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Brave decision of Kyle to tell Tamara about just why he was in the desert with Casey. After her initial telling him to sling his hook, she looked like she had come round to the fact that was the then Kyle and not the now Kyle. Casey's grabbing Tam and shouting at her must have reminded her of Nelson which was why she was in the desert herself. When her memory comes back she's going to have to get her head round the fact she's slept with Casey and Kyle! Casey & Tam's walk along memory lane started off OK, but why there, why not from when she saved him in the desert? What's behind Casey contacting her parents, is he hoping they will take her away or she'll remember everything? Brax has been out of the loop somewhat regards Tam, Casey & Kyle and his laying the law down and thumping Kyle the first chance he got isn't going to help matters. Shouldn't he be limping more seeing as he got shot in the leg and according to Sid a lot of soft tissue damage was done?

Completely understand Casey's reaction to Ricky coming back, he hadn't known Adam as long as Brax or Ricky for that matter and didn't know how manipulative he could be. Brax has been pretty borderline Adam at times in the past. Plus in the absence of Adam she's the only one he can blame for Tam losing her memory, him getting thrown into jail, Brax getting shot and nearly dying.

It seems after her initial wobble Maddy has accepted Sash & Spence being a couple, her having breakfast with them was a bad idea though, way too soon. Nice talk she (Maddy) had with Spencer, hopefully it has cleared the air. Shame it had to be Holly who 'told' her, as she said she won't get Holly's smirk ,out of her mind in a hurry. Holly does seem to be swanning around like nothing has happened.

Jett finally got the truth out of VJ, guess he couldn't understand VJ's anger as he never was able to get into it. Good that he got both sides of the story. Loved his trying not to laugh at Casey when he revealed his love was his collection of Transformers and sleeping with them (once). It's been mentioned before about Heath melting his favourite in the microwave. Jett has a wise head on his shoulders by getting Nina and VJ to the table to try and talk about it. Good try to get them both to apologise to each other and I suppose his decision to choose Nina as she was the one who was willing to put it behind them was the right one. We'll have to wait and see if VJ can do the same.

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Actually can't fault Maddy so far.Despite her slight tantrums at Roo and Harvey, this seems to be another case where she knows intellectually what the right thing to do is but can't quite manage to do it. She hasn't said Spencer and Sasha shouldn't be together but it upsets her because she still likes him so she's doing the right thing and steering clear.Not too sure about Sasha trying to keep Spencer away from her.Spencer and Maddy chatting about the history they've got that Sasha wasn't a part of and her feeling a bit left out was a curious reversal of the similar scenes a few weeks back and makes Maddy feeling left out as Spencer and Sasha chat about, um, their fathers being doctors seem even more ridiculous.

So, Jett's got the full story about VJ and Nina.Kind of like the way he was trying hard not to crack up at both that and Casey's Transformers stories.(Heath killed Optimus Prime...He wouldn't be the first one.)I was thinking Casey would slide back once he knew about Kyle and Tamara so nice to see him still being a good big brother figure to Jett, along with Irene playing the Wise Adult role.Given that it was VJ giving the ultimatums while Nina was prepared to make up, Jett really made the only choice he could.

As Kyle pointed out, Brax proves he's a bit of a hypocrite by making the same choice as him and putting his love life ahead of Casey's feelings.Shame it was Kyle and Tamara that Casey seems to have taken it out on by contacting her parents to stick a spanner in the works.Shame too that Brax doesn't seem to notice and goes around encouraging Heath to sort Kyle out.While I like seeing Heath play the supportive brother and even give Brax someone to talk to, I'd like him to remember he's got three brothers instead of stomping around wanting to beat Kyle up as the interloper, hopefully Bianca's words got through to him, like he said he's not a human chastity belt and can't do a Brax and bully Kyle into leaving Tamara alone.Not for the first time, Bianca comes across as a bit of a nymphomaniac, repeatedly trying to seduce Heath while he's too busy worrying about his family to notice.Also not for the first time, she seems to have instantly become BFFs with whoever Brax is dating.

Not really bothered about Zac and Natalie splitting or Natalie once more coming across as the counsellor more screwed up than her patients.Or about April and Dexter once more being shoehorned into an episode and doing absolutely nothing of interest or significance.I see Leah's place has had one of those makeovers where they push all the walls back.(And, seemingly, gain a front door: Okay, we have seen it before but it's not usually that visible, unless it was just for that one scene and we're not going to see it again.)

Again, the episode didn't seem to want to end but I knew Darcy was coming back so when I suddenly realised where that last scene was growing I grinned and grinned even more when she came running into view.Wasn't expecting to see Connie and was expecting her looking pleased to see Heath even less...

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They had definitely widened the doorway from the hallway to the living room at Leah's. I hadn't noticed any other structural changes, but it did make me laugh that Leah has replaced all (or most) of her furniture for the third time in about 12 years.

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If Bianca wanted try and put Tamara off Kyle last week rather than trying the softly, softly approach she should have just told her about Kyle kidnapping Casey not that it would have worked. I'm actually quite disgusted with Kyle. So much for desperately wanting to be part of the Braxton family. I guess blood isn't thicker than water. I thought initially that Kyle was subconsciously manipulating Tamra but I felt it turned into something more calculating. The only reason why he hasn't eloped with her is because of his court order. I don't normally condone violence but I found it hard to sympathise with Kyle when Brax smacked him although I thought he had a point when he compared his situation with Tamara to Brax's with Ricki. Don't blame Casey for his attitude towards Ricki. Even though Adam was pulling the strings she chose to do his bidding and personally I felt she got off too lightly.

Not quite the scenario I was hoping but Maddie seeing the recording of Spencer and Sasha coping off was good. And Holly of all people to do the reveal - Ouch. Still I have to admit I found it quite amusing when they all had breakfast, particular Sasha's discomfort. Given what Sasha went through with Casey and Tamara I think she's right about Maddie not spending too much time with them as it will only be like rubbing salt in the wound.

Quite like this twist of Marilyn having feelings for John.

Have to say that I very often end up laughing at Harvey. It's just some of his facial expressions are so funny.

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Loved Heath's line about him not being a human chastity belt. :lol: Kyle and Casey are adults and he could have hardly locked them in their rooms could he? Brax I felt was a tad unfair having a pop at Heath for not keeping Kyle in line, just how would he have dealt with it? I had to smile at Bianca for bullying Heath into talking to Brax and getting him to talk about his feelings for Ricky, it actually worked! It's going to take an awfully long time, if ever, for Casey to forgive (or forget) what Ricky had done. Brax and Bianca to some degree can see why she felt compelled to go along with Adam's mad plan. Brax admitted in the past he would have done anything for him, before he saw the other side of him. Heath was the only one who was never fooled by him.

Just how strained was that atmosphere between Zac and Nat when he came back? He hit the nail on the head when he said "Well this isn't awkward at all is it?" I think Nat believed she was over Brax until she saw him and Ricky kiss and then drive off together, I guess if Zac hadn't seen her watching them she may have been able to carry off the scene at Angelo's. Zac could have easily ignored her not quite being there, but he bit the bullet and tackled her and she did have the good grace to admit he was right. Just why is she moving out, I would have thought being there with Leah, who's been there herself having loved Brax, would have been a better idea. He has very good insight does Zac, he'd make a very good counsellor himself.

I guess the scenes of April and Dex are leading up to tonight's (for us) cliff hanger, we know she gets bitten and he is trying to get hold of Sid.

Lovely ending of Darcy running down the beach and being hugged by Heath. :wub: Then Connie, looking, may I say, pretty subdued. I've read what happens but will keep stchum.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four, Irene was in two but was only visible in the background with no dialogue on Friday.(Alf and Irene were both credited on Thursday but I'm not sure if that was the right cast list or not.)

Well, the joy of having Darcy is back is kind of tempered by the fact that Connie's back too.I felt she was treated with a bit more respect than she deserves, I'm far from convinced her motives are as noble as everyone seems to assume.At the end of the day, she separated Darcy from her father for selfish reasons, even if she does have a point about Heath often getting into trouble, and the fact she's been sitting on a load of stolen money(she thinks Brax gave it to her now?)got glossed over a bit too readily.Even her offer to Heath seems more about getting what she wants than what's best for Darcy, although I appreciate Heath refusing to doublecross her.

Nice use of Alf looking disapprovingly at Marilyn's web of lies, Roo continues to be annoying with the way she's trying to control everything.Zac and Indi's chat felt like they needed to squeeze them in the episode somehow unless it's leading up to something.(Indi says she's not planning to date a Braxton...could Casey change her mind?)

More of April bounding around like a demented child, whilst somewhat jarringly wearing next to nothing.At least someone seems to have remembered she's meant to be French, which was nice continuity if they didn't really exploit it.Even the local snakes are fed up of two characters with a mental age barely in double figures having sex all the time, so thankfully spare us another liaison.I guess that's a good cliffhanger if you care about April, personally I think the show would be better off if she doesn't make it and Dexter was finally free of this ridiculous "soul mate" millstone.I get that it's an emergency and Dexter planning to drive illegally can probably be waved in the circumstances and his flashbacks were a nice callback to his last attempt to drive.But I'd love it if the next episode began with Sid or the ambulance arriving in the nick of time to save him from the decision, rather than an unlikely Dexter As Hero scenario where he's suddenly all right to drive.

So, that's it for a ridiculously long time.Channel 5 seem to be reluctant to tell us in advance what they're going to be showing in the meantime but I might check in from time to time on the other thread.

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OMG... is the snake okay? Please someone spoil me and tell me the snake is okay :o!

And after the Ghost quote I leave you with this quote from my dear old Pa... 'So who is Connie? Is she that tattoo guys ex?'. So I leave you with that dodgy yet hilarious visual confused0017.giflmao_zps80b75713.gif

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[quote name="Red Ranger 1" post="1314618" timestamp="1375466088"

So, that's it for a ridiculously long time.Channel 5 seem to be reluctant to tell us in advance what they're going to be showing in the meantime but I might check in from time to time on the other thread.try 5* on Channel 30, 6.30 pm, starting with Romeo as no 25 next Monday.

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OMG... is the snake okay? Please someone spoil me and tell me the snake is okay :o!

And after the Ghost quote I leave you with this quote from my dear old Pa... 'So who is Connie? Is she that tattoo guys ex?'. So I leave you with that dodgy yet hilarious visual confused0017.giflmao_zps80b75713.gif

I love your dad, he's got one bizarre sense of humour!!! :wink:

By all accounts no snakes were hurt during Friday's episode of H&A!

My thoughts exactly Red about the ambulance turning up in the nick of time saving Dex braving his fears and driving 'unlicensed'. Under the the circumstances I guess maybe he would get away with it.

So it appears Connie gave in to Darcy's nagging, and Ricky's visit, and because Ricky and Tegan had been friends she believed her! :rolleyes: No mention of her giving the money back though. Liked Bianca playing mediator between Connie and Heath, though Darcy soon cottoned on to her being whisked away so the remaining adults could talk. Connie does have Heath over a barrel with her 'kind' offer of having his name put on Darcy's birth certificate, I guess as her official guardian she has that right? Shows once again how far he has come that he is willing, albeit unhappily, that he's going through with it, just to keep Darcy in his life. Going by the trailer though Darcy isn't happy with it and runs away from Connie (again) straight to Heath.

Please someone take that shovel off Marilyn, oops sorry too late! Roo stopping Maz confessing didn't help a lot as she couldn't answer John's question as why Maz went to all that trouble to avoid him.

Actually I was thinking of Indi and Zac becoming a couple. :wub: Zac spoke my thoughts out loud when he asked what it was about Braxton men that had women falling for them. It looks like he (Zac) has his own troubles when Holly corners him again. :o

See you guys on t'other thread from time to time depending what episodes I decide to watch.

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