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Although I respect Rosie deciding to keep her baby, I'm a tad worried about the reason she is doing it so she will have someone to love and who will love her back. Is she aware of just how much work is involved in looking after a new born? Has she even told her foster parents yet and are/will they be happy to help look after him/her? The way things are looking she will be moving into the Walker household. I'm glad she decided Spencer was just being a friend, he was totally unaware, bless him. Not sure it was down to him to tell Maddy about Rosie and then she passed on the news to Roo. Hopefully they will both keep the news to themselves. And yes Slade I agree with Red, you've got it spot on about Maddy and Spencer though now she knows the truth she'll maybe back off a bit. Good point too about Rosie's dad, perhaps she's now with a foster family he thinks he doesn't have to bother any more. On a frivolous note did she take her fish with her? She's still resisting seeing Nat though.

Chris' character has certainly gone through a change and for the better and all down to Indi. I guess knowing her and what she is going through has given him food for thought. I guess just jumping on a bus isn't such a big thing and he is only going home not leaving the country, but I see what you are getting at Psychic and it's not as if Chris had a lot of luggage.

I'm glad Bianca and Heath were finally able to talk her decision properly though there is always the surrogate route. His saying that although he's like a bay if he couldn't have one with her he'd be happy just to have her. I did think about adoption but Heath's record would be likely to put the mockers on that.

You can't blame Indi for wanting to try a P.I. though $5,000 each time is going to put a lot of strain on the finances. Trouble is how long does she give it, will there be the thought if only I'd given it one more week, month?

Although a good idea initially April playing disciplinary board she did start making it personal which somewhat defeated the object.

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I can get Brax not noticing there's something up with Ricky but she's being such a bully around Kyle it's a wonder he's not more suspicious.Surprised that Casey seems willing to give Kyle the benefit of the doubt but I rather like it.Interesting too that, despite her continuing to snipe about him, Tamara still considers herself the closest thing Kyle has to a friend, I was disappointed that she seemed to revert back to her earlier opinion of him after his and Casey's sojourn to the woods.Adam seemed slightly contradictory, one minute telling Ricky not to ignore Brax, next minute telling her to dump him, although it does seem he's ready to actually do something other than make Brax and Heath argue a bit.What exactly was the caller ID when Brax answered the call from Adam?Has Ricky kept up her cover story as far as entering his number as "Work" or something?

April irritated me but what else is new?She decides to, in effect, abandon Dexter and let him do what he wants, then stands outside the meeting looking smug as if she's somehow achieved something. Except if it wasn't for Casey stepping in, he wouldn't have turned up and his career would be over, which is a bit of a high price to pay to make some sort of point about not helping him.Are we to assume Dexter received no punishment whatsoever?Bit of an anti-climax after such a long build-up.

Shame Jett's broken up with Nina but nice that he's done it because it was making him feel bad rather than because he just thinks he should.Hopefully they can make another go of it further down the track when he's feeling better.

Oh-and for anyone still worrying about Rosie's fish, she assured us she'd been allowed to take them with her when she first moved into the foster home.

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Thanks for that Red, I was worried they had been abandoned.

I hope after John talks to Jett about his breaking up with Nina because he felt guilty feeling happy they'll get back together, she seemed the type of girl who would understand. Good that he was able to tell Marilyn about it. I wanted to give him a hug as well. :wub: I noticed Alf giving a look when Marilyn gave John a hug when he admitted he felt the same about having 'happy' moments. I'd be more inclined to think John will read more into Marilyn's good intentions rather than Marilyn getting too close to John.

Kyle did question Ricky to whether he should say something to Brax about his 'money troubles' but of course she shut him down. Tamara does seem to jump from pro Kyle to anti Kyle. Maybe Ricky has Adam as Boss on her mobile! I'm supposing it's a different number to the one Brax had for Adam. Perhaps that call has made up his mind for him that it's time to step it up a notch. I may have missed it before but has that graze on Adam's temple always been there? I would have thought it would have gone by now.

Actually I think April did the right thing by deciding to let Dex make his own mind up, she wasn't getting anywhere by talking to him herself and as she kind of off handily told Casey she was turning back into his carer again. It had to be his choice. Well done to Casey though for getting through to him, I suppose as someone not involved he could say what he did and the you got through your accident and the aftermath hit home. Loved the 'or you can sit there drinking your mocktail' line. I think Dex said something like although his actions hadn't been acceptable they were willing to give him another shot, though I would imagine, although it wasn't said, under strict supervision for a period of time.

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Given that Dexter was already meant to be on restricted duties because of his epilepsy, just how much more closely supervised can he be?!

Alf's episode count this week:Five!Roo was in four.

I can kind of see Alf and Roo's concern about John and Marilyn getting too involved but I'm not sure their intervention was particularly wise.I don't think John sees Marilyn as anything more than a friend but now, because of Roo's chat, Marilyn's awkward around him, which is a shame.

So, pieces are beginning to fit into place with regards Adam's plans for the Braxtons.If, as was suggested, he's planning to separate Brax from his brothers, it's a bit odd that he's simply made him and Heath fall out, despite hating Heath, and got Casey arrested when he's got nothing against him.(Maybe he thinks it'd hurt Brax more to have Casey in jail than Heath?)Not clear yet why they made Kyle the leg man, although Ricky does have those incriminating photos of him, maybe they're planning to set him up too?Interesting that, despite everything, Kyle told Tamara everything, shame she still can't trust him.The set-up seemed slightly laboured:Why leave the money on the doorstep and then knock on the door?To check Casey was in, presumably, although he'd have looked a lot less suspicious if he hadn't brought it in.Why not just have Ricky or someone else plant the money in the flat like they did with the gun?

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Marilyn didn't think she was maybe giving John the wrong idea as it was usually John and Jett she helping out, but now she is going to feel awkward around them.

I suppose Adam thought alienating Heath from Brax would be the best start as Heath was closest in age to Brax and normally his staunchest ally. Think you're right Red Brax would be more upset about Casey being arrested for something he didn't do. Perhaps those photos are going to be Adam's and Ricky's trump card they could use them to keep him on side, doesn't he have a suspended sentence hanging over him too. Can't blame Tamara for not fully believing him when he can't tell her the whole truth. Her unloading to Ricky has put a spanner in the works, If she really wanted to break up with Brax why turn up to do it in person, she could have done it by phone or just disappeared off the scene. He has no idea where she lives and she never answers her phone so he couldn't get hold of her. It did cross my mind why he has never thought of following her but then of course Adam's men, who are shadowing her, would tell him then he'd phone to tell her. For all his cleverness Adam didn't think of one thing, that Casey would have a witness to the money being dropped off and wasn't Casey with Jett most of the day? I guess most of us would bring a parcel in if found on our doorstep. I guess it had to be in his hands when the cops turned up otherwise what was the point of Adam calling the cops. As we saw from the trailers John doesn't wasn't Jett involved but I can't see Jett not wanting to stand by his mate.

:offtopic: Have we ever seen that little bridge Jett ran over before?

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:offtopic: Have we ever seen that little bridge Jett ran over before?

Well we did see Sophie and David walk across it in 1991.... :P


But no, it certainly hasn't been on the show in recent years - though now that they've returned to that area with the relocation of the Braxton/Palmer houses we will start to see it more.

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Thanks for that Dan F, you've got a good memory!

Just had a thought - we've all been worried that Rosie was thinking of Spencer as boyfriend material, but suppose it's Sasha and Spencer that become a couple! I think they would go together well. :wub:

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I thought last week that Sasha was jealous when Rosie seemed to be spending a bit more time with Spencer. Almost as if she felt completely excluded or she didn't like that fact that Rosie's attention wasn't exclusively directed towards her. Which is funny when we think back a couple of months when Sasha had enough of Rosie acting all possessive and wanted to distance herself from her. Even today as Sid pointed out she's prepared to risk her HSC just to support her friend. I wonder if there's subconsciously been some sort of transference. Almost if Sasha now wants or even needs Rosie to be dependent on her. Even when Rosie bought the baby clothes when Sasha and Spencer were trying to get her to realise how serious the whole thing was part of me did wonder whether Sasha was worried when the baby comes she wouldn't feature as importantly in Rosie's life. I thought Sasha was an idiot when she decked Mullens but a small part of me almost wanted her to deck Holly when she made those vile comments to Rosie about the pregnancy. Yes hypocritical I know. Was kind of glad that Rosie decided to exclude Natalie but Natalie didn't seem too bothered. Maybe because Zak was a good boy and reported straight to her.

I'm in two minds about Adam's revenge plan. I do think it would be good to finally see Brax have some comeback for his actions but the problem is (as we've seen i.e. Charlie's death) nothing serious seems to happen to him directly. There was the time when I think Danny had him beaten up but it was actually Casey he set up, who ended up behind bars and was very lucky to be released so early.

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Thanks for the info, Dan, I did wonder if it was because of the new location for the Braxton/Palmer houses but I'd no idea we'd seen that location before!

Even though she needs to focus on the practicalities rather than "playing dress ups for real", I found Rosie buying up a load of baby clothes rather sweet and funny.And her explanation for why Holly hates her was the biggest laugh of the episode.Mind you, I agree with Slade in wishing Sasha had decked Holly.Another case of Holly not appearing to be in earshot when Zac and Rosie were chatting but given how everyone seems to be discussing it in public(it gets discussed in the Diner twice, Sasha, Rosie and Spencer discuss it with the door wide open and students outside, Zac and Natalie talk in a crowded corridor)it wasn't going to stay secret for long.In two minds about everyone pushing Rosie to see Natalie, I'm not convinced of her ability but Rosie needs to talk to someone official and there's no-one else.Except maybe Zac but he seemed reluctant to get involved.I guess dropping out of school does show she's taking it seriously but it's going to seriously affect her future and she's probably better off getting an education.There did seem to be a random moment where Spencer comments on Sasha's looks and she blushes slightly but I really hope they're not going down that path. Spencer and Rosie as a couple would be sweet and would further the storyline.Plus there is a bit of a spark there.I haven't seen any romantic chemistry between Spencer and Sasha whatsoever and I think they'd make a pretty bland pairing, so I hope the show doesn't decide to give Sasha a boyfriend just for the sake of it when she's been managing perfectly well without one.

The Braxton storyline didn't really grab my attention that much.I just about feel sorry for Casey but given that we've seen him in this sort of situation many times before(why is it always him that suffers the heavy hand of the law?)it feels pretty deja vu.Even Emerson comments on it.Doesn't help that the two most interesting and likeable Braxtons are missing in action, so we're just left with Brax doing his hypocritical act of expecting the police to work miracles when it suits him but not do their job when he's the criminal.Not really interested in Tamara either except for the ongoing thread of her playing detective about Kyle, which looks like it could be going somewhere.

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Thanks for the info, Dan, I did wonder if it was because of the new location for the Braxton/Palmer houses but I'd no idea we'd seen that location before!

The alleyway that we've seen John and Jett walk down is the same one Blake went down when he followed Karen to Revhead's house (which is the house opposite the new Braxton/Palmer houses). As I said in the Locations thread at the time, it's good that an old Summer Bay location has been reused for a change, as opposed to the ever-expanding network of new streets and houses.

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