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I guess/hope that was a Freudian slip where Ricky asks Alf to run away with her! :P Unless you know something we don't?

Oh.Yeah.No idea where that came from, unless my brain was still thinking about Adam and went for a similar name.Should probably read these posts through before hitting the button...

Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four(and she was credited on Friday for no appearance).

Well, Natalie lost what support she had from me in this episode as instead of making a point about Zac's faulty priorities she's back to insisting that only she can help the students and no-one else is allowed to.Which would be a bit less annoying if she was halfway competent and professional but she's not.Shame that Bianca's riot act and their later chat seemed to suggest they were both equally at fault.Is that glass door in the classroom a new thing?Just the thing you want if you're going to have a professional disagreement when the corridor's full of students.At least we had Heath's reaction to seeing Zac sleeping in his car("Are you dead or in the doghouse?")and telling Bianca to sack them both.Again.

More good stuff between John and Jett.I loved John's offer to get Jett some "pre-shave" for his "not a date with the girl who's not your girlfriend but who you hang out with".And then his embarrassing Jett with his attempts to get down with the kids.His chat with Harvey and reflection on how he misses sharing things with Gina and how she gave him this makeshift family was quite touching as well.

April wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be but she still came across as a massive hypocrite.When she was moaning about Dexter having sex with Steph in a supply closet, it was obvious it was the "having sex with Steph" bit that bothered her(she's quite happy for him to have sex with her at inappropriate times), as if he's committed some sin against nature by wanting to sleep with someone other than his "soul mate".(A view a lot of fans seem to agree with judging by some comments in Australian Discussion.)And then she refuses to sleep with him in the bed where he was with Steph, even though he slept with her in the bed where she had lots of sex with Heath loads of times and is now actually sharing a house with her ex-lover.I was surprised Sid wasn't a bit more concerned about Dexter throwing out his bed just to make her happy, it doesn't seem particularly healthy but maybe he's given up trying to apply logic to Dex.Actually I'm now wondering if this is just a plot device to have Dexter move into the beach house, which I'm in two minds about:It'd save us from having April muscling in on Walker family scenes but it'd keep Dexter away from those scenes which are the best part of his character.I thought the idea of Heath hanging out with April and Dex would be great fun but after some nice stuff of him trying to play football with Dexter and protesting he can watch films with subtitles, he went into a sulk and Dexter ended up making a speech that started off okay but left me grimacing when he started banging on about how lucky they are to have the Scott sisters and how they'd be nothing without them(I really wanted Heath to burst his bubble by going "Hey, I'm doubly lucky, I've had them both").Heath's declaration at the end was a bit left field and made me wince, especially with Bianca's reaction.

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Once again Nat upbraided Zac as he wasn't 'qualified' to deal with Rosie, but, um, excuse me neither were Sid or Sasha who were the people she chose to speak to. You can't force someone to talk to you! A hell of a lot of stuff came out during Zac and Nat's on their (brief) dinner out, but she did have the grace to admit later there was truth in what he said,. She had her doubts if they could carry on, but now the air has been cleared I think they can. think there have always been windows in the doors and you know students, especially those at SBH, any sign of bother and they're there. Bianca's advice to Zac that he go home and clean himself up made me smile.

Very amusing John & Jett's talk about Jett's non-date and Jett's quick exit when John tried his kids talk was funny. Also when John was telling him of what not to say to girls, especially does the 'does my backside look big in this' question. Poignant that Jett asked if Gina would have approved of him being with Nina. So sad when John admitted to Harvey he now had no-one to share it with, but I guess Jett would have asked John's advice anyway.

I guess it's a woman 'thing' about sharing a bed with your boyfriend/lover and new/ex girlfriend, though I don't remember Steph being so bothered and April had spent more time in it than she had. Men don't normally worry about things like that. Sid brought up a good point what were they going to 'sleep' in? Be a tad crowded won't it at Irene's if Dex does move in? I think Heath trying to connect with Dex is partly to compensate for not having his brothers around, but good for him trying at least. Liked your comment Red about Heath having 'had' both Scott girls. :lol: Where did Heath's remark that they try for another baby come from?

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Actually quite enjoyed Indy telling Roo to back off re Chris. Roo was OK for a little while but she's back to being annoying, sticking her nose into other people's business. Incidentally I think Chris is an idiot and a pointless addition to the show and I'm wondering how long we will have to put up with him for.

Have to admit, I found it really funny when Rosie told Marilyn to clean the dishes and Roo to pick up the pace, especially when Roo was standing there holding the kitchen knife containing her frustration and Sasha's cringeworthy expression when she overheard. The pregnancy storyline with Rosie could be interesting depending on whether the writers decide to allow her to keep or abort the baby. Actually quite liked the scenes with her and Spencer. And I thought Sasha gave the right answer when Rosie asked her whether she should keep the baby or not.

So Maddie and Spencer have broken up again. That didn't last very long did it? And even though she was the one who wanted to end the relationship originally, she's clearly already started to get jealous re Rosie and started to offload onto Roo again. Although I was in agreement with Roo this time and thought she was absolutely correct suggesting that Maddie wanted Spencer on standby and telling her it was none of her business what Spencer does which I guess given Roo's normal stance was ironic.

Although I thought Natalie had a point, I'm finding her pretty unbearable at the moment. Even though it was the only option I was disappointed that it was suggested Rosie confide in her with regards to the pregnancy. Zak definitely shouldn't have left the class unattended as that will impact the education of 20 or so students but I felt he was spot on when he suggested that Natalie was more annoyed at being excluded than she was at with regards to Rosie's well-being. And it was just the way she took the moral highground too and got on her high horse. I do think that Zak wants to be a counsellor more than he wants to actually teach and also wonder if this setup at the school is actually going to work. Personally I make it a policy where possible to avoid socialising with people I work with and certainly not to date anyone at work. And I know it's happened in the past but with this particular setup here we have Natalie/Zak/Bianca and we saw the argument with they had where Bianca had to referee and then we have Bianca who is mates with Natalie.

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Well, apart from his moment having a go at Brax, which wasn't really called for, Heath was pretty impressive in that episode, I loved his ruminating on parenthood and, while his decision may have come out of the blue, I don't think he's doing it for the wrong reasons.Bianca's response seemed like a bit of a kneejerk reaction to the pain of losing Rocco and there may come a time when she feels differently.Is it sad that I was wondering why Heath appeared to be on Bianca's side of the bed?(Maybe they take it in turns.)The slash moment of Zac thinking Heath's propositioning him was a bit laboured but I'll let it slide.

Loved John and Marilyn's advice to an utterly confused Jett on dating and also the way that the whole way kids do things these days continues to go completely over John's head.I can't say I'm 100% convinced that teens actually do sit there texting each other instead of talking but it was a very funny moment anyway, as was the way his text date invite worked.Not sure about Alf's thoughts on Marilyn:She does need to look after herself but I'm enjoying her involvement with the Palmers.

I like Maddy but I can see why other people don't.I'm not sure about her sudden desire to get back with Spencer other than that it's a bad idea.I don't think it's as simple as not wanting someone else to have him, more that she's used to having him in her life and since she's miserable without him and them being friends doesn't seem to be working out she thinks she needs to be his girlfriend again.

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The slash moment of Zac thinking Heath's propositioning him was a bit laboured but I'll let it slide.

I thought it was a great moment between Zac and Heath, especially Heath's reaction :lol:.

It seems they could be quite the double act so I hope the writers keep going with the friendship

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My god it was frosty at Leah's house wasn't it? It's a wonder they weren't both wearing coats! I'm guessing Bianca was talking to Nat as a friend rather than a counsellor and Heath talking to Zac about the same matter was a nice touch. Good that they finally managed to talk to each other about it, when you think of what she went through, pre-eclampsia, Rocco being premature, the post natal psychosis, but 'never' is a long time. Is it really a year since he was born? I hope Heath isn't thinking she never wants another baby with him.

So funny seeing Jett and John having lunch and Nina and her friends at the next table. John's advice to go over to her may have been well meaning, but Jett is new to this dating game and obviously felt more at ease texting her. Jett looking backwards and forwards between John and Marilyn dishing out their advice was a hoot. Then he panicked about what to wear, bless him, I thought he looked very good in what he chose to wear, smart casual, but not too OTT for a first date. Rather sweet that Jett wanted John to stick around but in the background. I guess John asked Marilyn to join him so he wouldn't look too obvious. When Jett and Nina finally stopped texting, just who were they texting, and started chatting, then their hands touched over the pizza and their fingers entwined. :wub: Though he did seem strangely down the next day.

I have read he splits up with her and I have the feeling it's because he doesn't feel he should be with someone and happy when John is on his own.

I liked Brax's bemused expression when John asked if he could extend their 'free meals' deal to mean Jett and his date and lovely that he agreed to be their waiter for the evening. Perhaps Alf is worried Maz may be reading more into it than is there, but it is very early days and Marilyn is quite sensitive about those kinds of things and I don't think she thinks there is more to it than just John needing her as a friend.

I've gone right off Maddy, her behaviour over Spencer being friendly with Rosie is, to me at least, a bit dog in the manger, she doesn't want to be with him as a girlfriend, but she doesn't want him to be with someone else, especially another girl. Now she wants him back, again, as a boyfriend!? He'd be a fool if he agreed for the second time.

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Really enjoying Rosie's storyline, not least because I find myself ticking off near-identical lines with my five-year-old fan fiction.I might be being naive here but I think Rosie actually has the capacity to be a pretty good mum.She's got a lot of love to give and I don't think she's the type to allow where the child came from to affect how she treats him or her.But she's going to need help, especially in the short term, and however good it is to have Sasha and Spencer there for her, the most important thing is a stable and supportive home for her and the baby.(Of course, if she moves into the Walker farm or even the caravan park house that's two birds with one stone...)I've still got a fair bit of affection for Maddy but not a lot of sympathy and I hope she's not gonna start causing trouble:I was relieved when she apologised to Roo and Harvey for her tantrum but a few moments later she's doing it again and coming across as a bit deluded.She said a while back that she still loved Spencer but isn't in love with him;I think she was expecting them to still be the most important people in each other's lives just without the kissing but it hasn't worked out like that.Her wardrobe was a bit odd, her outfit was more "going on a posh date" than "trying to win a boy back".

Whilst it's nice that Chris is being a good friend to Indi, I'm not sure it really worked.Up until now, the point of Chris is that he's been a fun distraction for Indi, the only person not wanting to talk about her absent husband the whole time.Making their scenes together as serious as her scenes with everyone else has kind of thrown the dynamic.Nice touch that whenever Indi thinks of something, Sid's already tried it.

Good that Heath and Bianca talked things over and Heath's willing to accept a life with her on her terms, although the soaring romantic music was a bit over the top and kind of drowned out the genuine emotion.Even Natalie's not too bad here and, while I'm not exactly a fan of her and Zac as a couple, I don't think I really mind them.

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Right so let me get this straight:

-Maddie decides to break up with Spencer because basically she's no longer in love with him
-She then decides to get back with Spencer because she knows he's still in love with her and wants him to be happy
-Less than a week after getting back with him they break up again
-Maddie then decides that because Spencer's not spending every waking minute pining after her and dares to spend time with someone else that she is in love with him after all and now wants him back

Have I missed anything?

Oh yeah, today's episode proves what a selfish, self-centred, jumped up madam Maddie is.

Initially I was strongly for Rosie having an abortion although I was hoping she would come to the decision herself. After watching her today, I'd be more than happy for her to have the baby. Obviously through no fault of her own she's an isolationist, which I guess made her become clingy, dependent and intense with regards to her friendship with Sasha. This (derived from her mother abandoning her as she admitted) has had a direct influence on her decision to go through with the pregnancy. I actually think once she has the baby she won't need Sasha anymore as those processes regarding their friendship will be transferred to her child. I do wonder though if she does have the baby whether he/she will be a constant reminder of the rape. Aside from that again, I really enjoyed the stuff with Spencer and Rosie. These two are miles better than any scenes with him and Maddie. Oh and why hasn't Rosie's father who was supposed to be sending her money every week not tried to contact her.

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Yes, I think your summary of Maddy's ever changing relationship role is pretty much on the money, Slade.I was worried it was building up to her having a go at Rosie for "stealing her boyfriend" so I'm glad it didn't go there:I'm not convinced by Spencer's decision to tell her about Rosie's pregnancy but at least she seemed to understand.She might have been partly motivated by jealousy and I disagreed with her running to Roo and asking her to intervene but I think she had a point about Rosie reading too much into Spencer's support and indeed Sasha said the same thing right afterwards. Still, it's good that Rosie came to the conclusion on her own once Sasha had given her a nudge and accepted Spencer as just a friend, despite obviously having some feelings there.Another sign that she's improving, although I would quite like to see them together.Nice that Sid ultimately supported her as well.

Bit of an abrupt departure for Chris.It was kind of positive and I guess he did leave a better person but not necessarily a more interesting one:He seemed to go from an annoying pain to a bit cocky but hugely entertaining to nice and caring but rather dull.I can understand Indi wanting to try the private investigator route but I'm not sure how many of those $5,000 cheques she can afford and she needs to listen to Chris' advice about knowing when to fold.

Dexter seemed to be trying to avoid April's interrogation but with good reason, he'd have been better off getting some useful advice from Sid.April's rather random headmistress act was one of those moments that's presumably meant to convince the audience she's "quirky" but as usual, especially when she's around Dexter, I just found her annoying.By the end, when she was demanding to know the details of what happened with Steph, she seemed to be asking on her own behalf rather than the hypothetical board.And now she's pushed him into pulling out of the meeting.Yeah, she's a catch that one.If that's what a "soul mate" does, I'd hate to see someone who's actually meant to be bad for him.

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I love it when people leave the bay, they never book a trip in advance, they don't even wait until the weekend, it's "I've booked a flight - it leaves in an hour" or classic "I've been offered a job in Perth (or Thailand) it starts tomorrow morning" I don't think Chris had time to pack a suitcase.

I can't see Dex keeping his job, gross misconduct having sex a etc. But then Casey just about got away with murder so I suppose he will.

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