watching), her conversation with Indi was actually pretty good.(Still haven't really bought her and Tamara as friends but I've flogged that particular horse enough.)Does this mean that Romeo's disappearance and illness are common knowledge or did someone fill April in on the quiet? (Probably Sid since she and Dexter don't seem to be on good terms at the moment.)Kind of nice that Casey gave Indi that chat and helped her see Romeo's point of view whilst still agreeing that what he did was wrong.Indi's reflection on being denied the grieving process was similarly effective.If I was here, I'd have given up on Romeo rather than leaving him teary voice messages but then I'd have done that a long time ago.

And good news for the Palmers with the adoption being approved.Nice to see Alf getting in there and giving John a push in the right direction and then Jett failing to recognise Gina's happy tears.

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