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Ah that scene where Kyle, Tam, Leah & Leah left the Diner in broad daylight then turned up at Leah's in the dark, did they go via Sydney? :huh:

Kyle is trying so hard to be just a friend to Tam and she isn't making it easy for him especially at the end, definitely a replay of her jumping on Casey. Had to smile when she asked Kyle if she had met him and Casey in the desert, I thought you sure did and tried to kill Kyle! Interesting she sort of remembered having seen Leah's before. April did kind of stand up for Kyle when Casey asked her if he could trust Kyle and she replied 'it's not him I'd be worried about'.

Heath was so moved to see Brax alive, he got all choked up and Brax motioned to him and whispered 'man up'. Understand why Casey would be so against Ricky, if she hadn't lead them all so far down the path she was leading them, Tam wouldn't be in the state she is in now. The way I look at it is she was probably so used to being 'guided' by Adam for most of her life she couldn't (or didn't want to) see when he had lost the plot. I'm glad she was persuaded to see Brax and that he was able to tell her he loved her. :wub:

I agree Sash is the one who is putting Spencer off telling Maddy telling the truth, but can't work out why.

Well done Irene and Leah backing the kids and ignoring Bianca, those scenes in the school with them all sneaking around, until Irene walked in and put all the lights on was funny. :D

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Love the Kyle/Tamara scenes. Disagree with you, Pierced Musie, about the porn impression of Tamara coming onto Kyle in bed. I thought it was done sensitively and what naturally might have happened at that time of night. How Kyle managed to push her away was amazing. He must surely have wanted more. And then she asks him "would you want to be with me?" His expressions and well thought answers, delivered slowly, are priceless. How long can he keep it up? And we saw him in black today going to work. Is Tamara still a waitress? How is she managing to get by?

Agree Heath is becoming more mature by the day. A worthy husband for Bianca now.

Loved the school protest - very well done. Poor Maddie - how will she react to the news. bet someone else breaks it to her.

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While Kyle was right to put a stop to anything happening between them, the bond between him and Tamara is feeling a bit more natural and I found myself disappointed that he backed out of their friendship/burgeoning romance.I can see his concerns though, Tamara's memory could come back, she'd know about their history and back off and they'd both get hurt.Leah annoyed me a bit, she made some good points but I couldn't really tell if she was angry with Kyle with being there for Tamara or not being there for Tamara and her attitude seemed to consist of telling him he'd messed up without really offering any practical advice.(Also, for someone to whom they were all complete strangers not too long ago, Leah seemed oddly maternal towards Tamara and familiar towards Kyle.)Mind you, Natalie got the annoying crown for the episode by being stroppy with Zac and then not only lying to him but acting as though it was his fault for somehow making her do it.

I'm not really sure why Bianca was against the protest, unless she was having an attack of the guilts and felt that going against the Department meant she wasn't right for principal.Liked Maddy sticking to her guns and refusing to back down, even though the organisation wasn't that good, she could have come a cropper with the press if Zac hadn't stepped in and kudos too for John with his episode-stealing moment rallying the troops.Not sure the protest would have worked in real life but maybe the Department didn't want any more negative publicity.Sasha and Spencer's "If we don't do any coupley stuff we'll still have the moral high ground" stance seems increasingly tokenistic, they'd have broken it if it wasn't for Harvey(deliberately?)flashing his lights at them.Again, Spencer seemed to be the one most keen to come clean and Sasha seemed to be the one looking for excuses, although she was probably right about not telling Maddy in the middle of the protest.She did also decide they should tell her afterwards;for some reason Spencer acted like it was his fault they didn't when so far as I could see they both chickened out.They're even fobbing Rosie off.(Plus side: Yay, Rosie does still exist!)I did say quite a while back that there seems to be this split of Roo with Maddy and Harvey with Spencer and while Harvey's had a bit with Maddy since then Roo hasn't really had much with Spencer.That said, it does seem like Spencer's pretty much removed himself from the family:Alf said yesterday it was ages since he'd been to the house and, for reasons that are a bit vague, he seems to have stopped working with Alf and Harvey and started working with, well, Sasha's family basically.

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While Kyle was right to put a stop to anything happening between them, the bond between him and Tamara is feeling a bit more natural and I found myself disappointed that he backed out of their friendship/burgeoning romance.I can see his concerns though, Tamara's memory could come back, she'd know about their history and back off and they'd both get hurt.Leah annoyed me a bit, she made some good points but I couldn't really tell if she was angry with Kyle with being there for Tamara or not being there for Tamara and her attitude seemed to consist of telling him he'd messed up without really offering any practical advice.(Also, for someone to whom they were all complete strangers not too long ago, Leah seemed oddly maternal towards Tamara and familiar towards Kyle.)Mind you, Natalie got the annoying crown for the episode by being stroppy with Zac and then not only lying to him but acting as though it was his fault for somehow making her do it.

Agree with you about Leah. She hardly knows Tamara and yet wants to take her into her house and hen tell Kyle off for being there. Kyle is really good for now right now.
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Some lovely banter between Sid, Indigo and Dexter in that episode.I loved Indi's attempt at a bucket list("Number three, climb Mount Everest.No, wait, everyone tries to do that...Number four, kill Dex"). Dexter trying to join the exercise class and then attempting to surf were great ideas, so it's a shame he seems to have abandoned both of them so quickly.Loved his calling Jett and VJ's bluff.Shame that he seems so determined to turn into Romeo:Wish he'd stop at learning to surf rather than deciding to marry the on-off girlfriend that he shouldn't even be with.Isn't it kind of worrying that he has more chemistry with his sisters than the supposed love of his life?Not really sure what the point of Romeo's letter was, a letter saying Indi had inherited the share because he was dead would have rounded off the storyline well and, while I'm glad Indi hasn't let it set her back, I can't help being worried that they're leaving it open for an off screen reunion when Indi leaves.(The fact she's still looking at the years she wasted on him with rose-tinted glasses doesn't help.)

Well, I said a few weeks back that Nina came across as nice but not much else, so the decision to turn her into VJ's arch-enemy at least gives her something more to do.Love that this feud's been going on for years over something as trivial as her taking one of his Pokémon cards.(Gosh, do kids still like Pokémon?)John once more makes a load of insightful comments that turn out to be completely wrong, love that he said that Jett running off rather than choosing between them was something he'd do.Slightly frustrating that VJ won't tell Jett what his problem is.

Natalie continued to annoy me constantly with the way she played the innocent victim and Leah once again has a go at the man when Zac's even more innocent than Kyle, which makes her come across as a bit misandristic.Zac has come across as the rebound guy somewhat so it's probably about time he got fed up of just taking it.

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Lovely family scenes of the Walker family, all that banter, just like before Dex had his accident. Are we to gather Romeo isn't dead yet seeing as that him 'gifting' his share of the gym to her was only a couple of days old? She may be protesting she doesn't want to go back there, but if she could now track him down, would she go to see him? It would be a proper goodbye for them both. Dex's sudden idea to propose to April did come out of the blue and how does he know for sure she would want to get married. I did love his suddenly 'pulling' a hamstring to get out of the exercising Dex did ask a valid point of Indi that if she had knew beforehand Romeo was dying would she still have stayed with him.

When VJ was so hostile towards Nina I thought it was because she had said horrible about Vinnie, but it was over an alleged theft of a Pokeman card! It was back in their Primary school days Red so obviously meant a lot to him back then. Dear John getting it al wrong again, bless him!

I thought Kyle did absolutely the right thing by resisting Tamara, though it cannot have been easy, he's a fit healthy young man and anybody else may have thought 'oh to hell with it'. But he showed true strength of character we've seen before with him. He let her down gently and made the right decision to move out. His answer to her 'will I see you again' 'well it's only a small town, so yes you probably will' was quite sad. Leah was sending out mixed messages, stay and look after her, stay away??

The demo made a light change to everything else. Bianca did say she felt she didn't deserve the position as Principal as she felt she had let the department down and by letting her students protest was just confirming it. Reporter lady certainly looked like she had changed her opinion in the end. I've been trying to think of the last time the students protested about a teacher being sacked/leaving? Maddy did a great job and it certainly seemed to have taken her mind off Spencer. Spencer and Sasha's constant indecision to tell her about them makes me wonder if they really do want a relationship.

Nat went back to her annoying self, is she that unsure about Zac that she felt she had to lie about seeing Brax, even though it was on behalf of Ricky. He said a couple of times he would be OK if she wanted to see him. Of course Leah would know what she was talking about when she told Nat you can't just stop loving someone when you stop seeing them, she had a thing for Brax herself. Have we really seen the last of Ricky, Brax should have known better to expect her to answer her phone, she never did before!

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I thought Kyle did absolutely the right thing by resisting Tamara, though it cannot have been easy, he's a fit healthy young man and anybody else may have thought 'oh to hell with it'. But he showed true strength of character we've seen before with him. He let her down gently and made the right decision to move out. His answer to her 'will I see you again' 'well it's only a small town, so yes you probably will' was quite sad. Leah was sending out mixed messages, stay and look after her, stay away??

Agree with you H&Alover about Kyle. Fit, healthy, young - and yet we've never seen him even talking to young ladies in Summer Bay or those who come into the restaurant. Some of them must have wanted to chat to him. Is he being saved just for Tamara? Mind you, all the Brxtons seem to have difficulty hitching up with the opposite sex! Did their mother put them off???? Maybe Heath will be different!!
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^ That is what got me wondering when Kyle first showed up. At first I thought maybe they might give another bi/gay story a go but realised pretty fast that they wouldn't go there, especially with a Braxton. And that is the one of the things that would have made him different to the others (the other being that he actually has a brain :lol:). But now you put it like that I would actually be disappointed if he was being saved for Tamara because we all know what happens to characters like that (they end up written out). I have to say that I enjoyed the preview for tomorrows. Kyle doesn't use violence all that much since he worked out his Daddy issues but damn, I think I may cheer :insure:.

As for todays episode... loved the Walker family, especially Sid's reaction in the gym to Dex's idea. Liked the red pepper pot moment but it broke my heart a little. I just can't feel anything for April and the scene I absolutely hated was when Indi put Casey's situation above her own. She just found out that Romeo is still alive but not willing to send her a personal letter and quite possibly tying up loose ends before death... yet she believes she should not mention her problems in front of Casey because his situation is so much worse. Indi is one classy character though :wub:.

Casey has officially turned into a woobie and quite possibly the Anti-Stu (opposite of a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu)*.

*Check out the tvtrope website for definitions on these but go at your own risk. I went to that website for 1 definition and spent 6 hours on it because it is just that awesome.

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