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Now let me see if I have got this straight. Casey pulls a hold up, takes the gun home, wipes his fingerprints off it, then hides it under his own sink! Anyone else spot the flaws in that? Adam must be losing the plot a bit. By the look on her face Ricky didn't have any idea he was going to pull that one and she was right in about 'whoever' is behind it knowing where it would hurt Brax most. Reassuring I suppose that even Hammond has his doubts about Casey being involved, Brax couldn't really stop Casey talking, he doesn't have anything to hide and he does have Jett to back up his story about the money being dumped on the doorstep. As mentioned John doesn't want Jett getting involved, but Jett seems determined and this might seem clichéd but if Gina was alive I think she would want to help Casey, she always had a soft spot for him. Ricky is having to really think on her feet and as we saw Adam's men are still about.

Rosie doesn't yet seem to have thought everything through, though I loved the buying all the baby clothes - 'I couldn't resist' - as an aside where did she get the money from? Although she did come to the conclusion she couldn't cope with a baby and school though she has months before she needs to quit. Holly didn't seem that close to Zac and Rosie to overhear but she must have worked something out when Rosie was flaunting the baby clothes in the Diner. (As with others where did she come from)? I missed what Rosie said about her, something to do with a Spelling Bee at Primary school? The more you push someone to see someone - in this case Rosie and Natalie - the more they are going to resist. It did put Zac on the spot when she said she would rather speak to him than Nat, but got himself out of another yelling at by telling her right away. Pretty obvious Rosie hadn't told her foster parents about being pregnant and what is she going to do with the baby clothes, stash them away somewhere? You could be right Slade about Sash feeling a little left out now Rosie has Spencer to off load onto, but it does take some of the pressure she under when she was the only one Rosie would talk to. Liked the father and daughter talk she and Sid had.

Thanks for the info, Dan, I did wonder if it was because of the new location for the Braxton/Palmer houses but I'd no idea we'd seen that location before!

The alleyway that we've seen John and Jett walk down is the same one Blake went down when he followed Karen to Revhead's house (which is the house opposite the new Braxton/Palmer houses). As I said in the Locations thread at the time, it's good that an old Summer Bay location has been reused for a change, as opposed to the ever-expanding network of new streets and houses.

I was going to mention that today funnily enough, that it looked like the Braxton and Palmer houses had been 'moved' explaining the different exterior look of them. I'm pretty sure they weren't in a cul-de-sac before either.

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I was very frustrated with the John/Jett storyline in this episode, which seemed to lose sight of what I thought was the point very quickly.John refusing to let Jett talk to the police was very cold given how Casey's helped him, even if I do understand that he's probably still worried about Jett being taken away and doesn't want DoCS to know he's caught up in a police investigation.But they're talking about a young man's life here and the fact they're under a legal and moral obligation to provide the police with all the information they need to ascertain guilt or innocence.Protecting Jett is one thing but John also has a wider duty to teach him right from wrong and keeping your head down and letting innocent people suffer definitely comes under the "wrong" heading.Yet after the scene at the Diner the whole thing is completely dropped and it becomes about John wanting Jett to stay away from the Braxtons for the time being, which is actually pretty reasonable given they're clearly in the middle of something messy, but the idea of him making a statement and then keeping his distance doesn't seem to occur to anyone.Jett tells Marilyn that John won't let him be friends with Casey(rather than "John won't let me tell the police Casey's innocent"), Marilyn gives him a few platitudes about John knowing things he doesn't and Jett meekly goes along with it.That's it?!It's never going to be mentioned again, presumably as a plot device to keep Casey in jail?Surprised and disappointed the police would leave it at that and if it gets to court I have a very hard time believing Casey's lawyers would ignore the one testimony that would back up Casey's version of events.(I think I'm right in saying that, certainly in this country, subpoena is a legally binding instruction to testify regardless of age and if John tried to obstruct it he'd be on a contempt charge.Or have they changed that?)Then, just to add insult to injury, Alf and Roo have messed with Marilyn's head so much that she starts seeing ulterior motives behind John's friendly gesture, which was Jett's idea anyway.

I thought Sasha was a bit too bolshy in blaming Bianca for not trying to talk Rosie out of leaving but all the same I'm glad that Bianca stepped up and offered Rosie all the help she needs.I may be in the minority but I did feel sorry for Maddy here.It's as if by breaking up with Spencer she's lost everything.A few weeks back she was the one who was friends with Sasha and Rosie and hanging out at the Walker farm, now suddenly Spencer, Rosie and Sasha are a little clique excluding her.I think it's just wishful thinking for her to say things were going fine before Sasha and Rosie turned up, Spencer may have agreed to walk home with her but she was the one carrying the conversation while he just grunted a bit.But once they did join them, Maddy really might as well not have been there.

Heath really should have answered his phone and interesting that he's still determined to help Casey in his own way rather than going back to following Brax's lead.He was probably right with what he said to Bianca even if it was a bit harsh:She's got Rosie and the other students to worry about, he's got Casey, so they need to do that rather than worrying about each other's problems as well as their own.Both Tamara and Kyle seem to be on the case now and Kyle manages to get some answers from Ricky, although she's keeping quiet about Adam's involvement so far.

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Re Jett and John not wanting him to give a statement to the police, Kyle did bring up the fact that if it goes to trial Jett will be called anyway, shame John saw it as a threat rather than a statement of fact. Could Jett have gone on his own and had someone with him as an appropriate adult without John's O.K.? I can see John's point of view about what DoC's would think, but wouldn't they have checked out the neighbours when he and Gina first fostered Jett? I'm still hoping he'll have a change of heart. As Jett didn't give Marilyn the full story you can't really blame her for giving the answer she did. Poor Maz, she does seem all of a muddle, every time John has asked her to lunch/dinner etc the invite has been from him and Jett, even the flowers were from them both, hope that gets sorted out too.

To be fair Bianca is new to giving out advice (the correct advice) to someone in Rosie's position, she didn't have Gina's experience, so just as well Sasha did step in and the plan she has come up with sounds workable. Notice Rosie is still reluctant to speak to Nat.

It does seem that Maddy has been elbowed out of the Sasha/Rosie/Maddy circle and been replaced by Spencer, he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. He could have been more talkative on their walk home when for once she wasn't being pushy.

Heath didn't know what Brax was ringing about and just doing the usual ignoring them and hoping they'll go away thing. After all the 'I'm doing it for Casey, but Brax can do his own thing' on Tuesday after the 'talk' with Kyle he's appeared to come round to agreeing to being on board. Something else Adam hadn't taken into account that there may be animosity between them but when push comes to shove they band together! Is Heath going to tackle Ricky about what she told Kyle and were all the odd camera angles meant to imply someone was watching what was going on? Ricky's 'confession' must have taken a lot for her to do. Heath wanting Bianca to leave the bay makes sense and as we know it's Adam could she also be on his list as she did dump him to go back to Heath?

Seems Indi's secret is out now Sid has checked the accounts and she wasn't able to pay Heath as I'm guessing there wasn't enough money in the account. Liked the little chat she had with Jett and how he wished her luck for finding the 'something' she had lost.

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The John/Jett refusal to help the police was handled a bit better yesterday, with Kyle pointing out the salient facts(shame John took it the wrong way)and John at least have the decency to feel guilty about it and stop tapping Brax for free meals.Marilyn continues to be pulled this way and that and has Roo and especially Alf giving her the wrong advice, she should have ignored their concerns and taken John at face value rather than accusing him of "getting the wrong idea".

Nice to see the interesting Braxtons back in charge of the investigation.So now Heath knows everything that Kyle knows but neither of them knows that Ricky is being less than truthful.It does seem like all of them seem to be following the letter rather than the spirit of Adam's instructions:Don't tell Brax what's going on but telling Kyle, Heath and Bianca is okay.Heath ushering Bianca out of town seemed like a bit of an overreaction and mostly just an excuse to not have her appear for the rest of the week.

Shame that Maddy only made an appointment with Natalie for Spencer's benefit because actually she isn't in a very happy place and could probably do with talking to someone.(Did anyone else think that was Rosie asking to see her when they saw the promo?)When Zac saw Spencer and Maddy together and got that suspicious look, I had an uncomfortable feeling it was building up to Zac telling Spencer that Maddy was playing him and him turning her away again.So I'm glad that actually Zac and Natalie handled the situation well and Spencer understood when Maddy explained things.Nice to see Harvey watching out for Maddy in Roo's absence as well.

So Sid's cottoned on to what Indi's been up to and it does seem like this private eye search is just giving her more heartache.Sounds like we're meant to assume Romeo's dead but I'm not sure it can be considered definite until we get an eyewitness account.April wasn't too annoying, aside from her "You know what's wrong with it" about Dexter's old bed(it's living evidence her "soul mate" can like other girls?), and her going to Sid rather than Dexter did mean Dex was employed in the far more pleasing role of being a confidante to Indi.

I feel uncomfortable writing this but I felt uncomfortable watching it too.That last episode cemented my growing unease that Samara Weaving is the latest in a long line of young actresses to join the show looking healthy and attractive and end up looking, well, anorexic.I'm not trying to imply anything but it does seem like the stress of the show(and the pressure to keep looking good?)takes its toll on some people's health:Both Jessica Tovey and Tessa James were noted as ending up very pale and underweight by the time they left a few years back and I've heard similar comments about Rhiannon Fish although I can't say I've noticed so far.That already silly surfing-in-slow-motion-to-show-she's-happy-again scene ended up striking a very worrying note.Looking at Kassandra Clementi's full and healthy figure in her obligatory bikini scene today, I can't help worrying what she'll be like in a few years.

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Oh dear Maz, you didn't really explain yourself very well, by implying John may be 'having feelings' for you. :blush: Hope he manages to get over it and they can be friends again not at least for Jett's sake. I did have to smile earlier when he asked Maddy if she understood Marilyn speak. ^_^

If Bianca has been sent to the city, who is going to be 'acting' as principal in her absence? Tamara is definitely upsetting Adam's plans with unfortunate results and as we saw Brax now knows Ricky was behind the transfer of money into Connie's account.

Rosie and Maddy do look alike from certain angles especially when Maddy wears her hair up. She did make certain Spencer saw her speak to Nat. Zac played that well by voicing his suspicions to Nat, I reckon he would make a good counsellor himself, and at least it got Maddy to confess to Spencer.

Not sure how good an idea it is for April to be working in the same hospital as Dex. I suppose it's typical that a student doctor would want to explore the more out there explanations for a patients symptoms. Dex took himself off quietly when he realised he was surplus to requirements.

Apart from initially pushing Sid away, that after her talk with Dex, nice to see the brother/sister closeness btw, she accepted she was going down the wrong path. If Romeo is dead, Indi will need to know officially, it's OK Sid saying the time is past for the limit he set for Romeo's prognosis, but at the moment she doesn't know if she is a wife or a widow. On the practical side there is the gym to think about, she can't do much, such as sign any new contracts and the like because it's both their names. Plus she will need a death certificate to be able to transfer it to her name only. I'm hoping Romeo did make some kind of arrangement of that kind when he finally had to go to a hospital/hospice.

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I feel uncomfortable writing this but I felt uncomfortable watching it too.That last episode cemented my growing unease that Samara Weaving is the latest in a long line of young actresses to join the show looking healthy and attractive and end up looking, well, anorexic.I'm not trying to imply anything but it does seem like the stress of the show(and the pressure to keep looking good?)takes its toll on some people's health:Both Jessica Tovey and Tessa James were noted as ending up very pale and underweight by the time they left a few years back and I've heard similar comments about Rhiannon Fish although I can't say I've noticed so far.That already silly surfing-in-slow-motion-to-show-she's-happy-again scene ended up striking a very worrying note.Looking at Kassandra Clementi's full and healthy figure in her obligatory bikini scene today, I can't help worrying what she'll be like in a few years.

Hi! I'm back again. Didn't realise that you had to login again to send a post. But I've been reading all yours lately, Red and H&Alover. Where's Slade gone? Agree with what most of you have written, except Red's latest about girls going anorexic.I don't think that it is the actresses themselves, just the part that they are required to play. With all the drama they get in a short period of their lives, I'm not surprised that it has that effect on them. Shows that they are good actresses maybe?

I don't know if any of you watch Neighbours as well, but there has been similar storylines of late. Coincidence?

2 female school principals, Gina and Priya, suffer sudden unexpected deaths and are replaced by others in the cast, Bianca and Susan.

Both have a Kyle character chasing the love of their life for some weeks. Neighbours Kyle gets his Georgia, But our Kyle still hasn't got his Tamara. Is that still to come?

Both have new teenagers kissing : Jett/Nina and Bailey/Rani. Both now cooled off for a bit.

Both have nurses in trouble with poor professional standards, Dex and Georgia and both get reinstated.

But Neighbours had an explosion and an eclipse. H&A has the Adam/Brax storey coming to a head.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Ricky was in four, although she wasn't credited on Wednesday(I'd guess her scene was originally meant to close Tuesday's episode).

April and Dexter's storyline didn't really seem to go anywhere, except for Dexter balking at the prospect of being stuck around April 24/7(on her behaviour here, I can well understand).Despite April saying she understands, Dexter didn't seem entirely won over by her reassurance.All in all, Dexter's scene with Casey was a far better use of him but more on that in a bit.

Given that we know Ricky's not being entirely truthful, her repeating her cover story to Brax didn't really have much impact.It's Tamara's turn to be closest to the truth now:The only thing she didn't get right is that Adam isn't dead.Kyle spotting Adam's spies was a canny moment.Dexter smuggling a phone in to Casey was a bit weird:I assumed at first that he'd cleared it with the police and was just being melodramatic but then he seemed to just leave it with him, unless he was giving them some space.(Isn't the phone privileges thing a myth anyway?)I was surprised that Dexter used Romeo cutting Indi off as an example but the parallel rang true and was probably exactly what Casey needed.Very interesting that it was Adam's pub that got robbed, leaves open the strong possibility that there hasn't been a robbery at all, they just fired a bullet into a wall and paid some witnesses to say they'd been held up.Looks like Ricky's completely washed her hands of Adam by the end but it's not going to be that easy to walk away for either her or Tamara...

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.I feel uncomfortable writing this but I felt uncomfortable watching it too.That last episode cemented my growing unease that Samara Weaving is the latest in a long line of young actresses to join the show looking healthy and attractive and end up looking, well, anorexic.I'm not trying to imply anything but it does seem like the stress of the show(and the pressure to keep looking good?)takes its toll on some people's health:Both Jessica Tovey and Tessa James were noted as ending up very pale and underweight by the time they left a few years back and I've heard similar comments about Rhiannon Fish although I can't say I've noticed so far.That already silly surfing-in-slow-motion-to-show-she's-happy-again scene ended up striking a very worrying note.Looking at Kassandra Clementi's full and healthy figure in her obligatory bikini scene today, I can't help worrying what she'll be like in a few years.

I think it is more noticable in Samara Weaving's case this year because most of the new female cast have fuller (and beautiful I might add) figures. I mentioned in another thread that I love the way that the casting has changed again on this show and stopped with all the women looking like models. Has anyone else noticed this?

As for yesterdays episode...

1. That last scene with Adam making it perfectly clear Ricky is now a prisoner was just a wonderful bit of acting from both of them (can't remember the actors names :lol:).

2. If I was Dex I would be fleeing out the exit at the thought of working with April :blink: .

3. Is it wrong that I totally loved the scene where Tamara punched Kyle. Considering I am a fan of Kyle and can't stand Tamara... I have no idea why I loved that scene :ph34r: .

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Well Brian, welcome btw, all soaps are guilty of copying each others plots, whether accidentally or deliberately is always debateable. Not too long to wait for the Brax/Adam showdown.

Dex was definitely not happy about having April working with him and Sid. He finally plucked up courage to say so to April but she seemed to dismiss it.

It all seems to be coming together for the Braxton's that someone is out to get them, Ricky and us being the only ones who know who it really is. More shady camera angles suggesting their every move was being watched, though apart from the huge row Heath, Tamara and Kyle had in public they couldn't possibly know what was being said between any of them. At last Ricky got outed in front of Brax and she still can't tell him the truth. Can understand Tam wanting to thump Kyle but Heath was right they need to stick together right now after all that is what 'they' want for them to turn against each other. Funny about the teachers conference suddenly coming up to explain Bianca's absence!. Seems Adam is more than willing to turn against his own sister if she disagrees with him. How long before the Braxton's realise Tam has been grabbed and who is behind it? Her being snatched brings up a previous question how could they know who she was talking to and about what? Considering he can't have been aware of what happened after he passed out he really does believe he was left for dead, does he think a random stranger phoned for the ambulance?

Loved Dex going to see Casey and as he said Casey visited him when he said he didn't want to see anyone so was just returning the favour. Hadn't Indi previously asked Casey about his wanting to cut off Tamara to spare her being upset as an analogy to what Romeo had done to her?

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Where's Slade gone?

Still here, just more of lurker than a poster now.

Although Tamara almost hit the nail on the head re Adam's plan I've found her so annoying as of late (e.g. moaning and whining all the time and when she hit Kyle) I was actually glad his henchmen resorted to using chloroform if anything just to shut her up for five minutes.

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