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Ah, TV Tropes...Don't spend as much time on there as I used to but still end up using phrases like "berserk button" and "idiot ball" in everyday conversation.And, indeed, on here.Incidentally, forgot to say yesterday...if we take that solicitor's letter at face value, does that mean Romeo isn't in Europe with Liam, if they got something he signed two days previous?

There are couples from recent years where their getting married would be a bigger travesty than Dexter and April(Romeo and Indi, which didn't stop them, Brax and Charlie/Natalie)but they're probably the ones left for whom it would be the worst idea possible.(And yes, I'm even including their understudies Spencer and Sasha.)Did like Sid and Indi doing their best to keep them apart and talk some sense into them but really.When Dexter asks Sid "Don't you believe we're going to be together for the rest of our lives?", presumably we're meant to think "Of course, you're made for each other" rather than "No, you ponce, you can't even manage a year together without one of you sleeping with someone else."

Well, much as I want to throttle April just because she's on screen, objectively speaking she was at least trying to be a good friend to Casey.It was hard to tell when Casey was miserable and when he wasn't.Interesting that not so long ago Dexter compared Casey to Romeo, pushing away the ones they loved in the mistaken belief that they were protecting them, and now Indi effectively does the same with a certain amount of validity.It's a difficult situation but basically he has three choices:Give Tamara space and hope she'll get her memory back and come back to him, try and show Tamara that he's a decent guy and hope she falls for him again or accept it's over and move on.Sadly it seems he's gone for option four:Sulk a lot and drink himself into oblivion.

Roo's on the verge of joining April on the People I Want To Throttle list.She's already wrecked John and Marilyn's friendship once by getting all judgemental and causing Marilyn to feel uncomfortable around him, so does she learn her lesson and keep her distance?No, she shoots her a load of disapproving looks then gangs up with Harvey to bully her into staying away from him.Again.Can't really blame Alf, since at least he waited until he was asked before offering an opinion.

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I think Roo had it right this time, Marilyn herself realised she was falling for John and got out before she maybe did something she would regret and really wreck their friendship.

April was really pushing it with Casey, pushing him into talking about his feelings for Tamara and what he should/shouldn't do. I like the second idea of yours Red, start from the beginning with her. Their first relationship did get very intense very quickly, as we mentioned on here, maybe they need to act as if they were meeting for the first time and go from there. I wonder if that is part of Tam's problem with not being able to be with him? I know it would be harder for Casey as he already loves her. In true Braxton fashion he is now hitting the bottle.

Just like Indi to be thinking more of Casey and his problem than her own by stopping talking about Romeo when Casey showed up when she was talking to April.

At least Dex came to his senses about proposing to April when he cottoned on to the fact they don't need to get married right away. I know she was going into the drawer to get the cutlery out but she, April, had a nerve opening the box with the ring in it.

Last week next week, so make the most of it gang.

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So Kyle gets what he's always wanted at last. They made him wait long enough. Still bound to cause trouble though. Still I hope they get a bit of time to enjoy each other.

I'm off to scout camp tomorrow for a week, so will miss next week's. Hope to catch it on Demand 5 next weekend, plus your posts. Will you guys be posting here during the holiday, or somewhere else?

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I may use this thread to post about the special eps being shown. Enjoy scout camp :D!

Todays episode was so very awesome. I know Heath said he would set Casey on Kyle if he goes near Tamara again but I think a better threat would have been setting Bianca on both of them. My money is on her every single time. I loved the Braxton/Bianca scenes so much it was like... 'Brax? Brax who?' :lol:!

That scene between Bianca & Tamara is what the scenes between April & Tamara should have been. Bianca applied no pressure on Tam to go back to Casey and when asked how they all knew that Tam had no feeling for Kyle was the perfect answer. It wasn't just a standard 'because you belong to Casey' but a completely honest observation by Bianca (she only had eyes for Casey as far as they could see). And I liked that Heath didn't give in to the Casey pity party but listened to Bianca's suggestions. Heath loves calling people a goose though. Give it a few years & he will be saying the one-liners that Alf is so very good at.

But yet again Casey is going through something that is worse than anything Heath (and Bianca) has gone through. But wait... didn't they almost lose baby Rocco because he was a prem baby, only to lose him when they thought he was in the clear? And Heath at this point in time is still apart from his own daughter? But no, your girlfriend of 6 months forgetting you (and everyone else in Summer Bay) is so much worse than that :rolleye:.

And Kyle... yep, you're still my favourite character at the moment.

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I imagine we'll all move into the Summer Break 2013 thread after next week, that's usually used for discussing repeats, this is basically for the first-run Channel 5 episodes.

Alf's episode count this week:Three.

It is interesting to see Heath trying to step up and be the big brother, his sandwich for Casey was a sweet moment and it was kind of right that he didn't quite follow Bianca's advice and tell Casey everything's going to be okay because they don't know it will be.I really don't know what Bianca was playing at though by telling Tamara that Kyle's in love with her:Given that she's clearly got feelings for him, that's pretty much giving her the green light.Ironically, Casey drunkenly telling Tamara they should hang out was probably the most sensible idea he's had and part of me did want her to bring him in and get him to sober up.I have to admit Kyle did annoy me with the way he butted in while Casey and Tamara were talking in what seemed to be a pretty reasonable fashion and accused Casey of pressuring her:Even if it was true, he's not Tamara's bodyguard and given that she went there voluntarily it's up to her to decide whether she wants to talk to him or not.The kiss...hmm.It's a complicated situation that's just got very messy.I believe Kyle's genuine about Tamara and, even though this could all blow up very badly, part of me hopes it works out for them.With her about to walk out of his life, potentially for good, I guess he didn't have much to lose.I feel sorry for Casey up to a point but how justified his funk is depends on whether you accept that he's lost without Tamara after only dating her for a few months.

I'm still not very happy with Roo.Having bullied Marilyn into moving back in when it's clearly not what she wants, she decides to patronise her by getting Irene to order a load of food she doesn't need and Alf to agree to a house makeover he doesn't want.I can't help feeling that all Marilyn will get from her confession is a load of judgement.I actually really want John and Marilyn to have something: It felt like there were a lot of mutual feelings there last year but Marilyn was never going to let anything happen when he was still legally married.Now...well, I guess the question is whether John will be ready to move on from Gina and whether Jett will be able to accept her as a mother figure, despite them both considering her a good friend and them already working well as a unit.The reference to Maddy going out with Spencer and Rosie was another of those things I'd really like to have seen, rather than Spencer sneaking around with Sasha and Rosie being treated like a glorified extra.(I'm guessing Spencer and Sasha still haven't told Maddy what's going on, despite his promise to Roo.)

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Aw how sweet was that Heath making Casey a sandwich, glad he didn't go completely out of Braxton mode though. They do seem to be handling things pretty well with Brax. I suppose the only reason Kyle finally gave in and kissed Tam was because she is leaving and thought he had nothing to lose. Well, it is hard for Casey though not on a par with Heath & Bianca losing Rocco because Tam is there but not there and there's nothing he can do about it.

So a quick reference to Rose being back and she's out with Spencer & Maddy. Now what do you think about Spencer telling Maddy, not if the scenes we saw from next week are anything to go by!! :rolleyes:

It looked like it was Nat who was secretly filming Sasha and Spencer but it has to be Holly, for some odd reason I think they look alike.

Though it would be a lovely idea for John and Marilyn to be together, it is far, far too early.

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I have a tendency to latch onto doomed couples, not that there really seems to be any other sort in Home and Away, but I'm hoping Kyle and Tamara work out.His mixed feelings at getting the girl of his dreams at the expense of his brother was nicely played.I'm glad that, even after Leah expressing some understandable reservations, Tamara was adamant about being with Kyle:I believe her feelings are genuine but I'm not sure if she'll feel the same way if she gets her memory back.I can accept Kyle not wanting to kiss and tell without consulting Tamara but disappointed she wanted to keep it secret so I'm glad he told Casey the truth, if nothing else it was in danger of getting a bit too like Spencer and Sasha.Shame it's come at this point though:Casey's good mood may have been built on sand but his stuff with Jett was pretty good and it's a shame this'll probably set him back.

Roo may have a point in there but I do wish she'd stay out of it.Marilyn and John's interaction again underlines they have the potential to be a fun couple but John may still feel it's too soon.Marilyn talking to the fishes and begging them not to get caught was rather amusing.

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Quite brave of Kyle to tell Casey what had happened between him and Tamara, even if it was in anger. When she does get her memory back, it's going to make things very awkward between her and Casey. Going by the look of tonight's episode he (Kyle) tells Tam what happened when they all met in the desert. Loved that chat between Casey and Jett and Jett giving Casey advice about his love life.

If Marilyn feels the way she does about John their friendship isn't going to be the same, she'll always be watching what she says and does around him and it won't be so free and easy. Her fishing without bait was so funny, then John comes along making her get all flustered causing her to dunk him in the water.

It was Holly filming Sash and Spencer, guessing she'll be showing it to Maddy.

For once Nat was trying to do the right thing by not counselling Casey, keeping her promise to herself not to get involved with the Braxtons.

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Well.Guess it's good Kyle told Tamara how they all met, although it might have been an idea to do it before sleeping with her.Casey did a pretty good job of acting like a jealous psycho ex and didn't come across as much more stable even when he'd calmed down, again his reeling off a load of evidence of how happy they were was a bit intense and he can't force the memories.In a way, Tamara's right:Even if she gets her memories back, her life has gone too far in a different direction for her to just snap back to being the woman she was before the kidnapping.Kyle's happiness at her picking him was curiously infectious and Casey may have a point about their connection being solely down to the desert.Brax proves just why no-one's missed him when his only contribution is pointless violence. It's getting to the point where he needs to realise the days he could bully and intimidate his family into doing what he wants are long gone.(Kyle's in danger of replacing Heath as the Braxton family punch bag.)Telling that when they actually sat down and talked and he had to use his brain, Kyle had the last word.Still, we got John implying that a slipped disc is worse than being shot.

Harvey's cover story wasn't that bad as cover stories go but they really should have tried to do without one.Marilyn blurting out that she likes John and Alf's "Struth" were comedy highlight of the episode.She really should have thought about faking a faint before doing it, having traded a dinner in public for John acting as nursemaid.

I'm continuing to find Spencer and Sasha slightly nauseating and, as I suspected, they quickly abandoned their attempt to convince themselves they're not sneaking around.So much for that moral stance.Not sure if alarm bells were meant to be ringing when Spencer said he wants him and Sasha to have the same relationship he had with Maddy but they did.(Sound a bit like a rebound or overcompensating to anyone else?)Not sure either why Sasha's acting as if it's entirely Spencer's responsibility to tell Maddy about them:They're both supposed to be her friends and they're both involved with this, why not tell her together?(Okay, it might be a bit overpowering but it's only fair.)Curious reaction from Holly while she filmed them kissing, in between smirking about finding a way to hurt Maddy, was there just a tiny moment where she seemed to realise that they're having the sort of normal(well, relatively normal)teenage relationship that she doesn't seem able to manage?What's happened to her about the false allegations anyway, is she meant to be suspended or something?

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