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Xavier moved to the Police Academy in Goulburn which I think is in another state which explains the lift to the airport. It was good to see him again, although it was in such sad circumstances. The interaction between him and Jett was lovely, seeing as he was so anti Jett when they first knew each other. Seems Gina had been talking to him seeing as Xav mentioned every time Gina had rung him all she talked about was Jett. Your'e right Austin was Gina's married name, but I guess we can let that go, poetic licence and all that.

John seemed OK about Marilyn and Roo arranging the funeral, Alf did mention it to him at the wharf, for all we know he did have some input. Heath being there can be explained by the fact he and Bianca are a couple. I felt for him when he said Xav and Jett weren't his 'boys'. Nice little moment between Xav and Heath at the funeral about Xav being a cop.

Sasha leading the pupils in their uniforms was beautiful, if I can use that word, had a little :cryingsmiley: at that and when Maddy played her violin and the pupils handed out the roses. Anyone any idea what she was playing? It must have been an off-screen discussion she and Maz had, then she took Alf outside and must have asked if he still had her violin. Xav's eulogy was very moving and said it all about Gina. Steph was also missing but as Dex explained she didn't know Gina.

Good to hear Brendan and Hugo mentioned, but nothing about Tony which seemed distinctly odd, it's not as if he is hiding.

In a way I can understand Indi's reluctance to attend the funeral or wake, it must have brought up all sorts of feelings and would have been too much for her. Her argument they were able to say goodbye was not exactly right, Romeo is still alive somewhere and I have a feeling when the time comes he will be in touch so she can say it. Gina's death (aneurysm) was so sudden John and Jett didn't get to say goodbye to her while she was alive.

Lovely of Brax to throw the wake and he and John seem to have reached a new understanding, had to smile at Jett saying' free dinner every day?'

Tamara had no right to interfere when Casey told her he was doing more shifts, gald he told her to get out. Shame he felt he couldn't leave Indi alone and go the the funeral. He is turning into a mini Brax by the way he is looking out for other people before himself. Talking of whom Ricky could be right about him needing his brothers more than he thinks they need him. No, it's not just you Red who thinks she is like Mink, she is definitely hiding something which looks like it is connected to Adam, Was wondering what Ricky was a variation of, it's Erica.

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Goulburn is in the same state, roughly 120 miles away from Summer Bay if it's near Sydney.It was just my assumption that Xavier was going to the airport, I guess it could have been a coach station or something.

I'm kinda disappointed at the way the storyline with Steph is going.The way Sasha was banging on about her not being as good as April at the start is obviously the way the audience are supposed to feel but I wish Dexter would be allowed to genuinely move on rather than his new girlfriend being subjected to this character assassination.Taking the storyline on its own merits, I'm kind of in two minds about whether Dexter should report Steph or not.Part of me accepts Sid's point that you can't play with patients' lives, another part thinks Dexter should give her a chance and try and get her to do the job properly before making it official.I mean, I'm not saying he should give her a couple of weeks or something, she'd have to mend her ways immediately, but if she did get back in line I'd say no harm done.

So, we get at least some explanation for what Ricky's involved in and she lets Brax in a bit, although I'm not sure if it'll be as easily sorted as he seems to think.Still no word on why the police are interested in her, though.Is that the first reference to Zac having moved in with Natalie?Kyle living with them could be interesting.It was obvious Brax was going to march round to Natalie when Kyle told him he wasn't allowed to stay there but he didn't handle it too badly.No surprise Zac was confused as to whether Natalie's distancing herself from the Braxtons or not, given how she seems to flip between the two states.Natalie posting a flyer at the caravan park and chatting to Roo about it, followed by Zac posting a flyer at the caravan park and chatting to Alf about it, felt a bit odd.Maybe they need to communicate better?Nice to get an update from Sasha on where Rosie is and for Zac to be looking out for her.Natalie keeping an eye on Rosie still makes me want to hit the alarm button, her involvement so far seems to be a catalogue of mess-ups.

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Those remarks of Sasha about Steph did seem to come from nowhere, though I guess as she is a friend of April she would be batting for her. I'm not sure I like her that much and nothing to do with me preferring April. Why has she suddenly turned into a rampant rabbit? Dex is a decent guy who has a conscience and cares about the patients. Btw where had Steph disappeared to when Dex was about to check that guys blood pressure, I don't buy the being called away to another ward excuse? Steph doesn't seem that bothered, we saw he warns her and she threatens to tell about their steamy sessions, which to me doesn't seem bode well.

Truth is slowly leaking out with what is going on with Ricky, but your'e right Red there's probably a lot more below the surface. Sounds like Adam to have put some things under her name. He, Adam, certainly appeared to to be OK financially the way he was splashing the cash when he was in the bay, that big fancy house, which even if he was renting it would have cost a packet, big parties, whisking Bianca off to the city. Though I suppose that could have all been a front and just for appearances sake.

I think it has been assumed Zac is living with Natalie but nice to get confirmation and a mention of Leah and that she is in Greece! No mention of her returning though. Definite lack of communication between Zac and Nat both going to put up a notice for a lodger at the caravan park. Roo was on a hiding to nothing trying to get her to take Chris in, he's not working and they need someone to help pay the bills and rent. Bit of a cop out by Zac about not being able to contribute much due to his outstanding debts, he must be able to cough up something, even a token amount would help. I'm giving Brax the benefit of the doubt about tackling Nat about Zac turning down Kyle as she was the first person he saw after he heard. I was certainly thinking the reasonZac didn't want him there was because Brax may just 'drop by'. :wink:

Wondered why Rosie was, good to hear she has gone away with her foster parents and give them a chance of bonding. Sasha's oblique reference to Rosie and her problems was pretty neat and when Nat asked how she was getting on with Rosie Sash replied she couldn't answer that. Take note Nat!! She did ask Nat who she turned to (Zac) and Nat advised she get someone she could confide in.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five!Roo was also in all five.Sasha, Natalie and Zac managed two but I don't think any of them had dialogue on Wednesday.

So, bye-bye, Steph, I assume.Slightly disappointed it went this way and it'd be nice if Dexter could appear in an episode without someone feeling the need to mention April.Well, Dexter did what I suggested and gave her a chance to turn things around so I can't really blame him.The fact we don't get to see the nurse manager makes the ending slightly confusing, I'm assuming Dexter reported Steph, she got sacked and she reported him in return.

Alf with the water pistol was one of the highlights of the episode, while Spencer and Maddy hit a stumbling block.There did seem to be a few times recently when they could have naturally just gone and done it right there and then, so it might have been better to seize the moment rather than psyching themselves up for it and making it awkward.

The Heath/Bianca stuff continued to be amusing, especially with added Irene:Her "Can I go now?" after listening to one of Bianca's rants is great and I'm guessing that was the men's shower room she's meant to have followed Heath into.(To be fair, it's Indi she needs to talk to about doors.)Bianca seems to be back in neurotic mode, although her veer towards bridezilla is kind of derailed by the principal job.I can kind of understand her being offered acting principal, since of the characters working at the school she's clearly the most logical choice, but there's been no indication she's particularly senior before now:It might have been better to make her deputy principal or something in advance if they weren't going to bring in someone new to step in.

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Maybe, although perhaps she impressed the board/department with the way she stepped up after Gina's death and arranged cover for Gina's lessons and shared the news. I guess by setting the tone in that way, Bianca's become the obvious successor as she is who the school community are already looking to for leadership.

I do wonder if she'll run into trouble from the parents due to the Braxton connection.

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There most be other teachers who have been there longer than Bianca who would have been considered. She's had a lot of time off recently, when she had her breakdown, maternity leave, when Rocco died and she went off the rails don't, in my eyes, make her the most ideal candidate, but thats soaps for you! Her worrying about being able to match up to Gina's standard shouldn't be an issue, no-one's expecting that, she's got to put her own stamp on the school. I liked how Heath was asking advice on what he should do about the wedding, though I can see why he wouldn't want a beach do, wouldn't have thought Bianca would either after last time. Hows about aboard the Blaxland?

Loved Spencer's birthday party, even Chris wasn't so annoying and them all joining in the cake flinging was funny :lol: . That's the problem with deciding to 'do it' on either your or your girl/boyfriends birthday it's too planned, Xavier and Ruby being a case in point.

Don't think we have seen the last of Steph, I had the feeling she owned up all by herself. Not the end of for Dex though.

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Maybe, although perhaps she impressed the board/department with the way she stepped up after Gina's death and arranged cover for Gina's lessons and shared the news. I guess by setting the tone in that way, Bianca's become the obvious successor as she is who the school community are already looking to for leadership.

It's funny you should say that like Bianca, Gina effectively got the principal job by default.

The only reason Natalie fought Kylie's corner with regards to Zac was just so she would have an excuse to see Brax now that one of his younger brothers is living there. Actually kind of a shame Natalie and Zac are together because Zac is not a bad character at all on his own.

I see Sasha's shadow has taken a holiday and actually decided to spend time with her foster family.

Disappointed what happened with Steph and Dex. I know she hasn't been in the show for long and you never can tell with some people but there wasn't anything to indicate that she was the sort of person who would deliberately fix patient medical results because she couldn't be bothered to take the reading properly. Almost felt like the writers deliberately forced a breakup of their casual relationship.

Spencer's birthday party for me was like watching paint dry. I personally find it really brings the episode down whenever Maddie and Spencer are in it. Also don't particularly like Chris either.

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The Spencer/Maddy stuff is slightly disappointing and a bit left field, although if you look closely enough there has been foreshadowing.Maddy said a while back that pretending to be brother and sister made things weird between them and, watching the previous episode, I have to admit that at the family birthday party they did look more like siblings than a couple.We get a thorough look at every side of the argument and at the end I'm really not sure if Maddy's done the right thing or not:Has sacrificing their relationship saved their friendship or is she overreacting to a bit of temporary awkwardness?

Not sure what to make of the Sid/Dexter storyline.I suppose he was never going to be that happy about it but I was disappointed by how hardline he was.And is there some rule that if Dexter or April is in an episode, the other one has to be mentioned, no matter how unnecessary it is?Even Dexter's seizure at the end was a bit disappointing, while it's nice his brain injury hasn't been totally forgotten, it felt like a plot device to get Sid and Dexter bonding again rather than following the storyline through.

Heath and Bianca continue to be good material, there's a fun lightness to their banter.Their decision to just throw away all the trouble and go ahead with the wedding straightaway is a surprising one but could work.

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Shame Maddy and Spencer have split. I do think though it was because a big part of their relationship was down to their respective parents being against it which instigated them running off. I'm not dismissing or belittling it but I reckon now the excitment/thrill of rebellion has gone, it's run it's natural course. When they were first talking on the beach it seemed they were both trying to convince themselves all was OK. Her breaking up with him could be a good thing, maybe they do need time apart, to start again a bit down the line. Better that then them just limping on and that they end up hating each other. It wasn't Harvey's fault despite Spencer thinking that. It's going to be awkward around the house for a while. I loved the analogy Maddy was using when they were looking at the book for their course work. I do hope Chris won't say 'I told you so'.

So Dex did report Steph after all and she's reported him in return as she promised. I suppose Sid was hard on Dex because although he was a bit (OK a big bit) of a player in the past, he didn't get up to anything in the workplace. Plus it was the last thing Sid would have been expecting from Dex, I'm not saying he's (Dex) straight laced but has till now been professional at work while still being able to be light hearted. I'm sure it will be picked up again after Dex gets over his seizue.

I'm loving seeing Heath and Bianca having fun in the city, the sight of a River Boy lounging in a big comfy bed takes a bit of getting used to. :blink: Then there was bathtime. :blush: He was pretty astute to realise all her chat about the wedding was so she didn't have to think about the acting principals job. Nice to see Darcy get a mention even if he didn't actually get to speak to her. If Connie really is blocking his calls it's very cruel. Bianca's idea is one solution. A couple of questions though, who was paying for this trip and who was covering his shifts at the gym?

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