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Where's Slade gone?

Still here, just more of lurker than a poster now.

Although Tamara almost hit the nail on the head re Adam's plan I've found her so annoying as of late (e.g. moaning and whining all the time and when she hit Kyle) I was actually glad his henchmen resorted to using chloroform if anything just to shut her up for five minutes.


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Well.I was actually quite enjoying seeing Brax, Heath and Kyle working together to try and figure out who's been manipulating them, shame we didn't see much of it.Even Tamara doesn't seem to have got much closer to the truth aside from working out that Ricky knows who's behind it.It is hard to work out what Adam's hoping to achieve by holding her, unless he thinks she's useful as a hostage, Brax certainly seems reluctant to involve the police if it means putting them in danger.The fact that Kyle seems more worried about her than anyone else is decent character work.

So, Indi's playing matchmaker again but at least she's choosing a decent subject this time and it's good to see Jett and Nina make up.Looks like Indi's looking for a happy ending anywhere she can get it.Shame that Jett's attempts to return the favour for John and Marilyn didn't work as well.Shame too that Alf and Roo are curiously absent after causing the mess.For someone who was trying to avoid them not so long ago, Marilyn seems pretty keen to get back in John and Jett's lives now, seems like she's the one who's become attached.

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well.Shame too that Alf and Roo are curiously absent after causing the mess.For someone who was trying to avoid them not so long ago, Marilyn seems pretty keen to get back in John and Jett's lives now, seems like she's the one who's become attached.

Well, she shouldn't get attached. Just a nosey busybody trying to interfere with everyone's problems. She really annoys me. let John and Jett grieve in peace.

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Good to see the Braxton's coming together in a common cause and that Adam's scheme to split them went up in smoke. Indi seemed quite OK with Heath dashing off to the city leaving her even more short handed.

Why, oh why is Ricky still keeping the truth, the real truth from Tam, it's not as if she can tell anyone!! Even the kidnapper refers to Adam as The Boss, though thinking about it I suppose he would. Talking of kidnappers they must be breeding a more civilised type nowadays, the old school ones would knock someone out or chloroform them then stuff them in the boot of their car. No apparently they now sit them in the back of the car and put a seat belt on them. You're not far off Red on your theory about Adam and Brax. I have a theory of my own which is based on something I read ages ago.

So as not to upset anyone

I think person A is in a coma and 'meets' person B, person A just wants to let it all but person B persuades them to stay and perhaps shows them what would happen to the people left behind (shades of Alf and Alisa) and person A decides to live.

As much needed relief from all of that, I loved that scene on the beach when Nina and Jett had a kiss. :wub: Well done Indi for talking him into actually speaking to her in person. I agree with you Red it's a pity Jett couldn't do the same with John and Marilyn. Marilyn did try and make amends, John just needs a little time to get over her 'misunderstanding'. Jett misses having her around, I don't think there is any 'funny' about it, she just like to feel needed. Had to laugh at John's attempts to take that class. :D

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Today's episode was a great balance between funny and serious.

She still reminds me of a bunny boiler but today she came across as a spoilt brat who didn't want to be taught by a nurse. Was I supposed to feel sorry for her when Dex picked up the chart and upstaged her? Because I didn't. Dex did the right thing by looking and calling her up on not going through the chart before deciding treatment. Although telling her that he is smarter than her is not the greatest move because then it really does turn into yet another 'poor April' moment.

Perhaps my dislike of April clouds my judgement but it really pissed me off. And it totally brings down Dex, who was once the most awesome character.

I love Ricky. She is my kind of gal :blush:, which is more than I can say for Tamara. Although I give props to the actress because she is great at looking and acting terrified of Adam. As for Adam... I love the fact that he isn't just evil... he is mad hatter crazy with it. Kinda awesome considering I hated the reveal that Adam pulled a Jesus. Kudos to the actor for making me interested in watching.

Harvey, Indi & Alf
I didn't know whether to laugh or cringe at Harvey but I did go 'awwww' at the way Alf was with Indi. I love the way that they are all trying so hard to help her. More scenes like this please! Considering Harvey wasn't supposed to be a character to like, I am glad he is around because he does truly feel like a H&A character.

Even though I am a fan of Kyle there have been moments where the acting has seemed quite iffy (especially when he was introduced)... until those scenes in the prison, which showed some great acting between some off the wall stuff. I get that Casey is about one strand away from snapping but other than the crazy eyes I just didn't feel it. And Brax just came across as a complete tool and annoyed with all of the questions regarding Tamara. But the standout moments in those scenes (which were boring and predictable) were the reactions of Kyle to Casey's questions and Brax's lies. Some great acting from Nic Westaway, especially when no words were spoken because he used his eyes and facial expression's to show how much it is hurting him that he is the cause of the imprisonment. Considering he has only been on the show for just over 6 months (it is that long, right?) Westaway is improving quickly.

Wow, it has been a long time since I have written something this long about just 1 episode :D.

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Yep, Adam is completely insane by now, seems he left his shred of sanity behind when he came back from the dead.His reveal to Tamara was a bit underwhelming:For a start, I'm not sure when she's seen him before, I think he was keeping his distance during Casey's trial, and she didn't actually seem at all surprised that he was alive.(Although as pierced music said, kudos to Kelly for being believably terrified.)Nice to see Brax and Kyle working together and also the relationship between Kyle and Casey:Casey obviously trusts Kyle completely while Kyle is both willing to throw himself on his sword for his brother and seems to understand how much Brax's lies are hurting Casey more than he does.Brax may have thought on his feet but you'd have thought he'd have come up with a convincing cover story from the off.Despite the glance over his shoulder, he did seem to choose a very public place to discuss those photos with Kyle but I guess he needed to get him out of town as soon as possible.

I was expecting to find the April/Dexter storyline annoying but surprisingly it was Dexter that got on my nerves the most.The way they got paired up was odd since April was already meant to be working with Sid:Did it get changed and then changed back?But...I'm not sure what Dexter was doing.He seemed to jump in on a question that Sid specifically asked April, like that annoying kid in class who can't help but show off how much they know, and I'm not sure he needed to get April to take a complete history before doing a job Sid had already approved her doing.I'm not sure if he's trying to prove he's not her sidekick(given the prominence of that line in the recap)or if he's aware he didn't keep as close an eye on Steph as he should have done and is overcompensating but it all seemed unnecessary.

Loved the stuff at the gym, firstly the community feeling of everyone helping out with the staff shortfall, and secondly with the way that someone's remembered that both Harvey and Indi can be very funny characters given the right material.Indi's long suffering looks to camera at Harvey's buffoonery were great and nice to see Alf as the steadying grandfatherly influence.

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April's placement was with Sid, then got changed, then changed back again as that doctor wasn't available. I don't think Dex meant 'I am smarter than you' to come out as it did. April may be the one going to be a doctor, which is a long way off yet, but as Dex pointed out she hasn't had hands on experience, reading about cases is a lot different to actually treating real life patients which he has had experience of. He did try and be more discreet when treating the diabetic patient, whatever she may have treated his wound with may have had an adverse effect with the medication he is on so she should have read his notes. Good that Sid spotted their frostiness and talked to Dex about it, said before I love those father/son chats. Had to smile when Dex held the Nil By Mouth sign behind his back when April popped back in having remembered to tell him. I would have trouble trying to keep all those requests in my head.

I was wondering if Tam had ever met Adam, but going by her reaction when he walked in she must have at some point, wouldn't she have seen him at Angelo's? It's official Adam is now two prawns short of a Barbie, he just won't listen to reason. I shudder to think what he's done to Petey (the guy who let Ricky escape). As we aren't seeing any trailers we won't know which night he decides to let Brax in on what he is doing.

Interesting to see outside of the jail (the one where Danny was), very forbidding looking. Nic Westaway does have very expressive (and lovely) eyes. Although it was a brave mood of his to offer to admit to his part in it all, Brax was right, then they would both end up inside. Heath has gone off to keep an eye on Bianca and now Kyle is following him so Brax is going to be alone, just what Adam wanted, I'm sure his 'eyes' will let him know.

Poor Harvey didn't have a clue did he, wonder Indi had any customers left after he finished with them. Her look :rolleyes: to camera was funny.

Maddy was being annoying (again) though I did feel sorry for her when she joined Spencer and Sasha, at his request btw, and they did practically ignore her, no wonder she felt like a spare part. Not so sure picking Holly as a new friend was such a good idea, in fact by the end of the episode it looked like she was having seconds thoughts. Spencer didn't have a right to tell her Holly wasn't right for her, but Maddy's dismissal of Holly's treatment of Rosie was just as bad. Talking of Rosie she's still not wanting to talk to you Nat, give up asking. She, Nat, is on the ball though picking up on Holly's sudden(?) crush on Zac (here we go again) though not that hard not to spot (don't blame her though he is tasty)! :blush: Let's hope he deals with it wisely and sensitively. he's done well so far, avoiding her request for one-on-one extra tuition.

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Not really sure what the point of April and Dexter's storyline is except this seems to be what they do with them if they need to squeeze them into a week somewhere:Have them argue about nothing important in one episode and make up the next.And then they kiss at work.Right.If Dexter does that with anyone else, then he's an abomination who needs to be hauled over the coals by everyone.But April's his "soul mate".So that's all right.Oh-and April discussing her love life with her boyfriend's sister because she doesn't have any real friends.And the closest things she's got have been arrested or kidnapped, not that she seems to have noticed.

I don't think Sasha and Spencer deliberately excluded Maddy from their conversation but they didn't seem in a hurry to include her either, although at times Maddy seemed to almost exclude herself.I found the whole thing a bit false though:We've never seen Sasha and Spencer together for more than thirty seconds without Rosie before, and even when they were alone in the past they only talked about her, yet suddenly she knows him better than the girl he's been dating for years?(And become a medical expert despite knowing Sid for less time than he's known Maddy.)Maddy hooking up with Holly is reminiscent of Rosie hanging around with Mullens:Making new friends is fine but some better judgement would help.She seemed to alternate between giggling about Holly's obsession with Zac and finding it a bit creepy.Maddy did annoy me with the way she demanded to know what Spencer and Sasha had against Holly and then started spouting at them without really caring what they were saying.Mind you, Sasha's annoying me as well with the way she keeps acting like Rosie's bodyguard and getting aggressive with anyone who looks at her funny, it's not helping and it's just making her look like the bully, it's no wonder Maddy felt the need to protect Holly when Sasha starts attacking her without any obvious provocation.Nice to see Rosie's quirky side coming out during her giddy chat with Spencer and Sasha before school.Who was the random girl with her when she was talking with Zac?

Harvey's desperate attempts to be casual with John were rather amusing and nice touch with John again jumping to the conclusion that if a woman's behaving funny she must be menopausal.Heath guarding Bianca at school was quite fun but her stance is interesting:She was okay with him doing what he had to last time Adam was around but she doesn't like the prospect of the rest of her life being constant Braxton drama.Brax turning up at the end to deliver random exposition had a bit of a build-up but still felt like a scene that had been transposed from the next episode.

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Could be totally off base but could Adam have suffered some sort of brain damage in that accident? I know he was controlling before but now he's gone completely.

Well now Bianca knows it's Adam behind all that's been happening she quite rightly is taking seriously, worried perhaps he'll be after her once he's finished with Brax, who is his No. 1 priority at the moment. I can understand why she was getting annoyed with Heath, but he was looking out for her, all she had to do was just answer his call, with a brief 'I'm O.K.. Her turning the phone off was bound to make him panic.

Adam's dropping in to see Casey had the desired affect as he knew it would, hopefully once he's had the chance to cool down Case will see/understand why Brax didn't tell him, not a lot he could do and Brax was doing all he could to find her.

He and Kyle

do find them, but I thought no one knew about this abandoned motel so how do they manage that?

I see Jamie got a (brief0 mention when they were going through the list of suspects and once they knew the pub was Adam's.

I think Holly's 'crush' is a lot more than that, more bordering on obsessive. Maddy is veering in between finding it funny, the next being spooked by it. Shame Zac backed out of talking it over with Bianca, which have meant his back would be covered when it all comes unstuck. Holly isn't exactly being subtle about fancying him, new experience for him being fancied, wouldn't have been in that position before having worked in the prison (at least I hope so)! Maddy did catch Holly being nasty to Rosie so will she dump her?

As I thought Rosie hadn't told her foster parents she was pregnant, neither that she had been raped, Bianca was right she couldn't hide it for much longer. Rather surprised at the foster mum's reaction, but must have felt really left out that Rosie felt she couldn't trust them enough to confide in them. Rosie is old enough to make her own choice and as she is of age the school can't inform anyone she doesn't want to know. Her suggestion that she went back to the flat didn't raise any reaction from anyone, which surprised me, but hopefully it won't come to that as foster mum got over her initial shock and appears willing to try and work it out.

Poor Harvey, he really tries his best but just gets himself in deeper doo-doo. I did wonder if John deliberately suggested Roo was menopausal to get him (and her) to admit what they were actually up to. It was down to Jett to get John to finally see sense, loved John turning the tables and making him think Marilyn had wandered off and Alf had alerted the coast guards and set up a search party. :D

Wasn't what Dex was doing with April ( the snogging behind closed doors whilst on duty) exactly how he and Steph started off?

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Brax was in four(although he wasn't credited on Thursday).

So, Brax, Heath, Casey and Bianca all know that Adam's alive and behind everything.As with Tamara, none of the Braxtons seemed particularly surprised about him being alive, they didn't seem any more surprised than if he'd just gone away for a bit.Liked the way Heath stood his ground when Brax tried to get physical in order to refute his suggestions that Ricky was involved.Kyle's prediction about Casey's reaction to Brax lying to him, however well-intentioned, comes true.It's beginning to seem like Adam's making it up as he goes along unless he's bluffing about potentially keeping Ricky prisoner:Would he have made the same offer even if Ricky had kept helping him?

I'd like to say it's nice to finally meet Rosie's foster parents(or at least one of them)but really it felt like too little, too late.I can't remember how definite it was that Rosie had told them about the rape(or "sexual assault" as Bianca insists on calling it-haven't we got past that by now?), but I'm not sure what purpose was served in making Kerry literally the last person in town to know and the holder of the hugely contested award of Most Clueless Summer Bay Parent Ever for the sake of a two second reaction shot.Whilst on one level it's good that Kerry ultimately decided to support Rosie, I was somewhat disappointed since I hoped it was building up to Rosie moving in with someone "important".Having her carry on living with people we never or hardly ever see is going to limit what the show can do with her.Still, good to see Bianca involved and I'm glad she ignored the call from Heath and focused on Rosie.

Good that Jett managed to get John and Marilyn talking and I loved the way they turned the tables and made him think John had been running around town looking for her.(John's "You're doing the housework on your own for two months" and Marilyn's quiet "I'll help" was a rather sweet and funny moment.)

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