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I have been missing, but not to any other site. I was left wondering if Tamara doing a runner after that kiss from Kyle was because deep down she did like it. But although I don't think she encouraged it, to use Kyle's words 'giving out mixed signals', he did have a point, why didn't she just text him to say thanks about getting Mullens off the scene and then go around to tell him to keep away! He certainly was very persausive with Mullens, and we do know what he can be like when really worked up! Like most bullies Mullens crumpled pretty quickly when on his own. He may indeed be gone but as you said Red, although Sasha has some kind of resolution, Rosie hasn't. Although nothing can be put on Mullens school record, rumours can follow him. I'm glad Tamara told Casey about the kiss, though I get the feeling she might not have if Brax hadn't overheard her and Kyle talking/arguing. She did a good job of talking him down. Guess Brax did the right thing moving Kyle out, even with Casey and Tamara 'living' in the annexe they were still too close for comfort. For some reason a couple of TV mags said 'Brax kicks Kyle out of the caravan' which didn't make sense at all. Distance is what they need.

I'm pretty sure it was Dex who told April about Romeo, but had told her to keep it quite, though he'd told Steph first, which really peed April off. That was a good little chat between April and Indi, guess she must have assumed Dex told her as she didn't have a go at Casey later. Although not even near rhe same at least Casey could give his view about what it's like being apart from those you love and he did (if he'd been put away) have the option of coming home at the end of it.

It's pretty obvious Connie has fled because she has suddenly realised Heath has made significant changes and would stand a very good chance of getting custody of Darcy, you could see it on her face and why she rushed off. Unfortunately if Heath's name isn't on the birth certificate he doesn't have a legal claim, he could go down the DNA route, but he may need Connie's permission. She got a bit huffy over the fact that Irene had babysat Darcy a couple of times, but she's hardly a stranger as she implied and what of it anyway, it was hardly a regular occurence. She may claim to love Darcy and I'm sure she does, but Darcy has run away before so there is nothing to stop her doing it again.

Jett was certainly getting himself into a tizz about John and his previous heart problems. Wasn't John supposed to have stopped the birds and bees talk according to their 'contract'? :wink: He seemed to forget Jett is 13 so wouldn't need the subject (of Rosie's rape) being pussyfooted around. Guess it was more John getting embarrassed talking about it to Jett than Jett listening to it.

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Well, I think Casey kind of crossed the line here by ordering Tamara to give up her job.He really needs to beware of acting like he owns her.Kyle did at least seem to be trying to take responsibility, although if he wasn´t deliberately winding Casey up at the pool table he must be really good at doing it by accident.Nice to see Alf and John playing the town´s elder statesmen and Alf putting himself above Brax in the town´s pecking order.Kyle did ultimately seem to agree to go with Casey at the end.

I get that Sid´s worried about Dexter moving on too quickly but I did think he was a bit unwelcoming of Steph, he should have been friendly towards her even if he spoke to Dexter afterwards.Kind of disappointed that Steph called time but she´s got a point:Dexter seemed to be getting way too serious way too quickly.He´d have been better of just keeping it casual like she suggested and a friend is probably more use than him trying to get to the stage he was at with April straightaway.His extolling Steph´s virtues to Sid was pretty cringeworthy. Oh-and nice that Dexter finally admits to being 19!

Ah yes, H&Alover, you´re right, Dexter did tell April about Romeo´s disappearance.Forgot about that.

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Really annoyed by Casey. Why can't he trust the girl he loves? His aggressiveness is enough to send Tamara into Kyle's arms - at least he would treat her like a young lady.

Be interesting to see what he does with Casey on the car ride.

Do stay on this thread Red. I couldn't cope with two!!!!

Won't be hearing from me for a while, as we're moving tomorrow and Talktalk can't give me another line for a week!!!!!!

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Really annoyed by Casey. Why can't he trust the girl he loves? His aggressiveness is enough to send Tamara into Kyle's arms - at least he would treat her like a young lady.

Be interesting to see what he does with Casey on the car ride.

Do stay on this thread Red. I couldn't cope with two!!!!

Won't be hearing from me for a while, as we're moving tomorrow and Talktalk can't give me another line for a week!!!!!!

Good luck with your move Brian!!! Are you going far from where you are now?

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Casey was coming over very obsesseive by 'ordering' Tamara to stop working with Kyle, it is giving out the message it's her he doesn't trust. I thought Brax had arranged that they don't work the same shifts? Get what you mean about Kyle 'not' winding Casey up,but then Casey wasn't in the mood for talking. Nice to see John and Alf joining forces against them though no blows had been struck so no damage done. I hope Alf didn't mean he didn't want any trouble in 'his town' literally , didn't Brax say the self same thing to Adam no too long ago? Earlier he came down hard on Kyle for playing his music too loud, though if he had only moved in how would he know the rules. Wonder what Casey has planned for Kyle, a fight to the finish out of sight of everyone, I can't see it being a brotherly chat!

Yes, Sid could have been bit more nicer to Steph, it's not her fault Dex has got too close too quick, she seemed to have come to that conclusion all by herself anyway. A rebound romance wouldn't be good for either of them. I do love the Sid/Dex chats. :wub: Looks like another Birthday we missed!

I liked Alf's remark to John about how much Jett had changed and it was all down to him & Gina. So glad Jett's adoption has been OK'd bar the rubber stamping. Jett's puzzlement at Gina crying because she was happy was so sweet.

Don't you just know something

bad is going to happen though.

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My turn to do a Red and double post.

OK so I was wrong and Casey and Kyle did talk!!! I can see Casey's reasoning that they needed to be away from Brax and Tamara interuping them and they did resolve things, found it funny that Casey in his haste shut the keys in the car! Indi, I reckon anyway, said to Casey the things she wasn't able to say to Romeo about leaving her. Lovely the way he comforted her after her rant at him. Kyle has made the right decision to stay in the caravan until he has worked through his feelings for Tamara.

What mind games is Chris playing by stirring things up between Spencer and Maddy? By what I've read it's revealed tonight.

I had a feeling Tegan hadn't named Darcy's dad on the birth certificate, so legally Heath isn't her dad, even though everyone knows he is. The only way it can be proved he is is by getting a DNA test done, if Connie would agree to it, surprised his solicitor didn't suggest it. Nice to see Zac go to see him and going by the trailer Heath does talk to him.

Good to see Indi has reached some understanding with Sid, he really was in an impossible position.

I'm not totally sure I trust Ricky, she sounded just like Adam when she was having a dig at Brax for putting his family first while putting his own life on hold.

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Wow, I just saw Friday's episode and I really enjoyed Gina's death. Not in any way because I wanted to see the end of her character, I'd actually really come to like her during her and John's fostering and later adoption of Jett.

It seems as though Marilyn had some sort of premonition of something going wrong during their journey, and it was a nice spin on that theme not for her to mention it to anyone else beforehand and worry them unnecessarily. They were very powerful and spooky scenes at the end of that episode where she passed away, and exactly the kind of thing H&A used to do quite often until the past couple of years. Her visions of herself along the roadside whispering to stop were chilling, and once she'd stopped and fell unconscious Jett and John's reactions were truly upsetting.

It was also nice to see some resolution in the storyline with Rosie, I just wish she truly understood that Mullin's actions weren't her fault. I hope she sticks around for a while as I think she's quite a unique character.

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Gina's death certainly did come out of nowhere, even with the very slightest hint the other week when she said she had a headache. It's all been focused on John and his previous heart problems. I suppose a huge clue would/should have been that phone call from Xavier who since he has left has never been mentioned! Lovely how he wanted to speak to his new younger brother. It was definitely a novel way of having someone die. I'm supposing her visions of herself waving her down was so she didn't crash the car and injure John and Jett. I think the cause will be a brain haemorrhage or embolism. Do you think there will be any chance of seeing Brandon another son who hasn't been mentioned in the last couple of years. Which considering how many years Gina spent looking after him seems a bit remiss. Jett is going to blame himself of course, and it's going to hit the town very hard.

It doesn't take the school board long though to offer Bianca the job of principal.

Maybe Marilyn had one of her dreams, but wisely kept quiet. Btw weren't they on the way to court to dot the t's and cross the i's as John said then on holiday?

So I was right, Chris didn't want to be the one responsible for his parents as Spencer was 'the golden boy' and did what they (or rather his dad) said. His planning and plotting turning one agaisnt the other came to nothing and a nice intervention by Roo & Harvey, which for once didn't backfire.

I loved Sasha's, April's and Rosie's girlie night, it was just what Rosie needed to off load all those pent up feelings. To reverse a bit the incident that set it off Chris for once was being kind and couldn't have had any idea why she reacted the way she did, he was just being helpful. It occurred to me Sasha would make a good counsellor. I'm with you cadystlover, Rosie did need convincing she wasn't to blame for Mullens actions, let's hope Saha and April got through. I had to smile at Rosie's remark that as both April and Sasha having spelt with a Braxton it made them related in a way. April's admission that although her first time may have been with Heath, it was still special was rather sweet. April's admission about her having lost Dex was sad, though if they are meant to be I think they will be back together.

Wow where did that wild side of Steph come from? Poor Dex looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights! It's all going to end in tears though.

So the suggestion of a DNA test was brought up, but although Heath may have been right it may make Darcy think he was casting doubt on her being his daughter couldn't it also be seen as him confirming she is? Hope it won't be too long before we see her again, she's a lovely kid. Connie's not thinking about Darcy's feelings in this at all.

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