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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Okay, so it seems Adam's second bullet went into Brax's leg.That didn't seem to be where he was aiming but I'll buy that he'd want to make Brax suffer rather than go for the quick kill.Ricky freeing herself in a pathetically easy manner...well, okay, Brax probably loosened the bonds.Emerson back being the consummate professional and Ricky finally making a clean breast of things and getting Casey and Kyle out of trouble.Shame there's still no firm answer on how much involvement she had in Connie taking Darcy away.Given that Emerson clearly heard Ricky tell Heath that Brax isn't safe, bit odd that it's left to him to make a hash of guarding Brax:Wouldn't the police be interested in protecting the victim of an attempted murder where the perpetrator is on the loose and likely to try again? (Unless they're secretly hoping he makes a better job of it this time...)Given he's been complaining about feeling useless all episode, it wasn't entirely unexpected that Dexter would be the one to walk in and stop Adam, although it's nicely realistic that he merely distracts him rather than defeating him in unarmed combat.Charlie's brief appearance on Brax's washed out dream beach was a shock for anyone who hasn't read the spoilers.I'd actually love it if they kept it at that, a brief, unexplained, enigmatic moment but would they really hire Esther Anderson for a two second shot?(Um...not beyond the realms of possibility actually, other ghostly appearances haven't been much longer.)

Meanwhile, Zac's trying to laugh it off but public opinion's against him.Glad that Maddy confronted Holly but wish she'd gone further and it's a shame Holly always seems to have more of an effect on her than the other way round.If she thought about it objectively, she'd realise Holly's argument really doesn't make her any better than her:So maybe there's truth in the fact that Maddy's hanging around Spencer and acting jealous of other girls while he's oblivious, but Holly's doing the same thing with Zac and Maddy's not delusional enough to start telling lies about Spencer to punish him for a non-existent lie.Despite a load of nothing scenes with Dexter, April manages to get two good moments here, telling it straight to Heath and, well, telling it straight to Bianca, as she reminds her that you need to make the choice between what is right and what is easy.

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Had been watching tonight's episode. (Will catch up with Episodes 5767 and hopefully 5768 this week). Because we are leaving for the airport this Wednesday in the afternoon

So happy to see Charlie back as I had missed out her return on NZ screens 3 weeks ago, lol.

Liked the Apex stuff.

Poor Zac. I am hating Holly at the moment.

Felt sorry for Dexter at the end when he watched his father performing CPR on Brax so I can image what he was thinking right now. So pleased the writers hasn't forgotten the accident and etc...

Looking forwards to tomorrow :)

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I've got mixed feelings regarding Ricki, I don't think she can hold a candle to Charlie, and she's been a willing participant in Adams plan - at least I'm not aware of any hold her brother had over her so not sure what her excuse is for fitting his brothers up. Feel sorry for mighty mouse, she's the innocent one in this and I'm not surprised if she leaves the bay after the dust has settled - probably with Kyle. Actually, I'm surprised Bianca puts up with the tawdry Braxton underworld, bit different to her Italian prince lol.

Kind of liking Maddie more now she's not with Spencer, the pouting seems to be getting less frequent which is good, and anyway why does a woman need a man on her arm to be complete! Spencer appears to have no male friends so if I were Maddie I'd take it as a sign - move on!

Thought Adam knocking out Heath with the spanner was naff, why do they do everything in one take, I could never be an Oz director!

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Thought Adam knocking out Heath with the spanner was naff, why do they do everything in one take, I could never be an Oz director!

Oh yes, I forgot about that one, one of the most listless blows in television history, it looked like it didn't even connect.Heath must have a glass chin or something.

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I thought the first bullet went in Brax's leg, disabling him, then the second one in the abdomen, but hey ho! It was so bloody dark in that warehouse I only saw Ricky pointing the gun at nothing. Did seem very strange Emerson didn't arrange for a police guard on Brax, seeing as Adam was still on the loose. But then we wouldn't have been able to have him walk into the hospital, Brax's room, lamp Heath one (did he bring the spanner with him) and fill Brax's tube with


, where did he learn to do that btw and know what to use? I guess Dex never met Adam as he didn't have a clue who he was. We may have had our different opinions on Ricky but her coming clean over everything, including dubbing in Adam took some guts. She was willing, initially, to go along with Adam's plan until she heard Brax's side of it, or the side of it he thought had happened. I think it was established Connie did a runner with Darcy as she was scared Heath could win custody, the money (which she hasn't given back, even thinking it's dirty money) came later. Pretty sure there will be more to come on the Charlie front, sorry Red, see my post of 2nd July. :wink:

Nice mention of the aftermath of Dex's accident brought back by Sid doing CPR on Brax and before, naturally he wouldn't have been in any position to realise it at the time what his relatives and friends were going through. April did have her sensible head on, especially when talking to Heath.

Zac is dealing with the fall out of Holly's blabbing to the press he thought was the best way, until the brick came through the window!

Nice welcome home for Leah & VJ!!!

Sadly Alf was right the longer it goes on the more people will believe there is something behind it. Read on the Aussie thread, that is was rubbish reporting by the paper/reporter just to take a teenage girls word for it that her teacher was a sex pest. Good for Maddy confronting her (again) but she still can't see she'd doing anything wrong and still thinks he's misguided for not wanting to be with her! Like this would win him round! Yes Maddy is acting all jealous over Spencer moving on, but she dumped him and all she's done is seethe and sulk not try and blacken his name.

Bianca's in a tricky position, she's only acting Principal, so I don't know how much clout she would have with the Department, but April's little chat with her has spurred her on to do something. Wonder what Gina would have done? Psychic - Heath may not be an Italian prince, but at least Heath isn't a love rat like he was!!

Hope you enjoyed your visit JarlieFanEver where were you staying, have a safe journey home.

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Hope you enjoyed your visit JarlieFanEver where were you staying, have a safe journey home.

Thank you, H&Alover. We were staying at my aunty's house She's my mum's second sister. Mum is the eldest of three brothers and two sisters and Dad is the eldest of 3 sisters and one brother, lol) And I am the first child too and I just have one sister (six years younger than me)

Me and Mum, my aunty. had stayed in Italy from 23rd June to 3rd June. So I and Mum are leaving tomorrow on the 10.20pm plane from London to Hong Kong (arriving there at 5.05pm-Thursday 19th July) and then we just wait at the Hong Kong airport and etc.. before we catch the 9.05pm plane from Hong Kong to New Zealand arriving there at 12pm on Friday 19th July. Two days on the plane, eh? Not impressed, lol! :rolleyes::P

Had watched today's episode when it aired this afternoon from 1.15pm to 1.45pm

Liked the Apex and Dexter/Sid scenes. They are my favourite parts.

Nice to see Charlie. She looks so stunning in the blue dress. I do miss her If she wasn't killed off, Ruby should never have ended up in jail :(

Felt sorry for Casey at the end when he was told Tamara had memory loss

I want to thank the UK viewers e.g. Red Ranger 1 and H&Alover, Psychic Wombat for sharing this thread with me when I posted my reviews for Episodes 5764-5767 in this thread :) Hugs to all xxx Thank you for all making me feel welcome when I posted in this thread, lol. *Group hug* (Hopefully i will probably get to watch Episode 5768 tomorrow afternoon. If not-oh well never mind) :P

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Part of me wants to think that wasn't really Charlie's Ghost but just some figment of Brax's imagination or aspect of his personality, because she really didn't seem like the Charlie I remember.But then dead people do have a tendency to get all calm and cryptic so it's probably just a side effect of being dead.Still, had to raise an eyebrow at Brax saying everything's been a struggle since she's been "gone", as if it was all a bed of roses before.That said, his reflecting that nothing he's done has made any difference does seem realistic.Nice, if rather brief, scene of Heath and Emerson trying the carrot and stick technique on Adam.And loved Sid and Dexter's coffee chat and Sid reflecting on how glad he is that Dexter pulled through, whatever the explanation.The show really is using the older cast members well in elder statesmen roles at the moment.

So, Tamara's out of hospital but it's not made any difference to her memory.April was at the most priggish we've seen her yet, from the moment Kyle volunteered to drive them home she seemed to be shooting him dirty looks every time he dared to talk to Tamara.Maybe Kyle didn't have to go with them but frankly it was a good job he did.He was the one who was calming Tamara down and making sure she was reassured and felt at home there, while April's contribution seemed to consist of "That's Casey there.See how happy you are, yeah?You should be really, really in love with him.Are you there yet?"I do understand that Casey's her friend and she'd want to look out for him but she really didn't seem to be considering what was best for Tamara and it's not being forced to feel what she used to straightaway.April's lecture to Kyle when he was showing genuine concern was uncalled for.Kyle does mostly seem interested in helping Tamara but I think he is aware that he's treading on Casey's territory a bit and is enjoying being the person Tamara trusts a bit too much.The ending was frustrating for different reasons:Once again, Brax fed Casey a bunch of lies and half truths and now Kyle has to break it to him and deal with the fallout.

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Hope you enjoyed your visit JarlieFanEver where were you staying, have a safe journey home.

Thank you, H&Alover. We were staying at my aunty's house She's my mum's second sister. Mum is the eldest of three brothers and two sisters and Dad is the eldest of 3 sisters and one brother, lol) And I am the first child too and I just have one sister (six years younger than me)

Me and Mum, my aunty. had stayed in Italy from 23rd June to 3rd June. So I and Mum are leaving tomorrow on the 10.20pm plane from London to Hong Kong (arriving there at 5.05pm-Thursday 19th July) and then we just wait at the Hong Kong airport and etc.. before we catch the 9.05pm plane from Hong Kong to New Zealand arriving there at 12pm on Friday 19th July. Two days on the plane, eh? Not impressed, lol! :rolleyes::P

Had watched today's episode when it aired this afternoon from 1.15pm to 1.45pm

Liked the Apex and Dexter/Sid scenes. They are my favourite parts.

Nice to see Charlie. She looks so stunning in the blue dress. I do miss her If she wasn't killed off, Ruby should never have ended up in jail :(

Felt sorry for Casey at the end when he was told Tamara had memory loss

I want to thank the UK viewers e.g. Red Ranger 1 and H&Alover, Psychic Wombat for sharing this thread with me when I posted my reviews for Episodes 5764-5767 in this thread :) Hugs to all xxx Thank you for all making me feel welcome when I posted in this thread, lol. *Group hug* (Hopefully i will probably get to watch Episode 5768 tomorrow afternoon. If not-oh well never mind) :P

Hold on, Did Ruby actually get sent down for the car stunt?

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Hope you enjoyed your visit JarlieFanEver where were you staying, have a safe journey home.

Thank you, H&Alover. We were staying at my aunty's house She's my mum's second sister. Mum is the eldest of three brothers and two sisters and Dad is the eldest of 3 sisters and one brother, lol) And I am the first child too and I just have one sister (six years younger than me)

Me and Mum, my aunty. had stayed in Italy from 23rd June to 3rd June. So I and Mum are leaving tomorrow on the 10.20pm plane from London to Hong Kong (arriving there at 5.05pm-Thursday 19th July) and then we just wait at the Hong Kong airport and etc.. before we catch the 9.05pm plane from Hong Kong to New Zealand arriving there at 12pm on Friday 19th July. Two days on the plane, eh? Not impressed, lol! :rolleyes::P

Had watched today's episode when it aired this afternoon from 1.15pm to 1.45pm

Liked the Apex and Dexter/Sid scenes. They are my favourite parts.

Nice to see Charlie. She looks so stunning in the blue dress. I do miss her If she wasn't killed off, Ruby should never have ended up in jail :(

Felt sorry for Casey at the end when he was told Tamara had memory loss

I want to thank the UK viewers e.g. Red Ranger 1 and H&Alover, Psychic Wombat for sharing this thread with me when I posted my reviews for Episodes 5764-5767 in this thread :) Hugs to all xxx Thank you for all making me feel welcome when I posted in this thread, lol. *Group hug* (Hopefully i will probably get to watch Episode 5768 tomorrow afternoon. If not-oh well never mind) :P

Hold on, Did Ruby actually get sent down for the car stunt?

In Episode 5588, Leah said something to Romeo about Ruby staying with Morag on bail until the trial at court or something like that. And that's it. None was heard about her getting sent down for the car stunt.

Ruby hasn't been mentioned since Episode 5588, 5591, 5642 and 5713. (I wonder if Dexter thinks about her because they were friends and he helped her while she was drinking and struggling to deal with her grief over the loss of her mother, right?)

For god's sake, Ruby and Dexter were good friends. I wonder if he has been thinking about her sometimes since she left to go to prison. I guess no one ever wanted to talk about her at all as if like they don't want to know anything about her anymore since what she had done..

Such a pity Sid and Dexter didn't mention her when they were having their coffee chat in Episode 5767. It should have been nicer to see Dexter mention her a bit and how he had felt about what she had done...

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