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Tis funny because my Pa also went '*coughlatestconquestcough*' when that Zac/Indi scene came up. He doesn't watch H&A often anymore (although if there is ever another shark attack he will glued to the TV in a heartbeat) but when he does there is always a snide/hilarious comment muttered.

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I don't know if the grass is greener or something or if I built my hopes too high.I spend most of the pointless summer break waiting for some more new episodes but I didn't think that was really a triumphal return.It just reminded me how many characters there are that I don't like or care about, while pushing dull plotlines along at snail's pace.So, we do get Dexter driving illegally and putting himself, April and everyone else on the road at risk, completely unnecessarily given Sid was on his way, and being treated like a hero.Yawn.At least they had him driving slowly and hesitantly rather than speeding off like a mad thing, which was a nice touch.And the twist that he gave them the wrong address is a nice way of bringing in his brain injury.But really the whole episode seemed to trying to force the audience to go "Awww, poor Dex, he needs a hug" as he wallowed in self-pity and I didn't feel anything for him at all.Neither could I care less at yet another cliffhanger that expects us to care that April might die.

I did like Heath's storyline, a bit.It was nice to see Zac advising and teasing him, especially the way he called him "Heathy".It jarred somewhat with the April storyline though, with Bianca having to leave the hospital whenever she needed to be in a scene with Heath and Darcy.Might have been better not to have it all going on at the same time.I'm glad that Heath's going to get to spend more time with Darcy but I'd hoped for more.It feels like we're meant to see Connie as a caring guardian but I've yet to see anything that convinces me that she's not trying to poison Darcy against Heath for selfish reasons, there've been far too many "She's all I've got" speeches for me to think otherwise and she seems more interested in what's best for her than what's best for Darcy.So it always feels like she's given more consideration than she deserves.

I kind of tuned out when Natalie was on screen.She's been on the show for over a year and the fact her mother walked out on her is still pretty much the only thing we know about her.So it's a bit hard to care.And Roo managed to annoy me within a few seconds of being on screen, with the way she's bullying and controlling Marilyn because she thinks she knows what's best for her.

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I do hope Dex remembered to do his seat belt up!!! However long it took to get there seems irrelevant now it appears she's allergic to the anti serum, but wouldn't that have been discovered from the first lot she had? What was with Bianca's 'where were you?' question to Dex, didn't get that. Dex shouldn't really blame himself for the wrong address thing, as Sid said in moments of stress it could happen to anyone.

Said it before and at the risk of getting boring I'll say it again Zac would make a good counsellor. He certainly gets through to Heath and that is a tough nut (no offence Heath) to crack.

I'm not sure what the laws are in Australia but how come Darcy was allowed to travel alone between states like that. I can understand Connie not wanting to lose her but she will if she keeps her and Heath apart like she had been doing, what is stopping her now moving back, they'll all be nearer to each other. Good that she has finally decided to let Heath back into Darcy's life and give up her fight. He put up a good and articulate argument (and watching him as 'bad' Heath last week) that would have seemed impossible.

If someone else was in Nat's position wouldn't she be advising them to at least read the info Zac had gathered on her mum? After that it is up to her what she does.

Not so jolly Holly makes a reappearance tonight and from what I've read it doesn't end well for Zac.

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I'm indifferent to Dex and April but initially I thought the last thing I wanted to see was Dex wallowing in self-pity so was kind of glad April woke up near the end. And Bianca seemed OK with him in contrast to when she was a cow to him yesterday.

So Natalie's off to find her mother. That's too bad. :D I'm assuming that's it for her. If it is I won't be sorry to see the back of her. Never really thought she was that great a character and didn't particularly rate her as a counselor. Still I hope she finds her mother. I do think Zak is a lot better off without her and a far better character.

Leah is an IDIOT. I remember her giving Charlie's number to Grant when he turned up and just asked for it. And she just lets Holly in like that without checking with Zak first or even finding out who she actually is. I'm assuming that obviously Holly planted the drugs and called the cops.

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I'm glad H&A is back. I'm glad Natalie will finally be reunited with her mother, that April has survived and Dex is not being blamed by Bianca and I'm happy that Darryl is loved up with Ricky but are they ever going to answer the big question...?

Did the snake survive the attack on April?!?!

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I was expecting to find the Dexter and April stuff annoying but the typically wonderful Sid/Dexter scenes managed to raise it to the status of merely being dull.Why can they do scenes as great as this and then having me rolling my eyes seconds later with Dexter mooning over April like she's his whole world?Possibly being hard on him but it did feel as though a part of Dex was looking for absolution when he fessed up to Irene and Bianca.Actually, no, I don't think that's fair.I think he was feeling guilty and felt he should confess but I also think it was a bit selfish in a way since they had enough on their plate emotionally worrying about April to take on board his self-pity, so I'm glad Bianca fobbed him off and disappointed that his purple prose seemed to result in her embracing him like a brother.

That was a very strange departure for Natalie, she just kind of...went.No fanfare, hardly any scenes in her last episode.But it's kind of appropriate in a way since I doubt I'll even notice she's gone, the character never gelled, never really contributed anything, never had a role in the show or any meaningful connection with the other characters, she was just...there.And now she isn't.As for the Brax and Ricky stuff, not sure.Nice to get an update that she's awaiting trial, which hasn't been clear until now, but Brax's moral seemed to be something along the lines of "Sometimes you have to forget about everyone else and just do what's best for you."Okay, there's some truth in that but I'm not sure why it's being treated like a big revelation when Brax has often taken that tack.(He clearly wasn't thinking about his family, history or anything else when he got involved with Charlie.)

I don't really blame Leah that much for letting Holly into the house.Maybe she should have kept a better eye on a complete stranger rather than giving her the run of the place but I guess if someone says they want to use the bathroom, you can't exactly follow them in there to make sure they're not up to anything nefarious.The one-line update on her condition from Zac-"Bianca's made sure she's getting the help she needs"-was a bit pat:Is she still at school?Do her parents know that she lied?Either way, it's not doing much good, with this stunt and, in terms of the original broadcast, it's only about a week since she blew up the Sasha/Spencer/Maddy triangle for the heck of it.Actually, I keep hoping we just won't see her again but we always do.

On the subject of which:Musie, I'm afraid we may never know what happened to the snake...

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Bianca wanting to blame Dex for the delay, not that she actually came out and said so, would have been pointless because as mentioned on my last post it wouldn't have made much difference.

Did Nat not say goodbye to anyone else or hand her notice in and just go? I liked that chat she had with Brax though, without revealing why she was asking the question she got the answer she needed. Without knowing the situation he was able to be completely neutral.

Now all he needs to do is get his own family problems sorted. On one hand he told Ricky he's stepping back from his family and let them do their own thing more, next he's whinging that Casey doesn't listen to him anymore, make your mind up you can't have it both ways!!! Just let Kyle (who you have never had any influence over) and Casey sort it out between them, they are both adults. Casey isn't Heath who Brax felt he could boss about more. Loved John 'accidentally' spraying them with the hose. :D

How much did Leah know about Holly, I have a feeling she came back after the whole 'sexual assault' thing so may have not have known who she was. Saying that though, when Zac said 'this is Holly', and the penny dropped, implies Holly didn't tell Leah who she was when she arrived. Leah seems to have changed her mind, when she first found out about Zac's past she was anti him, now she is defending him. Good idea of Bianca to ask Heath to ask round his 'contacts' about the drugs. Not surprising though that although one of them said he did he sell them to her he wouldn't be willing to tell the police that. I'm sure Leah meant well, but advising Holly to get her life sorted out didn't work the way she thought considering Holly's skewed view of the world.

I'd forgotten Casey had rung Tam's mum and dad, they seemed a nice couple and Kyle was right to warn her, maybe it's not such a bad idea to go home. Being away from both Kyle and Casey may just help her sort her feelings out. Awkward moment there for Ricky when asked if she knew Tam.

It seems they are playing musical houses at the moment, Kyle and Casey (until last night) was at the Braxtons', Heath and Bianca are in Casey (and Tam's) flat, Tam is at Leah's.

Oh Red what are you saying about the snake, I hope you are not inferring that is what Holly is like, it's an insult - to the snake!

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Oh Red what are you saying about the snake, I hope you are not inferring that is what Holly is like, it's an insult - to the snake!

Oh, I'd never say that.I was merely indicating that I wish Holly's role had been as small as the snake's.

Talking of which, I defended Leah on Tuesday but I take it all back:The woman is stupid.First she seems unduly suspicious of Zac, then when she finally works out that Holly's twisted she decides to give her the worst possible advice imaginable.And surprisingly, I found myself really not liking Heath in that episode.There was no excuse for him attacking Kyle, even if he did have his reasons, and Bianca was a bit naïve getting him to dig up information on Holly, he was never going to get a dealer to tell the police they'd sold her drugs.

Not liking Brax either but that's nothing unusual.He seems to have stuck Ricky and Casey into a situation neither of them's comfortable with and expected them to both lump it, he's sticking his nose in Casey and Kyle's feud for no good reason, he expects Casey to just roll over and do what he's told just to make Brax's life easier.I'm glad Casey told him where to go.That said, I found Casey insufferably smug when Tamara's parents turned up and I'm not entirely convinced he did it out of altruistic motives:Maybe they did deserve to be told what was going on with Tamara, although he didn't seem all that keen to reconcile them when she was with him, but I can't help feeling he'd rather they both lost Tamara than letting Kyle "win".I do think Kyle was expecting a bit much for them to be friends again and I did like Casey's scenes with Indi.But I also like Kyle and Tamara together and so I'm very glad she stayed, which is telling because pre-amnesia I'd have been happy for her to go.It seemed like her mum was putting a lot of pressure on her while her dad seemed to recognise that she was happy there.

Rosie leaving is disappointing but the writing's been on the wall for a while, she's barely appeared since Spencer and Sasha started hanging out with each other instead of her.(As I mentioned in the Summer Break thread, in the last four weeks she only appeared in one episode and even then her lines could have been split between the other teens without anyone noticing.)Unlike Natalie, I will actually miss her.And unlike Natalie she is actually getting a leaving storyline and it's a fairly positive one, even if her absentee father suddenly becoming responsible is a bit abrupt.I was actually expecting her to say she was Ronald McDonald, not a rodeo clown, but I'm probably showing my age there and none of the teens would know who he was.Really not liking Spencer and Sasha as a couple though, I'm so apathetic I didn't even know they were meant to be having problems and came very close to disliking Rosie when she was forcing them back together.And then they start talking about them getting married when they've, what, kissed twice and been on about zero dates?It really is like April and Dex all over again, I'm expecting someone to say "soul mates" any second.And I'm not happy about the ending.Up until then, Maddy's behaviour has been reasonable and understandable:She's been giving Spencer and Sasha a wide berth because she still likes him but knows she doesn't have any claim, she's throwing herself into training which is a nice positive way of dealing, she makes an effort for the party for Rosie's sake and leaves when she feels uncomfortable... and then tosses some random comments at Sasha for the sake of a forced cliffhanger.And I wasn't too happy about Roo and Harvey chipping in like Statler and Waldorf either.

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Maddy sneeringly implying that Spencer wouldn't commit to Sasha as he couldn't to her, as in taking the next step, if I remember correctly they both pulled back from having sex. I don't think Sasha and Spencer were serious about a long term future together, but Maddy seemed to think they were. And where did the suggestion he may be gay, as seen in the trailer, come from?

Shame that Rosie is going, she was ditzy, but funny, things will be a bit flat for Sasha now she's gone. Does seem a right turn around by her dad, considering he'd hardly bothered with her apart from sending money for the last year or so.

As I said earlier Brax wants it both ways, telling Ricky he's stepping back from interfering in his brothers lives, then still wanting to control what they are up to. Was Casey trying to justify his motives to Kyle? When they (Case & Tam) got together it was after she had come back from seeing her parents after Nelson got arrested. It was his suggestion she go and see them. At that time I don't suppose they were in a mood to forgive her. Shame she didn't go back I still think it would have been a good idea for them all, now she's got to tell Casey she's staying. I like how Indi is looking out for Casey, seeing as how he spent another night in his favourite stop over place, namely the beach! He's been good to her lately so I guess she is just returning the favour.

John, you prat!!!!! :angry: I thought you and Jett had promised no. more. secrets. between. you, yet here you go again hiding the fact you are hard up. I'm sure he'd understand, though be disappointed, that he couldn't go on the excursion as you had outstanding bills to pay, one of them being Gina's funeral expenses. He's a sensible lad and would want to help if he knew the truth, so tell him!!!

This sudden offer Sid has got from the Flying Doctor Service, didn't he apply for a job with them some time back?

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