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Just had finished watching Episode 5768 :)

Glad Leah and Irene, VJ are back. Liked the hug between VJ and Jett when they were reunited.

Gonna crack up at the John scenes :P He was so awesome to watch on the show, lol.

Felt sorry for Casey since he learnt Tamara doesn't remember him. Looks things will never be easy for him ahead since learning his girlfriend had memory loss and doesn't remember their relationship and etc...

Do you think Kyle should have backed off a bit and give Tamara some space so she can try to remember again...? I know he was just beginning there for her as a friend which was good but should be nicer if he backed off a bit and give her some space. Sorry if it sounds silly about what I said, lol.

Wanted to say thanks again to the UK viewers for letting me post my reviews for Episodes 5764-5768 in this thread :) It had been fun posting my reviews for these episodes. And then on Friday 19th July I will be watching Episode 5785 on NZ screens lol.

We are leaving my aunty's flat at 3pm to caught the taxi that would take us to the airport. And we have to check in and etc...just wait and walk around, and then off we go to catch the 10.22pm plane :)

And thanks again for letting me post in this thread. Ciao! :D xxx

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Given the excitement expressed at the prospect of Danny teaching Brax a lesson by previous comments in this thread a while back, I'm surprised there aren't any posters jumping for joy now that Brax appears to have finally gotten his, although I'm expecting him to make a full recovery. Good to see Charlie again. I really liked her so great to see a character on the show that I actually like.

I share April's concerns about Tamara and Kyle. Since Tamara suffered amnesia it's felt to me that she and Kyle have been bonding and although it didn't seem intentional at first, now it's almost as though he's taking advantage. It's also clear that he's still in love with her but this would never be happening if she hadn't lost her memory. I didn't like the way April confronted him about it yesterday but today it annoyed me the way Kyle put his foot down with regards to Casey trying to come to terms with everything. And it does now feel like he's trying to use the situation to get closer to her. Almost bordering on manipulation. I think what would be interesting is if Tamara developed strong feelings for Kyle but then got her memory back.

I think April's doing OK as an intern. Should Sid be letting her do the CPR that early though? Have to say with the throat infection, I'm finding her voice quite cute.

Whilst I don't mind VJ being back I'm not entirely happy to see Leah. She treated Jamie like absolute crap and I don't have one bit of sympathy for her. If anything she brought the whole situation on herself. Don't care about the backlash for saying this but I hope Jamie gets released early and resumes the stalking for a bit. As in the context of the fictional show it was pure entertainment.

Surprisingly quite enjoyed the stuff with John, Jett and Marilyn. Seems quite light-hearted.

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I wouldn't go as far as to say Kyle is taking advantage, I think his main priority is still making sure Tamara's okay.But when Tamara said "I don't know what I'd do without you", that should set alarm bells ringing and make him aware there's a danger of her becoming dependent on him.Instead, he seemed pleased.He does seem to be acting like her bodyguard a bit too much.It perhaps wasn't his place to put a stop to Casey and Tamara's first meeting but I think it was the right decision, Casey was putting too much pressure on her and trying to force the memories to come which isn't the way to handle it.But it was wrong for Kyle to be the one to tell Casey that Tamara didn't want him staying in the flat with her, he needs to let Tamara take control herself.Liked the chat between Casey and Indi and she gave him good advice about letting Tamara get to know him, shame he doesn't seem to be following up on it, moving out of the house when even Kyle seemed to think he should stay.It's obviously difficult for him being around the person he loves and not having her remember him, just as it's difficult for Tamara being able to see how he feels and not give him what he wants.But really, Casey needs to do what Kyle's doing and just be a friend to her.It almost feels like he's planning to stay away until her memory comes back, then pick up where he left off.Could work is she gets better tomorrow but if it drags on, she might not be happy about him abandoning her even if she gets her memory back.When Casey said to Kyle that they all want things to get back to how they were...well, I doubt Kyle wants to go back to Tamara hating him.

I did enjoy the John/Jett/Marilyn stuff and I actually rather like that Marilyn seems to have moved in.Even though none of them want her to replace Gina, it seems to be happening naturally and the fact that they're very different people adds up to an interesting dynamic.

Yay, VJ's back.Can't quite get used to him having no hair though.Loved seeing him and Jett together again:Their needling of Harvey as the world's most overenthusiastic lifeguard, apparently convinced that you're not allowed to stand outside the flags, and VJ's joy at seeing Indi for the first time in months and Jett's "We had a thing."Not so bothered about Leah being back.In some ways, it feels like she never left(because she didn't do much while she was there), in others it feels like it's the episode after we last saw her since her storyline doesn't seem to have moved on an inch.Having seen Jamie trying to turn himself around and having a much harder time than she had, having her act like he's a monster feels very jarring and doesn't really make me sympathise with her much. (Wonder if anyone's told Jamie his father's alive yet?They might be next door neighbours soon...)Assuming we haven't seen the last of Ricky, I'd quite like her to set Leah straight.The fact that half the town's died or left and she's surrounded by newbies makes Leah feel like a bit of a relic as well.Although there's no definitive proof they've met, Kyle was living with the Braxtons when she left and was even more aware of what was going on between her and Jamie than Brax was, so their treating each other like someone they've just heard mentioned in passing felt a bit strange.

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Hi I'm back. Went on holiday for a week and couldn't post anything when I got back, but a kind chap called Dan (whoever he is) gave me a new password. Been following all your posts, but sorry I missed JarlieFanEver.

Most interesting storeyline is Kyle/Tamara/Casey, being acted out very well by all 3. Sure Kyle is still in love with her, but he's trying to do the decent thing (he maybe a Braxton but he's not a river boy) and give Casey a chance to get back with Tamara. Personally I always thought that there was much more chemistry between Kyle and Tamara and hope that they will get together soon. Interesting point Red, suppose her memory comes back later? This will probably run for a while and make good viewing. I liked the "mighty mouse" tag, Psychic Wombat.

The other character that has grown on me is Jett. Well played for a young actor and works well with the older John and Marilyn. Holds his own very well, especially with John, telling his to shut up until he finished. Hope he stays a while and turns a few more girls' heads as he grows more mature and confident. Indi again????

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Glad you had a good stay JarlieFanEver do 'pop in' when you get home, hope you had a good journey and won't be too tired. Thanks for lovely thoughts :blush:

Is it just me or has Charlie had something done to her lips on the other side? True her life with Brax wasn't a bed of roses, a whole nettle bed if anything, but life for him hasn't been that good since, I'm guessing we will be seeing more of them before everything gets resolved. Anyone else reminded of Alf/Alsa ?

Tam is physically OK though as she has lost her memory, staying somewhere she doesn't remember may not help that much. April may have come across too strong, but I can see what she is getting at, the imprinting thing, as Kyle, apart from Sid, Dex and herself, was the only one not shouting at her. He is trying so hard not to get too close when such a huge part of him wants to. He was reluctant to give that hug she needed, must be so hard for him.

Brax & Heath may be should have told Casey the truth before, but what could he have done, at least Kyle prepared him and a lot more gently perhaps than Brax or Heath would have done. Can't have been easy for Kyle to suggest Casey move out of the flat for a while, would have looked to Casey that he was just itching to move in on Tam, must be so hard for anyone to have someone you love and who used to love you not know you anymore. Funnily I was thinking along the same lines as Casey that he and Tam just start get to know each other afresh. Their first introduction to each other was hardly conventional! At least he, Casey, listened to Sid a lot more calmly that Heath did.

Lovely talk between Dex and Sid about how his treatment went and why it is some come back OK, some come back changed and some don't come back at all. Maybe Sid had it right when he said it's down to the individual, that is something the medical profession will never perhaps know.

Nice to see Leah, Irene and VJ back, goodness hasn't he grown!!!!! Leah (no more hiding behind counters, bushes etc for her) hasn't got over what drove her away in the first place. She was very reluctant to go home on her own and I don't suppose it helped seeing the boarded up window, then Kyle scares the life out of her. Wonder what Nic & Zac are doing in the city? Nice to see Jett & VJ (or AJ as the voice over lady called him) reunited, though the hug was a bit self conscious. Who was that girl VJ was checking out on the beach, I don't think it was Nina?

Oh John you really are the patient from hell aren't you? He's loving all that attention and people running around after him. Loved Jett's line about if Marilyn hadn't been there he would have pulled all of his hair out! He's been rumbled now though and I think I'm liking Marilyn and Jett's idea of revenge. :lol:

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Who was that girl VJ was checking out on the beach, I don't think it was Nina?

That girl was the lovely Indi, looking all glam as usual in her bikini. Probably does look hotter than she did 6 months ago - we don't notice when we see her all the time.

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Oh, I'm really not sure about Spencer and Sasha.It feels like a complete backward step for Sasha, who's back to a simpering girly girl perving over guys with their shirts off.(Where's Rosie?Still visiting her dad?)I don't blame the actors, who are doing their best to inject some humour and awkward chemistry into a couple who've had no real build up and don't seem to be together for any reason other than plot convenience.We get treated to Indi and Harvey repeatedly saying they'll be a great couple without really saying anything to justify it and even throwing the L word about with typically ridiculous haste but personally I reacted like Roo, sighing wearily and thinking "Oh ter-riffic", and it might be significant that even in what's supposedly a joyous moment we're made aware of the bad feeling it's going to cause?Is Indi really still holding herself and Romeo up as a shining example of a perfect couple?Because if so her advice doesn't really make much sense:"If Spencer and Maddy were meant to be together, they would be and he wouldn't have feelings for you."Yeah, I imagine someone told Ruby the same thing a year ago, so how does Indi know Sasha's not in the same position?Doesn't help that Spencer almost says that he's only not with Maddy because he isn't sure if she really wants him.

The John/Jett/Marilyn stuff continued to be rather sweet and funny and it's nice that, despite their addressing their differences, Harvey is still John's berserk button.The end was a bit weird though:Did John really injure his back again or was he just putting it on?

For much of that episode, much as I did when they left, I found myself wishing VJ had come back and Leah had stayed away.Her judgemental jumping to conclusions about Zac annoyed me, it made her no better than the gutter press, and I'm completely at a loss as to what Bianca was actually apologising for.Fortunately, the character improved tremendously in the latter half of the episode, the stuff at the gym and her hyper attitude with VJ back at the house reminded me that Leah can actually be a pretty lively and kooky character when given the material.Hopefully, we'll see more of this side of the character and less of her being a wet blanket.(Unless she's right about Zac and she's found his secret stash of pot...)

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Though I agree to a certain extent about Sasha & Spencer I did find myself enjoying the scenes in the gym. Her one line about a gym hater to a rater, plus the facial expressions made me laugh and she kind of reminded me of a female Dex in that moment. And I love that Indi is being the annoying sister in this. I also like that while Roo is trying to take care of Maddy in this situation Harvey only wants to see Spencer happy. Why should he push Spencer away from Sasha if that is what makes him happy?

I think it works because this storyline is not just about 2 characters. So far it has included Rosie, Roo, Maddy, Harvey and Indi, so hasn't really alienated itself like others (like April/Dex for instance, when the only other characters involved were Sid for Dex and Irene for April). And for me Sasha really hasn't lost herself yet unlike when she got a crush on Casey. Yes she has her moments of pervy behaviour (don't we all :lol:) but she is definitely the Sasha I love. I just hope they learnt from the complete character change in the Sasha/Casey story that romance doesn't equal females turning weak/obsessive/stepford like.

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Who was that girl VJ was checking out on the beach, I don't think it was Nina?

That girl was the lovely Indi, looking all glam as usual in her bikini. Probably does look hotter than she did 6 months ago - we don't notice when we see her all the time.

Thanks for that Brian, didn't recognise her from that distance.

Roo may have been tut-tutting about Spencer and Sasha getting together but she couldn't expect Spencer to stay away from any other girl for ever. Sasha did at least have qualms about 'betraying' a sister by dating your friends ex, but if they are meant to be a couple, even if just for a while, so be it. It's not as if he has been cheating on Maddy with Sasha. Let's hope Spencer does the right thing and tells Maddy before she overhears it from someone else or sees them together.

Now one moment Leah is freaking out about being at home and wanting to spend the night at Irene's, the next she's back home with VJ, did I miss something? She was very judgmental (but then she does tend to be like that) about his old conviction for drug dealing. She hasn't met him yet and it was Gina who hired him despite of it and his refusal to deny it had happened. She did seem to improve after her gym session, but her suddenly deciding to do some home improvement by stripping off random bits of wallpaper did come across as kind of weird.

Seems Bianca is in trouble for standing up publicly for Zac.

Jett and Marilyn made a great double act, knew exactly what button (named Harvey) to push. His admission it was because he enjoyed having Marilyn there to look after them was rather sweet. I loved Jett's fake tears, then he cracked up admitting her couldn't keep it us any longer. I was wondering about John's sudden back pain at the end, trouble is neither Jett or Marilyn would be likely to believe him if It was genuine.

Looks like more to come on the Charlie/Brax 'dream/vision'.

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Alf's episode count this week:One!(Although he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance.)Roo was in four.

Sasha's response to Spencer taking his shirt off was practically identical to Casey doing the same last year.And I'm not sure this storyline has involved Rosie just because the three of them had scenes together a while back.Quite the opposite in fact, it seems like this storyline has replaced Rosie:Every time the show wants to focus on Sasha and Spencer having feelings for each other Rosie disappears for the week(we haven't seen her in two weeks since she told her foster mother about her pregnancy).Which is another reason I'm not so keen on it.Plus, it's coming across more and more as April and Dexter Redux.The way they're treating Maddy is reminiscent of the way they treated Xavier, with the same result that I'm being put off a not-very-special couple by having them sneak around behind the back of a character I like.They're not even cheating but they still seem in the wrong because of the cowardly way they're acting.I seriously wanted to slap Sasha when Spencer was trying to tell Maddy and she kept shaking her head at him.The "Let's not do anything until we tell her so we don't look so bad" thing also sounds very familiar.Even though Sasha eventually had a point that Maddy needs them all to work together to help Bianca and potentially falling out would mess that up, it felt just like the latest excuse(Her "You were going to tell her?!" near the start was very telling).It's a shame that Maddy's finally pulling herself together and moving on and now they're proving her right.I get Harvey wants Spencer to be happy but Roo's in a very awkward position here: Spencer and Sasha are lying to Maddy and she knows, so she's left with a choice between either telling Maddy and upsetting Harvey and Spencer or risking Maddy finding out she knew and damaging the bond she's worked to build up between them.

Loved all the stuff with Heath at the hospital.His reading a surfing mag to Brax to try and wake him up was wonderfully misguided, it'd put someone in a coma if they weren't there already.The differing reactions to Ricky were interesting, with Heath being more understanding and willing to try anything to help Brax(again, he actually makes a fairly decent head of the family if you keep him away from the business)while Casey who was hurt more, ending up in prison and having Tamara forget him, doesn't want anything to do with her.The Charlie/Brax stuff has lost its novelty and it's becoming even more frustrating to hear Charlie talking about their relationship as if it was something wonderful when I'd rather hear her yelling at him for getting her killed so her daughter went off the rails and ended up on criminal charges.Ah well, at least it seems to be over now.

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