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Maddy and Spencer's re-union, hmm, I think I'm with you Slade, she was doing to make Spencer happy which if she was and she then decides it wasn't what she wanted is only to make him even more upset. I think their problem was they never went out on dates like most couples, thanks to their parents, just run off together which made it more exciting. Then when they got to the bay and were taken in by Roo and Harvey and they let them be a couple it all went flat.

I'm guessing John may have still had Gina's keys so Jett was able to get into the school that way. Rather sweet of John to bunk down beside him. I think Jett has decided to go with the flow and let things be as they are for a while. Btw what is it about SBH that draws runaways to sleep there? We've had Spencer & Maddy and Sasha and Felix.

Oh I think that was completely Adam's plan that Heath would think it was Brax's idea to pay Connie to keep Darcy away from him. Adam via Ricky is only doing to make him turn against Brax. I wonder if Connie, if she is so convinced it's dirty money, will she give it back? We don't know where Darcy made that call from, maybe a friend she has made? Next stage in Adam's plan I suppose will be the 'discovery' of that package Ricky left in Casey's flat which will be something else Brax will get the blame for. Kyle may not be so easy to turn as Ricky has already tried and to her surprise he was more defensive of Brax than she thought he would be.

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So, Heath finally gets around to punching Brax back.Kind of ironic that it happens when, for once in his life, Brax is completely innocent.It's rather frustrating that everyone's doing exactly what Adam wants them to do:It's a bit of a leap for Heath to suddenly decide Brax is keeping Darcy away from him and refuse to listen to his denials, even if he did have a point about Brax being controlling. Similarly, Brax tells Kyle to tell him everything that's been going on but Kyle seemingly neglects to mention anything about Ricky or Brax's supposed money worries.Given that he's meant to be trying to help Brax, you'd think he'd be more inclined to find out what's really going on rather than just accepting Ricky's "You're doing the right thing", especially when she's hardly being forthcoming with the answers.

April and Dexter really do serve no purpose other than taking screentime away from more interesting characters.We've had two years of this by now and there's really nothing new for them to do so we just go through the same cycles of awkwardness, cuteness and climbing all over each other.Heck, we get the merry-go-round several times in this episode, with April veering from lying in Dexter's arms wanting to stay there forever to looking for excuses to avoid alone time with her "soul mate" to sitting in his lap making out with him for what seems to be several hours judging by how much goes on elsewhere.I guess for a girl with no consistent personality it kind of fits.If they were going to have them on the beach for Brax and Heath's confrontation, there should have been a better pay off than "Can I help?"/"No."

Quite interested in the Indi/Chris storyline and the way that Roo kind of seems to have adopted Chris into the caravan park family whether he wants to be there or not.Although Harvey's blasé reaction was amusing as well.I found Indi a bit too cold though:She and Chris have been hanging out and chatting for quite a while now, yet suddenly she isn't interested in spending time with him unless they're having sex.Friends with benefits is one thing but she barely seemed to be treating him like a person.Still, his fumbling attempts at a date and claim that he only bought her a rose because it was for charity were quite sweet and amusing.Indi calling time on things because she doesn't want to hurt him was a bit of a headscratcher but perhaps it's one of those cases where you have to be cruel to be kind.

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I too found it a bit of a stretch that Heath completely abandoned the Braxton household after discovering the transfer of $100k to Connie. The simple explanation from Brax that it wasn't him and as he said, what reason would he have to stop Heath from seeing his daughter? I don't believe that the Heath we've come to know over the past 18 months would have continued to react in this way after all of this evidence. It seemed more a contrived excuse to 'drive the brothers apart'.

I was shocked also this episode to hear a mention of Irene's cancer.

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Adam knows what Heath is like and how he would react, at least he only hit Brax the once! He also remembered Brax lying about Danny not being bothered about his family then the letters being found. I'm guessing Kyle hasn't mentioned it being Ricky telling about his 'money worries' as Ricky has told him not to say anything and if asked I'd say she'd deny it. Won't it be a bit tricky trying to prove it wasn't him seeing as it was done on line? Does seem an overreaction for Heath to move out, but perhaps there needs to be space between him and Brax until this is sorted.

Indie did seem oblivious that Chris was falling for her until Roo spoke to her, at least she's not being that cold hearted once she realised he was she let him down gently. Did smile when Heath walked in on them having a snog in her office and just walked out again. :blush:

I can understand April not wanting to upset Indi by being all lovey dovey with Dex when she was around, but it was Indi who got them back together!

While it's been good that they haven't been banging on about Irene's cancer, nice to see it hasn't been forgotten completely.

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Hello, back again.

So since last time I posted, I have been feverishly been watching HAA for over a month now and am hooked more than ever! When I started watching again - in the midst of Ceila's return, I hadn't watched it in 10 years, Now I've got that feeling I felt when watching from the original run until the mid 90's, I try never to miss it these days. With such a break there's still things I'm not quite sure of though, like what this guy Adam is to Ricky, and why he's black-mailing her.

I really haven't warmed to the Braxtons, they seem to over dominate storylines and air time. That said I do like Casey and where this thing is going with Ricky. The obvious likes are the oldies, as in old/long-serving characters - Alf, Irene and Marylin. Quite like Georgie Parker as Roo and her husband, who reminds me a bit of old Tom Fletcher! Loved the family unit of John, Gina and Jett, in the short time I had to get to know Gina. Have read up about Jett's past and have liked how him and John have/and are dealing with the recent tragedy. Can't invest and Spencer and Maddy, like the former more. Do like his brother Chris however, don't know what it is but there's just something about him. I've warmed a bit more to Rosie since her rape storyline but her neediness when I first started watching towards Sasha before was driving me crazy and put her in the last category below.

Likes: Alf, Irene, Marylin, John, Gina, Jett, Casey, Dex, Ricki, Roo & Harvey, Kyle

Not keen on: Brax, Heath

On the fence: April, Bianca, Indigo. Sid, Maddy, Rosie, Sasha. Tamara. Zac, Natalie.

Can't stand:

Really enjoying the show now though, and it feels like I'm starting to get to know a lot of these characters.

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I'm glad Indi finally realised she was using Chris.I'd kind have liked to see them making a proper go of things but I'll accept the just friends bit and it's probably right for where her head's at at the moment.There chat afterwards was rather nice even if Chris was being a bit too laddish.Not sure about the implication from Indi's chat to Roo that she's decided she should be staying faithful to Romeo after all:Romeo abandoned her without a word of explanation and she wouldn't even know he was dying if it wasn't for Sid, he's pretty much ended their marriage.

So, not only a reference to Irene's cancer but a reference to Leah!Guess that's gonna cover Irene's panto leave for this year and possibly Leah's return.(Um, right as Adam comes back to wreak revenge.Nice timing.)I thought Maddy pestering John for lifesaving lessons as an excuse to get away from Spencer was a bit off and think Marilyn was right to step in but it seems to have given John his mojo back so I guess all's well that ends well.Roo being unable to approach and comfort either of them after their second break-up was a nice touch.

And the Braxtons are continuing to do exactly what Adam wants them to.Maybe we're meant to see this as Brax's controlling behaviour over the past few years(and presumably ever since Danny went to jail)catching up with him, that his brothers are so used to being manipulated that they're refusing to believe him when he claims innocence.(The boy who cried wolf, in other words.)But it still feels like a stretch for Heath to be willing to cut Brax out of his life forever on so little evidence.Brax didn't seem to make much of an effort to win Casey over either but then maybe he was fed up of not being believed by that point.Ironically, he's won Ricky over without even trying.Even if that car at the end was to do with Adam, is there any reason Ricky couldn't have taken Brax inside and told him if she was going to a minute earlier?(Especially since the car's gone.)Nice touch that just as you think Brax is going to fall into the dumb soap character cliché of smashing his phone to show he's annoyed, he realises it's a dumb thing to do and stops himself, like most people would in real life.

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Well SurfsUp, Adam is Ricky's brother who we were all lead to believe was dead. It's quite a long and complicated story but he was Brax's mentor and helped him out of many a scrap in the past. He, mistakenly or not, thinks Brax left him for dead after he set him up in the first place. He's intending to break up the Braxton brothers, first move being behind the money being paid into Connie's account. Trouble is Ricky is starting to fall for Brax which puts her in the crossfire.

Ricky is a real bind, especially now she knows Adam is having her watched, he doesn't trust anyone does he? Didn't realise btw the Braxtons (and Palmers) live in a cul-de-sac. Not sure why Ricky didn't tell Brax, it wasn't as if the guy(s) in the car could hear what she was saying. Tamara got it half right about who may have transferred the money if not Brax. As thought it's going to be impossible to prove who did do the deed and as it wasn't hacked they can't get the money back. Bit daft then of Kyle leaving the page open. Had a thought about the package at Casey's are those photos Ricky took suddenly going to be making an appearance at about the same time it is found? Did I understand right that Adam wants Brax dead? If he was unconscious how can he know what happened, unless the paramedics said he was alone.

I'm guessing Chris pretending everything was OK about him and Indi just being friends was a cover for his real feelings.

Although it was obvious Maddy did only get back with Spencer to spare his feelings at least she didn't drag it out too long. His sudden concern for Rosie didn't fool Harvey which he pointed out it would be a rebound thing and just Rosie doesn't need, especially now she's found out she's pregnant. Would a pregnancy testing kit be the sort of thing a doctor would be carrying around with them? I would have thought they would go down the usual procedure route.

Isn't it a bit late for Panto season, anyway Irene suddenly dashing off to Greece did seem to come out of the blue. Is Ada ever coming back do you think, she had her baby last August.

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Even more so than Heath, Tamara seems to have the right plan but the wrong culprit:The money probably was transferred to split the brothers up but it's not Kyle behind it.I notice, despite her griping when she got the job, Tamara's now wearing dresses to work.I was going to say that Adam isn't acting like someone who's had medical attention but then he mentioned being in hospital.Maybe he discharged himself so he could lie low before someone noticed he was there?My theory about Heath calling Ricky could still be correct if she then phoned an ambulance.Again though, the whole thing makes a bit more sense if Heath knows Adam is alive and maybe told him Brax left him so he'd stay away from them?(Although that makes him blaming Brax for the money transfer even more dense.)Ricky asking Alf to run away with her seemed to be half-genuine offer, half-test:Adam's just told her Brax's loyalty to his brothers doesn't run deep but here he refuses to give up on Heath despite his earlier words.

Rosie's overenthusiastic attitude in her first Diner shift was great fun, with Marilyn and Roo's bemused reaction to her ordering them about and her overeager CV.But she's got a lot more to think about now.My first thought is that this is remarkably similar to a plot point from one of the first HA fan fictions I wrote on this site, about five years ago, but I guess there's only so many stories in the world. Making Rosie, on the surface possibly the person least able to bring up a child, pregnant is a potentially very interesting idea, with the circumstances of the conception almost irrelevant.It's good to see Sid and Sasha being there for her:Their chat in the office was very good with Sid's honest advice and Sasha refusing to pressure her over the decision.Spencer being involved is a nice twist too, especially with Rosie, rather sweetly, planning to have a crush on him(although with that daydream about him telling her he loves her, she's probably already there).They could probably make rather a cute couple so, while it probably came from a good place, I'm quite glad Spencer seems to have disregarded Harvey's advice to steer clear.Natalie trying to take charge of the situation was as annoying as usual and I'm not sure why everyone would be so keen for Rosie to talk to her(although I accept she did a pretty good job with Sasha after everything with Stu so it's understandable she'd talk her up despite all the times Natalie's messed things up for her since).But I actually found myself on Natalie's side a bit with Zac.There were twenty or so students in that classroom and Zac was responsible for all of them, he doesn't have the liberty of abandoning the lesson to go chasing down the beach after Rosie.Spencer realising she was pregnant did seem a bit of a leap.Can understand Maddy feeling out of the loop after being the closest person to Spencer for so long but he's right that it's not his secret to tell and Roo's right that they've split up and she can't expect him to hang around for a bit in case she changes her mind.

Loved John's "Get in there, my son" reaction to Jett kissing Nina.While it's nice that she hasn't been forgotten, I'm hoping Nina's character gets a bit more meat to her soon.All we've been told so far is that she's "nice", which she clearly is, but so far she's been a bit one-note.Still, her and Jett's chat was rather sweet.

You have to remember we're quite a while behind Australia:They got these episodes in mid-May so they were probably filmed around the turn of the year.I did notice Irene only appeared in the outside scenes this week, which were presumably filmed first.

Leah returns next week in Australia so I guess we'll see her in around five weeks.

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I guess/hope that was a Freudian slip where Ricky asks Alf to run away with her! :P Unless you know something we don't?

I can't see how Heath would be in cahoots with Adam he hated him and certainly didn't trust him, he only stayed so Brax could leave and would he have Ricky's number? Despite everything Brax Is still not going to give up on Heath or the others. The two very obvious shifty characters hanging about was just funny. Brax appeared not to notice them, but then........

I remember Rosie's brief stint as a waitress from last time, she did a good job, her bossing Roo and Maz about was comical. Her crush on Spencer 'he kissed me' and Sash reminding her it was the other way round. Her beating herself up about not taking the morning after pill confused me a bit, wouldn't the hospital, I'm sure she went there, have offered it to her? Her jumping to the conclusion that Sash had told Spencer was a reminder of the old Rosie. How did Spencer know where to find her, I'm sure he went in the opposite direction she did when she left class? Pretty astute of him and timely to suddenly announce 'you're pregnant' just as Zac walked up. Nat was right to call Zac on his deserting his class, just as well Bianca wasn't about. But then she blotted her copy book by announcing he wasn't qualified to know what Rosie wanted when 'we' heard her say she didn't want to talk to her. I think he got it right when he said she was feeling left out. She (Rosie) probably found it easier talking to people she felt more comfortable with. Sasha gave her the right advice that what ever she decided she would be behind her. Will Rosie's foster parents will need to be informed or as she is 16 maybe not? You took the words right out of my mouth Red, when Nat first started she did do a good job with Sasha and Casey, it was only later she seemed to lose the plot. Although initially Spencer may have felt Rosie could be his new girlfriend I don't think he will go there now, nothing to do with the fact she's pregnant, he'll just want to be a friend, she doesn't need any more problems.

I reckon Maddy may have felt miffed that it seemed Spencer had moved on already when just the other day he came across as broken hearted about their (second) break up. He was quite right in saying it wasn't his secret to tell, good for him. Roo gave her exactly the right advice.

Loved John's leap in the air after he had seen Jett and Nina kissing :wub: and glad that Jett confessed to skipping school to see her.

Thanks for that info Red.

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Well SurfsUp, Adam is Ricky's brother who we were all lead to believe was dead. It's quite a long and complicated story but he was Brax's mentor and helped him out of many a scrap in the past. He, mistakenly or not, thinks Brax left him for dead after he set him up in the first place. He's intending to break up the Braxton brothers, first move being behind the money being paid into Connie's account. Trouble is Ricky is starting to fall for Brax which puts her in the crossfire.

Ricky is a real bind, especially now she knows Adam is having her watched, he doesn't trust anyone does he? Didn't realise btw the Braxtons (and Palmers) live in a cul-de-sac. Not sure why Ricky didn't tell Brax, it wasn't as if the guy(s) in the car could hear what she was saying. Tamara got it half right about who may have transferred the money if not Brax. As thought it's going to be impossible to prove who did do the deed and as it wasn't hacked they can't get the money back. Bit daft then of Kyle leaving the page open. Had a thought about the package at Casey's are those photos Ricky took suddenly going to be making an appearance at about the same time it is found? Did I understand right that Adam wants Brax dead? If he was unconscious how can he know what happened, unless the paramedics said he was alone.

I'm guessing Chris pretending everything was OK about him and Indi just being friends was a cover for his real feelings.

Although it was obvious Maddy did only get back with Spencer to spare his feelings at least she didn't drag it out too long. His sudden concern for Rosie didn't fool Harvey which he pointed out it would be a rebound thing and just Rosie doesn't need, especially now she's found out she's pregnant. Would a pregnancy testing kit be the sort of thing a doctor would be carrying around with them? I would have thought they would go down the usual procedure route.

Isn't it a bit late for Panto season, anyway Irene suddenly dashing off to Greece did seem to come out of the blue. Is Ada ever coming back do you think, she had her baby last August.

Thanks, I gather there was some sort of accident but had no idea he was her brother! Well that explains a lot now! Glad Jett was so honest with John, and am now starting to sympathize alot with Rosie. Irene's scene was a bit out of the blue and random, home Leah comes back soon.. Part of me thinks Rosie won't get rid of it but may adopt it out. She doesn't need a baby right now, especially with the circumstances it came from. Could she look into it's eyes each day and not be reminded of the father? With all she's been through it would be even more harrowing if she did have a termination.

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