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No Red, Sasha and Spencer are not lying to Maddy. Spencer has broken up with her and is free to date anyone else. It would be different if he was two-timing then, which he isn't. These things happen all the time with teenagers. Very few first loves make it all the way and it can be very painful, especially the first time, at the split. You don't have to go back and apologise to your former partner. It's part of growing up and part of the joys and heartbreaks at that age. Do you remember, Red?

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I never said Spencer isn't free to date whoever he likes.And maybe "lying" is a bit too strong a word, although given that the subject came up and Spencer made an excuse and left, it would possibly qualify as a lie of omission.But they are deliberately keeping the truth about their relationship from her and letting her believe she was wrong about them.And actually, I think they did lie:When they assume that she knows and then realise she's talking about Bianca, she asks them what they thought she was talking about and they go "Oh, we weren't sure if it was true", when in reality it's the first they've heard of it and they were talking about something else.It's duplicitous and secretive whichever way you look at it.And no, I can't say it's a situation I've ever found myself in personally.

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Spencer has broken up with her and is free to date anyone else. It would be different if he was two-timing then, which he isn't. These things happen all the time with teenagers. Very few first loves make it all the way and it can be very painful, especially the first time, at the split. You don't have to go back and apologise to your former partner. It's part of growing up and part of the joys and heartbreaks at that age.

I think Brian you've said exactly what someone should tell Roo. I not particularly keen on the prospect of Sasha and Spencer but her attitude towards the first kiss hasn't particularly impressed me. She was the one who called Maddie out just recently about keeping Spencer on standby. And now she seems more worried about Maddie's feelings getting hurt than she is about Spencer actually being happy. I thought Harvey was spot on and I really hope Roo doesn't decide to tell Maddie herself because once's again it's none of her business. Given yesterday's episode in particular the look of fear in Sasha's face when she thought Maddie knew about her and Spencer, and when Maddie was mouthing off when they were training just before Zak showed up for the self-defense class, I do actually hope Maddie finds out accidentally, or maybe Sasha and Spencer change their mind about being friends without telling Maddie and Maddie catches them making out as I think I would quite enjoy seeing her hit the roof and storm of in a childish tantrum.

Found the conversation with Leah and Indy quite interesting in that Leah sort of admired her, given what happened with Romeo for keeping the gym going. I am left wondering why she is still doing it and trying to juggle the business with uni. I'm assuming this is just a legacy thing i.e. the legacy being Romeo as he was the one who wanted this originally.

Another assumption is that Bianca presumably got demoted because she suspended Zak with regards to Holly's complaint, the press got wind of it, Bianca gave a statement on behalf of the school without their permission, school's name was dragged through the mud and she didn't check the all facts properly beforehand so this all could have been avoided.

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I think the main problem with the Sasha/Spencer/Maddy triangle is because Sasha is Maddy's friend and knows how upset she was when they broke up even though she dumped him. I commented earlier it would be hard enough if it had been any other girl at their school but it is Sasha. They aren't cheating on her which has already been said, but Maddy isn't going to see it that way, she's going to think there was something going on beforehand when there wasn't. All Roo (and Harvey) can do is keep out of it and (I don't want to say keep on at Spencer cos that will just get his back up) but impress upon him he should tell Maddy about him and Sash sooner rather than later. S&S did look very guilty when Maddy rushed up to them and they thought she had found out. :blush: Maybe economical with the truth is nearer the mark.

Wow Heath you never fail to surprise me lately, his standing up for Ricky came right out of the blue, I was expecting (and she probably did too) him to have a right rant at her on the beach and tell her to clear off. Instead he's asking her to stay and get Brax back from wherever he is. He also managed to persuade Casey to let her back in to speak to Brax. Actually I thought him reading a surfing magazine to Brax was exactly the right choice! I was expecting a lot more from the Charlie/Brax scenes than we got, we got a brief mention that his brothers could manage without him and was expecting her to show him how lost they would be without him, but no nothing!!!

I thought the reason Bianca had been demoted was because she made that statement to the paper defending Zac when the Deaprtment had told her to keep quite and they wouldn't say anything.

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I kept flip-flopping from going awww, chuckling and wanting to bitchslap someone while watching Friday's episode. I was going awww throughout most of Heath's scenes because he has come so far, chuckling at Irene calling him muscles and getting annoyed that Casey wasn't helping the situation at all. I was glad everytime Heath smacked him back down in regards to Ricky.

I have enjoyed the Chax reunion but after seeing it I will forever think of it as a trip into Brax's mind instead of a ghost!Charlie saving her love. And I will leave you with the comment my Dad made (he watches H&A quite rarely but caught Fridays episode)... 'All they needed was a potters wheel and some Unchained Melody in the background and we would have had an Aussie tribute Ghost' :lol:!

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I kept flip-flopping from going awww, chuckling and wanting to bitchslap someone while watching Friday's episode. I was going awww throughout most of Heath's scenes because he has come so far, chuckling at Irene calling him muscles and getting annoyed that Casey wasn't helping the situation at all. I was glad everytime Heath smacked him back down in regards to Ricky.

I have enjoyed the Chax reunion but after seeing it I will forever think of it as a trip into Brax's mind instead of a ghost!Charlie saving her love. And I will leave you with the comment my Dad made (he watches H&A quite rarely but caught Fridays episode)... 'All they needed was a potters wheel and some Unchained Melody in the background and we would have had an Aussie tribute Ghost' :lol:!


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Good to see the brothers together round the bed. When Brax thanked Kyle for keeping the restaurant going, I thought when is he ever in there? Never seen him in black lately. He seems to spend all day looking after Tamara. Can't blame him - I would as well! And he got some thanks this evening in Leah's house

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... We saw Kyle smile!

He can smile! That is like... only the fifth time that has happened, right? The Diner scene with Kyle, Leah and Roo had me laughing until Casey and bunny-boiler showed up. Although I hated the way Tamara completely blanked Casey (it was like she was her usual self again :lol:) I didn't understand the hostility at that particular moment because it was obvious Kyle needed help carrying things so it was logical Tamara would help. And that was cemented by Leah and Roo following with a load of stuff in hand. I could have done without the Kyle/Tamara scene at the end. When she walked out in just a shirt and he was half-naked I almost thought channel 5 had accidently started playing a cheapo porn movie (basically what they used to show when the channel first started). I was awaiting the sleazy music... :devil:

Also loved the Asbo!Group breaking into the school. Loved Spencer's generally acting like a dork in that scene and the moment the lights went on were priceless. Especially Maddy's reaction.

Good episode tonight.

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I actually rather liked Tamara in this episode.The situation is unfair on Casey but Tamara obviously feels pressured to return his feelings when she's around him so April, in full on asking-for-a-slap mode again, once more trying to force her into loving him and then trying to stop her and Kyle even talking to each other at the Diner really isn't the best way to handle it(although I'll buy her volunteering to keep Tamara company and sending Kyle to see Brax, even if I'm not sure about her motives).I do have to wonder where Tamara got that outfit from, which looked very unlike what she usually wears;did she have a load of extra clothes hidden away at the back of the wardrobe or has she been on a shopping spree?The awkwardness of her asking Kyle how they both ended up in the desert at the same time was rather amusing, he handled it fairly well.I didn't actually mind the final scene but it is way too soon for something to happen, from her perspective she's only known him for a couple of weeks and she hasn't had time to process what's happened yet.Still, it was virtually identical to the way she made a move on Casey first night she stayed there so maybe it's just what Tamara does. Interesting to spot the differences between the scenes, notably the way it's Tamara who grabs him for a kiss in the middle of him talking.

While I don't blame Casey for hating Ricky after everything that's happened to him because of her(as he said last week, "Adam told me to" isn't really a good enough excuse)and was annoyed with the way Heath and especially Bianca tried to force him to forgive her, I was actually pleased that Heath took the moment to thank her for helping Brax come round, reminiscent of his being the only one to thank Marilyn for arranging Danny's funeral.In fact, seeing him sticking up for Kyle, keeping Casey in line and(with Bianca)stopping him charging round to Tamara's and making things worse and generally being the supportive one, I suddenly realise that Heath's turned into the nice Braxton.I'm also left thinking that, with Kyle doing a good job running the business and Heath doing a pretty good job running the family, they don't really need Brax anymore and all he's contributing is a succession of doomladen romances.

Good to see the adults rallying round Maddy's idea, with Irene and Leah talking her into ignoring Bianca and going ahead with it.Bit weird that Harvey didn't feel like exchanging criminal records with Zac:Does he think election fraud is worse than dealing pot?Irene turning the lights on while everyone's sneaking around playing commandos was funny.Sasha and Spencer continue to annoy me, with the rather hypocritical "We'll sneak around together but not kiss or anything".I saw people watching at Aus pace making out Sasha's blameless and it's Spencer who wouldn't tell Maddy but as far as I can tell it's the other way round, Spencer's the one that's making more of an effort to come clean and Sasha's the one looking for excuses to put it off and coming out with cover stories(yeah, tell Maddy he's buying her a present, that'll help...).I'm glad Roo had a word with Spencer because, as I said last week, she's in a difficult position here.

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I actually rather liked Tamara in this episode.The situation is unfair on Casey but Tamara obviously feels pressured to return his feelings when she's around him so April, in full on asking-for-a-slap mode again, once more trying to force her into loving him and then trying to stop her and Kyle even talking to each other at the Diner really isn't the best way to handle it(although I'll buy her volunteering to keep Tamara company and sending Kyle to see Brax, even if I'm not sure about her motives).I do have to wonder where Tamara got that outfit from, which looked very unlike what she usually wears;did she have a load of extra clothes hidden away at the back of the wardrobe or has she been on a shopping spree?The awkwardness of her asking Kyle how they both ended up in the desert at the same time was rather amusing, he handled it fairly well.I didn't actually mind the final scene but it is way too soon for something to happen, from her perspective she's only known him for a couple of weeks and she hasn't had time to process what's happened yet.Still, it was virtually identical to the way she made a move on Casey first night she stayed there so maybe it's just what Tamara does. Interesting to spot the differences between the scenes, notably the way it's Tamara who grabs him for a kiss in the middle of him talking.

While I don't blame Casey for hating Ricky after everything that's happened to him because of her(as he said last week, "Adam told me to" isn't really a good enough excuse)and was annoyed with the way Heath and especially Bianca tried to force him to forgive her, I was actually pleased that Heath took the moment to thank her for helping Brax come round, reminiscent of his being the only one to thank Marilyn for arranging Danny's funeral.In fact, seeing him sticking up for Kyle, keeping Casey in line and(with Bianca)stopping him charging round to Tamara's and making things worse and generally being the supportive one, I suddenly realise that Heath's turned into the nice Braxton.I'm also left thinking that, with Kyle doing a good job running the business and Heath doing a pretty good job running the family, they don't really need Brax anymore and all he's contributing is a succession of doomladen romances.

So I am not the only one finding April a little creepy now? Especially with her pushing Casey towards Tamara and then trying to drum it in to Tamara that what she has with Kyle is false but her twu luv with Casey was real. If she hadn't come across as creepy it would have been a good couple of scenes. I still don't get why Tamara has gone into girly mode though :lol:!

Heath has becomes a great character and I think he could be the Braxton that is not forgotten in a couple of years. He didn't just change in the space of a week and is not completely reformed. You get glimmers of what he was, followed by moments of awesome-ness. You forgot to mention that as well as running the family he can hold down a job and didn't he take over running the gym for a few weeks to help out Indi? Between him and Kyle they really don't need Brax (although Kyle never did need him).

I still don't know what to make of the Spencer/Sasha stuff. Except for Roo is seriously pissing me off because she took on 2 teenagers... yet she only seems to care about Maddy.

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