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It looks like Adam has moved location to the warehouse where he was run over (which will make it easier for Brax to find them) handy that!!! Who would have thought a toughie like Tam would crumble so easily, she's certainly in a bad way. From the way Kyle was acting when he and Brax found her- they just happened to stumble across her? - it's apparent he's still in love with her. Heath and Kyle being there for Brax wasn't part of Adam's plan, obviously didn't know them as well as he thought he did. So the cops turned up, but as Kyle has already gone, they are hardly likely to find him are they?

Holly's 'crush' has never been that, more stalkerish, except more up front. A crush is getting dreamy over your teacher (or whoever it is) your and his, or her, initials on your schoolbook, getting all fluttery when they are around etc. Thank goodness Zac went straight to Bianca with her essay, said before the word subtle doesn't seem to be in her vocabulary. May have seemed odd to him for Bianca needing to hear Holly's 'side', but she does need to hear both sides. She (Holly) didn't appear in any way to hide her obsession and then walked out of Bianca. Zac did try and keep out of her way, he couldn't do much about her walking up to him in the diner. Later though, when he saw her sitting on the bench on the beach, I was shouting at him 'No stay away, don't go near her!' all to no avail. Now of course now he has told her he's not interested at all she went to Bianca alleging he tried to kiss her, which Bianca has to investigate, she wouldn't be doing her job if she didn't. I know we didn't see Maddy, but I imagine Holly will try and get her to say Zac had made it clear he fancied her and had even tried it on in her presence.

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I found Adam rather enjoyable in the way that he's obviously having a whale of a time and not caring about anything.(The way he gestured for a minion to get out of his chair was way cool.)Brax's counterplans seem to get more and more random, especially with the way he seemed to think Kyle staying at the house was the best way for him to avoid the police rather than it being the first place they'd look.Heath was surprisingly cold with the way he was prepared to sacrifice Ricky but then it is in character for him to not care what happens to someone he regards as an enemy:He didn't blink an eyelid when Brax wanted to kill Hammer.Kyle's response was more emotional and it's clear he just wants to help Tamara.(He's also the first person to be convincingly shocked that Adam's alive.)Brax is pretty much coming at it from the opposite direction:For all his "That's not how we operate" rhetoric, I doubt he'd be so eager to help Adam's ex-accomplice if it wasn't the cute blonde he's been dating, he was utterly ruthless towards Jamie who was as much a victim as Ricky.Despite his claims to the contrary, it's clear Kyle still loves Tamara, as evidenced by his fury at Brax when they found her and the way that he was the only one who actually seemed bothered about making sure she was all right rather than finding out what she knows.April wasn't actually bad here with the way she was floundering at having to deal with someone she knows turning up in a bad way.On the face of it, Brax and Kyle just stumbling across Tamara was a bit ridiculous but it makes sense if you assume that phone call Adam got was from someone who had spotted them and was keeping an eye on where they were going, allowing Adam to dump her where they'd find her.

Holly could give Adam a run in the crazy department at the moment.It's curious that she can go from completely losing touch with reality to being quite cold and calculating.Zac is an idiot, no two ways about it, it's like Natalie's been giving him lessons in how to screw up.He's had both Bianca and Natalie telling him to stay away from Holly, not to underestimate her or be alone with her and what does he do?He can't be entirely blamed for her approaching him at the Diner, although he should have got out of there quicker than he did.But sitting with her on the beach like that?Idiot.Good that Maddy didn't ignore her concerns and stepped up and gave her opinion on Holly.Shame she was so affected by Holly ostracising her afterwards, I really wanted her to stand up to her and tell her to take a hike.Does Holly really have enough clout to turn the school against her?

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Although it is so so apparent Kyle is still in love with Tam full credit to him for not taking advantage of her current condition and saying he was her boyfriend and not Casey. Little strange she can remember being in the desert but not meeting either Casey or Kyle? I'm guessing she is suffering from the type of amnesia people do when they are/have been in a very stressful situation.

Brax was very hard on her, although Sid did explain what her problem was, even Heath stood back and didn't seem to be want to be part of it. Kyle's a true Braxton completely ignoring everything Brax told him to do. Wouldn't him being in custody be a good thing, at least he can try and put his side of events, thus clearing Casey? Wasn't he also under some kind of good behaviour bond? It's tough enough for any doctor/nurse to have someone they know (and love) in hospital so for a new 'doctor' like April it must have been very hard, she now realises how hard it was for Sid when Dex was being treated.

Dex may be worried about his memory not being good enough to have passed his exams but there's nothing wrong with his powers of observation, he was the second person to notice Spencer has feelings for Sasha. Maddy spotted it (though her view is possibly jealously coloured). Does he really not know himself or is he in denial?

What is it with some of the pupils at SBH that they seem to have home problems so that they don't want their parents involved in any trouble at school? We had Rosie not wanting her foster parents and dad knowing she was pregnant (and had been raped) though that has now been resolved. Now Holly doesn't want her parents to know about the investigation into her claim against Zac, though isn't it Bianca's duty as Principal to tell them? Good for Maddy asking for (and getting) the right advice from Roo then telling Bianca all she knew. Holly may have told Maddy she would make sure no-one would be her friend for dobbing her in, but I don't remember her having any other friends. Besides I think the other pupils liked Zac so would be more likely to believe him rather than her.

I had to laugh at John's idea of braking it 'gently' to Harvey that Indi thought he was rubbish in the gym, if that's gentle I'd hate to think what he would have said if he really went for it! :P Their work off was funny, it was just bad luck Harvey slipped on the running machine, I think he could have made it. Indi really needs, as she said herself, someone who is qualified to stand in for her while she is at Uni, we know Casey passed his exams, but did Heath, she's taking their absence very well under the circumstances.

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I hope I am allowed to post in this thread as I am hoildaying in the UK at the moment and I go home to NZ next week on Wednesday... I managed to catch up with Home and Away (today's episode) so here is my review for it :) It aired in NZ three weeks ago but I missed it, lol.

Episode 5764

I liked the John/Jett and Dex/Sasha/Indi, Sasha scenes :)

Cracked up at Dexter's reaction when he was told to give John a sponge bath. :lol:

Loved the sibling scenes between Sasha/Dex, Sasha/Dexter/Ind, Sasha/Dex. We need more scenes of the Walker siblings :P

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I really liked the scene at the start of yesterday's episode when we saw all the Walker siblings together, sparking off each other well.Shame they then wander off to their respective storylines and when we do get them together it's to discuss something as mundane as Sasha's love life, of which more later.Not sure about Dexter's storyline.I was hoping we'd have an episode without April but no, she got shoehorned in.Ultimately, despite the evidence of the acceptable but not outstanding exam results, it feels like we're being told that Dexter's still having trouble because of his brain damage rather than actually seeing him not coping.

Well, glad that Holly didn't follow through on her threats, shame Maddy soon found something else to stress about.Spencer was actually giving her good advice, shame she ended up losing her temper about something that had nothing to do with what they were talking about.She even realises she's doing it but then she does it again.I'm finding it very hard to get excited about the idea of Spencer and Sasha, especially when Dexter's being so smug I want to slap him as he delivers speeches about how wonderful they are together.(Again, telling us rather than actually showing us.)The classic tale of a boy and a girl bonding over helping their pregnant friend apparently.Personally, I'd rather see the pregnant friend, who's once more been shunted off for a week to give Sasha and Spencer some alone time, even though she's by far the most interesting of the trio and would probably make a better partner for either of them.Just because Dexter talks about the music swelling when they're together doesn't mean it should and I felt it was too much, as if the music was trying to force the audience to like the couple rather than letting them make up their own mind.They're coming across so much as April and Dexter Mark 2, just as forced and random and with even less build-up, that I actually found myself cringing when Sasha appeared on screen, just like I do with April, which is something I didn't anticipate happening a few months ago.I really thought we'd got past her being randomly paired up with every passing boy.Found Indi and Dexter's matchmaking rather annoying:Given that the last time Dexter tried to set Sasha up with a boy it ended with her getting hurt, you'd think he'd have learned.Indi again seems determined to give everyone the happy ending she didn't get but here it involves treating two people who've only been hanging out a few weeks like "soul mates".Also pretty annoyed that Sasha basically pressured Indi into giving Spencer a job he's not suited for:Okay, having another pair of hands will help but she's still going to need to employ someone else to work during the day.

The John/Harvey stuff was pretty funny although, not for the first time recently, Alf seemed to cause the problem by talking nonsense.John might have been a bit more tactless than Indi intended but he did basically tell Harvey the truth about what Indi thought, so why do Alf and Marilyn tell Harvey he didn't?Still, John as the world's worst patient, getting the entire hospital staff running to help him and inflicting a blanket bath on Dexter, was great fun.Shame we get treated to another meltdown from Jett:I know he's feeling insecure but really, can't we get past this?

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Of course you are JarlieFanEver, hope you are enjoying our weather, did you bring it with you?

I'm in the opposite camp and would like to see Sasha and Spencer together - sorry!!! Even though Spencer and Maddy aren't together it would be awkward Spencer enough getting involved with any other girl but as Sasha is a friend of Maddy it's going to look like they are rubbing her nose in it. I don't think Rosie would have a problem with it.

Liked the Dex/Indi scenes when they both agreed Sash & Spence would be a good couple, though I get what you mean Red (and Sasha said it herself) why can't she just be friends with a boy without everyone 'marrying' them off. Had to smile when Harvey asked Spencer if he was sure he wanted his advice after the last couple of times.

Holly may not have carried out her threat to Maddy - yet - but looks like she had other fish to fry going by the headline we saw in the local rag, silly, silly (and that's being polite) girl.

I think Dex was expecting more than his pass/credit results, maybe remembering what he used to be capable of and could have blitzed it, but as Sid said they were passes. Is a credit better than a pass?

Do you not think Alf & Marilyn were trying to spare Harvey's feeling by saying what they did?

John wins hands down as the worse patient ever. I think Dex missed a trick with John and the blanket bath, could have easily made it a really bad experience for him without overstepping any medical boundaries. :D

One of the promises I think John made to Jett was to look after himself and I don't think his stint in the gym with Harvey came under that umbrella so no wonder he feels let down.

As we saw from the trailer, Brax tracks down Adam & Ricky and I have a feeling it doesn't end well. :o

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four.Casey didn't appear at all, although at least we know where he is.Natalie just about made it into two but only appeared briefly without dialogue on Tuesday.

So...is Brax dead?Promo suggests not:The first shot looked survivable and we didn't see where the second shot went, it actually looked like Adam was aiming over the top of his head.Can't say I'd be that bothered if he did die, I think they've done all they can with the character and it might give the other Braxtons room to develop.That said, you'd think Brax would have learned by now that expecting Heath to look after things if anything happens to him is a bit much.Martin Lynes is once again having a ball as Adam, chewing the scenery like a full-on Bond villain.(His "Part of me likes the idea of being an only child" gets Line of the Episode.)Loved the way he turned on the lights to reveal a captive Ricky in a way that pretty much screamed "This is a trap."So we finally find out what Heath did with Adam.Wanting to get back to Darcy is understandable but an anonymous phone call would have saved a lot of trouble.So are we meant to believe some Good Samaritan came past and stumbled across him?Given that Heath was his target from the off, it's a bit odd Adam has left him alone this time:He's sent Casey and Kyle to jail and shot Brax but unless he really was responsible for Connie taking Darcy away, instead of just taking advantage of the opportunity that existed, his revenge on Heath seems to have been...making him fall out with Brax for a bit.

So, an inadvertent tip-off from Heath leads to Bianca getting some proof to dent Holly's credibility.Might not do much good though.It's sadly realistic that a newspaper would drag an innocent man's name through the mud without any evidence in order to sell a few copies, turning it into a trial by media.Guessing the photo came from Holly's private collection, which should really have tipped them off.

Some nice interaction between the older characters, love the way the camera lingered on Alf and Harvey's reactions after Alf says he was the only adult in the gym and then Harvey's double take when John asks for a hot water bottle.But I found the resolution of Jett's storyline a bit unsatisfactory.For a start, given he found him there the last time he ran away, you'd think John would think to check the school.But more fundamentally, Jett was being a brat, as Bianca and Zac pretty much point out in a series of great exchanges, yet somehow he seems to end up with the upper hand when he basically tells John off for not telling him off.Still, his picking up Alf's phrases was vaguely amusing.I forget how tall Jett is these days, I expected him to look tiny next to Alf but he was bigger than I thought.

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Had watched last's night episode.

Liked the John/Jett scenes

Felt sorry for Zac at the end when he realised Holly had told lies about him to the press. Holly is a piece of work, isn't she? She seriously needs help.

Looking forwards to next week (I will only watch Episodes 5766-5768 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) :P

@H&ALover- Lol! The weather in the UK is sooo amazing and lovely so that's what I love about summertime, hehe. Am excited because I am looking forwards to go back home next week to winter in NZ...NOT! :lol:

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JarlieFanEver, UK summer is not usually like this, we are normally luck to get three days of sun on the trot, you certainly chose the right time to come. How cold does the NZ winter get?

Brax will not be that easy to kill off, how many other life threatening injuries has he suffered? Besides he's got to go through what I think he has to so can't die. :wink: Dare say JarlieFanEver could confirm that, but I wouldn't put her in that position. That was a great line of Martin Lynes, he's been a much better villain than some we have had.

That was one hell of a revelation from Heath! :o I thought Brax had called the ambulance and Heath stuck around (out of sight) till they came. Was Adam aware Heath was there at the showdown? That would explain him blaming Brax. That's what I was thinking Red, if Heath didn't call the ambulance who did, a passing stranger, he came round and was able to call one of his gang (or Ricky) and they called for help? He had been in hospital as I'm sure he and Ricky mentioned him discharging himself.

Amazing what one off the cuff remark can do to trigger a memory. Guess Holly stating what time Zac made his first 'pass' was off screen. What does she hope to achieve by going to the papers, unless it's to tarnish his career even after he has been cleared.

John really is the patient from hell, did love his ordering Harvey about though. I liked Alf's comment about 'being the only adult' as well. :P

What a surprise Jett hiding at SBH, doing his Cooler King impression, how did he get in, do they leave a window open for pupils/runaways to gain access? He is a teenager so could put his stroppiness down to that. Scary how the lads on the show suddenly shot up seemingly overnight.

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@JarlieFanEver You should try winter here, it's interminably cold and dismal for at least 6 months!

I must say I was pretty annoyed at the trailer at the end of Fridays episode, it was more like a spoiler than a taster leaving nothing to the imagination!!! :-( Friday we see Daryl being shot twice by Adam and it looks terminal, could it be an ironic end like Charlie - death by a bullet, but no because in the trailer he's in hospital! Thanks for spoiling it H&A!!! I wish they wouldn't do it.

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