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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm finding myself quite enjoying the show at the moment. I'm liking Sally's return (I wasn't much of a fan of her previously, but this storyline is pretty good), I like the interactions between Casey/Maddy/Roo etc, Peta v April is building up nicely. I'm not particularly sold on Kyle/Tamara/Casey but even that doesn't seem so horrendous. After thinking I might not bother after the summer break, I'm pleased I've stuck with the show.

One thing I will mention though, that always makes me laugh. As a regular gym user myself, some of the things that go on in the background in there are hilarious. Trainers and clients working together to use the same machine to move what looks like a very light weight, and I'm sure Casey was straining away lifting a very light dumbbell the other day. :lol: I can't help but find it all a bit amusing.

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Glad it wasn't just me that thought 'they' had dropped the scene with Alf telling Harvey his decision to sell the Blaxland, the follow up seemed so disjointed because of it. Always the way in all soaps a character has a blast about someone and they appear as by magic in the background and hear it. :rolleyes: Sounds a cracking idea of Winston buying it, he's got the dosh and it's unlikely he'll be spending a lot of time in the bay so effectively Alf and Harvey can carry on as they are.

I get Sally feels as Pippa is her daughter she should be the one responsible for her, fair enough while she was oversees and only had Miles to lean on, but she's home now and should let her 'family' help, if the roles where reversed she'd be the first one to step up to help.

I liked the sisterly chats between Sasha and India regarding what Sash should do about Spencer and Indi's experience of when she and Romeo got back together and they were pussyfooting around each other and taking it slowly till they realised that wasn't working and just went for it. Harvey actually seemed to get his advice to Spencer right this time and he just went for it. Poor Indie, first it was April and Dexter, now it's Spencer and Sasha, though she and Romeo did their fair share of embarrassing Sid, April and Dex before now.

Maybe not a wise idea April revealing her plan to keep a record of Peta's bullying, though perhaps that influenced her decision to let April treat Casey. OK she hesitated when she realised it was him, but Sid, a professional, did the same thing with Dex, but she soon recovered though and did seem to impress Peta who was supervising. I thought the solution Peta came up with was that April get a placement at a different hospital which though solving one problem could another depending how far away it is.

Last we saw Tamara hadn't told Kyle about her remembering her time with Casey and that she loved him, she told someone she hadn't seen a lot of Kyle since she started remembering. She is a terrible position at the moment and her counsellor is the only person who can help as he/she will be neutral. Kyle although worried she'll dump him did seem willing to take a step back and go along with what ever she wants. Maybe Brax got it wrong when she said to Ricky perhaps she shouldn't be with either of them.

OK Maddy was an idiot, aka typical teenager, not letting Roo/Harvey/Alf know where she was, but she did keep sober, just as well seeing the state of Casey. She did say to him when he moved in for that kiss she wouldn't be used and walked off. Obviously she went back as she was the one that found him, odd how Tam just happened to be there, triggering more memories and the meltdown.

OK Chris is back, so does that mean his (and Spencer's) folks are OK or not?

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Tamara's backslide seems to be continuing:Casey's right, she's changing back to how she used to be, which is not a good thing.I groaned at her calling Casey the love of her life, I was hoping we were past that.I don't think she can go back to hating Kyle after what's happened but you'd hope she'd notice what an obnoxious jerk Casey is being.Or are we meant to think that's okay because he loves her?I wish she'd gone to wave them off.Well, just Kyle really.I can see Brax would be worried about what Casey's doing to himself and want to keep an eye on him but he tipped him over the edge by pushing everyone he hates in his face once, doing it again seems a rather foolish decision.Love that Heath blamed Brax for the tension in the house.Notice he was reading a wedding mag but it was probably to take his mind off things.Again, it's up to Kyle to pull everyone together and support Heath.Oh-and Bianca's permanent principal.Well, that was getting to be pretty obvious but nice to have it confirmed.

Oh dear, after an episode of Irene being genuinely helpful to Marilyn we're left to Roo sticking her oar in and being obnoxious.Good on Marilyn for taking her pencil case.I just hope she backs off now Marilyn's made her strategy clear.

So, wait, hang on, Sasha and Spencer didn't know about Indi and Chris' "thing"?I didn't see any real sign they were trying to hide it, they were kissing in public outside the surf club for goodness sake. Incidentally, Chris and Sasha did meet briefly when Chris accidentally spooked Rosie:Chris might not remember her being there since she just stood there saying nothing but Sasha probably would. Some nice parallel sibling chats.Chris' declaration that they pick up where they left off might not have been very romantic(or accurate since they were just friends when he left), but the way Indi got dressed up and got rid of Sasha suggests she was expecting something to happen.Is she interested in a proper relationship now?Because she definitely wasn't before and if she has changed her mind Chris may well be up for it given he was trying to take her out on dates and everything during their fling.

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Tamara really is a mess isn't she? She's avoiding Casey, but doesn't have much choice with Kyle though he could back off like he said he would. The 'boys' going away seems like a good idea, give everyone breathing space. Though it did occur to me who is going to be looking after Angelo's in Brax and Kyle's absence and Indi is going to be two members of staff down. :unsure:

I missed Bianca getting her Principalship confirmed, but good to know it's been acknowledged and not just assumed. Heath is making a big enough (for him) commitment in getting married, expecting him to want to get involved with table decorations is asking a hell of a lot. Heath looked a bit unsure when he saw Zac speaking to Bianca when they drove off. <_<

I suppose being seen kissing is one thing, but Sasha and Spencer didn't know they took it further than that, it was decided between Chris and Indi they kept it quite as it was a one off. Yes I remember that scene with Rosie and she freaked out when Chris was just trying to be helpful. Liked the 'we may be sisters-in-law, well not quite' chat Indi and Sash had. I guess Chris must have told Spencer at sometime he wouldn't be at 'home' that night and Indi did tell Sash not to come home too early. :wink: Chris blew it really, he could have phrased it better, a lot better, but given he's not used to actually having a serious relationship with a girl/woman before let's just put it down to inexperience. I can see Indi giving him another chance. Glad his and Spencer's parents did get a mention, even if briefly.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five!Roo was also in all five, I think for the third week running, and guest star Sally was in four.

I'm pretty sure Indi and Chris was more than a one-off, we saw her coming out of his caravan more than once with the implication that something had been going on.

Anyway, Pippa's never seemed more sick and Sally seems to be rapidly losing hope.Jett's reaction, standing there in shock rather than rushing to help, was very believable.Marilyn was perhaps a bit too maternal towards him and he's noticed what John apparently hasn't.Their conversation was done well, I thought:I was expecting Jett to lose it but instead it's obvious that he likes Marilyn but is still very loyal to Gina and can't square the fact that Gina didn't want John leaving her for Marilyn with the fact that she'd probably want him to be happy now she's gone.I hope he comes round at some point although it may be a long time before John does so.Shame Marilyn apologised to Roo after she'd been very annoying.

Zac seriously stepped over the line by putting doubts in Bianca's mind and even more worryingly she didn't seem in any hurry to point this out.I'm with Irene and Leah on this one, the way the two of them are behaving is not what it should be.Can't decide whether Irene and Leah joking about getting their lives of their own rather than commenting on everyone else's was a clever in joke, an unsubtle demolition of the fourth wall or a sad indictment of how underused they are.

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Tamara really is a mess isn't she? She's avoiding Casey, but doesn't have much choice with Kyle though he could back off like he said he would. The 'boys' going away seems like a good idea, give everyone breathing space. Though it did occur to me who is going to be looking after Angelo's in Brax and Kyle's absence and Indi is going to be two members of staff down. :unsure:

yes, a good time away for Casey and Kyle to bond over a drink or three. Wouldn't it be nice, if Casey said he would back off and leave Tamara for Kyle. Those two go so well together and could run Angelos between them, as well as living together.
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Yes, very realistic reaction from Jett, he didn't need to beat himself up over it, he couldn't have done anything for Pippa. John understood how he felt and loved that moment between them. Jett is very astute and I was relieved he didn't jump down Marilyn's throat over it but had a mature talk to her about it. Roo was trying to hep in her own bombastic way, not subtle is she?

OK Zac fancies Bianca but if she was really sure about her and Heath would she be so rattled?

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Brax basically telling Casey to go after Kyle's girlfriend did annoy me, not sure if it's him siding with his favourite brother as usual or him saying whatever he needed to to get Casey out of his sulk.I was also annoyed at Leah making catty remarks about Kyle, at least Tamara was more understanding.(Sticking her in a school uniform makes her look way too young, by the way.)A shame because aside from that, the Braxtons in Melbourne was actually pretty good fun.The brotherly banter felt very real, Brax and Heath telling embarrassing stories about each other while Kyle tries and fails to show the common branch of the family a bit of culture.Heath probably made the right choice asking Brax to be best man, Brax seemed genuinely moved and if he'd asked Kyle or Casey then the other one would have been put out.

Wow, Alf being left to discuss an eleven-year-old girl's magazines with her.Sally and Leah must really hate him.The matter of fact way she mentioned planning her funeral made it sadder in a way and shows what happens when kids know they're not being straight with.(You know, I saw the episode where Flynn got his cancer diagnosis recently and the end where he comes home and sees Pippa in her high chair and you're meant to be struck with the poignancy that he's not going to see her grow up...Suddenly we're hit with the double whammy that she might not even grow up.)I'd like to see Sally back working at Summer Bay High(weird to think she's probably quite a bit older than Bianca)but it looks like it's not heading in that direction.

But the Bianca/Zac stuff was just frustrating.This whole attraction just sprung up out of nowhere and seems to serve no purpose other than ruining a few characters and wrecking a few promising friendships:Once again, the show is unable to present men and women as just being friends, while that's Heath and Zac's friendship up the spout.Even though he didn't do anything wrong here, I'm left not really liking Zac and not really liking Bianca either:Her ringing Heath up to postpone the wedding felt unnecessarily cruel.While I like seeing April and Bianca together, April's characterisation seemed a bit all over the place here and I'm not sure why she doesn't want to be bridesmaid.It seemed odd to suddenly mention the fact she was sleeping with Heath last time she was Bianca's bridesmaid when it hasn't been an issue for a long time.(If it's leading up to her and Heath getting married instead, that would be nice.But it probably isn't.)And mentioning Bianca's dithering over Zac felt like justifying the stance after the fact.Now, if it's because she remembers the dress Bianca made her wear last time, that would make perfect sense.

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