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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I liked the Braxton boys in Melbourne and after the initial sparring between Kyle and Casey all was going well until that phone call that is! Just how up himself was that manager at the hotel restaurant, though I guess it would be a shock seeing them all dressed in shorts and T shirts. :lol: Lovely moment when Heath asked Brax to be best man, Brax asking if he'd have to wear a suit and make a speech, though you could tell he was dead chuffed.

Quite funny really Zac wanting to take the day off to avoid Bianca, being ordered to go in by Leah then when he gets there finds out Bianca has bunked off anyway, for the same reason as him.

Would be a bit weird April being a bridesmaid at her ex lover's marriage to her sister, considering a year ago she was seeing him. :wacko:

Sally should give Pippa a lot more credit than she does, a la Leah and VJ, the fact she was preparing her funeral shows she is more aware of what is likely to happen to her than anyone else thinks, poor Alf he was put on the spot there. I was going to say Sally must feel sad that it's very unlikely that she'll see Pippa walk down the aisle, but that's assuming Pippa would want to get married.

Sally tutoring Tam sounds like a good way to break herself in gently getting back into teaching, a lot has changed since she was last at SBH. It won't be an all day thing so she'd still have time to spend time with Pippa.

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Seemed to be an awful lot of people making bad decisions.Brax lies to Heath and tries to stop him contacting Bianca(I'm assuming he took his phone, which wasn't quite clear), resulting in him making that phone call and getting the wrong idea:If Bianca and Zac had known it was him calling, they probably would have handled it better.Bianca drops a huge bombshell on Heath that she's postponing the wedding, then doesn't bother to tell him she's changed her mind.None of which excuses Heath copping off with some random when he doesn't really know what's going on but situation could have been handled a lot better.Bianca did, at least, recognise that this thing with Zac isn't worth chucking away her chance at happiness, shame she didn't realise that earlier.Kyle having contacts in Melbourne demonstrates that he had a whole other life before he met the Braxtons and it was good to see him and Casey ending hostilities.

Sally learns an important lesson about keeping secrets and how ultimately it's better for someone to know what they're dealing with.The scene where she acknowledges the truth to Pippa was a definite tearjerker moment, I've heard complaints that Piper Morrissey's performance isn't natural enough but she really nailed that one.Have to laugh at Sally leaving the hospital to get a breath of fresh air and ending up on the pier back in Summer Bay.Guess the hospital was close by that day.Nice that they finally acknowledged and made use of the fact that Harvey knows what it's like to lose a child.

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I've been waiting for Bianca to ask Irene to be her Matron of Honour, but nothing. What a selfish cow, all she does is take from Irene and give nothing back.

Have to laugh at Sally leaving the hospital to get a breath of fresh air and ending up on the pier back in Summer Bay.Guess the hospital was close by that day.

It's close by until it rains.
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Lovely scenes of the 4 brothers enjoying a bucks night bender and on the beach beforehand. Pity Brax had to spoil it by telling them to return. I though Kyle was in charge. I'd like to see some more of their fun with balloons and pineapples. Where did Kyle get it? Good scenes with Casey and Kyle - will it last????

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So, she may have taken her time about it but Bianca did at least try to phone Heath to tell him the wedding was still on, which means it's basically all Brax's fault for stealing the phone.(To be fair, Heath may have ignored the call but he didn't have that option.)Bit mean of him to take Jessica's number and then chuck it away, although she was a bit optimistic giving it to him in the circumstances.Kyle and Casey get turned into a brilliant double act(complete with incest slash?!), which makes a nice change from the usual bickering.We will never know what happened to the pineapple.Shame Brax was a bit of a party pooper.

So, Sasha.Am I being unfair to her here?Because I don't remember her being this priggish in the past and it kind of underlines that she seems to be turning into April.The thing about her not swimming was probably a dig at Demi Harman who appears to be another one who won't do bikini scenes(Sasha even keeps her clothes on while they're drying!), yet we've seen her in the sea before.Ironic that Maddy and Chris seem to get on better now than when she was with Spencer.Not sure if that scene of the three of them splashing about in the water while Sasha sits on the beach scowling was meant to indicate that she and Spencer don't have a lot in common or just that Sasha's worried they don't.The thing between her and Chris seems to mostly be a personality clash which invites comparison with April and Peta(although it's not a direct parallel and in some places seems to be an inversion), his dunking her seemed to be a misjudged attempt at breaking the ice.Either that or she's back to judging Indi's love life, which would make her comments about interfering in relationships even stranger.(She and Spencer seem entirely dependent on people interfering in their relationship.)

I keep expecting it to disappear but there does seem to be something slowly bubbling along between Irene and Leah.Are they really going to take Leah out of the Diner?What are they going to do with her if they do?VJ appears even less than her so family scenes aren't enough to sustain her.Is she going to work at the gym or Angelo's or something?Or become an instant teacher?

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I thought Brax had taken Heath's phone off him to stop him keep ringing Bianca? Just because Heath couldn't use his phone didn't mean he couldn't borrow someone else's, in this case Jessica's. Neat bit of lying by Brax (but then he's so good at it) telling Heath the wedding was back on (when it wasn't actually back on then at that moment). He took a chance there, could have easily gone pear shaped. Just because Bianca and Zac have more in common than her and Heath doesn't mean it would work between them, imho, it's the differences between Bianca and Heath that make their relationship. He's changed so much since they have been together, but not enough that the old Heath has been eliminated. Was his being in the sea a symbolic washing away his sin? After that reunion, he's not going to tell her is he?

Loved Kyle and Casey waking up together and the way Kyle rolled over and put his arm over Casey. :lol: Shame we'll probably never get to know where the pineapple came from. :P I know Kyle knows his way round Melbourne, but how the heck was he supposed to know where Heath had got to? Btw how cool did Kyle look in his suit. :wub: Wonder if their truce will last once they get back?

Knowing how April feels about being a bridesmaid, I like the fact Bianca has asked Ricky, they've certainly become firm friends after such a short time. I thought Lisa Gormley (Bianca) was against wearing bikinis yet here she is looking like she has more than one in her wardrobe! It's got me intrigued as what kind of ceremony she has got planned, like the reference to the way Heath and the River Boys commerated Rocco's death and she'd wished she could have joined them.

Good in a way that Sally and Pippa can be more open with each other, Pippa's not stupid, she has Sally for a mum and Flynn as a dad so bound to be a bright girl. I understand parents want to protect their children if they are seriously ill, but lying to them doesn't give them any credit that they could take the worst of news. Lovely talk between Harvey and Sally I was expecting him to say, sensitively of course, that at least Sally and Pippa have time to do things they want and be together, not take things for granted where for him he was denied that chance.

Did Sasha have much to do with Chris last time round? If anyone should be antsy with him it should be Maddy. Is she worried he'll change Spencer's mind about her, knowing how he (Chris) felt about Maddy being with Spencer? I wondered about the drying her clothes while still wearing them, if she was that shy why not use Indi's office? :huh: This could be totally out there, but don't a lot of relationships start off with one of the pair hating the other, Bianca and Liam spring to mind, or am I being completely whacky? :blink:

This thing with Leah and Irene seems to have come out of the blue, OK I know she has been away and not really settled in since she's been back, but giving up working there altogether? Irene can't run the place on her own, Marilyn only does part time as does most of the other staff. Talking of Marilyn I do feel for her, she's trying to make this project with John work while still fighting her feelings for him. Had to laugh when he was explaining the PA system and when he realised she wasn't listening said 'then the fairies come along and sprinkle fairy dust on it'.

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I did have a think that maybe Sasha's near-drowning a few months back has left her with a fear of water, which may explain her reaction to Chris dunking her.But at the moment, there doesn't seem to be any real depth to it other than her being a bit snooty and maybe being overprotective of Indi.I was worried that Chris would become a bit bland but it's nice that he's still got that way of making cheeky, inappropriate comments.When Sasha tells Chris to leave so they can have a family conversation, I was expecting someone to point out Spencer should leave too.Excellent use of Dexter, who sparks off Indi and Sasha well and it's nice that, while concerned, he's willing to step back and trust Indi's judgement.Indi seemed to be oddly dressed down but it suited her.

So, Marilyn and Jett being left alone together...that could be interesting.And awkward.Given how much John was turning round to talk to Jett, I'm surprised he didn't crash, never mind break down.

From the way ominous music was playing, I'm guessing we're meant to be sharing Alf and Harvey's worries about Sally.She does seem to be pinning all her hopes on getting Pippa into this research clinic when in truth there's no guarantee that she'll get better even if she gets there and she does need to be able to afford to keep her there.Roo's idea for a fundraiser makes sense but Alf's response- "The Bay loves Sal"-was a bit of a headscratcher.Maybe five years ago they did, but these days the Bay doesn't even know Sal.

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I think there's a difference to the Bay we see though and the Bay as a whole. No doubt there are a wealth of residents that have lived in the Bay for years who know Sally as the little girl from the Caravan Park or as Miss Fletcher the teacher or Dr Saunder's wife.

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