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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I spent a lot of that episode yelling at the screen in fury and, for once, not because April and Dexter were in it:They were only the second most irritating thing in the episode.It was the utter absurdity of Alf, Sally and Leah acting as though Pippa could have inherited her condition from someone she isn't even related to, much less descended from.I've calmed down enough to convince myself that you get a genetic defect from amniotic fluid or that in Home and Away world genes aren't something that you get from your parents but from the people that are around you when you're young(literally around you, in this case).After all, Leah managed to get pregnant despite not having functional fallopian tubes, so the laws of medical science don't apply to her.Because otherwise, I'm left with the very sour taste that Sally and Pippa's history has been rewritten so they're not mother and daughter after all and Leah's her mother and not in a deliberate, plot twist "Sally has a twin brother she forgot about" way but in a lazy, we-couldn't-bother-to-check-the-facts way.And that would be disrespectful to the characters and the fans and that would make me angry.And, unless VJ does turn out to have it, it's all for no real reason that's only served to take the viewer's attention away from the important stuff.The only impact seems to have been that VJ and Jett have made up and it surely didn't need nine years worth of continuity being rewritten for that.Although more understandable, I found the suggestion that VJ wouldn't remember Sally somewhat annoying too:He had regular contact with her for the first 6-8 years of his life(I'm not sure when the SORAS kicked in), of course he'd remember her.

Okay.Continuity issues aside.Glad that Roo seems to have climbed down off her high horse now she's realised how serious the situation is and is being supportive.Wish we'd get some concrete details about Pippa's condition rather than being told "blood cells not absorbing enough oxygen" twice.I get that she can drop dead at any time but what's the upper life expectancy?It sounds like it's years but not decades.Sally's dismissive attitude when Alf asked how expensive the clinic would be annoyed me slightly:Determination's one thing but she needs to think about practicalities.I'm also not too keen on Sally keeping the truth from Pippa and Leah from VJ, Leah really should know better by now and, while Sally said she wants Pippa to enjoy the time she's got left, that's just going to result in more incidents of Sally snapping at her because she's not taking care of herself.

Oh yeah, back to the negatives:April and Dexter.Well, I guess that's a plus because it looks like they might be leaving and if Sid takes April, Dexter and Sasha with him then losing one good character and three annoying ones is a decent ratio.Still, we have to sit through a load of stuff about how they couldn't manage without each other in the process, even though they always split up after a few months and don't go to pieces that much.I'd rather just Dexter left and possibly April gets back to how she was before she got dragged into this mess.Then again, I'd also rather that snake had finished April off.

I loved how happy and relaxed Kyle and Tamara were when we first saw them, so it's a shame Casey had to stick his oar in and ruin it.Kyle is kidding himself expecting Casey to accept them, he needs to back off.Mind you, Casey's kidding himself even more, convincing himself that Tamara's only with Kyle because there's something wrong with her and she'll come running back some day. Did he actually think that his threat to not wait for her was, well, a threat, rather than what she wants?The ending frustrated me.I get that Tamara put Kyle on the spot but I wish he'd said something instead of standing there like a lemon.She has got a point though:She's basically given up her family for him but he seems to want both.

As for the Mr.Stewart thing, I'd accept it if it was consistent but Sally doesn't call anyone else by their title(except Don Fisher, sometimes):She calls Colleen and Morag, Alf's sisters who she's known about as long as she's known him, by their first names.With Marilyn, I can understand it, it's in character and that's how she is with everyone.But with Sally, it's reached the point where she calls him Mr.Stewart because, well, that's what Sally does and no-one can be bothered to work out the logic.

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Not knowing the full details how this condition can be passed on, I'm guessing the doctors Sally has seen have ruled out it being due to Sally's egg and Flynn's sperm causing it. Unless as you say Red 'they' have suddenly decided Leah's egg was implanted with Flynn's sperm. I suppose it could have been passed on via Leah's amniotic fluid, which may explain her miscarriage, maybe?

Seeing as VJ is a couple of years older than Pippa wouldn't he have shown symptoms by now? Going by their character profiles VJ was born in 2001 making him 12 and Pippa in 2004 making her nine. And yes VJ would remember Sally, he was seven when she left. Once again Leah is treating VJ like a kid, but not telling him why she suddenly whisked him off to have these tests. He is a bright kid and although nothing may be wrong with him he deserves to know what may be wrong. I guess we are now going to have her fussing around him, looking for any (imagined) signs he's got it, dropping things, falling over, getting tired, all normal thongs in a lad his age. Pippa also needs to know, she's another bright kid, she must wonder why her mum is on her case all the time, telling her to have a lie down in case she gets overtired. The only good thing was Jett coming round to see him as he was worried and VJ seemed pleased to see him and they went to have a play on his Xbox.

I have read how Sally considers paying for it, but will keep stchum.

April may have said she was OK going to Broken Hill but she didn't look that keen once Dex had decided to go. It would be pretty lonely for Sash if she went on her own with Sid. I loved Sasha's dress btw.

Hard to completely avoid your ex when they live in the same small town, but like Sasha/Spencer/Maddy they should try and not push forgiveness/acceptness of the new relationship. Looks like there are signs of Case's secret drinking is beginning to show going by John's comments. It was her decision to stay, despite Case thinking otherwise, but you can't really blame Tam for wanting to go, every time Case and Kyle meet they end up fighting, he hardly leapt in to say 'don't go' when she said she'd have no choice if they didn't stop fighting over her. Personally I think it would be better if she did, putting space between them all and no bumping into each other.

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Whilst I'm not happy that Sally is back, I don't know why the writers have decided to do this storyline. Very, very depressing. I just hope that one Sid's contacts pulls through for Pippa.

On the subject of Sid, I'll be sorry to see him and Sasha go. Sasha especially. She's one of the few characters that I like and it helps that she's hot. I was quite satisfied with Sid's goodbyes. The way Heath acknowledged what he did. Surprisingly really liked the scene where Brax thanked Sid everything he had done and whilst Sid didn't agree with how he conducted himself, respected the way Brax looked out for his family. Really liked the scene with Alf and at least with regards to continuity they had Marilyn and Roo there two of his former loves. Also liked the stuff with April. Sasha's goodbye for me felt a bit flat. I know she doesn't appear to have many friends but apart from Indy, Dex and April I would have at least expected to see Spencer or Maddie there if only to do the no hard feelings thing. I know Casey's having a hard time at the moment but was a bit disapointed he didn't turn up either. I don't think the show's great at the moment and whilst I was glad Natalie went, that's now Rosie, Sid and Sasha in the space of a week.

Quite liked the chat with April and Tamara. Haven't seen any scenes with those two in a while. Although it's different now that Tamara has amnesia.

Heath remains the star. The joking with Dex i.e. giving him a cheeky slap in the face, the whole arranging the leaving party and his goodbye with Sid were great.

Re Casey/Tamara/Kyle, I'm glad when Tamara was with Ricki it triggered a flashback. Hopefully she'll get her memory back sometime soon which will leave her torn between Casey and Kyle. Still can't help thinking that even if she remembers everything she will still have feelings for Kyle which won't suddenly go away.

Oh and with regards to Brax having to testify against Ricki, Casey will love that.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five!Roo was also in all five, Sasha and Sally were in four(and Sally isn't even a regular anymore).Jett was in two but only appeared in crowd shots with no dialogue on Friday.

I'm in two minds as to whether that was a good send off for Sid or not.It seemed most of the episode was more preoccupied with who was going and who wasn't and it wasn't until that last shot of him staring out of the car with mixed feelings that it sunk in that I was going to miss him.Like Slade, I found myself surprisingly enjoying his farewell with Brax and actually accepting his opinion because it's Sid and I trust him.And the fact Heath was the one who arranged the farewell party was a nice touch.Love Sasha giving up trying to be subtle and just telling him there's a surprise party, guess being around Rosie rubbed off on her.Not really bothered about Sasha going, this whole Spencer/Maddy thing has dragged the character right down again after a promising start to the year.Really wish April and Dexter had gone and their reason for staying sums up everything that's gone wrong with their characters:April can't cope with the change.That's April.Half-French, travelled all over Europe April.The character whose profile on the official site, which to new viewers must sound like it's been mislabelled, waxes about all the exotic places she's been to and all the crazy things she's done.Is there any trace of 2010 April left?It really has reached the point where revealing it was her boring twin sister that came back from her mother's place would make more sense than trying to convince us it's the same character.Sid and Dexter's last chat was okay but mentioned April too much.(And then Sasha says they should get married and I want to shoot all three of them.Had to laugh at April saying she and Dexter couldn't handle a long-distance relationship:They can't even manage a short-distance one.)Indi and Dexter in the house as the last Walkers standing was a nice realistic moment and some great sibling banter that shows where Dexter's real strengths as a character lie.(See also Indi's reaction to seeing Sasha wearing her bracelet.)

Actually quite enjoyed Brax and Kyle's chat.I expected Brax to be on Casey's side but instead he gave some pretty good advice and it was good that he acknowledged that he's put his relationship ahead of Casey's feelings.I'm glad Kyle did the same(which starkly demonstrates the difference between him and Sasha?), deciding to hell with what Casey thinks, he and Tamara deserve to be happy.I guess her memory was always going to come back at some point and, like Slade, I suspect her feelings towards Kyle won't change but remembering her history with Casey is bound to change things between them.

I'm not really feeling Brax and Ricky, which is beginning to feel like another Brax relationship that's based largely on sex.Maybe having Stephen Peacocke take most of his clothes off every episode is a selling point but when half their scenes seem to end with them naked, it feels a bit shallow and we really should be seeing more than that if we're meant to believe their connection is worth wrecking his relationship with his favourite brother for.

And oh dear.For quite a while now, Channel 5 have been continually wrecking the ending of episodes of Neighbours by having some embarrassed looking actors pop up just before the end credits to try and get viewers to enter Channel 5's latest competition.And now they're doing it to Home and Away.Stephen Peacocke, Dan Ewing and Lincoln Younes looking like they've been dragged down a beach at the crack of dawn, stuck in front of a camera and told to recite a load of forced banter that they don't seem to fully understand is a bit of a moment killer.(Although afternoon 5* repeat had the proper trailer!Lucky afternoon 5* repeat.)

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Told you April wasn't keen on going to Broken Hill, surprised Dex didn't pick up on it, but Irene did. They should have pre warned Sasha before suddenly announcing it at the last moment. What did that message from Spencer say, I couldn't read it? Could April's OCD have some knock on effect on her not liking change? Funny how both Sid and Dex came out with the 'did you know fatigue causes most road accidents' line. I'm going to miss those father/son talks.

Indi and Dex are going to find out just how much work Sid did around the house, anyone else think April is going to get lumbered? Loved the way Dex baggsied Sid's bedroom. :lol:

Just loved Heath arranging the surprise party, he's still full of surprises, that cheeky slap he and Indi gave Dex made me laugh! I suppose it showed just how much they respect and like Sid. Indi's surprise and worry that it would be a River Boys type do made me smile. That chat Sid had with Brax and Heath and them thanking him for patching them all up over the years. I liked that 'I don't agree with your lifestyle, but I respect the way you look out for your family' speech of Sid's to Brax. Kyle I noticed overheard it and his chat with Brax outside finally helped him make his mind up as to whom to chose - Tamara. Talking about her, I liked the understated way she got her flashback, just by Ricky touching her on the arm. Glad she decided to talk April about it, she hasn't got an invested interest in when/if she gets it back so could give impartial advice. I still think that when she does get it back it could still be Kyle she choses. Her and Casey's relationship got very intense very quickly and was mostly based on their shared experience in the desert. Would it have happened if they had meet in the normal way?

Isn't the fact the Brax has been called to testify against her going to make their living together a tad awkward? No guesses as to whom is behind that!

Ah yes that competition at the end 'tis very annoying not to have 'next on H&A'. I briefly wondered why Kyle wasn't there, but of course he wasn't a River Boy. I think I'd chose Heath.

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with your lifestyle, but I respect the way you look out for your family' speech of Sid's to Brax. Kyle I noticed overheard it and his chat with Brax outside finally helped him make his mind up as to whom to chose - Tamara. Talking about her, I liked the understated way she got her flashback, just by Ricky touching her on the arm. Glad she decided to talk April about it, she hasn't got an invested interest in when/if she gets it back so could give impartial advice. I still think that when she does get it back it could still be Kyle she choses. Her and Casey's relationship got very intense very quickly and was mostly based on their shared experience in the desert. Would it have happened if they had meet in the normal way?

Yes, I agree. Kyle and Tamara should stay together - they make a great pair. It took Kyle a while to make his mind up - had to be big brother Brax again who sorts them out. What would those guys do with out him? I hope Brax's girl stays out of prison - he deserves a chance of happiness himself.
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What did that message from Spencer say, I couldn't read it?

"Good luck...I'm gonna miss you."Watching it again, my obsessive compulsive twigged that Sasha's holding the phone when Roo says goodbye to her, doesn't seem to have it in her hand a moment later when she hugs April and regains it a moment after that when we hear the text alert...

Brax is beyond annoying.He's chosen Ricky over Casey.Okay, that's up to him.But now he's expecting Casey to risk jail to help her?I'd say that choice has taken away any right he had to ask Casey for that favour...

So...we get about ten seconds of Indi and Dexter together with some decent sibling banter...and then April walks in.And curiously, still feels like the odd one out, so Indi has to be quickly ushered out of the scene before anyone notices.Dexter was annoying not asking Indi about April moving in.Hard to see why that's momentous, must be at least the third time she's moved in.Only problem is, with Bianca living with Heath, that leaves Irene on her own so we probably won't see her out of the Diner for weeks.(Or at least not at home.)Wish that kiss between Indi and Casey had been for real.

I understand she's under a lot of pressure and probably wants to sort it out herself without other people giving well-meaning advice but I wish Sally hadn't been so snappy.Nice to get a proper scene between her and Marilyn although it felt a bit generic, they could have given it to Roo with minimal rewrites.But I loved that scene in the hall:Sally walking down the stairs really did feel like she was back where she belongs and I love the way that she and Alf recalled their last conversation before she left.("Wherever you are in the world, just close your eyes and you'll be back here.")Part of me hopes Sally doesn't have to sell the house, I've always been kind of comforted by the fact she still owns it, but Pippa's life comes first.

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I said a while back that Brax was a selfish individual but I was actually quite shocked with him today. He actually values Ricki more than he does his own flesh and blood. And to think how Sid last week said he respected Brax's commitment to family and he goes and does this.

I actually thought there was quite a bit of chemistry with Casey and Indi. Her reaction when he kissed her after getting legless made me wonder if perhaps she liked it or was attracted to him. I knew he was going to try something. It was obvious but I was expecting a "what the hell are you doing?" as opposed to just a look of slight shock.

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